Closing Arguments- thread #171

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When did JA talk about CDs at her house? I must have missed that totally. I thought they were trying to make CDs at Travis's house

They were the CD's of their vacations. Remember she "claimed" that they were going to look at them in his office, and one was scratched, so he did her from behind on the desk.

She consciously brought them with her, because she planned to go to Mesa all along!
Most of the skaters I know don't roll around with things that would, you know...IMPALE THEM if they fall!
Ok folks I'm going to be heading out.

Take good notes and for gosh sake please post the Utube video of the rest of the closing. I'm so sad I have to miss it.

But this funeral is for a lovely woman. She was so sweet and still very young. And if you're the wife of a manager at the office you have to attend with the husband. It's part of the wife contract. You have to attend all office events both the happy occasion and sad :(

I am so sorry to hear about the sweet young lady- prayers to those who cared about and loved her, you are a good wife. All of the info will be here when you return- much love~ Frigga
OK--I'm jumping in late to post, but WTH is up with the DT claiming she did NOT say she returned the gas can to that same Walmart? They acted like they had information & were being smug--Nurmi even objected to "facts not in evidence"--I remember her saying she returned it there.
Am I the only one who never ever caught the CD thing before his closing??? To me that may have been the last nail. He has proved Premeditation to me.

There was a WS'er who had pointed this out after she said it!!! I remember someone on here catching smart!
Wow. I can't believe that none of us 'Super-Sleuths' picked up on the CDs. That alone shows that this trip to Travis's was premeditated - else why would they turn up in a rental car? Maybe if she had had her own car....but not a rental.

This was discussed in previous threads at the time of her testimony. I think the importance of it got lost in all of the other crap that came out of her mouth. :twocents:
They were the CD's of their vacations. Remember she "claimed" that they were going to look at them in his office, and one was scratched, so he did her from behind on the desk.

She consciously brought them with her, because she planned to go to Mesa all along!

She also turned the CD's into an "abuse" incident--he was angry they were scratched and bent her over his desk and had unconsentual anal sex with her and then told her to "go clean herself up."
Make no mistake- Jodi Ann Arias is seething right now. She got on the stand for 18 days and was able to stop and start the flow of the story, tell lies and mangle the truth. SHE CANNOT STAND the entire story being told (as close to the truth from what is known) without the chance to interfere or object. If steam could blow from her ears it would. Lunchtime should be a nice stew... JAA that is. Hahahahahahaha!
Im having chicken and backed potatos
for whatever reason, on car rentals, you do not pay up front.

You do, however, make your RESERVATION up front. Did JA make a reservation for this far better deal in Redding? Or did she just wing it once she got there?
Wow. I can't believe that none of us 'Super-Sleuths' picked up on the CDs. That alone shows that this trip to Travis's was premeditated - else why would they turn up in a rental car? Maybe if she had had her own car....but not a rental.

We did pick up on the cds, just maybe you weren't here at the time.
Why is Jodi laughing and shaking her head? She acts like she's just a spectator, and her life isn't on the line! No sense of reality........ PSYCHO GIRL!
I'm convinced Juan got the CD point from WS's here. I distinctly recall early on some smart person talking about that exactly.
Why....(blush), thank you , Mobius. I just had my husband pat me on the back. lol

But I'm pretty sure Juan thought of it all by himself. He doesn't miss a trick, and he's got all those tricks all lined up to get justice for Travis. Bless him.
Juan made me burn my nuggets and fries.
I can't afford to go buy food! #BrokeCollegeStudent lol
Beth Karrass just said she doubts we'll see Nurmi today. She thinks Juan will be going all day.

If Nurmi goes tomorrow, will the jury start deliberations on Saturday?
Most of the skaters I know don't roll around with things that would, you know...IMPALE THEM if they fall!

That's how they roll in Pasedena, Mom. God only knows what other tools they carry through the shopping center parking lot--maybe even sandpaper?
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