Closing Arguments- thread #171

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Juan is amazeballs!!

Just enough time to go pick up the kids and a pizza. :rockon:

I'm in Iowa and we got 5" of heavy wet snow do the kids here got a snow day. Imagine, a snow day in May. This whole world is going nutz but as long as JA gets Guilty of 1st Degree Murder, it's all good. Snow Angel time!!!:rockon:
But guys, is the defense REALLY gonna try and say Jodi meant ANOTHER store when she returned the gas can?? NOW that JM can't send anyone to check whatever store she would've lied about!? And are they really gonna pretend JM didn't get her to say "THAT store in Selinas" or agreeing when he said "THAT store in Selinas???"

Jodi was shaking her head HARD at that part.
Over 800 people gathered here in one accord...Justice for Travis!
I know that some may not be "believers" but for those that are...please say a prayer for this jury...they have a monumental task ahead of them. Please pray the Holy Spirit will guide them as they consider the evidence and render a verdict.

Lord Jesus,
We come to you in one accord asking for justice to be served for your humble servant Travis. Although he succumbed to temptation and stumbled, we know that he loved you and lived for you. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and direct this jury to render a verdict that you approve of.
Please comfort and strengthen Travis' family and surround them with love and compassion. Please direct Juan in his closing arguments, let his words be Your words.
We thank you Lord for hearing the prayers of your people.

In Jesus name,

Praying through tears, thank you!
Ok folks I'm going to be heading out.

Take good notes and for gosh sake please post the Utube video of the rest of the closing. I'm so sad I have to miss it.

But this funeral is for a lovely woman. She was so sweet and still very young. And if you're the wife of a manager at the office you have to attend with the husband. It's part of the wife contract. You have to attend all office events both the happy occasion and sad :(
Make no mistake- Jodi Ann Arias is seething right now. She got on the stand for 18 days and was able to stop and start the flow of the story, tell lies and mangle the truth. SHE CANNOT STAND the entire story being told (as close to the truth from what is known) without the chance to interfere or object. If steam could blow from her ears it would. Lunchtime should be a nice stew... JAA that is. Hahahahahahaha!
The collateral damage Jodi Arias has caused is epic.

I've spent far too many hours sitting here watching the trial, following Websleuths, eating carbs that I usually try to avoid, drinking wine, and, most importantly, not getting any meaningful exercise. I plan to do a few weeks of South Beach and start walking and/or riding my bike daily as soon as the verdict is rendered.
Lunch break!

Oh JM, how do I love thee, let me count the ways! He's so brilliant, and from my count he still has three more hours he can use.

I don't know if I can stand to listen to Nurmi - it'll all be 'sex sex sex, he was mean to her, sex sex sex, he raised his voice, sex sex sex.

I'm not going to listen to him. I can figure out what Nurmi said by listening to Juan's rebuttal closing.
Lunch break!

Oh JM, how do I love thee, let me count the ways! He's so brilliant, and from my count he still has three more hours he can use.

I don't know if I can stand to listen to Nurmi - it'll all be 'sex sex sex, he was mean to her, sex sex sex, he raised his voice, sex sex sex.

I don't think I can either. Heaven help us all. :scared:
The timing during trial for Juan really couldn't be any better.
He gave us a good chunk of Junderful this AM, then a nice break for the jurors -
Then the rested jurors will be ready for the Junderful truth of the actual murder resulting in a Murder 1 conviction.
Thank you Juan, for your dedication, intelligence, and sense of justice. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'm convinced Juan got the CD point from WS's here. I distinctly recall early on some smart person talking about that exactly.
Why don't you think Juan could have thought of it? He's a master and IMO would not have let anything like this slip by of what JA said
Anyone know what time we start again? Thanks!
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