Clay Aiken's airplane spat

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Hi Nova,
OK, I can read between the lines! ;) I'm a 60 year old woman who happens
to appreciate his voice and singing. In my youth, I loved Johnny Mathis, too, but then reality stepped in!! Who gives a hoot!!! :D

Well, exactly.

Lesbian comic Suzanne Westenhoffer (sp?) used to do a very funny routine back when there were rumors about Richard Gere. She said something to the effect that "Richard Gere can't say he's gay because then some overweight woman with four kids in a trailer in Iowa will have to give up her dream that Gere will marry her. (beat) Like she's got a shot now!"
Why does anyone give a chit whether Clay is gay or straight?

Why does anyone give a chit whether Clay puts his foot on an armrest?

Yet, here we all are.
I agree. Nobody should have to answer that kind of a question, I hope to see the day when it isn't even asked...

Until we stop covering celebrity dating and weddings, I don't see how the question can be avoided.

Even in real life we make quite a big deal out of romantic partnerships, rightly or wrongly. It's hard to imagine how we'll do that without mentioning gender.
I'd tell "anyone' who had there feet on my chair to kindly remove them. If he didn't I'd say move your stinking damn feet..........if he didn't I'd remove them for him. Now I wouldn't give a darn who he was or who he thinks he is. I wouldn't tolerate it! Clay Aiken or anyone uncouth enough to think I need to tolerate that form of abuse!
I totally agree! I can't believe they had to haul in the FBI for this one! LOL (Talk about a waste of our taxpayer's money!)
I totally agree! I can't believe they had to haul in the FBI for this one! LOL (Talk about a waste of our taxpayer's money!)

I think the FBI became involved because the woman hit Mr. Aiken and the Feds are responsible for "violence" on an airplane.

In this case, Aiken is doing the gentlemanly thing and downplaying this incident in which he was apparently the "victim."
I had to sit next to a lady the last time I flew and her HAIR invaded my personal space. I feel like she should have bought an extra ticket for her hair.
I'm really sorry about was a bad hair day! :blushing:
He said he was sleeping (I guess with his legs crossed?) and his foot wandered onto her armrest while he was out. Why the offended passenger thought it'd be a good idea to hit him (or shove him, or whatever it was she did) is beyond me.

People do rude things all the time on airplanes (or, because the space is so cramped, ordinary things become rude to others) - you have to remain calm & polite. Call the flight attendant, for heaven's sakes, that's what they're there for.

Who cares whether or not Clay is gay and besides, he has come out and said that he is NOT... The End; the subject is closed in his mind. I happen to watch American Idol and I appreciate his talent a lot. I would go and pay to see him perform. Martha, you probably know the website better than I do where you can hear the different artist's singing and it's free (?). If you like Josh G., Rod Stewart, and Neil Diamond like I do, then more than likely you'll like Clay's singing, too.

I don't like flying either!

Oh, I don't usually watch American Idol until maybe the very last. I was not impressed by their voices this last one.

I vaguely Remember Clay and that he had a good, strong voice. I've probably heard him on the radio and not realized it's him. Now that I recall he is talented. Did he sing bridge over Troubled Water? something like that.

I'm glad to read that it's not all his fault. (the incident) This "airplane rage" gets scary! Can't believe it's a woman!

If someone wants my armrest, I'm going to "hint" be looking at the arm and "acting a little uncomfortable", otherwise, I'll just lean the other way and read my book. I'm not getting in a fight.

This is gross, but a horrible thing happened to me a couple years ago on SW -an old, senile man in the row in front of me had a heart attack and threw up.
He was just lying there; the stewardesses didn't try to do anything.

I got upset and went to the back of the plane, luckily there was a seat, and I told my husband to PLEASE DO SOMETHING, IS HE DEAD? I was quite hysterical; I don't handle things like that well.

My husband didn't want to get involved cause he might get sued - but He stood up and said<Maam, this man needs oxygen right away. So THEN the stewardess gave the dying man oxygen. DUH (we're up high?)

Then my husband came back and said they should have known to give him oxygen; that is standard procedure.

Suddenly, the plane sped up and we went in for a HUGELY FAST Landing. Took ages to get him off the plane; NO ONE WAS WITH HIM. My hubby was furious, they shouldn't let a 90-year-old man on the plan without a companion.

I'm sure he died; but I was shocked at the disorganization. So lady, IT COULD BE ALOT WORSE THAN A FOOT ON YOUR REST.

When people throw up I go bananas - just can't handle it.
It's just common curiosity what someone's sexuality is when they seem to go to exteme lengths to hide it. That causes more speculation. The girls that scream and cry at his concerts who think they have a chance with Clay are in for a rude awakening. Same for Ricky Martin fans but I'm pretty sure most people are already convinced what team he bats for anyways.
It's just common curiosity what someone's sexuality is when they seem to go to exteme lengths to hide it. That causes more speculation. The girls that scream and cry at his concerts who think they have a chance with Clay are in for a rude awakening. Same for Ricky Martin fans but I'm pretty sure most people are already convinced what team he bats for anyways.

I don't believe that about Ricky Martin. He had a ten year long relationship with Rebecca de Alba, a Mexican tv personality. It was just recently the relationship ended (again), she moved out, and he put his home on Star Island in Florida up for sale. Before that and during break up's with Rebecca, his romances included tennis superstar Gabriela Sabatini, former MTV House Of Style host Daisy Fuentes, actress Lilly Melgar, and back-up dancer Adriana Biega.
I don't believe that about Ricky Martin. He had a ten year long relationship with Rebecca de Alba, a Mexican tv personality. It was just recently the relationship ended, she moved out, and he put his home on Star Island in Florida up for sale. Before that and during break up's with Rebecca, his romances included include tennis superstar Gabriela Sabatini, former MTV House Of Style host Daisy Fuentes, actress Lilly Melgar, and back-up dancer Adriana Biega.

Barbara Walters asked Ricky Martin if he's gay on her Oscar night special. Ricky's talented mouth nearly stopped working as he tried to respond:

"Well, some, when they, when they have some -- sometimes, some, some people from the media, when they have nothing to say, they invent things. I'm not concerned about my reaction. I'm concerned about my people's reactions. Like my nieces, they go to school and they start reading things. My mom goes to the beauty parlor and sexuality and homosexuality should not be a problem for anybody. I think that sexuality is something that each individual should deal with in their own way. And that's all I have to say about that. ... Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to express, the rumors. But, Barbara, for some reason, I just don't feel like it [saying what my sexual orientation is]. You know, it's, it's something so mine. I give it all when I'm on stage. I give it all in interviews, but you've got to keep something for yourself sometimes, and that's for me."

Yep, he's gay.
Believe what you want from any site out there. I know different, I know the truth. I don't deny the gay men love him too. As long as they buy the music, it's all good. LOL!
Believe what you want from any site out there. I know different, I know the truth. I don't deny the gay men love him too. As long as they buy the music, it's all good. LOL!

The SITE didn't make up that ridiculous quote from Martin, that's what the guy said to Barbara Walters on TV. (And we should give him credit, I suppose, for spouting nonsense instead of straight on homophobic crap.) I quoted the site because that's where I found the quote (today), not because the site itself proves anything.

I don't know what Ricky Martin is doing these days, but 8 years ago he was escorting his boyfriends to clubs in South Beach. It was common knowledge and Time magazine debated at length whether to mention it in their cover story on him. (In the end, Time left that out, but the editorial discussions were widely reported.)

Why you think you "know the truth" from reading fan mags or watching Entertainment Tonight is beyond me. Surely you realize Ricky Martin, like all stars of a certain level, has people on payroll to manufacture that stuff.

But even if you're a woman currently sleeping with the man, you wouldn't know for sure. Ask any number of posters here at WS who used to be married to gay men.
Nova, I'll trust you on this one. I don't know nuttin' and like it that way.
It's just common curiosity what someone's sexuality is when they seem to go to exteme lengths to hide it. That causes more speculation. The girls that scream and cry at his concerts who think they have a chance with Clay are in for a rude awakening. Same for Ricky Martin fans but I'm pretty sure most people are already convinced what team he bats for anyways.

I would say those screaming fans have very little chance anyway, no mattter what their sexual orientation. LOL.
Nova, I'll trust you on this one. I don't know nuttin' and like it that way.

I should be clear, then: when I said "Yep, he's gay," I was making a joke about his response to Barbara Walters, which sounds suspiciously like the old non-denial denial.

The other things I mentioned, like boyfriends in South Beach, have all been widely reported (and not just in obscure gay publications). There's enough stuff out there that, yes, I suspect Ricky Martin is either gay or was at least experimenting widely 8 years ago.

But I don't know the guy. As far as I know, I don't know anybody who knows the guy.

I can't declare his sexual orientation as a fact any more than carpe diem can.
Gay men always have straight women hanging around with them. I used to live with a gay guy as roomates after my first/only divorce - everyone including his parents (he hadn't come out to his parents yet) thought we were a couple but we weren't - I knew that and he knew that but we were very good friends.
I can't declare his sexual orientation as a fact any more than carpe diem can.

I suppose you have a point there. I have not slept with Ricky, can't attest personally to his prowess or love of my female form. Darn it! Life is so unfair. I still say though, NOT gay. Never any proof otherwise.
Gay men always have straight women hanging around with them. I used to live with a gay guy as roomates after my first/only divorce - everyone including his parents (he hadn't come out to his parents yet) thought we were a couple but we weren't - I knew that and he knew that but we were very good friends.

In fairness, until recently, gay men didn't have much choice.

(I am not defending the practice of marrying an unsuspecting woman to bolster your closet, just pointing out that being openly gay was suicidal in most places in this country until just a generation ago. Still is in some places.)


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