CNN News 1/1/09 (Videos Of Show Included)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
anyone know Joy's hubby's profession? He works for Baez is understood, but in what capacity? Personal Assistant, Clerk, Window washer, anyone know?

According to Mrs Joy, her husband is a PI who works for DC. Other than that I don't know.
no, i don't think they ever found it...I think the body has been there since day 1 for real. they were unable to find it before the darn meter reader.

ITA and so does LE and the ME.
I could see this. Your right even though I can't see the parents moving a body or even knowing it was there, I could see LA. That high five has always freaked me out. Granted I don't know what they were talking about, but it just shows they are working together against the police. Well at least in my head.

I can see Cindy knowing where Caylee's body was. All I have to do is look at the news videos pertaining to her vehemence that NOBODY BUT NOBODY SEARCH FOR CAYLEE'S BODY!!!!!!!! She went into practically a feral state about it.

I can't see her moving Caylee's body herself, but I can sure see her demanding that George or Lee do it, and when Cindy says 'Jump!', George and Lee both do.
If it has the flavor of "organized crime"...I would like to know what flavor that is...because they are the most unorganized group I have ever seen! Perhaps Vanilla would cover it?!

I agree it seems "unorganized." But who is paying for the defense and why? She has the best forensic team money can buy. I don't know a thing but I keep wondering if someone else was involved in this and that person will do anything to keep from being "outed"
Most women who did this would have been rotting in jail with a pubic defender. She is being treated as the Princess who deserves the best.:waitasec:
Well, in each scenario, we both have our own opinions. That's all they are. Neither of us knows for sure what is going on. I do not think LP would bring up Nick Savage of the FBI and involve him in this stuff unless he felt sure of his information.


LOL. I don't know about LP and what he would say or not say. He has said many things that have not panned out. He means well but he is "cuckoo, cuckoo" sometimes (i do like him though :))
we will know from the forensics how long Caylee has been there and then none of all this will matter. I will bet she has been there from 3 days after her death. and the fact that anyone in the defense has taped the area she was found will only incriminate KC further.
I could see this. Your right even though I can't see the parents moving a body or even knowing it was there, I could see LA. That high five has always freaked me out. Granted I don't know what they were talking about, but it just shows they are working together against the police. Well at least in my head.

I think in the beginning, the A's were doing what KC asked them to do because they did not believe their daughter had done anything wrong. I mean, who really wants to think their daughter is a psychopath who killed her own daughter? I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it, while I watch my three children play on their Wii. At some point in time, though, they knew KC was full of bull. I think the PIs and Attorneys had stuff going on in the background that the A's did not know about. I think the PIs knew where Caylee was and filmed/photographed the area. But rather than tell the A's anything, they tipped off the meter reader. Told him where to go. They figured the less the A's knew, the better. But I really believe LA hid evidence thinking his sister was not guilty and the A's know that. I think that is why LA went out of the limelight. I think the A's knew Caylee was no longer with us on her birthday when she did not come home.
But they were all supposed to be looking for a live Caylee. That was right around the time that DC had his presser where he announced that there were leads and he was close to finding her. IIRC, that's also when they insanely put that picture out of the little girl at the mall that looked nothing like Caylee. The latest information goes against what they were trying to get the public to believe.

What I want to know did DC really call Jim H and tell him about going to get Caylee's body?

Yes, right around the time, alright.

November 14th, Lee inspects car,
November 15th, DC goes to site,
November 16th, Caylee mall sighting...
Ok Ok LP, don't like LP! How come SOME people have to turn every thread into a bash LP fest? Same people, different thread! He is a human being just speculating like the rest of us, Give it a rest!
I totally agree with you Mnkey! I get tired of the bashing of LP. I agree that I did not like him at first but he has turned into a good guy. All he voice his theories just like the rest of us. So what if he says things that others don't like. I'm sure he's not begging to be on NG everynight, I bet they contact him.
I can see Cindy knowing where Caylee's body was. All I have to do is look at the news videos pertaining to her vehemence that NOBODY BUT NOBODY SEARCH FOR CAYLEE'S BODY!!!!!!!! She went into practically a feral state about it.

I can't see her moving Caylee's body herself, but I can sure see her demanding that George or Lee do it, and when Cindy says 'Jump!', George and Lee both do.

Maybe LA but I think GA would have said NO to that. He is the only one I found to be emotional about the situation.
Yes, right around the time, alright.

November 14th, Lee inspects car,
November 15th, DC goes to site,
November 16th, Caylee mall sighting...

Don't forget the Kidfinders "meet and Greet" with MB! Also, G&C were supposed to be on NG the 14th and they cancelled!:waitasec:
Anyone thought that maybe these PI guys had a police scanner and followed the responding officer back in August?

I imagine they were listening to police scanners.

But, what about THAT call sent the P.I.'s to Caylee's gravesite, TWO months later?

The dispatcher sounds bored to tears and irritated because the meter reader is bothering her...she is probably getting HUNDREDS of similar calls. Everybody in Orlando was Caylee obsessed then.

There scanner calls concerning people who claimed they saw Casey close to where her phone pinged. Gale the psychic's cadaver dog alerted at ANOTHER site with a hole with a dead raccoon in it and LE was called.

Why did the P.I.s only video the REAL gravesite?
But isn't this all supposed to be about Caylee? Some too soon forget.
OMG! Yeah we all were angy about the A's and how they acted! Some have lost the focus of what this thread is all about! It is about CAYLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't forget that. Leonard is his own person and has his opinions just like us. He is not LE he is an average joe just like us. You take him with a grain of salt.
Maybe LA but I think GA would have said NO to that. He is the only one I found to be emotional about the situation.

GA has known all along that KC is full of bull. But then he goes home and CA brainwashes him again. CA is brainwashed herself because she can't deal with the fact that her daughter has become this person she is now. There's a lot of guilt going on. By continuing to look for a live Caylee, they were choosing to assuage the guilt they were feeling. I have a good feel for these parents, I'll tell you. I loved my parents dearly (God rest their souls), but I promise you all this. . .every time I look at Cindy and George Anthony, I see my parents. I think this is why this case has affected me so much. I see my family so quickly that it is downright scary.
According to Mrs Joy, her husband is a PI who works for DC. Other than that I don't know.

According to the rumor thread he is a registered bounty hunter, assisting as an investigator. Him and his wife have some interesting backgrounds.
I do find it strange LA was MIA for so long. I wonder if anyone was following him? If the body was moved then he is the only person I can think of that would do it. Plus the crime scene still seems staged to me. The duck tape and the book? Duck tape looks like a kidnapping, then you add the Book, the book she was supposedly reading to KC over the phone therefore KC did not have the book. So if you put the book at the scene it makes you wonder. Then the problem is people already searched this area so who do you get someone back there to find the body. Pay off a MR. Makes sense to me.
I imagine they were listening to police scanners.

But, what about THAT call sent the P.I.'s to Caylee's gravesite, TWO months later?

The dispatcher sounds bored to tears and irritated because the meter reader is bothering her...she is probably getting HUNDREDS of similar calls. Everybody in Orlando was Caylee obsessed then.

There scanner calls concerning people who claimed they saw Casey close to where her phone pinged. Gale the psychic's cadaver dog alerted at ANOTHER site with a hole with a dead raccoon in it and LE was called.

Why did the P.I.s only video the REAL gravesite?

Do we know this for fact. The video is the exact same spot where caylee was found?
Really, they came out and said that??? Do you have a link? Sorry, I didn't see that.:confused:
I don't know offhand where I saw it, but yes...they did state they believe that the body was dumped there shortly after her death and has remained there since. However, they are saying the "area" meaning the water and animals are excluded in their statement.
I agree it seems "unorganized." But who is paying for the defense and why? She has the best forensic team money can buy. I don't know a thing but I keep wondering if someone else was involved in this and that person will do anything to keep from being "outed"
Most women who did this would have been rotting in jail with a pubic defender. She is being treated as the Princess who deserves the best.:waitasec:

I don't see her "team" as good let alone the best money can buy. She's rotting and will continue to do so, public defender or not. Public defenders are not all bad lawyers, many are very good! I had one who got me a suspended sentence, community service and 6 years of probation rather than having to serve 15 years in prison. One doesn't "rot" in jail simply because they have a public defender.

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