CNN News 1/1/09 (Videos Of Show Included)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
anyone know Joy's hubby's profession? He works for Baez is understood, but in what capacity? Personal Assistant, Clerk, Window washer, anyone know?

I thought she said in her chat that her husband worked for DC. I assume in a PI capacity. What I don't understand is why DC, or whoever is calling the shots, let Joy get involved in this. But then again, I don't think they knew or thought there would be people following this case so close, researching these people, comparing notes and reviewing videos with each other. I think WS is gonna turn out to be a big factor in this case. IMO:clap:
You know I just can't imagine the As knowing their granddaughter was there and not wanting to bury her or be able to act like she was still alive. I can see them lying to LE about things because in their head they are trying to "pin" it on KC. But moving the body or even knowing its there is a streach for me.

I agree with you. I doubt that the A's knew where Caylee was, or believed she was dead until the remains were found and ID'd. I can see them covering for Casey, believing she was innocent. I can understand them continuing to love and support her, but I can't believe it would go that far, to know where Caylee was and not say anything. All this talk about George or Lee finding and moving the body is just too weird for me to wrap my mind around.
I have no doubt that the A's love Caylee, and they still love Casey. In my mind, it would be very difficult to accept that my child killed my grandchild. If I was given proof that he/she did, then I would be very upset and angry with them... but I would never stop loving them, although I would have a hard time facing them without being angry.
It is why they would have taken them early on, imo. They did have the bag with the trash in it from the vehicle to try to forensically match them up which would give them probable cause to obtain them. Correct?

You're right. They did have that. I forgot! If anything, this case is just getting stranger.
I maintain that they are not defending KC. They all along have been defending LA. I don't think they knew where Caylee was, but knew something was really amiss and that Lee was involved. I think LA helped KC hide evidence, not the grandparents. The 911 call from CA is telling as far as their fears were. I think they have known all along Caylee was gone (just wanting to believe KC, so still looking for her alive, because who wants to believe that their granddaughter is dead), but sometime in Oct/Nov, realized that Lee was involved in the hiding of evidence. And I think that initially, they hid evidence/destroyed evidence on KC's orders with only KC knowing what they were doing and why they were doing it. I don't think, however, that the A's are trying to defend KC. I think they are trying to defend Lee.

I could see this. Your right even though I can't see the parents moving a body or even knowing it was there, I could see LA. That high five has always freaked me out. Granted I don't know what they were talking about, but it just shows they are working together against the police. Well at least in my head.
I thought she said in her chat that her husband worked for DC. I assume in a PI capacity. What I don't understand is why DC, or whoever is calling the shots, let Joy get involved in this. But then again, I don't think they knew or thought there would be people following this case so close, researching these people, comparing notes and reviewing videos with each other. I think WS is gonna turn out to be a big factor in this case. IMO:clap:

Who is joy? Is that strange blond women that keep insisting the area was NOT under water?
I could see this. Your right even though I can't see the parents moving a body or even knowing it was there, I could see LA. That high five has always freaked me out. Granted I don't know what they were talking about, but it just shows they are working together against the police. Well at least in my head.
"There is NO evidence.", Cindy A. during the first bond hearing while looking straight at Casey.
yeah...I think they were trying to find the body so that they could move it to a less incriminating area for KC.

Maybe they did actually find the body on November 15th and move it. MNJ quits five days later on the 20th. Maybe the A's thought that Caylee would never be found and they could go on with the "Caylee is alive" defense. Maybe, just maybe, someone turned on the A's and took the body back.

Don't have a clue. Like everything else in this case this thing has the flavor of organized crime. JMO.

As far as JB. We don't really know who hired him for Casey. Do we?? :waitasec:
Maybe they did actually find the body on November 15th and move it. MNJ quits five days later on the 20th. Maybe the A's thought that Caylee would never be found and they could go on with the "Caylee is alive" defense. Maybe, just maybe, someone turned on the A's and took the body back.

Don't have a clue. Like everything else in this case this thing has the flavor of organized crime. JMO.

As far as JB. We don't really know who hired him for Casey. Do we?? :waitasec:

no, i don't think they ever found it...I think the body has been there since day 1 for real. they were unable to find it before the darn meter reader.
Unless he has more evidence that this person actually exist then I wouldn't use it. I noticied that he said he was sticking to the kidnapping story but he didn't say "nanny" so this makes me think he is going to try and argue it was someone else. It better be a real person or that defense is going to fail.

I think he would have a better defense of mental illness. That is what most of these women use.

I kinda feel bad for JB, it is extremely hard to get out of a case like this. You can't just quite and if he knows she is lying to him and will not be truthful then I don't know what he is going to do. It will be interesting that is for sure

Thanks! That's kinda what I figured. I don't feel sorry for JB, I feel sorry for whoever he needs to throw under the bus to produce the nanny facts at trial.

If he goes with a mental illness/accident defense, then he has to admit his client murdered her daughter. Which I feel is his only option at this point. I think he would be insane to go the nanny route now.
no, i don't think they ever found it...I think the body has been there since day 1 for real. they were unable to find it before the darn meter reader.

Well, in each scenario, we both have our own opinions. That's all they are. Neither of us knows for sure what is going on. I do not think LP would bring up Nick Savage of the FBI and involve him in this stuff unless he felt sure of his information.

T. Miller appears to trust MN which I didn't understand right away. He does seem to have distanced himself at the right time from the A fam. Maybe he is acting on ethics which, in this case, are far and few between of the people who seem to have any!

I agree. MN has come right out and said how much he appreciates his new found friendship with TM. I think both these two men are cut from the same "heartcloth." So far the only positive thing I have seen from this case. I am glad that MN stayed with GA throughout the GJ hearing.

Looking at this in hindsight, I also wonder what made MN pull back and along with him, TM. I accepted MN's words at face value because it was obvious that his clients were not following his advice, were not staying out of the media and were trying to wrap MN into the KC defense.

But now, I'm thinking there could have been other factors at play or other information that came to light and the A's refused to do the right thing so MN cut them loose - which is what a good attorney would do, rather than try to defend behavior that was legally and morally wrong and which took place under the Attorney's nose. If that makes sense.... A defense attorney always defends people who do legal and moral wrongs - just that these things are generally done BEFORE they hire the attorney.

My parents were a lot like the Anthony's. Whenever a family member would do something wrong, even if they knew in the back of their minds that something was not right, they would defend this family member to the end. This person stole, they lied, they pinned crimes on other people. But my parents still defended this person. When this person used my information and obtained a traffic ticket and I lost my license over it, they wanted to pay the ticket and whatever to reinstate my license and defend the person who ruined my driving record. They were honestly ticked off when I went to the police and signed a warrant. I had good reason to prove I was not even on the road that day--I was giving birth to a child. They were mad at me and refused to talk to me for a while.

I maintain that they are not defending KC. They all along have been defending LA. I don't think they knew where Caylee was, but knew something was really amiss and that Lee was involved. I think LA helped KC hide evidence, not the grandparents. The 911 call from CA is telling as far as their fears were. I think they have known all along Caylee was gone (just wanting to believe KC, so still looking for her alive, because who wants to believe that their granddaughter is dead), but sometime in Oct/Nov, realized that Lee was involved in the hiding of evidence. And I think that initially, they hid evidence/destroyed evidence on KC's orders with only KC knowing what they were doing and why they were doing it. I don't think, however, that the A's are trying to defend KC. I think they are trying to defend Lee.

Excellent post, you bring up some great points about these types of parents. I see Lee as the "good child" in that dysfunction so I have no problem accepting they would cover for him.
If it has the flavor of "organized crime"...I would like to know what flavor that is...because they are the most unorganized group I have ever seen! Perhaps Vanilla would cover it?!

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