CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #11

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Dang now I'm really curious about that Monday morning appointment with the divorce attorney.
If they could prove that, he would at least be a POI or a suspect, or even arrested, IMO. He was last seen with the child, now gone, and would have been lying to police at the very least.

I've been wondering about this for awhile, but didn't ask for fear it would get me a timeout.

Do police name someone a POI/Suspect if they are still "cooperating" with them?

ETA: Wow...when I phrased it that way, it didn't sound nearly as bad as my earlier versions.
Family court records are all always sealed, I believe.

I don't think so. I think juvenile records are sealed. At least where I live. I can look up online any family law court case.
Do police name someone a POI/Suspect if they are still "cooperating" with them?

They did it in the Lauren Spierer case, as I recall. Those were POIs which are very loosely defined.
Rules for social media are the same as always. We CANNOT link to Dylan's facebook because of the minors that are on that page BUT we can llink to the FindDylan facebook. Other social media should be sent first to a Mod for review.

Social Networks

Regarding Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking or blog websites: Links may be used to direct posters to view something on a social networking page. But postings on social networking sites are not considered fact; they are rumor. Copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed. Paraphrasing is okay. (Exception: If the Twitter or Facebook post belongs to a verified news station, it may be copied. But a link should still be provided.)

Also, social networking pages may only be linked if they are directly related to a case, i.e. the victim or suspect. We don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman, or postal carrier just because they know the main player. We also NEVER link to minor's pages (unless they are the victim). And be sure that the page actually belongs to the person being discussed. Do not link to someone if you are not 100% sure it is the correct person. And if a social networking is set to private and you get in the back way, you may not post what you find. Private means private!


Oh my! Do we know if mark has a history of drinking?
So my next question is, did he drink the day/night he picked up Dylan?
My next question is was alcohol bought at walmart that night?

Well that would be one reason LE might not want to say what was bought...I never could figure out what the big deal was there.
It was independence day, and he was going through a very rough divorce. Really drunk doesn't necessarily mean alcoholic.

NOT that I at all rule that out as an possibility!!!

I wonder if he was invited there (like a party) and just got out of hand, or was there to shove such an act in her face to be vindictive (screw you for divorcing me!).

True, really drunk doesn't mean he was/is an alcoholic. More importantly, IMO, it was Independence Day and he was drunk and having sex with a "family friend" in full view of his son, Corey. When mom got upset, he grabbed her and swung at Dylan.
Kkdj yes it depends on where you live. Here juvenile records for example are sealed but divorce and custody cases are not.
Well, if dad did show up not entirely sober, or decided to start drinking at some point after picking up Dylan, then it's possible Dylan threatened to call mom and Dad realized he was going to lose visitation if that happened.

Frankly if dad did anything whatsoever that was bad (shoving, explosive yelling, drinking, you name it), Dylan could have made that threat and really ticked Dad off. Or if you want to believe "that boy was [my] world", made him so depressed at the prospect of never seeing (or controlling) Dylan or his mother again for any reason that he decided to end the pain.

If something happened that night, then Mark had all night - like 12 hours to get rid of the evidence. You can drive quite a distance in 12 hours. Then run your errands for an alibi, and come home and nap for a few hours so you don't look exhausted when the police come.

What has creeped me out this whole time is that alot of what Mark says applies well to the fact that he lost Dylan in the custody dispute. So if he wanted to seem genuine in that circumstance, he just needed to pull out his feelings about that loss, and say it as if it applies to Dylan being missing.

"I can only think that has to do with lashing out"
"one of the things we're trying to do is unite together"
"We're trying to unite as a family and stay focused on what's important here".
"He was the light of my life and he meant everything to me. I just want him home just like everybody else does."
"That boy was my whole world."
"You don't know how much I love that boy"
"He was such a wonderful boy. He meant everything."
"I want everyone to know how much I love that boy, and how much I cared about him."

But the one that bothered me the most I can't find right now. Something about everybody wanted Dylan back, but just starting to realize that might just not be possible. If Mark was expecting a warm fuzzy holiday with a son excited and grateful to be brought back to see friends and local family, and instead got a distant, awkward, angry child who said he hated Mark and was never coming back, it's possible that was the moment Mark realized he was never getting Dylan or any of the rest of that family 'back'. He no longer has any prospects of getting any control over any of them. He may not even see them again, if Dylan plans to spend the trip telling mom about all the things he does wrong, or that he's still drinking (I'm going to go ahead and assume not drinking is a part of the custody agreement given the history...)
Dang now I'm really curious about that Monday morning appointment with the divorce attorney.

Me too. I was trying to imagine it was something harmless
but it definitely 'seems' more sinister now. To me IMHO, moo , etc
After hearing these latest revelations, I understand why ER went to the press with her suspicions. These 2 had a long history of hurting one another and it seems their children were often in the middle. I'm still not sure if MR deliberately harmed Dylan in order to hurt her but, in her grief and anger, I can see why her mind went there.
I hope someone is with MR all the time. I have a fear I don't want to type out. But mainly hope Dylan is found ASAP!
So glad to hear that they are going to be doing an extensive ground search along the road between Durango and Vallecito. I've been thinking all along that they needed to do this. Something happened to that phone around 8pm and if all accounts are correct, that phone should have been travelling along that roadway at the time. Unless they were still at Walmart or McDonalds at that time.

I also was not surprised to hear about the history of violence in the family and especially the issues around alcohol. I have wondered how MR passed the time between when he came home on Saturday, expecting to pick up Dylan that day, until when he actually went to pick up Dylan on Sunday. Or how he felt about the delays. His criminal record, and we have to remember that these are only the incidents that LE got involved in, really did seem to contradict the soft spoken gentle persona that he presented in his video interview.

And as another poster has pointed out, I've been wary of the fact that MR has not given out one bit of information about what went on between McDonalds and 7:30am the next morning. Vague information about plans for the week that were never formalized and nothing about what Dylan said he wanted to do. In fact nothing at all about what Dylan said about anything other than "I understand" when he was told once again that he was missing his ride to town to see his friends.

The fact that LE have only been requesting video and still photos for the route between Durango and Vallecito, not the route between Bayfield and Vallecito, makes me believe that they might think something happened on the way to the house that night as well.

I mentioned earlier that I found it noteworthy that MR skipped over Sunday eve; he mentioned that Dylan stayed up late Saturday evening, prior to flying in, but then jumps over to Monday morning, when Dylan purportedly slept in. It took me a couple of days to realize it, but suddently it occured to me that there is a skip in time...what Dylan did two nights prior does not explain why he would sleep in two mornings later. When I asked you other folks if any of you had come across any media quotes where MR specifically refers to Sunday night, no one was able to provide a single quote. What is particularly interesting about that is that we, as observers, fill in the blanks with logic (i.e. in essense, Dylan went to bed early Sunday eve), but MR never actually said that...he glossed right over Sunday night.

For what it's worth, I did some poking around and in statement analysis, this skipping of time is significant: It is referred to as "temporal lacunae", and when such skips in time are evident in statement analysis, it may point to something in the subject's mind that he/she is withholding from us. This is the time period in which he/she "did" what he/she "did" and he/she does not want to stop to explain. The skipping points to a time period that is sensitive.....
Now I'm not at all versed in statement analysis, and I have no idea if the concept is applicable in this particular scenario, but it certainly gave me reason to pause..
how 'bout you?

Good post!
After hearing these latest revelations, I understand why ER went to the press with her suspicions. These 2 had a long history of hurting one another and it seems their children were often in the middle. I'm still not sure if MR deliberately harmed Dylan in order to hurt her but, in her grief and anger, I can see why her mind went there.

Same here, though really I think it would have been more constructive for her to bring this to LE. In the end they are the only ones who can do something with this information.
I think LE plays their cards the way they see best fit. Mark clearly has had some past issues. Accusing him would probably cause him to get angry and shut down. If you think Mark is a prime suspect, a better bet is to pretend you are on board with his claims. Mark feels comfortable, and makes a mistake. Maybe he changes his story a bit (lairs tend to add details as time goes on). Maybe he decides the body needs to be checked on or moved. Those things don't happen if the suspect feels the pressure of being called a suspect. And he certainly stops talking to the police at that point, because once called a suspect he has an excuse to not incriminate himself, guilty or not.

So if it were me, I'd wouldn't call him a suspect unless I thought it got me something. But I'm not LE.
I heard that it was some other woman in the house that Cory supposedly tried to throw down the stairs. And this woman - accirding to Mark - supposedly couldnt control Cory. BDid anyone else hear it that way??

that was what I thought I heard too! then I read it the other way and thought I was going crazy. Didn't they block out the other woman's name in the report? I'm going back and listen and read again. I think you are correct, but will have to see.

I went back and listened again and it definately says Cory tried to throw "a woman in the home" down the flight of stairs and in the report they black out a first and last name it appears to me. So I do believe at one point another woman was living with Mark and she was afraid of 16 year old Cory.
So glad to hear that they are going to be doing an extensive ground search along the road between Durango and Vallecito. I've been thinking all along that they needed to do this. Something happened to that phone around 8pm and if all accounts are correct, that phone should have been travelling along that roadway at the time. Unless they were still at Walmart or McDonalds at that time.

I'm not certain how good cell phone coverage is between these two cities. Judging from the maps - I don't live in the area - it's pretty rural and coverage was apparently spotty even in Vallecito. With the mountains, they may have lost the ping trace pretty early on.
Well, if dad did show up not entirely sober, or decided to start drinking at some point after picking up Dylan, then it's possible Dylan threatened to call mom and Dad realized he was going to lose visitation if that happened.

Frankly if dad did anything whatsoever that was bad (shoving, explosive yelling, drinking, you name it), Dylan could have made that threat and really ticked Dad off. Or if you want to believe "that boy was [my] world", made him so depressed at the prospect of never seeing (or controlling) Dylan or his mother again for any reason that he decided to end the pain.

If something happened that night, then Mark had all night - like 12 hours to get rid of the evidence. You can drive quite a distance in 12 hours. Then run your errands for an alibi, and come home and nap for a few hours so you don't look exhausted when the police come.

What has creeped me out this whole time is that alot of what Mark says applies well to the fact that he lost Dylan in the custody dispute. So if he wanted to seem genuine in that circumstance, he just needed to pull out his feelings about that loss, and say it as if it applies to Dylan being missing.

"I can only think that has to do with lashing out"
"one of the things we're trying to do is unite together"
"We're trying to unite as a family and stay focused on what's important here".
"He was the light of my life and he meant everything to me. I just want him home just like everybody else does."
"That boy was my whole world."
"You don't know how much I love that boy"
"He was such a wonderful boy. He meant everything."
"I want everyone to know how much I love that boy, and how much I cared about him."

But the one that bothered me the most I can't find right now. Something about everybody wanted Dylan back, but just starting to realize that might just not be possible. If Mark was expecting a warm fuzzy holiday with a son excited and grateful to be brought back to see friends and local family, and instead got a distant, awkward, angry child who said he hated Mark and was never coming back, it's possible that was the moment Mark realized he was never getting Dylan or any of the rest of that family 'back'. He no longer has any prospects of getting any control over any of them. He may not even see them again, if Dylan plans to spend the trip telling mom about all the things he does wrong, or that he's still drinking (I'm going to go ahead and assume not drinking is a part of the custody agreement given the history...)

Good post. Hasn't it been noted here in many cases that the perpetrator referred to their child victim as "that" boy or girl?

This just sits to close to home for me to even be able to be unbias in my response.....

WHAT the heck happened to Dylan - all I am seeing are RED and anger and VIOLENCE -

I want to see video from Walmart of the person responsible for Dylan!!! What was his physical condition???

I am so glad you posted this first...

One of the first questions that popped into my head after reading today's article...

Had Mark been drinking when he picked Dylan up at the airport?......

and... I wonder how Mark appeared in the Walmart vids... And/or the airport vids?

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