CNN News 1/1/09 (Videos Of Show Included)

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I don't see her "team" as good let alone the best money can buy. She's rotting and will continue to do so, public defender or not. Public defenders are not all bad lawyers, many are very good! I had one who got me a suspended sentence, community service and 6 years of probation rather than having to serve 15 years in prison. One doesn't "rot" in jail simply because they have a public defender.

Thank you for your statement. It is nice to know that someone can appreciate a defense attorney. :blowkiss:
no, i don't think they ever found it...I think the body has been there since day 1 for real. they were unable to find it before the darn meter reader.

I think you are probably right manatee. Last night, I laid awake and tossed and turned because I had too much coco-cola yesterday.

So I turned this news over and over in my head. And here is what I thought....(I know it won't be a popular theory, because I had to suspend my anger and emotions to come to this conclusion and it was very hard to do).

1. In the jail house visit that LA had with KC, LA tells her (paraphrasing)...LA goes into detail about the court mail system and how that’s the only way they can have private exchange of info. LA keeps emphasizing that Jose may not be passing things on to them- even if she has asked him to.

2. On 14 AUG 08, KC writes a letter to Sheriff Berry saying she wants to meet with her father, oddly Baez shows up before GA has a chance to speak with her and the meeting is canceled.

3. Okay, IF we assume that KC is writing to her parents and LA (the media hasn't reported anymore visits or calls to family) I am assuming that those letters would be handed off to Baez for delivery.

4. IF KC decided to tell the area where Caylee was dumped. She may have written a letter to a family member. Then she would have handed that letter to Baez.

5. I'm thinking as her defense attorney he would have more than likely read the contents of that or any letter to determine whether or not it was in his or his clients best interest to pass along. (He would have done this because we can only predict someone's behavior by their past behavior and CA isn't know for keeping her mouth shut about anything, so any letter KC wrote CA would be harshly censored by Baez, I am assuming)

6. So let's pretend KC did write a letter to a family member, and that letter was given to Baez and he read it and just about crapped his pants. He got his employees (if, indeed they were his employees at the time) and said go out there and check this out. Baez may have said "We all know that this chick is Coo-Coo and there's no telling if this is true or not so just go out there so we can rule this out and one of her many lies". OR "Go out there and see if you find anything, we need to know for a defense strategy".

7. SO... DC (the PI) and J. Hoover (PI) are out there and Hoover is videotaping and talking with the wife of J. Wray because they assist these guys in whatever it is that PI's do. They kick around the weeds here and there, thinking about snakes and such and call it a day.( This is how it played out in my mind last night in the wee hours of the morning).

Yes I know it's a silly theory but it sounded good to me last night. What I'm saying is I don't think that Baez includes the A's in on much. So, I don't think they knew about this until much afterwards and not before Caylee was found.

Of course this is just my thoughts and theory on what may or may not have happened. <shrugs> What do I know?
Maybe LA but I think GA would have said NO to that. He is the only one I found to be emotional about the situation.

I could see him doing it if Cindy told him to. I doubt he could ever live in peace again but he enables her something wicked and has an obvious fear of her anger toward him.

I don't see her "team" as good let alone the best money can buy. She's rotting and will continue to do so, public defender or not. Public defenders are not all bad lawyers, many are very good! I had one who got me a suspended sentence, community service and 6 years of probation rather than having to serve 15 years in prison. One doesn't "rot" in jail simply because they have a public defender.

I never said ALL public defenders were bad. Please don't put words in my mouth.:blowkiss: In a murder one case you need someone who specializes in murder cases. Your case wasn't a murder case. Was it?

I still think she has a dream team. They are good.
OMG! Yeah we all were angy about the A's and how they acted! Some have lost the focus of what this thread is all about! It is about CAYLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't forget that. Leonard is his own person and has his opinions just like us. He is not LE he is an average joe just like us. You take him with a grain of salt.

This thread is about CNN News 1/1/09! We haven't forgotten about Caylee-she is ultimately what keeps us coming back here day after day! Caylee is the reason we are driven to see that justice is served! In the process of looking for justice we have to discuss pertinent issues, evidence, and people.

:blowkiss:RIP CAYLEE:blowkiss:
Thank you for your statement. It is nice to know that someone can appreciate a defense attorney. :blowkiss:

Gotta love 'em :blowkiss:! If I was not given that chance I never would have been able to change my life in the manner I have.
I do find it strange LA was MIA for so long. I wonder if anyone was following him? If the body was moved then he is the only person I can think of that would do it. Plus the crime scene still seems staged to me. The duck tape and the book? Duck tape looks like a kidnapping, then you add the Book, the book she was supposedly reading to KC over the phone therefore KC did not have the book. So if you put the book at the scene it makes you wonder. Then the problem is people already searched this area so who do you get someone back there to find the body. Pay off a MR. Makes sense to me.

I think they went to move the body, (the PIs, not the A's) but when they got there realized that the body was no longer moveable because it was scattered everywhere. They stage the scene a little, take photographs, and then leave. LA had been tipped off (the phone coversation in the jail), but this scene was under water when KC told him. It's a little too good that as soon as the water receedes, the PIs are there filming. I think LA knew more than anyone else, but I think he's responsible for covering up evidence, not for the murder of Caylee, and I don't think he knew from the beginning what KC had done. When he went MIA is when he put 2 and 2 together about KC's responsibility. He says something to the A's that make them realize that KC is guilty, but not everything. The A's are in too far now and don't want LA to get in trouble, because he's always been the good one. No one even suspects him, but he all of the sudden lawyers up? Lee Anthony is the key to finding out what happened, because Casey is not talking nor will she ever talk.
Anyone thought that maybe these PI guys had a police scanner and followed the responding officer back in August?

I don't know how the police scanners are monitored in Orlando, but when I listen to the scanner here the investigative types of conversations are not available for the public to listen to.
I can hear for instance; a shooting in N Memphis, peeping tom, but never any detectives communicating.
Do you think the dispatcher taking calls on Caylee's possible grave sites would just pass that on like a robbery call? I have no idea.
I think you are probably right manatee. Last night, I laid awake and tossed and turned because I had too much coco-cola yesterday.

So I turned this news over and over in my head. And here is what I thought....(I know it won't be a popular theory, because I had to suspend my anger and emotions to come to this conclusion and it was very hard to do).

1. In the jail house visit that LA had with KC, LA tells her (paraphrasing)...LA goes into detail about the court mail system and how that’s the only way they can have private exchange of info. LA keeps emphasizing that Jose may not be passing things on to them- even if she has asked him to.

2. On 14 AUG 08, KC writes a letter to Sheriff Berry saying she wants to meet with her father, oddly Baez shows up before GA has a chance to speak with her and the meeting is canceled.

3. Okay, IF we assume that KC is writing to her parents and LA (the media hasn't reported anymore visits or calls to family) I am assuming that those letters would be handed off to Baez for delivery.

4. IF KC decided to tell the area where Caylee was dumped. She may have written a letter to a family member. Then she would have handed that letter to Baez.

5. I'm thinking as her defense attorney he would have more than likely read the contents of that or any letter to determine whether or not it was in his or his clients best interest to pass along. (He would have done this because we can only predict someone's behavior by their past behavior and CA isn't know for keeping her mouth shut about anything, so any letter KC wrote CA would be harshly censored by Baez, I am assuming)

6. So let's pretend KC did write a letter to a family member, and that letter was given to Baez and he read it and just about crapped his pants. He got his employees (if, indeed they were his employees at the time) and said go out there and check this out. Baez may have said "We all know that this chick is Coo-Coo and there's no telling if this is true or not so just go out there so we can rule this out and one of her many lies". OR "Go out there and see if you find anything, we need to know for a defense strategy".

7. SO... DC (the PI) and J. Hoover (PI) are out there and Hoover is videotaping and talking with the wife of J. Wray because they assist these guys in whatever it is that PI's do. They kick around the weeds here and there, thinking about snakes and such and call it a day.( This is how it played out in my mind last night in the wee hours of the morning).

Yes I know it's a silly theory but it sounded good to me last night. What I'm saying is I don't think that Baez includes the A's in on much. So, I don't think they knew about this until much afterwards and not before Caylee was found.

Of course this is just my thoughts and theory on what may or may not have happened. <shrugs> What do I know?

I think that was pretty good if you ask me.
I never said ALL public defenders were bad. Please don't put words in my mouth.:blowkiss: In a murder one case you need someone who specializes in murder cases. Your case wasn't a murder case. Was it?

I still think she has a dream team. They are good.

LOL nope, I'm not a murderer but there are public defenders that "specialize" in murder cases as well.
I don't know how the police scanners are monitored in Orlando, but when I listen to the scanner here the investigative types of conversations are not available for the public to listen to.
I can hear for instance; a shooting in N Memphis, peeping tom, but never any detectives communicating.
Do you think the dispatcher taking calls on Caylee's possible grave sites would just pass that on like a robbery call? I have no idea.

I don't know but I could see them giving the location and stating something suspecious being reported. Anyone following the case I think you have been interested.
According to Mrs Joy, her husband is a PI who works for DC. Other than that I don't know.

I have to wonder about Joy's credibility (an understatement at least).
If you want to believe LP he says JW works for Baez in some capacity.
Guess I need to check out that rumor thread.
LOL nope, I'm not a murderer but there are public defenders that "specialize" in murder cases as well.

Every person has a wight to a fair trial and although defense attorneys often are seen as the bottom of the barrel, there is a needed place for them and I believe that. People are wrongly accused all the time first of all and then there are people who made a mistake and will become fruitful in their lives. A good defense attorney can help those people. It is their responsibility to see their clients get a fair trial, as all accused are innocent until proven guilty. I believe that. However, it is not their job to fabricate evidence, and make people think that the FBI would tamper with evidence. JB has worked hard to interfere with the investigation on many counts, and therefore, I believe he is as culpable as Miss Anthony in this case. We are talking about the possiblity that an attorney has broken laws to get his client off. That does not make a good attorney. That is the makings of a great criminal. If it is ever proven he did half the things we think he did, then he should be disbarred. Attorneys like that give the good attorneys a bad name. (And the vast majority of attorneys are good ones.)
Not meant just for you are wrong about that, there are plenty who turn every discussion into a LP thread.
That is because LP puts himself into every discussion....
remember.... he's the "media *advertiser censored*"

He is the ONLY person in this case that seems to comment on
tv almost every night about every little detail!

IMO if he didn't like the spot light he should stay out of it!
I imagine they were listening to police scanners.

But, what about THAT call sent the P.I.'s to Caylee's gravesite, TWO months later?

The dispatcher sounds bored to tears and irritated because the meter reader is bothering her...she is probably getting HUNDREDS of similar calls. Everybody in Orlando was Caylee obsessed then.

There scanner calls concerning people who claimed they saw Casey close to where her phone pinged. Gale the psychic's cadaver dog alerted at ANOTHER site with a hole with a dead raccoon in it and LE was called.

Why did the P.I.s only video the REAL gravesite?

If Baez was negotiating for a plea, the missing body would have had to have been a part of it. MO, LE wasn't going to give much with out it or without at least a location to look. They had enough against Casey to get substantial time for her anyway, but in my experience LE will deal for the body because they want that closure- for the victim and the victim's loved ones, for themselves, for eveyone. Maybe KC told, at least Baez et al. I still can't see the Anthonys being aware until very late, perhaps not even until the body was found. However they did sudenly deteriorate, possibly because they were told of the plea causing reality to hit. Perhaps their knowing that Casey was ready to admit culpability led to a subsequent decision to see Caylee in every McDonalds or airport coast to coast in order to lend cover contributed to MN's leaving somehow. Pehaps that occasioned the scheduled, canceled, rescheduled and canceled again pressers. Maybe the LK appearance was an attempt to push the plea along somehow. As much as the Anthonys annoy me, I still think they adored Caylee and don't want to think deep down that they could have abandoned her merely to 'save' their wretched daughter. Still....
I doubt anyone pays LP to go on shows. He just seems personally invested in this case, just as many of us are. He cares.

I have little doubt that he's paid by the NG show as an expert, just like all her regularly appearing guests. Like him or loath him, he does increase the ratings.
yeah...I think they were trying to find the body so that they could move it to a less incriminating area for KC.

Do people who intend to find and move a body usually photograph and videotape their effort?
I thought she said in her chat that her husband worked for DC. I assume in a PI capacity. What I don't understand is why DC, or whoever is calling the shots, let Joy get involved in this. But then again, I don't think they knew or thought there would be people following this case so close, researching these people, comparing notes and reviewing videos with each other. I think WS is gonna turn out to be a big factor in this case. IMO:clap:

Did she say that? He's not in any database that I've found (unlike Dominic C. & J Hoover, who are licensed). Interesting

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