Identified! CO - Douglas Co, Hwy 67 near Horse Creek, WhtFem 13-20, 154UFCO, Jun'93 - Rebecca ‘Becky’ Redeker

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
How about this teenager
Her height is way off, but then again, she was only 14, when she disappeared, probably didn't have a DL, so, I'm thinking her height & weight are guess-timates! Her fingerprints may not be in a data base either...Her face matches up to the reconstruction, though!
Since, she was from Louisiana, I think she should be seriously considered.
I'll be watching to see what you all think, but, continuing to search....
Hi MadeaBecBec,

I think the facial recontruction shows a good likeness but as you say the height is way off...I didn't grow much after 14 but I am a shorty - is it usual for tall teenage girls to have that kind of growth spurt?

Heide Dawn Wilber.

Was hesitant to post this one as it's probably not, but I think the nose is very similar.

Do we know for sure that Jane Doe has no tattoos?

I think this a really good match. This is a good question that I had thought of also re: tattos, but I think that you can't really count on tattoos/scars as indicators if the remains are fully skeletonized, because if any tattoos or scars on the skin would be gone by that point anyway.
Just a couple random thoughts---
My guess is that if she had tattoos they would probably have been visible. She was found just 2/3 days after her death and they were able to tell that she had no callouses on her hands and feet and they got good fingerprints so I have a feeling that any tattoos would have shown up also?

Her face was unrecognizable when she was found though, the drawings/reconstructions are all done from the skull so not all the facial features will necessarily match up.

Also she is listed on the UDRS website- apparently she had had a splenectomy (spleen removed)? I had not seen that information anywhere else.
I talked with Wes Riber from Douglas County,Co. ME office today (very informative & helpful person) He stated that although the teeth on Ms. Benoit were very close, her height, weight & spleen not being removed, ruled her out. This Jane Doe was stocky, big bosomed & big hips, bones are larger. Mr. Riber also stated that it is best to focus on the Doe networks pics, especially the first pic and third pic, ignore the hairstyle, it was more like the first reconstruction, but the wig wasn't the correct color. JD's hair color was reddish light brown with blonde highlights. They were only able to get a partial DNA profile from JD, so they are looking to match the dentals.
He also stated that the reason they believe she was a runaway or person from Louisiana is because, a PO had reprimanded some young people earlier that week, they said they were from Louisiana, the officer even took their pictures, one of the females that was with this bunch, looked exactly like the JD that was found, they superimposed her pic on the skull and it matches perfectly, except the the female wasn't smiling in the pic. The third pic on Doe network here is that female, just her face, not her hair or teeth, but the eyes, nose & cheekbones. The officer did NOT take down their names, because he was just reprimanding them & took their pics just to let them know he could come back after them if their antics continued. I'm thinking that the PO is sooooo wishing he had taken their names down that evening, course, hindsight is 20/20!! Continue on with the search...... I am......
:bang:Oh yeah, I forgot, if you have a case to submit send an email here; or to Wes Riber here;
They will get back to you pretty quick, they may request you to call them, or if you feel comfortable in giving out your phone number in the email, do so & they will call you.....

Jeremiah 29:11-14
I talked with Wes Riber from Douglas County,Co. ME office today (very informative & helpful person) He stated that although the teeth on Ms. Benoit were very close, her height, weight & spleen not being removed, ruled her out. This Jane Doe was stocky, big bosomed & big hips, bones are larger. Mr. Riber also stated that it is best to focus on the Doe networks pics, especially the first pic and third pic, ignore the hairstyle, it was more like the first reconstruction, but the wig wasn't the correct color. JD's hair color was reddish light brown with blonde highlights. They were only able to get a partial DNA profile from JD, so they are looking to match the dentals.
He also stated that the reason they believe she was a runaway or person from Louisiana is because, a PO had reprimanded some young people earlier that week, they said they were from Louisiana, the officer even took their pictures, one of the females that was with this bunch, looked exactly like the JD that was found, they superimposed her pic on the skull and it matches perfectly, except the the female wasn't smiling in the pic. The third pic on Doe network here is that female, just her face, not her hair or teeth, but the eyes, nose & cheekbones. The officer did NOT take down their names, because he was just reprimanding them & took their pics just to let them know he could come back after them if their antics continued. I'm thinking that the PO is sooooo wishing he had taken their names down that evening, course, hindsight is 20/20!! Continue on with the search...... I am......

Excellent information. Thanks for posting. I was curious how they came to that possible conclusion. How random. It's too bad none of the others came forward.

I wish they posted that original photo so people might be able to identify the people she was with.
My thoughts on this one:

If she had two wisdom teeth removed, I am guessing that she is at the later age on her range of 13-20, as most kids have their wisdom teeth removed around 18. She had excellent dental health, and she had her spleen removed at some point in time, so perhaps she was not a runaway for long? Why would one have their spleen removed? Did she have other health conditions that would be indicative of having your spleen removed? Could the kids have lied about where they were from? What else did they say in their conversation with LE? Her attire and jewelry might suggest that she hung out with the motorcycle group...where did they go next?

Borrowed from Wiki:

The spleen, similar in structure to a large lymph node, acts as a blood filter. Current knowledge of its purpose includes the removal of old red blood cells and platelets, and the detection and fight against certain bacteria. It's also known to create new blood cells. The spleen is enlarged in a variety of conditions such as malaria, mononucleosis and most commonly in "cancers" of the lymphatics, such as lymphomas or leukemia.

It is removed under the following circumstances:
  1. When it becomes very large such that it becomes destructive to platelets/red cells
  2. For diagnosing certain lymphomas
  3. When platelets are destroyed in the spleen as a result of an auto-immune process (see also idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)
  4. When the spleen bleeds following physical trauma
  5. Following spontaneous rupture
  6. For long-term treatment of congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) if severe hemolytic anemia develops[1]
- Spleen is also removed if gastric cancer has spread in any of its area.
The classical cause of traumatic damage to the spleen is a blow to the abdomen during a sporting event. In cases where the spleen is enlarged due to illness (mononucleosis), the smallest things such as leaning over a counter or straining at stool can cause it to rupture.

Did she have cancer? Malaria? An autoimmune disease? These would all be indicators of who she could be....
I know it would be tedious to do...but I am a nurse, hospitals keep records. Has LE started on records for spleenectomies on females under the age of 20? To have your spleen removed at that young of age would really narrow down the field, and then go from there. They could at least run Louisiana hospitals.
How about sending her reconstruction/face to surgeons in Louisiana?
I was married to a policeman, and as we all know, cases are solved because of long, boring, tedious, legwork mostly. Process of elimination...worth a shot.
I've been in the biker life for about 5-6 years now, and I thought because it has not been ruled out as to whether or not this girl was riding with the Vets or not that it would be nice to try to get this circulated around the different biker magazines and community. Only correspondence I've ever done was a possible match, so I'm not sure how to go about it.

If anyone else wishes to give it a try, here's a few contact pages for some widespread biker resources:

Rolling Thunder:
Thunder Press:

Rolling Thunder is a non-profit organization with motorcycle chapters all over that deal with veterans/pow/mia.

Thunder press is a free mag put out at most if not all bike shops and dealerships. It lists all of the events going on for the region and recaps past events. It contains ads and classifieds as well.
I agree with you on this. From what I have read, it is extremely rare for someone this young to receive a spleenetomy, and there are more complications than other surgeries. I would think there has to be records that can be accessed for the surgery.

I know it would be tedious to do...but I am a nurse, hospitals keep records. Has LE started on records for spleenectomies on females under the age of 20? To have your spleen removed at that young of age would really narrow down the field, and then go from there. They could at least run Louisiana hospitals.
How about sending her reconstruction/face to surgeons in Louisiana?
I was married to a policeman, and as we all know, cases are solved because of long, boring, tedious, legwork mostly. Process of elimination...worth a shot.

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