CLOSING ARGUMENTS (Tues 09/04/2012)

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Disposal would depend on if he used his car or not. Maybe parked just a little away from KS’s house. Makes more sense than trying to go all the way on foot. Also it would make a difference if it was in the daylight hours vs night. The time has not been established. Too much has not been established. To me, anything makes more sense than taking the incriminating evidence to his own home.

Where's the "where"?
I hope they find him guilty....what does everyone else think?

I find this one so hard to judge because we're not in the courtroom, and can only dissect what In Session is telling us. I watched the smarmy defense atty's at the podium (outside) this morning, and was disgusted - the way they were laughing and carrying on.

From what I understand the pros was admonished several times by the judge, and that doesn't sit well with me.

I can only hope the jury will do the right thing and find him guily. But I don't think I'll be shocked if he walks out of the courtroom (like Anthony).


I think we will either wind up with a guilty verdict or a hung jury. If this jury finds DP not guilty, I am going to throw my computer out the door and check into the nursing home.


I tend to be absent from this board for a few days when a case like this goes south in final verdict. CA case, it was a month or more and I only was on a few times less then 10 min.

Permit loves me isn't meant to say I'd shoot a real person...only rhetorical. You know how the webz can be.
Where's the "where"?

Disposal would depend on if he used his car or not. Maybe parked just a little away from KS’s house. Makes more sense than trying to go all the way on foot. Also it would make a difference if it was in the daylight hours vs night. The time has not been established. Too much has not been established. To me, anything makes more sense than taking the incriminating evidence to his own home.
Yeah, and ditto to the DT. You could've (maybe should've) not presented a defense. Coulda woulda shoulda.

Wow. I'm in shock that this was the DT closing.

They've got nuttin' honey.... at least that's MHO.

I really hope the jury sees a lot of DT cutesy tactics and a basket of zilch, too.

(Gettin' that afraid to hope feeling again -- it means nothing, folks, it's just meeeee.)
Well, I like your answer better than all the other flack I'm getting for bringing up a valid point.

Flack? imho all I'm seeing is people answering the questions in your posts.

I said be well before. I'll leave it at that.

BBM: Want some company ? LOL !

Seriously though, I just don't think I could follow another one IF DP walks !


Me neither DGC...I am half-heartedly following this case. I just cannot put my "all" into another one.

But I :please: that THIS jury reaches the correct verdict. Of course, "correct" is in the eye of the beholder I suppose. :banghead:
I'm glad I'm not on the jury. I firmly believe he is guilty. I do not believe Kathleen's death was an accident based on the injuries she sustained and the acrobatics and contortions she would have to have performed to land so neatly curved in the tub.

Having decided she was murdered, I have to consider the threats made to her by Drew. I believe the hearsay witnesses, the letter she wrote, and the police report she filed.

There's much more I could say, but you get the gist of my thinking.

I keep thinking of Scott Peterson and his guilty verdict. There was ONE of Laci's hairs on a pair of pliers on the boat. That was the sum and substance of physical (although circumstantial) evidence in the case. It was Scott's outrageous behavior that got him convicted.
Two more reasons I believe DP was on foot the night/morning of KS'S murder:

1) If he was in his car he would stand more of a chance of being seen/heard by SP as well as neighbors.

2) If he was in his car, he would have put the clothes in the trunk of the car or would have drove off to a further location for disposal. In other words, there would be no reason for him to bring the clothes home if a car was used.
You have an arrogant male that believes he can do anything he wants and gets away with it. This arrogant male is a police officer so he knows how investigations work. This arrogant male preys on young females that are more easily manipulated and/or controlled. When you have an arrogant male such as this, logic flies out the window. If a person believes that they are untouchable then the obvious worries of a normal person really do not apply. An untouchable arrogant male is not going to rationally think of possible issues like the rest of us would. They expect their word to be taken as the honest truth. They expect their actions to not be questioned. They screw up in ways that are unimaginable to the rest of us because they can not see that they actually are human and make mistakes like the rest of us. IMO this explains WHY D Petterson took Kathleen's clothes to his own home to wash. He simply does not think like the rest of us.

I tend to be absent from this board for a few days when a case like this goes south in final verdict. CA case, it was a month or more and I only was on a few times less then 10 min.

Permit loves me isn't meant to say I'd shoot a real person...only rhetorical. You know how the webz can be.

I identify with you, Lera213, as far as the bolded. LOL.

I just cannot stay away from this case and do not want to miss a minute of it. I want DP to go down for Kathleen's murder so badly. DP is the epitome of a bad cop. My late husband was retired LE and ironically was night commander of the 3rd largest city in Louisiana. I know a bad cop when I see one. I think I even know a murderer when I see and hear one. The bad cops are the very reason a lot of people either hate or do not like cops. The good ones are the best guys, husbands, and fathers in the world. I was so lucky to have such a good one for a husband and a father to our children.

I honestly hope DP is never in the free world again and that his children can heal. I wish the very best for them and Kathleen Savio's family!

*end of rant.
Well, I like your answer better than all the other flack I'm getting for bringing up a valid point.

Sorta like the cap off the orange juice container that was left sitting on the counter when KP ALWAYS put it immediately back into the refrigerator. jmo
Two more reasons I believe DP was on foot the night/morning of KS'S murder:

1) If he was in his car he would stand more of a chance of being seen/heard by SP as well as neighbors.

2) If he was in his car, he would have put the clothes in the trunk of the car or would have drove off to a further location for disposal. In other words, there would be no reason for him to bring the clothes home if a car was used.

:rocker: This makes total sense, IMO !

And I think I speak for all, if not most of us on here when I say this. I do not think ANY of us want to see an innocent person go to jail. If the person did not do the crime, they obviously should not do the time.

I have followed this case and the SP case very closely as I am a local resident who only lives about 20 minutes away from Bolingbrook. We got to see DP go on numerous interviews locally and nationally and what struck me the most is how jovial he was.

Here is a guy that is laughing and joking about stuff while the mother(s) of his children are dead and the other: "missing"

Not a chance in hell would I find the situation one to joke about. That is one of the many reasons I feel that DP is indeed guilty. As a divorced dad of two, if something happened to my EX not only would I be upset, I would be sickened for my kids.
Sorta like the cap off the orange juice container that was left sitting on the counter when KP ALWAYS put it immediately back into the refrigerator. jmo

These things that we question are because something about them doesn't reasonate within our own self. I doubt in the big scheme of things that the clothes matter very much. The most important points are if this was a murder or accident and if DP can be placed at the scene. At least in my mind thats what matters.
LaLaw I totally understand the bad cop....he has done so much damage to the many many good cops out there. It only takes one bad apple to poison the lot. This is also why I'm more critical and want justice and hard justice. I'm pissed off that he is not doing hard time. Isolated not hardly, he is laughing it up and probably has a guard or two (bad seed again) bring in crap for him. I much rather see him in General population! Cop or no cop, what is that saying again? If you cannot do the time, don't do the crime and as a cop, even more so they know this statement therefore no protection from other prisoners (period) can you feel my anger over this scum?

On a lighter side...I'm full of crap...literally...colonic inertia is killing me...I'm hoping that he is found guilty and just maybe this will help me release. LOL
You have an arrogant male that believes he can do anything he wants and gets away with it. This arrogant male is a police officer so he knows how investigations work. This arrogant male preys on young females that are more easily manipulated and/or controlled. When you have an arrogant male such as this, logic flies out the window. If a person believes that they are untouchable then the obvious worries of a normal person really do not apply. An untouchable arrogant male is not going to rationally think of possible issues like the rest of us would. They expect their word to be taken as the honest truth. They expect their actions to not be questioned. They screw up in ways that are unimaginable to the rest of us because they can not see that they actually are human and make mistakes like the rest of us. IMO this explains WHY D Petterson took Kathleen's clothes to his own home to wash. He simply does not think like the rest of us.


PLUSSSSS, he was a police officer in the same town. Everyone knew him so had he taken a ride in his car to dump the clothes he would be taking a chance at being seen when his alibi was he was home all night. However a trip to Krispy Kreme for donuts that morning would have never drawn attention to him and he even saved the receipt in pristine condition. Not even so much as an oil stain from the donuts. jmo
It would be nice if they returned a verdict tonight...for I have an all day testing at a hospital tomorrow and won't be home until 1 am. So I'll miss the verdict probably.
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