CNN News 1/1/09 (Videos Of Show Included)

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
that's the thing. MN is well known, well established and respected attorney. JB had nothing before. he was no one...any publicity is better than none for some. At least people know who he is now.:waitasec:


He's basically advertising he will represent "anybody" and publically go on-the-record repeating any whopper you can come up with. Some prospective clients might consider that a plus.

I agree with you that even though JB does not have an obligation to report to LE where the body is located he cannot do something like create a video of the spot to show the body is not there. That is 100% unethical. However, I don't think we should assume that JB is unethical just because he is defending KC. There sure seems to be a lot of people on here who dislike defense attorneys. They are not all bad. :)

ITA-. I myself thank G0d for 'em! LOL
that's the thing. MN is well known, well established and respected attorney. JB had nothing before. he was no one...any publicity is better than none for some. At least people know who he is now.:waitasec:

Now, that's just the thing. If I need a defense attorney, I certainly am not going to use someone who loses a case as big as that. If I know I'm gonna lose, then I do the right thing and help her get in contact with Johnnie Cochran. This could very well be the end of his career. Either he's got something going on with KC or he's in it for greed. Either way, "pride comes before the fall."

He's basically advertising he will represent "anybody" and publically go on-the-record repeating any whopper you can come up with. Some prospective clients might consider that a plus.


No kidding!
Per bolded: Except that the meter reader called 3 times in August.

I think the defense team had access to all of those records and when they wanted someone to call it in again, they contacted this meter reader and told him exactly where to go. After all, since he mentioned Caylee's name in August when he called in, wouldn't the defense team have access to all of those calls? I know that sounds like a lame conspiracy theory, but there you are.
I think they dropped the nanny story.Wondering what we will hear next....
I don't see how they can since it was the original story Casey gave in her statement. Wouldn't they have to continue to weave it into some part of her defense?
warbuckle, do you think Baez will still use the nanny did it defense at trial? And if he does, will he have to translate nanny into a real person by actually saying nanny was AH, JG, RG or one of the others players? I can't imagine he can use a defense and produce imaginary facts to prove an imaginary nanny exists.

Unless he has more evidence that this person actually exist then I wouldn't use it. I noticied that he said he was sticking to the kidnapping story but he didn't say "nanny" so this makes me think he is going to try and argue it was someone else. It better be a real person or that defense is going to fail.

I think he would have a better defense of mental illness. That is what most of these women use.

I kinda feel bad for JB, it is extremely hard to get out of a case like this. You can't just quite and if he knows she is lying to him and will not be truthful then I don't know what he is going to do. It will be interesting that is for sure
I think the defense team had access to all of those records and when they wanted someone to call it in again, they contacted this meter reader and told him exactly where to go. After all, since he mentioned Caylee's name in August when he called in, wouldn't the defense team have access to all of those calls? I know that sounds like a lame conspiracy theory, but there you are.
Well, they would have if JB had bothered to pay for the work created by the SA which was waiting for him to pick up after he filed the motion to obtain it.
Now, that's just the thing. If I need a defense attorney, I certainly am not going to use someone who loses a case as big as that. If I know I'm gonna lose, then I do the right thing and help her get in contact with Johnnie Cochran. This could very well be the end of his career. Either he's got something going on with KC or he's in it for greed. Either way, "pride comes before the fall."

Ya know how many high profile attorneys lose case after case and continue to thrive? Look at Mark Geragos, that dude is a joke (he'd have to pay me if I was gonna have him as a lawyer! LOL) yet he has no shortage of clients, often high profile clients.
Someone quoted that maybe GA could have moved the body on another thread. I dont see this possible. Because the news Media was on them 24/7. But I do recall a few days there that GA was Missing. No sign of GA.
Just say that the Body was found by GA in Oct. He tipped the Meter Reader or somebody did to call LE and have them Check out this area. They never did. GA knowing Caylees body was out there. He could have gone back and wrapped the Body in duct tape and trash bags to keep the bugs off of her and keep the birds from trying to peck.
Then he waits, and waits. No search of the area. They tip JB where the body may be he sends a PI out there and while video taping they find a body. The Meter Reader is alerted again to call LE again. (NO SEARCH). Then the Meter Reader calls again and says I have found a BODY to get them out there. But GA would have been smart enough to get rid of DUCT TAPE AND TRASH BAGS.

I thought it would be unlikely that they would still have the duct tape and trash bags (especially the trash bags) after 6 months, TBO. I kept thinking every time I need those things, I can't find it (and especially with the duct tape) or I have left it at someone else's house and need to buy it new. As far as trash bags go, I buy new bags every month. So the odds that both would have been there after all this time would be slim to none. Perhaps they looked for things around the house that had duct tape on them to fix them? That would certainly explain why the house was so ransacked. . .
Ya know how many high profile attorneys lose case after case and continue to thrive? Look at Mark Geragos, that dude is a joke (he'd have to pay me if I was gonna have him as a lawyer! LOL) yet he has no shortage of clients, often high profile clients.
Off Topic: I have never understood that one either. :waitasec: If you see a guy lose cases right and left, why hire him to represent you?

Back On Topic: Anyone heard yet when the hearing will be on the "Master" that JB filed?
An attorney at any time can choose not to defend someone if they were not court appointed if they feel they cannot in good conscience. I think this is what MN did with the A's. He was probably like, "Woah, there's more going on here than I want to stake my reputation on/need to have on my record/can morally do." I applaud him for it. Naturally, he can't say what he knows. If JB is not court appointed, but continues to defend KC, then we know that she's got a massive hold on him. Or he's hoping to be the defense lawyer of this century.

I agree with you about MN. He is a class act. The other attorney I was speaking of is the one who let his clients young victim lie, in perpetuity, in the spot his client had hidden her/him. That is a human being that is akin to mammaral protrusions on a male bovine. He should stop using oxygen that a good person may need.
I thought it would be unlikely that they would still have the duct tape and trash bags (especially the trash bags) after 6 months, TBO. I kept thinking every time I need those things, I can't find it (and especially with the duct tape) or I have left it at someone else's house and need to buy it new. As far as trash bags go, I buy new bags every month. So the odds that both would have been there after all this time would be slim to none. Perhaps they looked for things around the house that had duct tape on them to fix them? That would certainly explain why the house was so ransacked. . .
I thought that LE took out trash bags and duct tape from the A fam home in the intial SWs? Am I mistaken on those points?
So, If I were Baez I would not have told the PI what he was looking for but just paid him to go videotape the area. The problem I see is if I hired someone to video tape an area that I knew my client had disposed of the body then it would be reasonable to assume the PI would find the body. If the PI found the body then he could go to LE and report it.

The other possiblity is that JB was dumb enough to go tell the PI that he wanted him to film a place where his client said she dumped the body, but to make sure he doesn't get the body on film because he is trying to prove the body wasn't there when they actually find it. Seriously doubt this happened.

Bold by me. It would not make sense for Baez to do that. It would make sense for a moral person to do that, someone with a conscience, someone who tries very hard to do what's right, someone like... oh, say, Nejame, who was the A's attorney at that time, and quit shortly afterward...


and let's say that that someone like Nejame, well, this would continue to prey on his mind. So maybe he would, through his vast network of contacts, arrange for someone with no connections to him, like, say... oh maybe a meter reader (who was a former bounty hunter(?))... to go back and poke around some more...

I love Nejame. He is the light of justice and truth in this dark, dark tale.
The problem with this whole mess is you have LP saying he heard from someone else about this. So where is the tape. Let's see it. If it can't be produced then to me it kinda sounds like LP is trying to keep the sunsationalism going. I mean it has spurred gossip since Caylee was found. I am sure every time LP is on NG he is collecting a paycheck.[/QUOTE]

From whom?
None of the news networks pay guests for their appearances, but they do pay experts, medical or legal consultants, etc. If they paid all their guests, they would go broke in no time.
This was explained to me by someone who contacted Fox News some time ago that they do not pay for interviews or appearances, but they do pay a licensing fee for pictures or videos.
If I understand it correctly, the only way they would be paying LP is if he is a hired consultant (expert?) on the show, and has a contract to appear regularly. My question would be... what is he an expert of?
I agree with you about MN. He is a class act. The other attorney I was speaking of is the one who let his clients young victim lie, in perpetuity, in the spot his client had hidden her/him. That is a human being that is akin to mammaral protrusions on a male bovine. He should stop using oxygen that a good person may need.


I know that's off topic, but the bolded part just deserved that.
Off Topic: I have never understood that one either. :waitasec: If you see a guy lose cases right and left, why hire him to represent you?

Back On Topic: Anyone heard yet when the hearing will be on the "Master" that JB filed?

People hire them cause they show up on talk shows and give opinions and look like they know what they are talking about. The talk show host doesn't say "Hey, remember that case you lost or when is the last time you won a case?" Look at how GR is sucking up tp JB! Anyone who is not really following this case might look at that and think "Hm-GR seems to like him maybe this guy is good?":bang:

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