CNN News 1/1/09 (Videos Of Show Included)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think LP has been trying to get them to sue him for months. The publicity! The depositions!


The Anthonys will never sue LP. They are scared of him. I think he knows things, they don't want broadcasted.
He just isn't well spoken. On December 15th Hoover called LP and told him that back on Nov 15th he had gotten a call from DC saying Caylee was located, dead, and they were going to go get her (which sounds like they were going to collect the evidence and take it???), they went there and didn't find what they were looking for, but they have a video.

Now that Caylee was discovered on Dec. 11th by the MM, the PIs wanted to start shopping their video around, thus the conversation with LP 12-15-08.

Thankyou impatientredhead. This is exactly what happened. And when Hoover told LP about this on December 15th, LP asked him if he (Hoover) had told LE. Hoover said no, and so LP contacted FBI guy, Savage, and told him about it. I wish people would quit thinking that LP knew this on November 15th....he did not. By the time LP had heard about it, Caylee had already been found by the MR.
So the only way they are covered :)bang:) is if they came to have this information by way of casey? If the anthony's were told by the PI's about Caylee's whereabouts then they not only had a moral obligation but a lawful obligation to notify the authorites, right...or wrong?

Them knowing makes a whole lot of sense, especially considering Nejame's abrupt departure. The longer they knew the worse they look.

Yes! And CA "physically looked worse" too, remember how bad she looked at the interview with MB? George spoke some, but miss "I can't keep my mouth shut" (ie CA) never said a word and could barely hold her head up.
I thought it was said that George and Cindy didn't know about
this video until after Caylee was found....
I really don’t think they knew she was there. I think they cared about her
to much to just leave her there.

It's possible that this PI got the info on this area from when he was
working for the defense so that is why the defense doesn’t want him to talk.

Maybe Casey told them and her attorney didn't want the PI to search
that area just incase something was found so he waited to search it
until after he was no longer working for the defense.

Regarding in red above: Think about even from the beginning of this case. CA spoke of knocking on every door, and looking for Caylee. Did she ever knock on even one door? NOPE! CA is as much a sociopath as KC is. Caylee was used by both of them for the power in the family. If CA wouldn't even get off her A$$ just one day and knock on just one door, what makes anyone think that she wouldn't let her lie in a bag down the street, just to protect the "family image" they didn't want the donations stopping either. :mad:

Not meant towards you at all harleysnana...just have alot of anger towards the As.
I believe I saw a post where PattyG said we are not allowed to post from other blog sites. I tried to find her post, but haven't yet. hint hint

I am very, very tired of all the LP bashing going on here and every other thread in this forum. I think something should be done about it. GRRRRRRR! :furious::furious::furious:
LOL You may be surprised. This sounds like LP was given the "go ahead" to finally bring this to light and he, of course, would be more than happy to oblige. ;)
I'm thinking that as well. But, you would think they could have found a better emissary...or at least, someone who has less controversy surrounding him.

ETA: and I have no opinion of him one way or the other...BTW.
I think LP is the perfect person for the "job". People can't decide where he is coming from exactly which is a good thing for LE. It is all in the way LP operates that people can't get a grip on what he is really doing or trying to get across. If people would take time to understand it...they may learn something. ;)
I think LP is the perfect person for the "job". People can't decide where he is coming from exactly which is a good thing for LE. It is all in the way LP operates that people can't get a grip on what he is really doing or trying to get across. If people would take time to understand it...they may learn something. ;)
I agree with the "taking the time to understand" part, but it gives me a headache! Plus, I'd like to think I can be objective until all has been revealed. IMO, you need some kind of plan book...or "SparkNotes" get through it all.
I think LP is the perfect person for the "job". People can't decide where he is coming from exactly which is a good thing for LE. It is all in the way LP operates that people can't get a grip on what he is really doing or trying to get across. If people would take time to understand it...they may learn something. ;)

I think that you're giving LE too much credit.
I agree with the "taking the time to understand" part, but it gives me a headache! Plus, I'd like to think I can be objective until all has been revealed. IMO, you need some kind of plan book...or "SparkNotes" get through it all.

Great point!!! Many are jumping to conclusions based on preliminary info, this is a developing story. We need to keep an open mind and cannot make a determination on anyone's statements to date until we hear from everyone and everything that is made public.

Some folks are demonstrating a presumption of bias against or for certain parties, e.g., taking DC's statements as credible and gospel when the jury is out on DC. DC was someone who was participating in the Caylee Alive search and the MB presser. There is a lot more to know about DC before we can assume that his recent flurry of statements to th media are in good faith or not.

There is a rush to judgement and many folks minds are made up, mine is still open as new details come out -- as any juror would.
If you take LP out of the equation, it doesn't remove much. All LP did was out the info. So what, the info is still the info. DC was at the crime scene two days in a row, supposedly looking for beer cans and cigarette butts. Video and pictures were taken. BTW, does any of THAT make any sense?

So can we please base our discussion minus LP?
LOL You may be surprised. This sounds like LP was given the "go ahead" to finally bring this to light and he, of course, would be more than happy to oblige. ;)

Maybe, but NS can't be happy is name is being used. How embarrassing for him. I'm sure he wishes LP would buy a one-way ticket home.
I believe I saw a post where PattyG said we are not allowed to post from other blog sites. I tried to find her post, but haven't yet. hint hint

I am very, very tired of all the LP bashing going on here and every other thread in this forum. I think something should be done about it. GRRRRRRR! :furious::furious::furious:

1. Tricia has addressed this it is in the sticky's.

I can't find the thread about linking to other blogs and/or websites. I have seen it though, a while back prior to joining so that I could also post.
You know, sometimes I want to shake LP's hand and other times I want to whack him on the head with something non-injurious. I bet he wouldn't care if he knew. He might feel the same about me if he saw me opine on TV every night. I think he does get some inside information sometimes. I also think he enjoys poking the defense with a stick once in a while, just to do it. He isn't the villain of the piece and he didn't make anyone go out to "the area," before the body was found to be there, to investigate. He just revealed what he learned and it's relevant. Confusing as he told it at first, but still relevant. Whatever the PI purposes, they are associated with the defense and/or the A family and were there on at least 2 occasions before the body was found. They chose to do it. One of them chose to reveal it. They can live with the consequences and inquiries.
Thanks... I deleted the post... I was bloviating anyway... :blushing:

Oh natsound I wasn't directing that at you. Not at all. I was just posting it because sometimes I have to remind myself not to type everything I'm feeling about this case, and defer to tricia as I should.:blowkiss:

Sometimes I almost have to bite my fingers to keep from typing what I'm thinking sometimes!:)

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