For you to believe the shot was first you have to put aside everything she's told you - all her lies - and then you have to say even though she's lied, even to us, we're going to believe her on that one particular aspect. And so she had a knife, and she took that knife, and we know that because Mr. Alexander had defensive wounds. Unfortunately for Mr. Alexander one of the knife wounds is to the heart. It doesn't mean he dies right away but he will die so in a sense she has already killed him. We know he got up at some point because of the blood all over the scale, floor...purposeful movement on his part to attempt to save his life. Again, premeditation doesn't take days, or a plan, it just takes time. After one stab wound, it could just be that. After he's stabbed he ambulates, and we know she doesn't carry him over to the sink, the reason we know that is because of the patterns we have on this photograph. One of the patterns shows a smudge consistent with the defensive wounds on one of his hands. He's still alive but he's bleeding.