CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #3

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Mom was on...

said who could take a 13 year old? who would do this?

nothing at all negative about Dylan's dad
Yes, I do remember reading that the home has a basement - it was in a previous article referencing today's search, however, for the life of me, I cannot seem to locate it right now ....

(hot chocolate and flu meds kicking in)

The Daily Mail article I linked on last page.

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Clearly LE is trying to play down the search warrant, and, it is appropriate to check out the last place Dylan was likely known to be, but 15 investigators is a pretty good size team, isn't it?

If I remember correctly, they searched Jessica Ridgeway's family home also. I was looking for a media or video article so we could compare - but I'm not finding anything in the media thread for Jessica's case. Does anyone else remember what that search was like?

A neighbor who knows Dylan told police he saw the boy walking along a road in Vallecito the afternoon he went missing but thought nothing of it until hearing the police reports.

In addition to the scuba team checking the lake, police are still pursuing other options, including a scenario where Dylan ran away from home with the help of a friend.
Local station KMGH reports that a postal worker saw a boy matching Dylan’s description walking in Vallecita with another boy about his age.

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Well, I wonder how credible this is? It is a gamechanger if he was seen that afternoon.
If I remember correctly, they searched Jessica Ridgeway's family home also. I was looking for a media or video article so we could compare - but I'm not finding anything in the media thread for Jessica's case. Does anyone else remember what that search was like?


It was a lot like this. Remember the family left to go meet with the reporter and we all flipped out watching the men in white go in almost immediately. I will go look for link too.

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So, back to the attorney appointment...... Does anyone know if Dad was behind on child support payments? If he was, and if his exwife had filed a complaint, maybe he had to go to his attorney's office to deal with that matter?? The attorney appointment seems curious, along with the timing.

Sorry, I have missed it, can someone tell me what kind of work Dad does that takes him out of town often?

all the chocolate pictures....I had to have Oreos and milk...mmmmmm
Mom was on...

said who could take a 13 year old? who would do this?

nothing at all negative about Dylan's dad

Moms hoping he's still alive, fear and denial is kicking in now. Moms first reaction, what her gut and her instincts were screaming at her are now too painful to consider. IMO her first reaction is probably correct.

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You outted me?? You are a snoopster! :floorlaugh:

ooops! I hope I wasn't out of line!


Enjoy the transit! (I hear they are launching the new electronic region-wide thinga-ma-jiggy for paying.)
Just some ponderings/points as I catch up:

1. I will be 37 years old in two weeks, and have never outgrown the teen years of sleeping in. I hate getting up early, and my husband often says he converses with me in the wee hours of the morning and I respond, but I don't remember a lick of it. I will often plan to do something say.... before 10am, and change my mind to sleep in. Dylan could have said he didn't want to get up, and like DH does me, his dad let him sleep.

2. I do not know all the state laws, but when I was little, if my father was actively paying child support, I absolutely HAD to go visit him. For a while, my father stopped getting me, because it was easier for him. But then my mom asked for an increase in child support, and my father demanded to start seeing me again after four years. It didn't make it to "court-ordered," but could have if my mother hadn't wanted to comply.

3. My mother did not want me to have a relationship with my paternal father. She constantly put him down, and when I got in trouble or did stupid things, she would tell me that was my <insert paternal last name> side coming out in me. She repeatedly reminded me that it was HER who loved me, HER who raised me, HER who provided for me, and that SHE would have never left me like my father did. She made me feel as if I ever expressed care or concern for my father, she would be mad and hurt. In the end, my father decided that either my mother or I or both were too hard to deal with, and my stepfather adopted me at age 12. Although we lived in the same town, I had very few encounters with my paternal father until I was an adult. Between ages 18 and now, my father and I have had limited contact, but I have always felt that my mother was the biggest factor in his disinterest in me. To this day, I do not disclose to my mother when and if I talk to my father, as it will upset her. Unfortunately, I know that I am not the only child of divorced parents who has gone through such struggles. My father wasn't Father of the Year, but he was MY father, and there was a huge whole in my heart for a large part of my life..... well, who am I kidding... all of my life. My mother also never owned her responsibility in that it wasn't ME who chose him as my father, it was her. Dylan's scowling text to his mother could have been just this... a response he knew his mother wanted and expected. Sometimes, trying to love the people who are supposed to love you most in the whole world is a very, very difficult and confusing job.

4. Sometimes when I was visiting my father, my mother would call and tell me that she got me a gift or a surprise for when I got back. I would then cry and say I missed my mama, and my father would get mad and take me home. Sometimes he wouldn't take me home. There is a possibility that a parent could ask a child to run away on a visit with a non-custodial parent so that the courts would possibly not make a child return for subsequent visits.

Poor Dylan. Just writing those things out bring back all too many memories of being stuck in a world where I just couldn't love anyone enough, or right, and no place was really "home." Even parents with the best of intentions don't realize the pain and trauma kids like us go through. Come home, Dylan. It will all work out one day, I promise.
A neighbor who knows Dylan told police he saw the boy walking along a road in Vallecito the afternoon he went missing but thought nothing of it until hearing the police reports.

In addition to the scuba team checking the lake, police are still pursuing other options, including a scenario where Dylan ran away from home with the help of a friend.
Local station KMGH reports that a postal worker saw a boy matching Dylan&#8217;s description walking in Vallecita with another boy about his age.

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Well, I wonder how credible this is? It is a gamechanger if he was seen that afternoon.

I'm not buying it. This boy did not run away

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If I remember correctly, they searched Jessica Ridgeway's family home also. I was looking for a media or video article so we could compare - but I'm not finding anything in the media thread for Jessica's case. Does anyone else remember what that search was like?


I don't remember them bring in a trailer or setting up tents at Jessica's house (they did the tents at Sigg's house) and not sure how many LE there but I don't recall any news reports about 15 or so...I think LE would have jumped on that number....
So, back to the attorney appointment...... Does anyone know if Dad was behind on child support payments? If he was, and if his exwife had filed a complaint, maybe he had to go to his attorney's office to deal with that matter?? The attorney appointment seems curious, along with the timing.

Sorry, I have missed it, can someone tell me what kind of work Dad does that takes him out of town often?

I haven't seen anything about him being behind on paymernts, The one thing that people think they were dealing with was her recent move 6 hours away. That was affecting custody and also probably child support payments were altered because of that custody change.
Besides hoping and praying with all my might that they find Dylan, who has absolutely captured my heart, I am finding many of the peripheral aspects of this case fascinating, albeit puzzling. And this perception of Dylan's mother baffles me.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that Elaine Redwine sent her beautiful, 13-year old son to spend Thanksgiving with his father. It was a trip he did _not_ want to take; a fact confirmed today by Dylan's aunt, with his brother also confirming that he wasn't an outdoorsy kind of kid.

From what I have read, Ms. Redwine has a good job, one in which a healthy sense of responsibility and good interpersonal relationships would be mandatory, and has been employed steadily for years. Further, if her elder son is any indication, she has raised two lovely, well-mannered boys who seem very bonded with her.

So, back to the story: Dylan's mom did what the court said she must do, and put her son on an airplane. Less than two hours after landing, she received a text that was to be her last communication with him (assuming it was indeed written by him).

Dylan's father _chose_ to spend the first day of his son's short visit tending to errands, including visiting his divorce attorney, which was certainly his prerogative. Somehow, some way, however, something happened during the first 24 hours of Dylan's visit to his father, and that beautiful child was disappeared.

And while Dylan's mother and his brother drove up to help in the search, his father _chose_ not to communicate -- not even with his son.

<Mod Snip>
How sad.

I am so glad that you posted this! I've been biting my tongue and shaking my head in disbelief. Not only is Dylan's mom being painted as a troublemaker or spiteful person, it seems that people are determined to make it be true that Dylan just walked away!

MOO, peace to all, not pointing fingers, just baffled!
If I remember correctly, they searched Jessica Ridgeway's family home also. I was looking for a media or video article so we could compare - but I'm not finding anything in the media thread for Jessica's case. Does anyone else remember what that search was like?


I recall searches on a couple of occasions and most specifically when the family went to their group interview. The agents searched the house, removed evidence (I'm remembering something that looked like a vacuum cleaner). I don't remember hearing about the investigators setting up tents or removing any vehicles, but I could be mistaken.
I'm not buying it. This boy did not run away

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I don't think he ran away either. but I do wonder if he stomped off mad at his dad and decided to find his own way to his friends house.
Having been through horrible custody battles myself, I don't blame mom for reaction and my ex would probably react to my reactions the same way. There is something amiss here but I won't go there.
I really hope there is some good news tomorrow.
Where are you Dylan?
I just had a thought while reading your comment on the ' scowly ' face. Who is to say that is even because of going to his dads? My kids are fast and loose with the scowly or frowny or :O face in text. Say mom wrote Dylan,, ' are you with dad? how was your flight? did you get food on the plane? ''
Dylan writes back, ''yes, ok, no :( ''.............see?

At 13 my oldest hated being checked in on, felt mature and capable. Any "mom" text was greeted with some sort of annoyed emoticon, half in jest and half serious. For this reason I put the scowl emoticon comment in the "unsure: to be filed" category. Hard to tell what, if anything, it means without more data. Anything I add to it (dismissive or embracing) is purely speculation.
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