CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #12

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On the Find Dylan fb page under the "Recent posts by others", someone posted a message to the Admin about contacting Texas EquuSearch -- (she included the email she sent to TES), Denise responded they had already approached LE about this and LE said they're asking people to hold off (I'm paraphrasing).

Now we know that's been formally presented through the proper channels. Hopefully if this weekend doesn't bring answers, LE will be open to bringing in outside help.

They need to bring outside help. This is a very long road they are planning to search tomorrow. Appears to be surrounded by a huge wooded area, so just searching ditches likely isn't enough.
On the Find Dylan fb page under the "Recent posts by others", someone posted a message to the Admin about contacting Texas EquuSearch -- (she included the email she sent to TES), Denise responded they had already approached LE about this and LE said they're asking people to hold off (I'm paraphrasing).

Now we know that's been formally presented through the proper channels. Hopefully if this weekend doesn't bring answers, LE will be open to bringing in outside help.

After the ground is covered with snow.......urgggg
On the Find Dylan fb page under the "Recent posts by others", someone posted a message to the Admin about contacting Texas EquuSearch -- (she included the email she sent to TES), Denise responded they had already approached LE about this and LE said they're asking people to hold off (I'm paraphrasing).

Now we know that's been formally presented through the proper channels. Hopefully if this weekend doesn't bring answers, LE will be open to bringing in outside help.

Ugh .. I was afraid of this. Some LE agencies flat refuse to have some outside help and TM won't come unless LE is on board...

On the Find Dylan fb page under the "Recent posts by others", someone posted a message to the Admin about contacting Texas EquuSearch -- (she included the email she sent to TES), Denise responded they had already approached LE about this and LE said they're asking people to hold off (I'm paraphrasing).

Now we know that's been formally presented through the proper channels. Hopefully if this weekend doesn't bring answers, LE will be open to bringing in outside help.

Does Texas Equu Search charge for their services. Somehow in my mind I was thinking I read on another case they charge like 100,000 dollars. Is this factual? tia
Does Texas Equu Search charge for their services. Somehow in my mind I was thinking I read on another case they charge like 100,000 dollars. Is this factual? tia

Nope .. but I think they BILLED Casey for looking for Caylee....

They need to bring outside help. This is a very long road they are planning to search tomorrow. Appears to be surrounded by a huge wooded area, so just searching ditches likely isn't enough.

I think maybe they are searching thinking something may have been thrown from the vehicle. Could be wrong, but what do you think? tia
On its website, it says it operates on donations.
Thanks! If Dylan was still alive Monday morning then I believe an accident occurred on that road so I'm glad they will be searching it.

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I don't believe the area they are searching is the route Dylan would have taken on Monday to Bayfield, but rather the route that he and his Dad would have driven on Sunday night.

Also, saw this article. Not sure if it's been posted yet. I'm just glad they are getting as much local publicity as possible about Saturday's search. 75 folks have signed up on the Find Dylan Facebook page so far!
Someone had pointed out the pink mark on Dylan's left arm, as if someone had a hold of his arm before walking into the store. This came to my mind also, but, then when you look at Dylan's face, there is a lot of pink on there as well. So could the pink we are seeing be the result of the film from the video itself? Just a thought.

Btw, welcome, neverletgo! :)

I think the colouring is all from the bad camera, and not a mark on his arm or his face. He does not look happy at all, but I can't say I see any marks on him.
They need to bring outside help. This is a very long road they are planning to search tomorrow. Appears to be surrounded by a huge wooded area, so just searching ditches likely isn't enough.

After the ground is covered with snow.......urgggg

Ugh .. I was afraid of this. Some LE agencies flat refuse to have some outside help and TM won't come unless LE is on board...


ITA w/all of this ^^^. The nature of their search seems like a recovery as opposed to a search (I hate saying that, but factually that's what tomorrow's specific search is, no?) but either way, I don't see why dragging their feet and denying any help is a good idea. Especially given the snow. And the terrain. Unless they have a clearer targeted search area that we don't know about and don't want to bring in more resources right now...

I don't know, it seems like it's short changing Dylan, jmo... :(
It sure is! Having been the child of a hostile divorce myself, I felt for Dylan having to do the court ordered visitation thing. Am :please: extra hard that the searchers find something tomorrow. It would really suck if snow came and all searching was halted till the spring thaw. Ugh, can you imagine? :(

I completely agree . . . I reallyyy hope they find Dylan . . . and if not, hopefully some things that will aid their investigation into his disappearance. :please: I imagine that these last few weeks have felt like eons for his loved ones. :cry:
I am thinking that is a freudian slip. :)It is a good one though. jmo

oooops! I was sitting at a restaurant eating lunch, trying to type on the teensy smartphone screen.

On the Find Dylan fb page under the "Recent posts by others", someone posted a message to the Admin about contacting Texas EquuSearch -- (she included the email she sent to TES), Denise responded they had already approached LE about this and LE said they're asking people to hold off (I'm paraphrasing).

Now we know that's been formally presented through the proper channels. Hopefully if this weekend doesn't bring answers, LE will be open to bringing in outside help.

Why would LE say hold off ( assuming this is true, it is fb after all ) unless they have reason to believe they are on the verge of finding him? Or already have info that there is ....... no urgency in the search ? :(

Also with regards to ES and Casey Anthony getting billed........perhaps ES searches are only free IF the child is ' truly lost' and in this case they feel he is 'not lost' so much as ' not located yet' and one of the major players KNOWS where he is . If someone, like a perp, KNOWS where he is, then he is not truly lost. Just thinking out loud.
Why would LE say hold off ( assuming this is true, it is fb after all ) unless they have reason to believe they are on the verge of finding him? Or already have info that there is ....... no urgency in the search ? :(

That's a good question.

In a search like this bringing in TES or at least inviting them could only be a positive. The more qualified searchers, the better. They're not looking for just anyone to participate, they've said no children, they need people with endurance and strength... I don't understand turning away resources so I'd like to think they have a legitimate reason.
Why would LE say hold off ( assuming this is true, it is fb after all ) unless they have reason to believe they are on the verge of finding him? Or already have info that there is ....... no urgency in the search ? :(

Also with regards to ES and Casey Anthony getting billed........perhaps ES searches are only free IF the child is ' truly lost' and in this case they feel he is 'not lost' so much as ' not located yet' and one of the major players KNOWS where he is . If someone, like a perp, KNOWS where he is, then he is not truly lost. Just thinking out loud.

Not picking on you .. lol. But the PERP always knows where the victim is, right??? :seeya:

Just playing .. I think CA really got to TM ... of course she got to most of us too.

I just wish They had called TE immediately ...

oooops! I was sitting at a restaurant eating lunch, trying to type on the teensy smartphone screen.


Sure, blame the smart phone. I call user error.

*to be clear this is a joke. DM is one of my most fav posters.

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Not picking on you .. lol. But the PERP always knows where the victim is, right??? :seeya:

Just playing .. I think CA really got to TM ... of course she got to most of us too.

I just wish They had called TE immediately ...


Yes I understand your point. I should have said also that they knwo who the " perp " is ........... that is my guess. So I'm wondering if ES is stance is if you know who the perp is then you make the perp tell you location.......... and we stay home. Not the same scenario as a child vanished without a trace and nothing for LE to go on. I mean that could be the case here. I'm just trying to work out in my head why LE would turn away ES unless they feel they know what , when , why, how etc.
Yes I understand your point. I should have said also that they knwo who the " perp " is ........... that is my guess. So I'm wondering if ES is stance is if you know who the perp is then you make the perp tell you location.......... and we stay home. Not the same scenario as a child vanished without a trace and nothing for LE to go on. I mean that could be the case here. I'm just trying to work out in my head why LE would turn away ES unless they feel they know what , when , why, how etc.

I knew what you meant .. :) .. it just made me laugh!
ITA w/all of this ^^^. The nature of their search seems like a recovery as opposed to a search (I hate saying that, but factually that's what tomorrow's specific search is, no?) but either way, I don't see why dragging their feet and denying any help is a good idea. Especially given the snow. And the terrain. Unless they have a clearer targeted search area that we don't know about and don't want to bring in more resources right now...

I don't know, it seems like it's short changing Dylan, jmo... :(

If LE had a reason to target a specific search area, I believe they would call on TES. The reluctance to bring them in at this point is probably because the search is random, and they're reluctant to ask TES to use their resources on what might be, for lack of a better term, a wild goose chase. It's best to hold off until a time when -- hopefully -- they have reason to pinpoint a particular location. IMO
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