CO - Columbine High School, 13 murdered, 24 injured, 20 April 1999

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I believe Sue had it donated to a charity, so it was put to good use.
I believe Sue had it donated to a charity, so it was put to good use.
No. I can understand protecting the privacy of minors, but in the cases of the Columbine killers, it's a little late for that. I have no idea why the parents deserve special privacy protection.
No. I can understand protecting the privacy of minors, but in the cases of the Columbine killers, it's a little late for that. I have no idea why the parents deserve special privacy protection.
I recorded this on my DVR and just got around to watching it last night. I disagree with the researcher who said that they were not outcasts, though. His reasoning was that they had a group of friends, and that Eric went on dates.

I was a loser in high school. I was an outcast, and kids would spit in my hair on the bus and steal my stuff and mock everything I did and said. At the same time, I had a group of friends, I wasn't a loner. My friends were suffering the same sort of treatment I was, which in part is why we hung out together. It was a "strength in numbers" sort of thing.

I believe you can be an outcast and be treated in a reprehensible fashion by the students around you, and yet have a group of friends, too. I don't think they're mutually exclusive.

I can't say if that's why they did what they did, or if that was just the rest of us looking for some sort of reason afterwards that might make a little sense. Everyone understands revenge. I just don't think that they were likely the popular kids in any sense of the word.

In all, I thought the show was interesting. Since this happened one suburb over and in the school district I graduated from, I've been following it pretty closely. I was surprised to learn that the Harris and Klebold parents still live here.

I'm not sure what to think about them. I have kids of my own so I know that you don't have complete control over them. I have some empathy for the parents. But, at the same time, how does your kid amass an arsenal and build pipe bombs over the course of a year and you don't know something's up? Maybe when my kids are teenagers it will make more sense to me.
The Harris family moved away and several times. They are back in Highlands ranch/Littleton area.
If you Google Earth the house on reed street, it has been eliminated. The house is still there, but google earth says no.
Hi everyone. I'm kinda new around here (new at posting, with quite a history of lurking), so please bear with me!

I do have compassion for this woman, it's terrible what happened, just terrible. But I want to know where she went wrong in her parenting, because, like most people, I see incidents like these as lessons in life. We can all learn from this. What was wrong with those boys? What could the parents have done differently? What could the school have done differently? Ultimately, what can WE do to ensure that we don't end up in a similar situation?

I know that when we try too hard to look for who did what wrong, we also err. Sometimes things just happen that are beyond our control. But I really don't think that is the case in most situations. If most of us agree that how a child turns out is in part due to their environment, and in part to their nature, then we have to agree that parents have a huge part in determining who their children turn out to be. And this is not just because of the intimacy of the relationship we share with our children, but also because we choose the environment that they grow up in. Maybe it's simplistic thinking, but to me, that means that my parenting could turn out a truly magnificent person (unless he is born evil), but that my influence on my child could also create a monster (unless he is born with a truly angelic character).

So I guess I have to read the Oprah article to see what Klebold's mom has to say about it. Is it online, or do you guys see it going online at any point in the near future?
Teenagers can hide anything! I do not think it was Sue or Wayne. Columbine was a perfect storm of variables. The police messed up severely and caught lying.
What exactly is the point of this? To show how graphic death by gunshot can be? Guns aren't the only means of a violent, graphic death. Has this person stopped to think how having gruesome photos of their dead body sprawled all over the internet might affect their loved ones? And also, as mentioned by @Vail upthread, how it could further desensitize people to violence?

This is a stupid idea imo. I hope the intentions are good and this isn't just some idea dreamed up to get attention and social media likes.

Was this the picture of them in the library? If it was, there is a huge point. This photo was the first one taken by the swat or cop and the bodies had not been touched.
If you look at the picture there are several things that no one has seemed to pick up on.
1. Bottom of Eric's pants had brain matter and blood. From who though? Those pants evaporated as Eric showed up without them to the ME office.
2. If it was Dylan's blood, etc on the pants, then dyan was in a funky position when he shot himself.
3. The gun is in Dylan's right hand. He was a left handed shooter. Would you attempt suicide with your non dominant hand?
Just a few much more

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