CLOSING ARGUMENTS (Tues 09/04/2012)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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n Session ‎"Dr. Larry Blum came in here . . . one of the first things he wanted to rule out were the three D's: drugs, drink, and disease . . . he ruled out the three D's, and moved on to the next analysis; he looked at the positioning of the body in the tub. He talked about the toes, that they are so much bent at a 90 degree angle . . . he said that was something he looked at in helping him to determine that this was not an accidental fall. He also talked about this falling backward, the basic principles. In order for her to get this laceration on the back of her head she's got to fall back to get there. There is not one single thing that's out of place in that tub; are you kidding me? There's gong to be stuff knocked over. Reality, common sense . . . every day experiences."
In Session ‏@InSession
Koch: "'I'm going to kill you'...that is the statement the defendant told Kathleen Savio just weeks before her death." #DrewPeterson
In Session ‎"He [Dr. Blum] described that tub . . . it's a smooth contour, another thing he looked at to determine that this laceration could not have happened in this tub. IN his expert opinion, this laceration required a concentrated edge: a weapon, an object, a concentrated surface. Not one of those things is in that tub area . . . not one thing. Another thing he looked at is the injury pattern . . . we have left front injuries, left side injuries, left back injuries, right injuries, right and left injuries. So it's not just one side of her body; it's multiple sides, four sides. How can you get that in one fall? You can't. You can't do it. It's not possible."
Key words: Common sense.

BBM: Yes ... let's HOPE and PRAY that this jury HAS some Common Sense ... :waitasec: we know the Pinellas 12 had "below zero" Common Sense ...

:seeya: Good Morning Y'all !

:please: for Justice !

In Session ‏@InSession
Koch: "What was the cause of the death of Kathleen Savio? That's not really in dispute...the cause was drowning." #DrewPeterson
Not sure if y'all want me to post the tweets......the InSession newsfeed is much better and Jackson is in charge there
Prosecutor Chris Koch opens w/ alleged Peterson quote: "I'm going to kill you. You are not going to make it to the divorce settlement."

You did not leave your common sense at the front door."

"It is clear that this man murdered Kathleen Savio."
"What was the cause of the death of Kathleen Savio? That's not really in dispute...the cause was drowning."
"Everyone has agreed that the cause was drowning."

"The evidence in this case shows, ladies and gentleman, that we did prove it - that he did kill Kathleen Savio

prosecutor Koch tells jurors state expert proved healthy adults don't drown in tub unless they are drunk, drugged or diseased

Koch goes over testimony on how Savio body was found jammed in tub, so could not be an accidental fall, it's "common sense"
Koch out Savio in the tub: "Look at the toes ... they are so much bent." Calls for common sense. #

Koch tells jurors nothing around tub was disturbed as it would've been if she had fallen, & injuries don't show accident

Koch has repeated his theme a couple of times: "common sense" and "everyday life experiences."

Savio had injuries on both sides: "How can you get that from one fall? You can't. You can't do it. It's not possible."
In Session ‎"He [Dr. Blum] described that tub . . . it's a smooth contour, another thing he looked at to determine that this laceration could not have happened in this tub. IN his expert opinion, this laceration required a concentrated edge: a weapon, an object, a concentrated surface. Not one of those things is in that tub area . . . not one thing. Another thing he looked at is the injury pattern . . . we have left front injuries, left side injuries, left back injuries, right injuries, right and left injuries. So it's not just one side of her body; it's multiple sides, four sides. How can you get that in one fall? You can't. You can't do it. It's not possible."

Said that from day one and many of us did. A obvious conclusion, COMMON SENSE, although a part of me wants to think the DA was reading our little thread. :moo:
In Session ‎"The bruising was deep bruising . . . you can look at the pictures . . . this abrasion to the buttocks, you could not get one in that tub. Now Dr. DiMaio, who says it's not an abrasion . . . but if it is, it didn't happen in that tub, that's his testimony. That abrasion was not caused by that tub. The bottom line is as she falls backward she's hitting her backside, as well as her head . . . he looked on the back of the arms, found nothing, no bruising. The last thing he talked about was the pattern of dried blood, that there was this really defined drying blood pattern around the eye and nose. If this is a tub full of water, the blood just goes in with the water; that's not that what happened here. That's another thing that told him [Dr. Blum] as a pathologist that it's just not there, it isn't possible. And he said, 'In my expert opinion, this was a homicide.'"
I watched the Lifetime movie last night. Rob Lowe is about 1,000 times more handsome and charming than the subject he was portraying. Personal beef: when a very brunette character (KS in this case) is played by a blonde actress, sporting blonde hair. (This was also the case in the movie about Colonel Russell williams. His wife has short jet black hair and in the movie she was a blonde with long hair).

I can see a bit of not making this 100% like real life -- lawsuit?? or whatever, but yes, Maddie, that was a strrrrrretch. Speaking as a gray/blonde now, but I was blonde, it says a lot about blondes & what "they" expect when using blondes.... Not a good thing for blondes or for brunettes, either....
Good morning. My stomach is in knots. Linda Drane Burdick also exhorted the Pinellas 12 to use common sense and they didn't. Here's hoping there isn't some common sense zapper in the air in Joliet. Please send Drew away for life!
In Session Prosecutor Koch now moves to prosecution expert Dr. Mary Case. "She got on the stand, and she talked about the same kind of injuries that Dr. Blum saw . . . she looked at the diaphragm; she found a hemorrhage there, that would require significant force. She spent a lot of time talking about the different layers of this head injury . . . then she also talked about diffused brain injuries, your concussions. She said when you look at the situation, there was just not enough velocity when falling in a bathtub to render you unconscious, to take it to the level of a shaken baby or being in a severe car injury. That's the kind of force they want to opine happened in this case; that's NOT what happened in this case."
In Session ‎"Dr. Case told you she would not lose consciousness from that kind of injury . . . her opinion stands for the truth in this case. That force was not sufficient enough to render her unconscious. The clavicle, that was the result of blunt force trauma . . . like a motor vehicle accident, the force was so great on that injury . . . Dr. Blum aged the abrasions to within an hour of her death, and the bruising to within 24 hours of her death. Both Drs. Blum and Case had the opinion that this was a homicide. And Dr. Baden said these injuries were consistent with a struggle, and not with a single fall."
In Session ‏@InSession
Koch: "Both Drs. Blum and Case had the opinion that this was a homicide." #DrewPeterson
Koch says pathologist studied lacerations and abrasions on Savio, and determined she "Could not get that in that tub"
Koch says Dr Case agreed w/Blum, touts her experience, her conclusion that Savio's brain couldn't have been injured in tub...

The velocity needed to knock Savio out wasn't possible in a fall.
"Both Drs. Blum and Case had the opinion that this was a homicide.

"Dr. Baden said these injuries were consistent with a struggle, and not with a single fall."
about a minute ago · Like · 3
In Session ‎"Dr. Baden said that the diaphragm, he was it with his own eyes. He's had particular interest in the diaphragm over the years . . . he said that injury could be caused by a blow or a very strong bear hug, squeezing the body around the rib cage . . . everybody wanted to say what a great job Dr. Mitchell did; Dr. Mitchell said it was an abrasion. The reason why the defense theory fails is because they just want to dismiss it . . .they just kind of move it out of the way so that it fits their theory."
In Session ‏@InSession
Koch: "Dr. Baden said these injuries were consistent with a struggle, and not with a single fall." #DrewPeterson
In Session With the State's experts, we've shown you that she died at the hands of another person. And that person is the defendant. That's who did this . . . less than one in a million people will drown in a bathtub."
Koch says Dr. Mitchell called injury an abrasion: "The reason that the defense's theory fails is because they just dismiss it"

prosecutor Koch says "with the state's medical evidence we have shown you that she died at the hands of another person

Koch reminds jurors of the women's clothing #DrewPeterson allegedly brought home, put in washing machine.

prosecutor Koch reminds jury a defense expert testified the chances of a healthy adult drowning in tub is one in a million.

Koch ask jurors: "Where, in that tub, would you get three separate points of contact? You can't do it."
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