Identified! CO - Douglas Co, Hwy 67 near Horse Creek, WhtFem 13-20, 154UFCO, Jun'93 - Rebecca ‘Becky’ Redeker

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I'm definitely thinking that her killer was someone she knew and had a relationship with. Perhaps she was camping with her boyfriend. As others have speculated on this thread, I think the chances are quite high that she was one of the teens the police officer detained in the campground. And, although I've met many friendly bikers, not all biker gangs are known for having the most savory characters. If her camping companions were all bikers, they may have also been fringe-dwellers, living a transient lifestyle, and one of them may have been a boyfriend. Do not want to be graphic here, but I am not ruling out some sort of sexual assault. The summers get extremely hot in Colorado, so though only deceased for 2-3 days, her body is described as "unrecognizable" - soft tissues were beginning to decompose. That makes it hard to figure out to what extent someone's been assaulted. Anyway, from what everyone else has mentioned about the police officer showing up, sounds like she was hanging around with a rough crowd. It sure would be helpful if the officer offered more information, i.e. the pictures that were taken of the campers, and if the teens/young adults were dressed in biker gear. I can imagine that at the time, the officer was questioned extensively. Like someone else said, I bet he's kicking himself now that he didn't demand their IDs. If her killer was indeed a friend or boyfriend, and already had a criminal record and was wanted in another state, that could've saved her life... I definitely get the impression that the young lady was a middle-class kind of girl who got mixed in with people on the wrong side of the tracks.
I'm definitely thinking that her killer was someone she knew and had a relationship with. Perhaps she was camping with her boyfriend. As others have speculated on this thread, I think the chances are quite high that she was one of the teens the police officer detained in the campground. And, although I've met many friendly bikers, not all biker gangs are known for having the most savory characters. If her camping companions were all bikers, they may have also been fringe-dwellers, living a transient lifestyle, and one of them may have been a boyfriend. Do not want to be graphic here, but I am not ruling out some sort of sexual assault. The summers get extremely hot in Colorado, so though only deceased for 2-3 days, her body is described as "unrecognizable" - soft tissues were beginning to decompose. That makes it hard to figure out to what extent someone's been assaulted. Anyway, from what everyone else has mentioned about the police officer showing up, sounds like she was hanging around with a rough crowd. It sure would be helpful if the officer offered more information, i.e. the pictures that were taken of the campers, and if the teens/young adults were dressed in biker gear. I can imagine that at the time, the officer was questioned extensively. Like someone else said, I bet he's kicking himself now that he didn't demand their IDs. If her killer was indeed a friend or boyfriend, and already had a criminal record and was wanted in another state, that could've saved her life... I definitely get the impression that the young lady was a middle-class kind of girl who got mixed in with people on the wrong side of the tracks.

I agree, I think the fact that the victim was naked from the waist down sadly makes it likely that she was sexually assaulted.
Another thing to bare in mind is that, if the girl had light brown hair, that is the type of hair colour that looks light in the sunlight, dark in indoor photographs, and the type of hair that gets bleached easily by sunlight.

If the body had been lying in the summer sun for days her hair could have been lightened compared to when she was alive.

So, didn't one of the law enforcers say that they had a picture of her taken while she was alive when her and her buddies got caught causing a ruckus?

Why can't I find her picture of her in life? Did they find the person that the picture was of and determined that it was not the Doe?

It's above on post #86! They don't know the identity of either the mugshot teenager or the unidentified body, and they don't know for sure whether it's the same person or not. I personally think it is.

I think that the police should release all of the pictures of her group of friends.
I am new here so please forgive me if I break any etiquette. However, I stumbled upon this case today and the splenectomy caught my interest. There is also a large possibility this JD could have had an inherited condition known as spherocytosis. This means there is as high as a 75% chance one of her parents had the condition as well. Spherocytosis is a diagnosis among several blood disorders originating from Northern Europe. Most notably Italy and France. If she is indeed from Louisiana and has French origins spherocytosis could be a likely culprit.

I'm sure I'm just grabbing at thin air but it's a thought at least.
That is really interesting...

I wish I knew more about her scar. If it was faded she most likely had her spleen removed when she was young. Perhaps as young as one year old. My step sister and her mother are of French ancestry and both have this condition. There is also a chance she may have needed medical attention and medication as her immune system would be compromised due to not having a spleen.
Hey everyone!! Our Doe has a new medicolegal death investigator, Jamie pemberton. This is what she sent me which is VERY important!!!

Over the course of the investigation, there has been a lot of misinformation about this case posted on many websites.* NamUs is the most reliable source for correct info.*

You mentioned:*According to various reports there was an officer who stumbled upon a group of teens and believed he saw her with them,* and he took a picture of her.* Various reports have said this,* even that her picture helped them with the reconstruction. ..but why has that photo not been released to the public?* It certainly would help with identification.

This is not correct – I wish it was though :).* A little background on this information:* in a city about 2-3 hours north of Castle Rock, a teenager was arrested in 1992. *She was a runaway reportedly from Louisiana.* However, shortly after her arrest, she ran away from the half-way house.* Her name and subsequent information she gave was false.* All investigators had to go on was a photograph taken at the time of her arrest.* She was heavily focused upon early in the investigation.* Now, this individual has all but been completely ruled out.* BUT, from this one lead back at that time of Jane Doe’s death, the following information was (possibly inaccurately) released: 1 – that Jane Doe was a runaway (could still be true though); 2- that our Jane Doe was from Louisiana (of course, could also still be true); 3 – that Police had a picture of Jane Doe.* Since this teenager is most likely not Jane Doe, the picture will not be released to the public.

Our Jane Doe had no work done to her teeth.* Her spleen was removed.* We have a complete mitochondrial and nuclear DNA profile.* With the very specifics of our Jane Doe, she*shouldbe able to be identified.* Our problem lies in the fact that*maybe*no one that knew our Jane Doe has reported her missing.* We cannot search for our Jane Doe if there is nothing to search against. :(

I am passionate about working to identify Jane Doe; unfortunately, I need her family or friends to report her missing in order to find out her identity.* I check websites periodically (when I have time) that have our Jane Doe information listed to see if any new information is posted.

Since I have little time to dedicate solely to Jane Doe, help from the public is always appreciated!* If you hear of anyone with spirocytosis that has had a family member missing prior to June 15, 1993, please pass them our way!!!
I'm wondering why they put her age at 13-20yrs old?? It says her wisdom teeth were removed.. I believe the youngest age they will remove wisdom teeth is 16..
I'm wondering why they put her age at 13-20yrs old?? It says her wisdom teeth were removed.. I believe the youngest age they will remove wisdom teeth is 16..

I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed the summer I turned 13 (not sure if I was 12 or 13). They hadn't emerged yet though. That wouldn't normally happen for a few more years but they said mine were so impacted that they never would've and would've given me problems. Hence the removal.

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