CLOSING ARGUMENTS (Tues 09/04/2012)

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In Session ‏@InSession
"He held her underwater, and he pushed her down. Because of that, we are asking that you find him guilty, ladies and gentlemen of the jury."
I really don't have the mind of a killer, but one thing I know is that I would not be bringing proof of what I did home and then put it in the washer. I would find something else to do with it so as not to have to dispose of the stuff more than once and certainly not have it in my house.

You said it perfectly when you said you didn't have the mind of a killer. DP was an arrogant cocky sloppy bully. He took lots of risk because he didnt think anyone would ever investigate him.

If Stacy had not gotten up and looked for him nobody would have known he washed those clothes. And all we have is hearsay which mat be discounted anyway.
Judge is back on the bench. atty Lopez about to begin closing. Jury back in courtroom
#DrewPeterson Kathleen Savio's neighbor, who testified about finding her body, is here to see the trial end "for closure"...
The Goodwill box being right next to a Krispy Kreme donough store?

It makes sense to me. If you are going to dispose of something, you don't want them to be wet and bloody. Nobody notices clean laundered clothes in a goodwill box or a dumpster.
I wish that they would start.........if they keep on waiting like this, it will be lunch time.
The jurors are now present, and attorney Joseph Lopez begins the defense closing argument. “Five weeks, and we’re finally here. It’s been a grueling five weeks for all of you, and we really appreciate your service..."
In Session ‎"’re basically just a bunch of strangers, and we throw you in a room and you bond with each other. The United States of America is the only place where you have a jury system. It’s been going on for centuries . . . the only place in the world where you have people determine your fate . . . the standard is ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’ It’s not ‘are you kidding me?’ but ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’ And you took an oath not to hold it against Drew Peterson that he didn’t testify . . . you are not to consider that in any way when you consider your verdict. If you do that, you’re turning your back on the American flag, and violating your oath. Trials are kind of like Monopoly games; there’s rules you have to follow . . . a trial has rules, and nobody can cheat. And you have to follow the judge’s instructions.”
I give clothing and other things to Goodwill very often. The people at Goodwill say the clothes have to be freshly laundered. Not that DP would care about that, though. That was not why he washed them. He wanted his DNA gone, IMO.
In Session “The other thing that’s very important with the presumption of innocence is you have to have this little voice in your head tell you, ‘Sgt. Peterson is innocent.’ That’s what you have to do, it’s the presumption of innocence. You have to weigh the evidence, and apply the standard ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’ Those are the rules we live by . . . when you watch the Bears play football on the weekends, against the Packers, there’s rules: you can’t go off sides, out of bounds. There’s rules. There are rules . . . and we have to keep that in mind as we go through this process. It’s a tedious process . . . but you rely on your collective memories . . . you know why you’re here today? Because Sgt. Peterson exercised his right to a jury trial. That’s why you’re here today.”
I give clothing and other things to Goodwill very often. The people at Goodwill say the clothes have to be freshly laundered. Not that DP would care about that, though. That was not why he washed them. He wanted his DNA gone, IMO.

If he brought them home and washed them(whatever them are, cause we were never told)then he is completely stupid.
The U.S. is "the only place in the world where a jury decides your fate...The standard is 'beyond a reasonable doubt'

Lopez: The standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. "It's not, are you kidding me?"

Lopez says "trials are kinda like Monopoly games, there are rules."

Lopez reminds jurors they took an oath to make prosecutors prove their case..

" Says prosecution hasn't proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Lopez compares being on a jury to being in army: "You took an oath, and if you violate that oath, that's like going AWOL.

Lopez says to jurors "You have to have this little voice in your head that says Sgt Peterson is innocent"

atty Lopez says standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. "Not maybe, not probably."

atty Lopez reminds jury that state violated trial rules several times. Says people who don't follow the rules are "cheaters."

Lopez: "We have to make objections. It's the rules. When you watch the Bears play football on the weekends ... there's rules."

Lopez tells jurors "Following common sense does not mean ignoring the evidence"

Lopez keeps referring to Drew as "Sergeant Peterson"...although he didn't use that title during the trial

atty Lopez describes hearsay testimony as "rumor, innuendo and watercooler talk."
In Session ‏@InSession
Lopez: "You have to have this little voice in your head tell you, ‘Sgt. Peterson is innocent.’"
atty Lopez says this case is "riddled with doubt like a piece of swiss cheese."

Lopez: "It's all spec-u-lation," he enunciates.

"It's speculation, it's not right...this is America..." Lopez says
In Session “The judge is a very important person, isn’t he? A distinguished jurist, important person; he’s got the robe on. That’s because he’s the judge of the rules. But the jury is just as important, because you’re mini-judges. You’re judges of the facts . . . you don’t have to believe any of it, not one word of it. Whatever comes out of that witness stand, you determine whether or not you’re going to believe it. Just because someone says something doesn’t mean it’s so . . . and let’s not forget that this case was a divorce case. I guess in a divorce case, everybody’s truthful, huh? People say things because they’re mad, they want the advantage, they want sympathy from other people. They’ll blow their horn, and blow it until somebody sympathizes with them. It’s the same on both sides; there’s no such thing as a divorce without tears. But the State hasn’t proven anything in this case; this case is riddled with holes, like a piece of Swiss cheese . . . it’s all speculation. Speculation. You just heard Mr. Koch tell you he drowned her in the tub. How did he get in the house? How did he restrain her? . . . they can’t even prove how it happened. It’s speculation . . . you don’t have to like Drew Peterson; you don’t have to like Sgt. Peterson at all. You know what you have to like? You have to like that flag, the principles that we live by in this great United States of America, no other country like it. We’re exercising through the Bill of Rights the U.S. Constitution.”
atty Lopez say prosecution cannot even tell jury how Peterson entered the house.
in 8 minutes from web
RuthRavve: #DrewPeterson Lopez tells jurors "we know how hard that is" to avoid media reports "and we appreciate it"

atty Lopez tells juror he has the definition of hearsay but he can't find it at the moment.

"What is heresay?" Lopez says...then scrambles in his papers to find the definition. Oopsie! :floorlaugh:
Well played by Lopez in using the Bears/Packers analogy. He saw members of the jury wearing said jerseys last week. Anything to gain an edge.
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