Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #3

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Wouldn’t it be funny if Dan Kavanaugh showed up to watch the verdict? If I were him, I would, just to stick it to the defense who “couldn’t find him.”
Like an arsonist with a piercing, hypnotic stare, euphorically admiring his handiwork.
Why some even imply that this jury or any other jury for that matter bases their verdict on emotions rather than evidence leaves me dumbfounded.

Just think about it. If they were all based on emotions instead of the evidence itself the appellate courts would be overturning cases left, and right, which does not happen.

All murder trials have emotion in them because someone's life has been brutally taken, and the defendant's fate hangs in the balance.

No matter what this verdict is this jury did not base it on emotions.

That's absurd, and its rather meanspirited thing to accuse this jury of doing based on absolutely nothing.

It comes across as some already thinking they may not like the verdict, and are already prematurely accusing this jury.

As I said, I haven't watched ALL the video testimonies of the trial. However, in the summing up for the Prosecution she used placards one of which (a blue one, said, "Assumptions Made:) and she discarded each assumption with a "doesn't make sense" And I agreed with her based on what I recalled of the case years ago and little I could keep up with. I always said, it wasn't the family, nor Dan K. it was CHASE MERRITT who killed that family in a very devious manner. They didn't go to Mexico over that few days period either. But he did a heck of a job for a cover up, (remember guys, he had plenty of past experience as felon)...
One of these assumptions (as she described them), was the 8:30 Phone Call which I charted back then, and believed he (Chase Merritt) was covering up with that call to himself from Joey's phone and the g.f. covered for Chase saying "oh, he was home watching movies and didn't answer the phone but we could hear it was Joey"..........Why did the prosecutor call that an "assumption" ? She said it was not on Chase's phone, but wasn't it on Joey's cell? I recall that phone number was Chase M.
Ha! The strict formal gown and white tie (that fits!) dress code should deter them. :D
Would any of you who have doubt and/or don't believe the PT proved the case BARD, be willing to give some specifics as to why? What lingering doubts do you have or what evidence did you need that was not put on? I promise I am not trying to stir the pot or incite a debate, just seeking to understand a different point of view. TIA.
I will address lingering doubts, since ‘evidence not presented’ is much like proving a negative - it’s everything else it could have been.

Very little DNA evidence - there was proof of Merritt playing paintball in or around December, so him being in the Isuzu could very well have been true, rendering that evidence null and void, IMO.

No direct evidence placing him at the scene of the murders. What was the scene of the murders, anyway?

What did he do with the bodies in between the 4th and the 6th?

I don’t think they at all proved that vehicle in the Mitchley video was his.

Not much time to commit the murders on the 4th. Just enough, but it would have been tight.

Why would a guilty Merritt not agree the family crossing the border was the McStays if he literally drove all the way down there to plant the Isuzu at the border.

I have more, but I also don’t want to get into a lengthy discussion so close the the verdict. All of this has been discussed, and plausible reasons offered. These are just some of the things that bother me.

No case is ever wrapped up perfectly. I understand I have to allow for some unknowns. They just keep me up at night.
Please explain why CM would impersonate JM to Quickbooks and be on the phone for an hour. After the murders. Before anyone knew they were missing. It's just that simple.

He has the kind of mentality that a seasoned criminal has. He always is one step ahead of the detectives or cops. In otherwords, he's very devious.
:) Good Morning, Y'all !

I have not been here in a long, long time ... REAL LIFE has been extremely hectic.

But anyway ... I did watch some of the trial.

As most of the older members know, I used to post on this thread ... but I was the "lone wolf" as to my opinion, especially after CM was arrested. This is JMO but there is much more to this case than a "fountain business," "forged checks" and hacking, etc.

From what I watched of the trial, IMO, the PT failed in proving CM committed the murders, in the house, etc. But I will NOT be surprised if the jury convicts him on "emotions" because this is a very emotional case, especially with the murders of those 2 young boys.

Question: Is there anyone here that thinks that the PT did NOT prove their case BARD?

Thanks !

Well LTNS.

Didn't you have the same opinion in the Holly Bobo case?

I'm sure others will agree with you.

If you didnt follow all of it from beginning to end you may have missed a lot of important compelling evidence against the accused. You can watch on YouTube what you may have missed.

I have no doubt whatsoever he's been proven guilty BARD.

We will have to wait only a few minutes more to see what this jury thinks.

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