CLOSING ARGUMENTS (Tues 09/04/2012)

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"I just found wife dead in bathtub & they're gonna think I did it" Koch quotes Drew "Why would they think that?"

Koch: "Are you kidding me?" upon reminding jurors that DP was upstairs cleaning the bathtub after Savio's body was removed.

prosecutor Koch says, "Murderers sometimes go back to scene to make sure they got it right."
In Session ‎"He's the watch commander, the one on duty . . . [but] he doesn't call a single officer to come over there to assist with this wellness check . . . the only one there is the defendant. [Locksmith] Bob Akin talked about the fact that only the front door was locked . . . you know Kathy always liked to keep her doors locked. And when the door is unlocked, the defendant lets [others] go into the house, not knowing what they're going to find. But he knows, Drew knows . . . they flip the light on, and they see her dead. And Mary screams. The defendant goes upstairs, and when he gets upstairs he doesn't have his gun drawn, isn't on his radio, doesn't have his flashlight on. If this is a scream, why doesn't he have his gun out? You know why? Because he killed her; he knows what they're going to find up there in that tub."
Great closing by Koch so far! This man knows what he is doing, thank God!
In Session ‏@InSession
Koch: Peterson returned to the house to clean the tub. "Murderers sometimes go back to the scene, to make sure they got it right."
In Session ‎"Sgt. [Patrick] Collins had never investigated a homicide before . . . they decided they were going to interview the defendant . . . they go to the Bolingbrook Police Department, in the lunch room . . . they asked him about any financial gain that would exist, and he said he guessed he would get the full value of the house, which was $300,000…it just doesn't add up, ladies and gentlemen. But then we get to the interview of Stacy the following afternoon. Drew's looking for professional courtesy, wants to sit in on the interview . . . Stacy was real shaken and nervous about the event . . . they're sitting right next to each other; he's got his hand on her knee, his arm around her, consoling her. At one time he helps her with a breakfast question. Too bad they didn’t know he had spent hours and hours with Stacy, telling her what to say. That's what you heard from Neil Schori."
May common sense rule the deliberations!!!

In Session The judge is going to instruct you regarding some conduct, other conduct on the part of the defendant . . . conduct other than that charged in the indictment . . . that may be considered for you only for limited purposes . . . Teresa Kernc and Mary Parks were motive and intent, and Jeffrey Pachter for intent. We know Kathleen Savio called the police in July, 2002, she told Teresa Kernc how the defendant entered the house, pulled her down the stairs, and pulled out a knife . . . a couple of months later, in November, 2002, she also drafts a letter to the Will County State's Attorney's office saying the defendant, Drew, was very upset that the judge had ordered him to pay child support, and that he didn’t want to pay her anything. She also told Sue Doman and Kristin Anderson what had happed on that day. I submit that her repeated telling of this incident lends itself the credibility that you need to know this happened. Use it to decide his intent and motive. The motive is clear: 'I'm tired of paying child support, I don't want to pay you anything.' The intent is clear; a knife up to her throat. Use it to determine motive and intent when you consider this offense."
I must say that if I was on this jury and I was of the fence, this closing has me won. Koch should sell cars because I would buy from him.

This has been a hard hitting, factual close.
n Session Prosecutor Koch now moves to the testimony of witness Mary Parks. "Now we have him in November of 2003, telling her [Savio] 'why don't you just die?' And Jeffrey Pachter . . . this testimony was offered to show that the defendant intended to kill his ex-wife . . . it's during this ride-along that he's looking to see if Mr. Pachter can find someone to take care of his ex-wife; he's going to pay $25,000. First of all, you have to decide whether that actually happened . . . I'd ask you to recall the testimony of the witnesses. The defendant told Mr. Pachter that she worked at Red Lobster. You heard the witnesses who took the stand: she worked at Red Lobster. That corroborates the fact that Mr. Pachter was telling the truth. Then you can look at that conduct as it relates to his desire to kill Kathleen Savio."
I must say that if I was on this jury and I was of the fence, this closing has me won. Koch should sell cars because I would buy from him.

This has been a hard hitting, factual close.

And that is what we all wanted and was needed!
I hope Vinnie means "if it walks like a duck...."??????? jmo

yes, they had replayed a little of the Larry King interview. After Vinnie said q, q, q he said "Walk like a duck, look like a duck, is a duck.
In Session ‎"'My life would be easier if she was just dead, or died.' That was the statement the defendant made to Lt. Coughlin of the Bolingbrook Police Department in February of 2004. He was in that courthouse . . . there was this comment made . . . 'They're getting all my money.' Again, it's money . . . he doesn't want to pay Kathleen Savio anything. Again, it's for you to decide the credibility and weight to give these witnesses. But Lt. Coughlin got up here and testified as to that statement . . . the bottom line is the statement was made . . . 'my life would be easier if she was just dead, or died.' Mary Parks walked her to her cal in the fall of 2003, and during these walks Kathy said to her that the defendant said, 'I could kill you and make you disappear.' That's what Mary Parks told you the defendant told Kathleen Savio. She told you how after Kathleen died she called the State's Attorney's office, to see if an investigation was taking place. I submit to you that she was credible on that stand; that statement was made, and it was made by the defendant"
In Session ‎"Kristin Anderson . . . Kathy confided in her that the defendant said he could kill her and make it look like an accident. He could kill her and make it look like an accident. That's a statement Kathy told Kristin Anderson that the defendant made directly to Kathleen Savio . . . after finding out that Kathleen had died, she called the Illinois State Police on three occasions to tell them this particular information. Anna Doman testified that six weeks before Kathleen's death Kathleen showed up, scared, saying that Drew was going to kill her . . . and make it look like an accident. Sue Doman, the other sister of Kathleen Savio, testified that Kathleen Savio told her, 'I'm going to kill you and make it look like an accident.' Take all of those things together . . . this is multiple people . . . they are believable, and those statements were made."
n Session ‎"Drew told Joseph Steadman that her death was drug related . . . we know that no drugs were involved. He told Mr. Steadman, 'If she was murdered, I would be one of the suspects' . . . she's in a bathtub, why is he going to be a suspect? If this is just a slip and fall in a bathtub, why would he be a suspect in a murder? Of course, why is he cleaning out the bathtub the next day, too?"
n Session ‎"He told Jennifer Schoon that there were anti-depressants on the counter, and that she may have fallen and hit her head . . .why is he telling different people different things? And he told Susan McCauley there was a wine glass by the tub . . . all these statements he's making, it's deflection, deflection, deflection! . . . all those things lead right to the point of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he went into the house and forcibly held her down so she could inhale fluid, so she could drown. Remember Dr. Baden? He said the injuries to the clavicle would be consistent with someone pushing her down on a hard surface. That's where she got those hemorrhages. He said those injuries were consistent with t a struggle. He went into that house that night, and pushed her down, held her down, until she inhaled that fluid."
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