Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #3

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Relieved! This feels like it has lasted a life time to get to this point

Justice has been a years long painful journey.

These two precious baby boys he murdered didn't get nearly as long to live as it's taken for them to receive justice along with their mommy, and daddy.

Imo, everyone should celebrate when our justice system works as it did today by making sure a quadruple murderer never walks among society again.

We are all safer, and protected from those who are capable of such evil demonic acts.

It also protects future victims CM would surely target if allowed to roam again.

Even though I feel peace they finally recieved the justice they all richly deserved it still rips my heart out to know how CM chose to murder them all.

Imo he couldnt have chosen a more foreboding weapon. He purposefully picked the sledgehammer for he knew it would cause so much excruciating pain, and suffering.

His weapon of choice shows what a real monster this man truly is. He is souless, cruel, barbaric, and one who is stone cold without any conscience at all.

This is why this dangerous murderer deserves only death, and nothing less.

Agree. I feel no joy. Just relief. And I would venture to say the family doesn't feel joy either. They just want their loved one's back. There are no winners.MOO.

Imagine how the family & friends of the McStay’s would feel right now if the jury came back with a not guilty verdict .
I take great joy knowing they aren’t dealing with those feelings right now.
Great joy!
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Imo, I think it will be heart wrenching at times because many times the truth is very brutal, and very revealing about CM as well.

Not only showing what he did to the Joey McStay family, but including scamming Joey's own mother after he had murdered her son, and family, but it will expose what he has done to many others.

IMO, we're going to hear testimony from witnesses that he has been a career victimizer hurting many others his entire pathetic adult life.

Imo, what the sentencing phase will show the jury is CM has no redeeming value at all.

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Justice has been a years long painful journey.

These two precious baby boys he murdered didn't get nearly as long to live as it's taken for them to receive justice along with their mommy, and daddy.

Imo, everyone should celebrate when our justice system works as it did today by making sure a quadruple murderer never walks among society again.

We are all safer, and protected from those who are capable of such evil demonic acts.

It also protects future victims CM would surely target if allowed to roam again.

Even though I feel peace they finally recieved the justice they all richly deserved it still rips my heart out to know how CM chose to murder them all.

Imo he couldnt have chosen a more foreboding weapon. He purposefully picked the sledgehammer for he knew it would cause so much excruciating pain, and suffering.

His weapon of choice shows what a real monster this man truly is. He is souless, cruel, barbaric, and one who is stone cold without any conscience at all.

This is why this dangerous murderer deserves only death, and nothing less.

Feel the need to triple like this post.
This has been an exhausting and emotional ride for many of us that followed from the beginning.
Am averse to listening to the naysayers who have come on board in the eleventh hour.
Edmo, what are the differences in daily life between LWOP and death row?

LWOP means CM can be housed with other inmates and have a job/daily life in prison. The DP would mean he will never leave his cell w/o being shackled and escorted by guards. He will either be housed alone, or with 1 other inmate for the rest of his life in a cell 23 hours a day. I'm guessing CM is HOPING for the DP, since he KNOWS what happens to baby killers in prison from his prior experience.
Imagine how the family & friends of the McStay’s would feel right now if the jury came back with a not guilty verdict .
I take great joy knowing they aren’t dealing with those feelings right now.
Great joy!
Maybe so, Miss James, but to me it is fleeting. They would much rather have them alive, whole and well.
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If his presence is required in court , as a convicted inmate , the correctional dept decides what he wears , how they get him to & from , what they need to implement in order to make that happen.

They often don’t allow convicted prisoners to wear street clothes because there is a higher threat of an escape attempt .

Bedides , charles merritt may be forfeiting some future rights if he doesn’t appear . Who knows ?!
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LWOP means CM can be housed with other inmates and have a job/daily life in prison. The DP would mean he will never leave his cell w/o being shackled and escorted by guards. He will either be housed alone, or with 1 other inmate for the rest of his life in a cell 23 hours a day. I'm guessing CM is HOPING for the DP, since he KNOWS what happens to baby killers in prison from his prior experience.
Oh wow. Thanks.
Cathy Russon (@cathyrusson) | Twitter

Charles Merritt's defense team spoke following the verdict. Raj Maline and James McGee were very somber. McGee: "We're just shell shocked right now."

I will watch the sentencing hearings, but IMO I just can't see how he won't get the death penalty?

What a long day lol Went to work early so I could come home to watch the verdict.... had to go back to work and just got home again. I can't believe they are starting tomorrow already, I thought we would get until maybe Wednesday.
One other thing about going to prison in California: CM will have to wait, usually 4-8 weeks for his "Prison Pack" (Paperwork/sentencing guidelines/actual prison location) to come in before he is actually sent to prison from jail. Once that comes in, he is sent the following day to prison. FYI: California Prison System busses more inmates on a daily basis than the Greyhound Busses across America, combined! That is a fact.

More than likely, he will probably be sent to San Quentin Death Row, which houses the largest DR inmates.

His prior prison sentences were a walk in the park compared to what he is facing now, as it should be.
The accountants brought in as witnesses showed it was a profitable and successful fountain business.

Absolutely, and who made it work was the owner, Joey McStay. It sure was not his sub who never completed his work, and caused Joey nothing,but problems.

CM was so pathetically lazy because no one can finish anything they start if they would rather feed their gambling addiction instead.

That's the reason CMs cut went from 65% to a measly low 15% because Joey had wised up giving all of the metal work to MSM, and CM was reduced to being more or less a gopher.

All CM every did concerning JM was stiff him out of over 42K, con/scam him out of more, steal from him, and wound up murdering Joey, and his beautiful little family.

It those horrible acts CM will be always be known for doing, and not some uncompleted fountain he may have started, and never finished.

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