Closing arguments- thread #174

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While I'm sure JM has it planned already, but I really need to hear two things I didn't hear him state in closing yesterday. 1) Even IF you believe (and who would) the Self Defense claim, it was no longer self defense once the danger was gone. Continuing the attack on TA after he could not possibly have been any danger to her ELIMINATES the Self Defense claim. 2) Repeatedly stabbing TA in the back is absolute proof that he was not attacking her at the time, she could have escaped, but she was trying to kill him! What was he going to do, bump her with his butt repeatedly and that was scary to JA?

Forget Reasonable Doubt, the stabbing in the back and the continued assault on TA AFTER he could have, beyond ANY AND ALL DOUBT, been any threat to her absolutely proves First Degree Murder and invalidates any claim of self-defense! Not that there was every any doubt anyways in any reasonable mind.

I'm pretty sure JM will point this out crystal clear when he rebuts Nurmi's closing.
Nurmi desperately trying to reach that one possible juror who hasn't made up their mind
This whole trial the defense presses on like they had their fingers in their ears doing the la la la we can't hear you thing. :)

besides they posted his mug shot.. poor guy his mistake due to national media was plastered all over the country..

SHOUT OUT TO #8!!!! :rockon:

Even LE and judges get caught drinking or under the influence while driving. There is no excuse but I am proud that he stood tall and showed up for Travis. And I do believe this has affected all the jurors.
THIS is where Nurmi and Co. reading here and other places causes problems!!!

was it something else??????? now they are saying jodi is still lying???? what could it be other than his clients own testimony????


sorry...but he said...something like..." was it premeditated murder? was it self defense...OR WAS IT SOMETHING ELSE?"

are you kidding me??????
Talking about what this case is not about.... "It is not about the sexual orientation of any of the witnesses". :waitasec: WTF?
9 days out of 10 I don't like Jodi Arias! :floorlaugh:
Seriously? She smiles at not being liked? What a mess!
Sexual orientation about witnesses.

Objections sustained during closings..not good Nurmi. Judge needs to stop him or he will continue to throw things out there..
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