CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #20

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IMO if your child was missing you wouldn't be coming up with stories to make yourself look 'better' look like a 'good father' if you were innocent, you would be as upfront as possible, because you would want your child found ASAP

And you wouldn't expect that you child is missing right from the start. He says he started texting Dylan after he came home from his errands. At that time he shouldn't have been expecting that Dylan has actually gone missing. So if he knew that Dylan's phone was broken, he wouldn't have been texting it.
Earlier I posted a theory - which I said was a stretch, but I'm looking at everything from every direction - in which I said that maybe MR broke the phone in anger, but when he realized Dylan was missing, he didn't want to admit that. He wanted to make himself look "better," look like a "good father." And so he didn't tell them about an argument, or breaking a phone.

IF that were the case, and he wanted to keep his story realistic, he would text the phone even if he knew it was broken, because a "good father" would be trying to reach his son.

Again, I'm just trying to look at every possibility, from every angle. I don't know what really happened, and until there is some solid evidence I want to keep looking.

From that angle, how would MR know (in the afternoon) that Dylan would not only not be with his friends, but he would not be found??? At that point would he have a reason to know how serious the situation was? If so, why did he wait until 5 or 6 ish to report?
How would he realize that Dylan was missing? He came home from running errands. Dylan was not home, but why would he assume Dylan was missing at that time? Why wouldn't he just think Dylan went off to meet friends or whatever? That would be the normal assumption. It makes no sense that he would start texting the cell phone if he knew it was broken, because he would not expect to need a good story.

i feel your i'm sure everyone does regardless of the fence position.

in a phone interview (i posted it a few threads back) mark clearly states that (paraphrased) "i told him if he needed anything to just call me" when he was leaving for 'errands'. so, at that time, 7:30, mark believes (or says so) that dylan had the capacity to make an outgoing call. landline, cell, whatever.

instead, in his 'urgency to see his friends' there is no communication whatsoever while taking the time for some cinnamon toast crunch and an episode of wowwowwubzy?

i just can't buy it. i just can't. sorry if this is found offensive to anyone...
But on the other hand surely MR would of been annoyed at best?

He makes plans with his son to pick him up at 11-30am and he arrives home and no note or text to explain where his son has gone.

I think most parents would be a tad concerned that they had plans and his son is not where he should be & no explanation ?

So i have always wanted to see the texts from that morning and afternoon to sense the tone in them.


those texts could be quite telling

IMO that reminds me of Gerard Baden Clay sending texts to his wife.
And you wouldn't expect that you child is missing right from the start. He says he started texting Dylan after he came home from his errands. At that time he shouldn't have been expecting that Dylan has actually gone missing. So if he knew that Dylan's phone was broken, he wouldn't have been texting it.

Things are starting to get a bit confusing. MR arrived home expecting to pick up Dylan and take him to friends, so when he arrived home it makes sense that he would try to find out if Dylan had made other arrangements or where he was at that point. IIRC a lot of people where up in arms because MR waited until later n the afternoon to start physically looking for Dylan.
How would he realize that Dylan was missing? He came home from running errands. Dylan was not home, but why would he assume Dylan was missing at that time? Why wouldn't he just think Dylan went off to meet friends or whatever? That would be the normal assumption. It makes no sense that he would start texting the cell phone if he knew it was broken, because he would not expect to need a good story.

Good point... I don't know. Didn't think of that. Maybe the phone wasn't broken, maybe he just turned it off and took it away from him. So he gets home, sees it's gone and starts texting just to ask where he is... but the battery had died when Dylan tried to turn it on?

I know - lots of coincidences. Probably too many.

I truly just wish this case would reach a resolution, one way or another. For Dylan's family's sake. I cannot imagine their pain right now.
i feel your i'm sure everyone does regardless of the fence position.

in a phone interview (i posted it a few threads back) mark clearly states that (paraphrased) "i told him if he needed anything to just call me" when he was leaving for 'errands'. so, at that time, 7:30, mark believes (or says so) that dylan had the capacity to make an outgoing call. landline, cell, whatever.

instead, in his 'urgency to see his friends' there is no communication whatsoever while taking the time for some cinnamon toast crunch and an episode of wowwowwubzy?

i just can't buy it. i just can't. sorry if this is found offensive to anyone...

I don't find it offensive at all, IMO its logical. I've never believed that Dylans phone coincidently and conveniently stopped working of its own accord or that his lack of contact was by choice.
Well, if he was lying about breaking it, he could have been texting it anyway to try and keep his story seeming realistic. (I'm assuming he would actually have been texting, as that would be easy to check just by looking at his phone.)

Again, it's just a theory to consider. I'm still on the fence.

Not if we're going with the theory you first suggested (a very good theory, btw) because mr wouldn't have known or suspected Dylan was missing during that afternoon, so he wouldn't be trying to keep any "story" straight.
i feel your i'm sure everyone does regardless of the fence position.

in a phone interview (i posted it a few threads back) mark clearly states that (paraphrased) "i told him if he needed anything to just call me" when he was leaving for 'errands'. so, at that time, 7:30, mark believes (or says so) that dylan had the capacity to make an outgoing call. landline, cell, whatever.

instead, in his 'urgency to see his friends' there is no communication whatsoever while taking the time for some cinnamon toast crunch and an episode of wowwowwubzy?

i just can't buy it. i just can't. sorry if this is found offensive to anyone...


Just want to say that I don't find your post offensive. I am still on the fence, but I definitely see the "holes" and "problems" in MR's story. For me it's just that - as I mentioned in a post a few threads ago - I know someone who was "tried and convicted in the court of public opinion" for a murder he didn't commit. And even after the real killer was arrested and confessed, there are still people here years later, who think he had something to do with it. It really messed up his life, so I try not to accuse someone until there is solid proof. But I certainly see it's a good possibility. I'm just trying to look at everything from every angle, as I've mentioned.

And not to your specific post, but from what others have mentioned, I would love to see those texts MR said he sent to Dylan as well. But I doubt that we will.
hm. good point. they showed us texts from a minor (RN) but not texts from dylan's own father.

hm. good point. they showed us texts from a minor but not texts from dylan's own father.


I do not think you are allowed to say the minors name as i got in trouble for that. I have taken it out of this post if you want to edit it :)

maybe because the minor did not mind sharing them ?

MR is not doing much in the media i dont think .
No, I think the friend said the only reason D was coming so early was because MR had early appointments that morning.

I found the article where RN said, “The early hour didn’t surprise him because Dylan was known to randomly show up.”

None of DR & RN's texts said DR had to be dropped off by 6:30 am the following day because MR had appts to keep so I doubt RN knew and now I am left wondering if DR even knew about his father's plans for the following day.

Initially Dylan texted RN Sunday evening and told him he didn’t know why he couldn’t come over that evening and later he admitted when asked, that MR wouldn’t let him. That was the last text DR sent.

If Mark knew Dylan wanted to arrive at RN's gmas house by 6:30 the following day and he intended to drive him there, why didn't MR try to "arouse" Dylan before 6:30 am, like at 5:30 am, instead of 7:30 am, an hour after Dylan was supposed to be at his destination?

I do not think you are allowed to say the minors name as i got in trouble for that. I have taken it out of this post if you want to edit it :)

maybe because the minor did not mind sharing them ?

MR is not doing much in the media i dont think .

woops! sorry. and thanks. i know how to edit as well as i know how to double-quote.:blushing:

well, that's the thing. LE wouldn't publish the child's texts without some kind of approval/parental consent. so why don't they publish the adult's? the only other person (that we're aware of, besides the friends') that tried to get in touch with him the day his own son by a random, unknown, non-registered area RSO in broad daylight on a dead-end highway in the middle of nowhere?

If dylans phone were broken, MR is texting him, would it show on MR's cell that his text did not go thru?
I suspect that it seemed like the battery had run flat the evening before. So perhaps it was put onto the charger that night, but Dylan didn't realise it was in fact completely kaput until he got up the next morning.

If that had happened, then imo, the very first thing he would have done is contact his mom or his dad to see about getting a new battery. Having a broken phone would have been a major concern for him, imo.

I do not believe he would have gone off on a hitchhiking adventure before dealing with the phone issue. If his phone was kaput, that is even a stronger reason to wait for his dad to return. That way he would be assured to get a new battery before being dropped with his friends. jmo

He had a landline, and his mom had a landline. I bet he knew his home phone number. And he had an i-pod. He may have texted from it before, and may have had some numbers stored there.

And he had a computer at the house. He could have messaged or e-mailed his mom to see about getting his phone fixed.
woops! sorry. and thanks. i know how to edit as well as i know how to double-quote.:blushing:

well, that's the thing. LE wouldn't publish the child's texts without some kind of approval/parental consent. so why don't they publish the adult's? the only other person (that we're aware of, besides the friends') that tried to get in touch with him the day his own son by a random, unknown, non-registered area RSO in broad daylight on a dead-end highway in the middle of nowhere?


On your post you made there is a edit button right next to the quote button :)

i guess the paper can only print the texts if the person is willing to show them the texts and the minor and parents agreed to it whereas MR for whatever reason does not want his texts in the public domain.
If Dylan plugged his phone into charge, IMO, he would have checked it and answered R's. last text at that time.
Probably won't be a popular sentiment, but I have a strong feeling that MRs only mistake was not realizing how badly Dylan wanted to go to his friend's house when he left him there alone. I still, and probably always have, feel that Dylan took off on foot or bike or hitchiking while MR was gone, left for his friend's house and something happened on the way. Are there bike trails that lead roughly from one to the other or something? I would think those would've all been checked before the snow came though. This feels like (I know I've said it before) Elizabeth and Lyric, where our amazing powers of deduction here at WS are aimed so strongly at relatives that we completely miss the real situation. What we know for SURE is that he wanted to go see his friends badly. Even if there was a fight, argument, whatever... no matter HOW he ended up NOT with MR I would presume that he'd head for his friends, if he had any ability to do so whatsoever.

IMHO of course.

bbm - respectfully I have to disagree, based on MR's own words and what we've heard from Dylan's friends about their plans. I think MR knew quite well that Dylan wanted to meet up with his friends and they were his priority, probably more so than spending time with MR was.
And the 2nd bbm - We do know for sure that Dylan wanted to see his friends and I'm pretty certain MR knew this as well. But I'm not so quick to assume Dylan would off and hitch a ride on his own without any attempt at contacting anyone by any means whatsoever and has never been heard from since 8pm Sunday.

Dylan was going to meet up with friends when he was to fly in on Saturday before his flight was pushed back to Sunday.
When he arrived in Durango on Sunday and was going to meet up with friends that night, it was MR who wouldn't let Dylan see R--- (per text exchange).

Dylan Redwine: Cant come srry ill hang tommarow

R: Ok

R: (time 7:09 p.m. Nov. 18) Why

D: idk

R: (time 7:45 p.m. Nov. 18) Did your dad say no

D: (time 8:01 p.m. Nov. 18) yea

R: Oh ok

In the uncut video store interview, it seems clear that MR knows Dylan really wants to spend time with his friends and has plans set up with them -- further, MR doesn't seem to have anything planned for him and Dylan that whole week, even for Thanksgiving. To me it's more than obvious that Dylan's only goal on his visit to Bayfield was to see his buddies and there's no way on earth MR was unaware.

MR also seemed to have his head in the sand... not knowing Dylan's friends phone #'s (couldn't contact them or their parents when he was unable to reach Dylan all afternoon Monday). If Dylan's phone was broken or had no service or something was wrong, no awareness or urgency when he comes home to find the house empty.

I know there's been talk that Dylan seems to have alot of freedom and that may be true, but I think it's different when he's at home with his mother -- she has a clue and knows where and how to find him. She's stated that he checks in with her, if he doesn't she will take his cell phone away from him, she is clearly the involved parent, she knows his friends, if he's late or unresponsive she knows who to contact, he's in THEIR environment .... but when Dylan is visiting his father, MR needs to be the responsible parent and take proper steps to ensure that Dylan is prepared and safe and will check in. I don't really care if they had a stressed relationship and MR was trying to be cool and give Dylan some space, he's his FATHER and there's too much that doesn't add up (at best).

Anyhow, that's all JMO, of course.
Even tho i try to keep an open mind and I do entertain other theories. I just keep ending up where i started. Sunday night. Then the absence of any a.m. contact with anybody. Way too many red flags. If there are explanations I am open to hearing them. I'm just not that confident there are. IMO
Since LE based much of their theory that he did not run away on the phone issue, clearly they were not told about any broken or tossed phone. And if Dylan's phone stopped working, I think most people with kids would agree that this would be huge news to be known by all at once.

So-we are back to either Dylan being no longer able to make contact after Sunday evening, or simply deciding not to. Number two seems about as likely as not telling anyone his phone was broken, IMO.
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