Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia

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I found this article about Dixie, which says this:

Dixie was in WA between mid-to-late March in 1996 and April 1999, when he was deported as an illegal immigrant.

How many did sick chef Mark Dixie kill in WA?

I wonder how certain they are of these dates, because if this is believed to be absolutely correct, Dixie wouldn't be responsible for disappearances before mid-to-late March 1996 (Julie Cutler, even Sarah who went missing in January 1996) and after April 1999 (Sarah McMahon, Sue Christie), although British police say in that article that it is highly likely that he murdered in WA. Very interesting.

The police have never come out with that proposition regarding March 1996 it was only the media. The police were not able to place him in WA prior March 1996 is only because they couldn't place him in WA prior to that. The UK detectives used the word 'peripatetic' which means 'traveling from place to place, in particular working at various places for relatively short periods'. This is supported by the evidence of his employment history in the UK. They also stated that because of this peripatetic habit he was able to hide his true self from his circle of 'friends'.

He used so many aliases and names it could well be that they're not even aware of all of the names he used. I think we will find that when Dixie 1st started working in WA that is when they could positively put him in WA - he was a cunning as a fox and knew how to lay low. He was wanted in NSW on theft charges prior to his sorte to WA. The WA police stated he didn't possess an Australian drivers license so were unable to track him and they assumed because he didn't have a licence that he didn't drive but he did drive a vehicle because he was using a vehicle when he sexually assaulted the woman near Bunbury which was the reason he was deported in 1999. He had driven past her the drove back to her. Well he got into Australia on a false passport so who knows if he did in fact possess an Australian drivers licence? The WA police also said it wasn't Dixie because Dixie always applied 'his trade' in his own neighbourhood. Well if Dixie was attached to the OBH (and I am certain he was) then that was his neighbourhood. That doesn't stack up for me because it is well known serial killers also change the way they operate.

This brings me back to my discussion the other day when I wrote that in my opinion WA police had missed looking at the OBH they only looked at the Claremont precinct. With all the girls taken after midnight shows me he was working before that time of day or perhaps in the company of others and had made arrangements with Sarah and Jane to meet up outside the hotel or club. With the dumpsites he had chosen which were both on the edge of the metropolitan area shows me he chose those sites because he wasn't comfortable travelling outside of those areas.

His pattern places him well and truly in WA for Sarah's abduction. He was incarcerated in UK in 1988 and had not been to Australia then so he is definitely not responsible for Julie Cutler. I have someone else most likely for her abduction. Her family announced that one of the detectives had put that proposition to them and we know what their investigations was like in the early days don't we!

The lead (extremely) senior detective in charge of the Bowman case in the UK stated that he could not believe that Dixie had not murdered in Australia and he has not altered his opinion on that to this day.
Ausgirl QUOTE [Aberline, I spat my coffee @ Kenny Rogers.

Fence Sitter, it's basically someone employed by the Govt, a taxpayer-funded job.

AQ - what I meant was, how would you account for some of these math sums not adding to a number that you think is "significant" for the proposed pattern followed by Mark Dixie? Do you include in your posts only those 'equations' which DO add up to significant numbers? What is your approach to sums that don't fit the Dixie pattern?

You said police have been provided with information on a pattern used by Dennis Ferguson - did you provide that information? Do you think a lot of serial killers use numbers in this way?

Sounds like John Douglas, or Robert Ressler.[/QUOTE]

Hey Ausgirl you wrote "You said police have been provided with information on a pattern used by Dennis Ferguson - did you provide that information? Do you think a lot of serial killers use numbers in this way?" and “What is your approach to sums that don't fit the Dixie pattern?”

Re Ferguson, I didn't indicate that at all so you may have misread what I had detailed. John Douglas and Mark Olshaker 'Journey into Darkness' is the book I referred to. There are 3 sub patterns that combine with the Dixie pattern that put it all together. All of the equations are significant. I don't refer to these equations as 'maths sums' because I don't see them as that. However, they are days between significant occurrences. He's committed an offence on a particular date eg Jane's day 9 June is day 161. 161 - 366 = 205 which is what I call the balance day. The balance day is then used to determine a further occurrence day. It goes like clockwork and what is significant in this pattern, is he doesn't appear to have formed his pattern so that these balance days are used in a particular year. It appears to me that he is mission orientated and he doesn't break his strategy.

An example is the spanish rape cases. I have previously incorrectly detailed that he must have left Australia after the 1st abduction in Tasmania and ending up in Spain because I found a newspaper article that detailed he had performed the 3 x rapes in 1993. I have now found his performed those 3 x rapes in 2003. The date of the 3 x rapes is 10 August 2003 which happens to be day 222 the balance days is 222 - 365 = 143. He sexually assaulted a woman in Claremont on day 143 in 1996. This pattern shows this continually, like clockwork. He adjusts his pattern when it is a leap year to take into account the extra day.

If he was still at large and you knew how he formulated his pattern, you could predetermine his next strike day. Given his reliance on numbers and puzzles and his repetitive use of these it, leans me to consider he may suffer from one of the (complex) autism syndromes. He not only used previous victim abduction days and the relevant balance day, he has also used victim discovery day and its' balance day. Here's an example. Jane and graylands man. 161 - 366 = 205 + 142 (22/5/97) graylands man abduction) = 347. Jane discovered 3/8/1996 = day 216. 216 - 366 = 150. 150 + 142 (22/5/1997 graylands man) = 292. 292 - 365 = 73 = Ciara's day 14/3/97. Here's proof he used the girl's (and boys) birthdays in calculations and that is why Sarah, Jane, Ciara and graylands man were taken in the order of their birthdays. BUT graylands man's birthday is before Ciara's and he was abducted after Ciara and that is significant.

Jane's discovery day 216 from her birthday 286 = 70. 70 + 148* = 218 - 365 = 147. As I mentioned previously the miscarriage of his 1st child occurred on 26/5/1988 a leap year so was day 147.
Another example of the Jane and graylands man birthdays in play. Given there are 347 days between these 2 abduction days. Jane's birthday 347 - 286 = 61 - 302 (graylands man's birthday in leap year) = 241. Back to Jane's data. birthday 286 - 366 = 241 + 160 = 241. 241 - 302 = 61 so there we go back to the 1st part above 347 - 286 = 61.

With Dixie and Sarah Spiers birthdays. Dixie birthday in 1995 = 267 – 365 = 98. 98 + 27 (Sarah’s abduction day) = 125 – 366 = 241 or simply as 27 – 268 = 241! Sarah’s birthday 1995 = 255 – 365 = 110. 110 + 27 = 137 – 268 = 131 – 366 = 235 – 360 = 125.
If you haven’t seen enough proof of birthdays being used in the equation ...Jane’s vs Dixie’s in 1995. 267 – 285 = 18 – 365 = 347.

Of alternatively because this throws up a surprise. 267 – 365 = 98. 98 – 286 = 188 – 325 (Ciara Glennon in leap year) = 137 – 27 (Sarah Spiers’ day) = 110 – 365 = 255 her birthday. Is this proof he met these girls beforehand? I believe it is.

It is interesting (to me) that the graylands man's final location where he was discovered is at 19 degrees to the abduction point of Ciara on Stirling Highway. 19 - 366 = 347. BUT if we take 19 - 360 = 341. 341 - 366 = 25 which I believe is the initial meet date for Sarah Spiers as she had been at Club Bayview on the night of the 25 January (the night before she attended the club on the 26 and her abduction on the 27th). On the 25th she had left Club Bayview after midnight so that would make it in the very early AM of the 26th (not to be confused with the very late PM early AM of the 27th which was the abduction time).
26 + 147 = 173 (in leap year) which became day 172 day of the rape of the Thai student in Leederville in 1998 which had occurred on the anniversary date of the sexual attack on a woman on 21/6/1988 in the UK. This woman was a Jehovah Witness community worker who was assisting Dixie's then girlfriend overcome her grief after the miscarriage of their baby on 26/5/1988.

Makes me wonder if the pretty rough sex she and other girls had described in court had anything to do with this miscarriage and Dixie has, in his own twisted drug and alcohol crazed mind blamed her (and females in general) for the miscarriage? He was on the way to becoming totally off the rail at this time and after this date he succeeded in going totally off the rails.

* 148. An explanation re graylands man. He was actually discovered at his final location on day 147 however the woman who initially discovered him whilst out walking her dog, thought he was asleep (mind you he was laying under a tree, placed in a posed position with a noose around his neck fashioned from a shoe lace) and did not report it. Later on the same day she even mentioned her 'discovery' to her husband, an ex policeman who worked at graylands, and he did nothing. The graylands man had prior to his abduction or disappearance, been a strict security patient at the Graylands hospital and the discovery location was on the outside perimeter of their secure fence. The body was subsequently discovered the following day by the hospital’s security guard and officially reported as being discovered on this day which was day 148. So this killer dumped this man's body in an open publicly accessible space because he wanted (and needed) the body to be discovered on a particular day to fit his pattern, and that day was day 147 a significant day to him wasn't it - the anniversary date of the miscarriage of his 1st child in 1988.

147 and the balance number 218 or 219 (in a leap year) is a background pattern number used continuously in one of the sub-patterns.

I’ve just been re-examining the degrees between the OBH and the Claremont precinct. From the OBH to the building behind the printers which was at 347 stirling highway and opposite to the location where Ciara was abducted on 15/3 which is day 74 it is 74 degrees. 74 – 360 = 286 which is Jane’s birthday. And from the OBH to Jane’s abduction point it is 70.5 degrees. 70.5 + 180 to reverse to read from Jane to OBH = 250.5 – 360 = 109.5 – 366 = 256.5. Sarah’s birthday was day 256 in 1996.

Degrees ex Ciara abduction point to OBH is 255 which is Sarah’s birthday in non leap year.

OBH to Jane's site is 162 degrees. 162 – Sarah’s initial meet night 25/1 (as described above) = 137 (her birthday 1995 is 255 – 365 =110 + abduction day 27 = 137). Here’s something I’ve just picked up on if you use the 25th January. Dixie balance day from 1995 birthday 98 + 25 = 123. Is this his huge hint that it is all about numbers....123 look at me? This has blown my mind. 123 – 366 = 243 – 27 = 216 Jane’s discovery date!!! 123 – 216 = 93 which is Ciara’s discovery date!!! If that isn't deliberate I don't know what it is. I think with further analysis it might just show a date that each of the girls were murdered on.

162 – 347 = 222 the Spanish 3 x rapes date. 162 + 180 = 342 – 360 = 18 – 365 = 347. 162 – 285 (birthday 1995) = 123.

Ausgirl re “What is your approach to sums that don't fit the Dixie pattern?” All I can say really is that the pattern goes like clockwork all the way through to the time he got deported and then the pattern changed slightly, but there is still a very close pattern. I have tested the pattern by using random birthdates and it doesn’t work. We have the 2 discovered girls to really hone in on and we have the abduction and sexual assault dates with which to work with and the further abduction and murder victims. All of those dates fit the pattern. If you remove any of them the pattern fails. This to me shows the pattern is the pattern. I will post an ordered list of dates and occurrences so everyone can see the victims in the pattern and I can tell you that the Claremont girls are not his only victims. Could well be the perpetrator/s of the crimes after April 1999 have their own very similar pattern or there was a copycat in operation but I think it likely that after his deportation he may have done a u-turn back to Western Australia for another few weeks. If he did do the u-turn he came back into Australia through either Broome or Darwin – cunning as a fox. This proposition fits with his work and girlfriend and residential history in the UK after these extra weeks. It would have to be a million (or higher) chance that another perpetrator or perpetrators would have such a pattern.

And I’ve just discovered something else that has fractured my mind completely and I am still working through this newly discovered data. This data is showing a hidden pattern which might just link to his ‘offsider’ and the location the girls had been taken to and this has really shaken me!

Ausgirl. Your question to me about other serial killers using numbers in this way. Well why not? It would be their own dirty little secret wouldn't it. When I have time I will give you some information (directly) if you like on what may well be the Percy pattern and that involved the number 247 with interesting degree links to a residence. Who knows, these guys may not realize that they have a pattern. Some scientists believe their brains are wired differently so who knows what these brains are capable of? Geographical profilers try to pinpoint patterns don't they and when you look at some of the conclusions they come up with it makes you wonder, well it does me.

I would not be offended at all if anyone wants to poke holes in anything that I post because if you can see if in your opinion my data has flaws or weaknesses please discuss.
Wow. Ill poke holes in it.
I can see youve worked really hard on this. I have a few questions and comments because its hard to follow.
Does the pattern follow on in order of the murders precisely. Or is there just numbers that just work in with it all wherever eg. If you get an answer that doesnt follow on, do you pluck a previously known number and put it in to fit? Sorry if i havnt made myself clear but its extremely hard to follow the logic.

You mention birthday 'days'. This would indicate that all of the victims were known to the killer. Not one person known by all victims has been named a suspect or POI in this case that i can find.

Sarah Spiers was never found. So you have no found date 'number' for her so why would the killer all of a sudden start using them after the other girls were found.

Youre using 'numbers' for RZ and he has not been reported to be a victim of CSK except by suspicious parents. He is also a male which does not fit the victims targeted.
Question: if you dont use his numbers does your pattern still work?
If you dont use the 'found date' numbers does your pattern still work?

I think you are seeing what you want to see and if there really is a pattern then you should be able to figure out where Sarah Spiers is and any other missing victims.
I think for this to be plausible it would mean this SK wouldve had to have sat down and picked his victims from all the people he knew and come up with something like this. There is no way he could have murdered one person and then sat back and waited for another he knew with the right numbers and then finally pounce. That would mean he had to know the birthdate beforehand and be absolutely sure they went out on that night.

Maybe i dont understand it well enough but i dont think this is a pattern at all. I think the only patterns in the CSK behaviour is victim selection, geographics and abduction methods.
Thanks for the explanation on public servant. I dont think it matters either but i just wanted to know because i dont like to not understand what people are talking about.
Do I pick up on a hint of sarcasm there? A pattern is a pattern is a pattern and it is what is it. Once it is set it will forever remain unbroken. These victims are tied together for eternity. Dixie was a game player; I don't believe anyone can look at the locations of where Jane and Ciara had been placed and say that was just all a coincidence.

It's all coming together, now, isn't it?

It is believed Percy used a pattern which is very similar in a way and that has been passed to lead investigators.

You said police have been provided with information on a pattern used by Dennis Ferguson - did you provide that information? Do you think a lot of serial killers use numbers in this way?

Hey Ausgirl you wrote "You said police have been provided with information on a pattern used by Dennis Ferguson - did you provide that information? Do you think a lot of serial killers use numbers in this way?" and “What is your approach to sums that don't fit the Dixie pattern?”

Re Ferguson, I didn't indicate that at all so you may have misread what I had detailed.

No, you stated:

It is believed Percy used a pattern which is very similar in a way and that has been passed to lead investigators.

Believed - by whom? 'Has been passed on" - by whom?
The bigfooty forum is quite the read. I watched the CIA episode and wondered why Janes male friend appeared on there. He was the martial arts suspect was he not? Perhaps an intentional act by investigators???

Id be interested in hearing peoples thought on all of the POI.
Martial Arts expert
Public servant
The duo ross and weygers

Where there any more im not aware of? Did i see mention of a police officer?
Charming wee video on You Tube. This will get the media & plod creeped out. :)
Oh my.... that user has a couple of other freaky videos- including one of some poor girl redoing her pony tail at the traffic lights! Some nonsense about making herself look pretty for her boyfriend- looked like someone readjusting their hair to me- the video even posts the numberplate of the car!
I have been reading back through the numbers, and how different dates and locations are related and I must say I keep getting lost. Clearly a lot of work has gone into this theory. My only question is- if these victims have been deliberately targeted, why stalk them at the pub in the middle of the night? If Jane had decided to go with her friends, she would not have been picked up that night. If Sarah's taxi was a little closer, or those guys had stopped to talk to her until the taxi arrived, she could not have been picked up that night. If all that work had been put in, choosing people based on their birthdays- why leave so much to chance?
I have been reading back through the numbers, and how different dates and locations are related and I must say I keep getting lost. Clearly a lot of work has gone into this theory. My only question is- if these victims have been deliberately targeted, why stalk them at the pub in the middle of the night? If Jane had decided to go with her friends, she would not have been picked up that night. If Sarah's taxi was a little closer, or those guys had stopped to talk to her until the taxi arrived, she could not have been picked up that night. If all that work had been put in, choosing people based on their birthdays- why leave so much to chance?

Sorry to quote myself- just want to clarify- I can understand people being specifically targeted at a hotel, I just dont understand why the pub would be the choice of place if the number stuff is so vital to the killer.
If Jane had decided to go with her friends, she would not have been picked up that night. If Sarah's taxi was a little closer, or those guys had stopped to talk to her until the taxi arrived, she could not have been picked up that night. If all that work had been put in, choosing people based on their birthdays- why leave so much to chance?

Thank you, Mel. This is exactly why I cannot get into this elaborate numbers scheme thing.
Thank you, Mel. This is exactly why I cannot get into this elaborate numbers scheme thing.

I thought I made it perfectly clear but obviously you haven't read my posts in full.

So to answer the questions posed by Mel and so that you can understand my reply Ausgirl:

If Jane had not waited for him, he would have taken another girl on that night. The night is the important axis in the equation not the victim. After abduction it is the victim's birthday that is used. He chose his strike dates by using the previous victim's birthday. If Sarah's taxi was a little closer.... well consider this...what if the perpetrator was actually sitting in a vehicle with all the bells and whistles to make it appear like a taxi with 2-way radio system, so that when Sarah phoned for a taxi she was waiting for him to arrive and he arrived right on cue.

To make it even more clearer. He did not choose the victims because he knew their birthdays beforehand. He chose his victims because his strike night was worked out by a previous victim's birthday. That birthday was then used to strike, then the victim that was abducted, who birthday was used to work out where she was dumped, then her birthday was used plot his next strike night.

Don't complicate things and read into things that weren't said.
And if Sarah was not waiting for a taxi or available on that night, it would have been another girl who was the victim.
What spelling mistakes, Always Question? Commend? Look it up.
It is always about the control & the carvery. He is overseas at my guess. Due to issues it was effin extreme. Like Hey I have showed you.
I thought I made it perfectly clear but obviously you haven't read my posts in full.

So to answer the questions posed by Mel and so that you can understand my reply Ausgirl:

If Jane had not waited for him, he would have taken another girl on that night. The night is the important axis in the equation not the victim. After abduction it is the victim's birthday that is used. He chose his strike dates by using the previous victim's birthday. If Sarah's taxi was a little closer.... well consider this...what if the perpetrator was actually sitting in a vehicle with all the bells and whistles to make it appear like a taxi with 2-way radio system, so that when Sarah phoned for a taxi she was waiting for him to arrive and he arrived right on cue.

To make it even more clearer. He did not choose the victims because he knew their birthdays beforehand. He chose his victims because his strike night was worked out by a previous victim's birthday. That birthday was then used to strike, then the victim that was abducted, who birthday was used to work out where she was dumped, then her birthday was used plot his next strike night.

Don't complicate things and read into things that weren't said.

Perhaps if things were said a little bit more clearly in the first place, as they have been now, there would not be misunderstandings. Just saying.

And now I do get what your theory is about, it seems slightly less ridiculous.

Also, what do you think of crabstick's theories regarding the saint days, ley lines (not lay) and colour numbers, etc? Does this gel with your own theory at all?
Perhaps if things were said a little bit more clearly in the first place, as they have been now, there would not be misunderstandings. Just saying.

And now I do get what your theory is about, it seems slightly less ridiculous.

Also, what do you think of crabstick's theories regarding the saint days, ley lines (not lay) and colour numbers, etc? Does this gel with your own theory at all?

Thanks Ausgirl. I have done a tremendous amount of work on this case. About Crabstick's theories - no I don't think any of that will be connected. Just about every day of the year is a Saint's day. Yeah I know all about ley lines even have a map showing all ley lines in Australia and here are non that are appropriate for the final scenes. Colours - no definitely not because no all victims belonged to the catholic faith. The perpetrator did not belong to the catholic faith either.

Ausgirl what do you think my theory is all about? I believe when Dixie left Western Australia a copycat stepped in. I am trying to trace the first person that blogged publicly about the 347 and 167 degree line are you able to assist there? It is strange that Hayley Dodd abduction point and Deborah Anderson's death location are at 347/167.
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