Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia

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Why do all the freaks come out every time something interesting is posted and then distract anyone from discussing it??

Every. single. time.
If a two way scanner was used to pick up taxi traffic. The girls that rang a cab, did they give their first name or surname?

At the time, two way was used to dish out the job addresses and a name given by the caller, over a two way?

The server will get an IP but it may stop there, out of Russia. Cops can use a range of modelling gathered by association, packet sniffing yada yada etc. The server can pull all sorts of data off your machine or device.

What business was at 347 Stirling highway at the time?

Are all the victims of the same religious political demographic?
That POI have been subsequently eliminated through DNA testing indicates there must be associated DNA evidence.

The day after that social media interaction a picture of the swamp appeared in Drocs profile background (referred to in my first post). Very odd subject matter and timing and wonder if there was some symbolism in that exchange.

Also very interested in the comments made in the final Droc posting on the BF thread. There has been very little discussion on that despite the gravity of what was claimed and I wonder why that is.

As for the suspicious fire that occurred a week before his police interview.

Powerball / lotto odds I reckon.

Regarding a set up to indicate guilt, who knew his address from the mid 1990's? How did they know he was to be interviewed by police in a weeks time? Who knew this?

Also why did he delete the stat dec from the BF site with the Myaree address, and probably more importantly, why the secrecy about that address anyway (particularly when you haven't lived there for over a decade)?

Will be reading Droc's final post as soon as I get the kids off.

I think anyone who read the BF thread would have that address wouldn't they?

Yes Powerball odds on that exact address being arsoned with such force as explosive... agreed.
Having read Droc's earlier posts how someone had already been into the factory room to collect something buried makes me think it's either a very well thought out story that grew or something that macro has looked at already. Riveting stuff either way. PM for my Facebook name or with link.
I know from some girls that some of the kerbies like the Str/on. Nothing to do with the investigation of course. Nothing will come out now re the CSK. Caporns stuff up.
Will be reading Droc's final post as soon as I get the kids off.

I think anyone who read the BF thread would have that address wouldn't they?

Yes Powerball odds on that exact address being arsoned with such force as explosive... agreed.

The fire happened around 10 December 2014.

The interview occurred on 18 December 2014.

Droc didn't join BF and post anything online about his old address at Myaree until February 2015 - after the fire. And when he did post it he deleted it quickly.

Never mentioned the fire at his old house either in his 400+ posts in BF either. Was in the newspapers and ABC at the time.
Fortune Cookie your inbox is full, cannot reply.
Is this Droc's final post?
Heavy heavy reading.

A letter I sent to TT many year ago.

Delivered to Mr. Gajewski's appr. febuary 26 2011.

Mr. Gajewski, well how are you? Enjoying life? Are you wondering what is going on? I am too, though I dare say not much is happening. You’re a very privileged person you know that? Presumably you are currently under investigation by the police though I shouldn't reveal that. I could be accused of interfering in an investigation.

Have you spoken to Michele? Back at her old job again with the same Boss in some dingy little factory in O'Connor I believe.

And Binks! I did hear that several years ago he crept back into the country and borrowed Peters four wheel drive. Perhaps visited Abbey 19 kl. from Brookton on his country retreat . . . and where did they get the money from for all these overseas trips and the purchase of property during and so soon after the murders? They were all on the dole were they not . . . excluding Binks who for some unknown reason took himself of the dole just before the murder of Ciara Glennon, and then sold up and returned to England. Were you making and selling snuff movies in the secret room? Is that it?

Photos! Darkrooms and factory units! Secret Gatherings. Obsessions with blonde's! And whatever happened to Genevieve? I assume she was not a part of it or you would not have evicted her. Or did something more sinister happen to her. Is she still alive? I mean to say, prostitutes were vanishing around that time were they not? And was not Michele working the streets of Northbridge at the same time . . . ?

I've been giving that a lot of thought. If I had access to systems I do believe I might be able to pin down some missing girls with Michele's movements. Take for example Lisa Brown, street prostitute. Missing November 1998, just before or after Michele left for Tasmania and around the same time Michele was (a) working the streets herself, and was seen with a small white car, a box of sex toys, and a wad of cash, and none of which belonged to her?

For example, she hightails it to Tasmania after the murder of Ciara Glennon and returns to WA around Xmas 1999 with her drug addicted boyfriend (who later was imprisoned for shooting someone, as was Michele). I have discovered that prior to their arrival in Perth they were staying in Kalgoorlie. Just before or after they arrived back in Fremantle Lisa Govan vanished.

It’s these co-incidences that get to me. They shouldn't be there, but they are. It’s like your different stories about your movements re Ciara Glennon, they shouldn't have happened but they did. Like the green station wagon seen in the same street as Gerard Ross that fits perfectly with the description of the car Binx put through the crusher before he left for the UK, as does the description of the two males fit with yourself and Binx. And the bodies, found in areas you Binks and Balemans frequent, such as the Nangara pine plantation, and Jane Rimmer in the street that Michele was familiar with and once lived in . . . . and when you link all this up with 'threesomes' prostitution, prowling with Michele in your taxi, factory units with secret rooms . . .

Tell me, do you have any idea how long the WA police have been ignoring you . . . or is it Michele they have been ignoring? And why? There is something missing that I can’t pin down . . . ? I just had a thought. It was my belief that it was your idea to abduct and murder girls, but I'm have different thoughts on that now. I have a text message on my phone where Michele admits to being involved in far worse things than the Claremont murders – mind boggling I know, but true. Actually enough to fill my diary is what she said.

The secret room at the factory existed before her reconnecting with you after the isolated threesome. Also before reconnecting with you she was involved in photographic *advertiser censored* with a group of people connected to her brothers business, her own son featured in some of those photos. Is it during that period that the 'far worse things' occurred?

I don't know where I'm going with this, but there is something in all of this somewhere, a clue, and a key? And somehow it is all linked to the information I provided to crime stoppers vanishing. As soon as it was passed on (fast tracked as I was informed) to the Task Force, it was whipped out of the system. The police didn't want to know. I'm now beginning to believe that the removal of the information was more linked to Michele than you. I'm now beginning to believe that it was Michel's idea to use your taxi to abduct the Claremont girls after she failed to recruit me. She recruited you instead, and then used you in several attempts to get me on board.

I personally believe your first murder was Sarah Spiers, but it wasn't Michel's. I will rethink my doubts that Michele was also involved in the murder of Sarah Spiers and who she left for NSW after the abduction of Sarah . . . and who stored a collection of old 45 records in the factory unit, along with that 'hang um upside down thingo' that I believed was used when the girls throats were cut. Don't know

I approached the ACC and they failed to deal with it . . . actually tried to intimidate me and scare me off, can you believe that!? The first rule of any war is to know your enemy, and three previous successful complaints against the WA police with one involving compensation should have warned them that those tactics don't work. That’s the problem with arrogance, not only are they oblivious to the trail of suffering and misery it leaves in its wake

The question I asked in my previous letter I think has now been answered. “Where exactly is the body of Sarah Spiers

Rod Gillespie (the developer) is a decent chap don't you think? You spoke to him, yes? I was intrigued by his little story about the strange man professing to be the son of the owner who gained access to the cellar over the period of the long weekend. Any guesses as to who that was? According to him it wasn't you. The description doesn't fit with Binks. Nor Abbey. Bit preposterous don't you think for me to bring other players into the game, but then I recalled another one of your (that arrogance again) flippant comments after the murder of Ciara as we sat around the table at Marmion street discussing these murders, you, me, Karen, and sweet heather, and let me quote you! “I think people will be really surprised when they find out who did it (pause) really surprised (pause) that is if they ever catch him (pause) or them.”

So how is Collin these days? The description fits him. It also fits with Michele's husband who she collected blonde's for and who worked at the factory with the secret room before she did . . . I wonder was he working there when she met and married him? Curious? Was the secret room established during the period her husband worked there, or was it established after he left and she took over his job? And will I ever know the answers to these questions? And do I need to know the answers if I locate the body of Sarah Spiers? It’s all down to that yes?

You will have to forgive me; I'm a little tired at the moment. Seven hundred kilometers under my belt today. Bone tired, so I will cut strait to the chase. Its one thing to say the body was buried under the cellar, but where is the cellar? Under which unit? And how does one get access? It would need to be a powerful case to get the owner’s permission to demolish the units, and that would require a cash outlay of over $1.5ml for rebuilding, relocating people etc. Not that I couldn't organize that with the contacts I have here in Perth, and as you know, but the whole concept is awesome. I don't need a bulls-eye location, but I needed to be at least on the dartboard. Google earth only covered the previous ten years. The council were no help. The neighbors couldn't put me in the picture.

According to Mr. Gillespie someone came to the site and spun the yarn – indicating the cellar was still intact while the work was in progress. The next contact with the person was when they phoned him and received permission to enter the site over the long weekend – meaning the cellar was still intact. When Mr. Gillespie returned to work on the Tuesday the floor of the cellar had been disturbed – still intact. Now all that doesn't mean a lot on its own until you put it together with his comments some five years after the disappearance of Sarah when I contacted him. (Quote) “I'm not sure,” he said, “if they pushed the limestone walls into the cavity or just filled it in,” (unquote). You do see the significance of that don't you? The cellar was intact while the development occurred! They as he referred to them, are obviously the people that did the finishing touches to the development. They being the people who did the driveway to the development and the courtyard.

I'm on the money yes? The body is under the section that is the courtyard, yes? That explains the level of fear you displayed when you received that diagram


Indeed - that was the final BF post by Noel Coward aka Droc.

Posted on 16 March 2015.

Passed away 17 April 2015.

Memorial 16 May 2015.

Indeed - that was the final BF post by Noel Coward aka Droc.

Posted on 16 March 2015.

Passed away 17 April 2015.

Memorial 16 May 2015.


Thanks for clearing those dates up Ex. Better understanding from it. Still keen on hearing anything relating to the position of the dump sites and the line drawn. Does this mean SS could be N E?
That swamp pic is creepy. I read earlier that macro only interviewed TT once but had checked all his logs. Surely they would show if he was working or can they be falsified? Or could they back then. I honestly find droc stranger than TT. Just a gut feeling but I think he was sick or guilty.
I'm not familiar with Perth suburbs which is why I asked about NE but have looked at pippindiny on google earth. Will read final post again.
That swamp pic is creepy. I read earlier that macro only interviewed TT once but had checked all his logs. Surely they would show if he was working or can they be falsified? Or could they back then. I honestly find droc stranger than TT. Just a gut feeling but I think he was sick or guilty.

The police seemed to be running a lone perp investigation for a long time.

Different scenario with a group of two or more.

Incapacitate, drop at close-by intermediate location with others, establish alibi elsewhere, re-engage with group, then disposal site at some stage later that day or the following. May explain the DNA situation as well which requires contact.

From what I have read CG location was well off road and would have required considerable physical effort by a lone perp at night in pitch blackness and through scrub - that's why I have never ascribed to a single perp theory. IMO.
The police seemed to be running a lone perp investigation for a long time.

Different scenario with a group of two or more.

Incapacitate, drop at close-by intermediate location with others, establish alibi elsewhere, re-engage with group, then disposal site at some stage later that day or the following. May explain the DNA situation as well which requires contact.

From what I have read CG location was well off road and would have required considerable physical effort by a lone perp at night in pitch blackness and through scrub - that's why I have never ascribed to a single perp theory. IMO.

Certainly food for thought. I wonder what else Michelle sent to Droc. Why was this ignored? Is it because they thought they had their man with LW? Could plastic boot guy be michelles partner? Is it really about snuff films? I'm having real trouble swallowing that. Would be out there. I think with the exact placement of the girls. Well thought out. Why would SS not also be strategically placed and just be put under some slab? It's not adding up. It's certainly a possibility. If you go the same distance SW do you hit water? Why was the dump sites so well thought out. If it was a small group doing horrific stuff for cash wouldn't they want the bodies never found. I don't buy it personally. Single white male playing out some weird obsession, highly equipped, motivated and using a taxi is my bet. I'm not saying some bad stuff wasn't going down in that room. I just don't think it was JR or CG.
Ignore function works a treat. Any thoughts on michelles partner being plastic boot man? Drop site locations? I read that the girls were lined up too. Anything else I've missed? I am sticking with the lone sk and taxi.
This thread is dead. No pun intended. Seems people are scared of being ridiculed for having ideas or asking the wrong questions. If your going to step in do it with both feet. Why the exact placing of the bodies? Making a symbol? Star configuration? Proof of confidence? Something against Claremont? SR is still my number 1 but Drocs story is riveting. Plastic boot guy with Michelle? Michelle positively id'd?
Droc himself with access to a taxi Number 2. TT and co top ten. SS was an intelligent young lady and rang for a taxi. I don’t believe she got in anything else. Same with JR. Pretty much saw her hop in one.
Ex is asking all the right questions and following the right leads. Macro?
Ex is asking all the right questions and following the right leads. Macro?

Thanks SB. I think I blinked overnight and now much info has been removed (the letter, the name associations, speculation regarding the swamp picture and timing etc) - I am hoping and suspect for the right reasons. The last few pages now reads somewhat out of context. You know my views from BF and here on WS. Let TT et al continue their silly online taunts even though their main protagonist is gone - step back and the question remains to whom and why? Too much lines up to be coincidental IMHO.

Proverbs 21:15
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