CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #23

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As I see it Mom is Alarmed about no cell usage from Dylans phone after 8 pm sunday because she knows that isnt the norm.
I do think that Dylan's behavior is probably different when living with Mom and when visiting Dad. I don't think anything is a lie or exaggeration really-just different perspectives and different behaviors depending on location.

Why would it change ?

He is still the same child whether he lives in timbuktu or Colorado.
New Article:

"Dylan Redwine tips dwindle; CBI processes evidence in case"

"The number of tips from the public coming into La Plata County Sheriff’s Office, have dropped from several dozen per day to an average of 2 to 3 per day. However, all LPCSO Investigators are still assigned to the case as well as working other criminal cases. Investigators continue to make follow up contacts by phone and in person.

As tips and other information become available, some are assigned to other Task Force members which include investigators from Durango Police Department, Bayfield Marshal’s Office, Colorado Bureau of Investigation, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The reward for information leading to finding Dylan is now approximately $20,000. That includes rewards through Crime Stoppers, the FBI, and donations from private citizens and groups.

Some evidence sent to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation has been processed and returned to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office. Information regarding that evidence will not be released since the investigation remains active.

Family members continue to cooperate with investigators."
I dont understand why ppl cant see how serious this non usage of his cell phone is!

This is the RED flag!
Kids Text ALOT!
They text while eating, in school (even tho they are not supposed to)
That dang phone goes into the bathroom with them. Its in bed with them at night. I do not see much Idle time with teens on their phones!
I dont believe ER has eggagerated about his phone use.! Her son is missing why wouldnt she want what she says taken seriously?

My grandson (13) texts a lot also, but it is when he is not outside on his 4 wheeler, or motorcycle, or when friends are over. His phone is not allowed at the table so not when he is eating. Most of the time it is at night when he is supposed to be doing his homework or if he has gone for awhile without seeing his friends. His texting is mostly when he has nothing else to do or when he is replying to FB. Maybe DR has a lot of free time when he is home so he occupies himself texting. BTW texting does not a techie make. I agree with the bolded above. Kind of like Dad taking a magazine to the bathroom with him. jmo
Why would it change ?

He is still the same child whether he lives in timbuktu or Colorado.

I'm an adult, but I act differently when I'm at work or at my parents or visiting someone versus being at home. There's social pressure to "be on your best behavior" while outside your comfort zone, e.g. home.

I know the same kids who are quiet at church are definitely not that way once service is over.

So why wouldn't Dylan act differently at dad's versus mom's house? Maybe dad lets him get away with stuff that he can't get away with at his mother's house.
I dont understand why ppl cant see how serious this non usage of his cell phone is!

This is the RED flag!
LE could know something that they are not telling us..It is possible that the phone is evidence, The LE made need this for a conviction or an arrest.. LE is not going to let that info out.. To early need more coffee..Did I make any sense at
Why would it change ?

He is still the same child whether he lives in timbuktu or Colorado.

My behavior changes a LOT depending where I am and who I am around. I text a lot around my friends, but my parents don't like texting that much so I text significantly less. If I ever came up missing from my parents' house I can guarantee you my friends would describe a different Darcyline than my parents. my parents would say that I don't use my cell much while my friends would say I am a constant texter. Does that mean either side is "lying" or that people should say "behavior doesn't change obviously Darcyline's parents murdered her!!!!!!"?
No. It just means that Dylan was in a very different situation visiting his Dad for a few days-geographically, different friends, different parent, different rules, different cell signal even. I think it is very likely that Dylan might text less or engage in different activities while visiting Dad for a few days than living at home with Mom normally. Hence him being known as more outdoorsy in one place and a homebody in another.
I dont understand why ppl cant see how serious this non usage of his cell phone is!

This is the RED flag!

We've been talking about this a lot. The entire 'cell phone ping' discussion was about how to track Dylan's phone after 8pm on Sunday.

I'm sure there's no way they've gotten results of all the evidence collected from MR's house/vehicles back. Especially considering that they spent multiple days gathering it - they obviously generated a good bit of stuff to be analyzed. I know labs don't turn around samples that quickly, and computer forensics and other processing departments are undoubtedly involved also.

I thought LE said the search of his home yielded nothing that would assist them in finding Dylan? A lot of labs are having faster turn arounds nowadays on cases where a child is missing, imo.

I think they are talking about items they found in the search they did the day that Cody, Elaine, and Mark helped the searchers search in the wooded areas. Which each team was headed up by a LE officer iirc.

LE could know something that they are not telling us..It is possible that the phone is evidence, The LE made need this for a conviction or an arrest.. LE is not going to let that info out.. To early need more coffee..Did I make any sense at

Oh I agree t LE isnt telling us and I do think the phone is Evidence. I do not think any of the LEA's can get past the phone not being used Sunday evening esp at such an early hour.
We've been talking about this a lot. The entire 'cell phone ping' discussion was about how to track Dylan's phone after 8pm on Sunday.


Yes and we still do not know any of the details. For all we know Dylan may have been tired that night and didnt want to use it anymore. Mark said Dylan told him he had been up until 4 am the morning before he flew in.

He really didnt act like he was all into texting with his friend either. Of course some think it can only mean that MR was mean about something but actually it could be something benign and he was just dog tired.

I have seen teens this age go go go and then when they settle down they tend to crash and burn.

I'm an adult, but I act differently when I'm at work or at my parents or visiting someone versus being at home. There's social pressure to "be on your best behavior" while outside your comfort zone, e.g. home.

I know the same kids who are quiet at church are definitely not that way once service is over.

So why wouldn't Dylan act differently at dad's versus mom's house? Maybe dad lets him get away with stuff that he can't get away with at his mother's house.

I sometimes feel like i am reading a different thread.

From the little we know MR does not strike you as a man that would let Dylan get away with stuff. And clearly Elaine also did not feel this way .

From the texting conversation with R he does not exactly sound happy to be there. He makes plans to escape MR presence as soon as possible which is why he had plans at 6:30am . Also why he had plans with friends on his first night in town and not his father .
I would love to have a peep at the full cellphone information. I don't think we know that and may never know it, honestly. I have said this before, but I want full information (all pings, all activity of any type) on all electronic devices/phones from all possibly involved parties (MR, DR, hell throw in creepy neighbors too :p ) from the night before for the next 24 hours at least.
I thought LE said the search of his home yielded nothing that would assist them in finding Dylan? A lot of labs are having faster turn arounds nowadays on cases where a child is missing, imo.

I think they are talking about items they found in the search they did the day that Cody, Elaine, and Mark helped the searchers search in the wooded areas. Which each team was headed up by a LE officer iirc.


Just my opinion as somebody who has 15 years experience working in analytical chemistry labs and who has followed many of these cases with an eye on turnarounds. I've read a good bit on forensic lab backlog issues over the years also. Backlog is a fact of life. I just don't see how the volume of evidence generated in a weekend of car/house searches could be fully turned around yet. Saying they found nothing in the home sounded like LE-speak to me, obviously they sent stuff out that was awaiting analysis at that time.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the items found in the search were still out for analysis as well, but I'm confident that the bulk of the evidence is from the vehicle/home search (provided there is not another big evidence-gathering episode we aren't aware of).
I would love to have a peep at the full cellphone information. I don't think we know that and may never know it, honestly. I have said this before, but I want full information (all pings, all activity of any type) on all electronic devices/phones from all possibly involved parties (MR, DR, hell throw in creepy neighbors too :p ) from the night before for the next 24 hours at least.

I would as well. I also want confirmation that Dylan was at MR's that night.
I dont understand why ppl cant see how serious this non usage of his cell phone is!

This is the RED flag!

I think everyone does see how serious the non-usage of his cell phone is, but we all think differently, and the differences come in what time the non-usage becomes serious to each of us.

Mark said Dylan fell asleep early, and that makes sense to me since Dylan was up until 4am that morning and traveled for hours that day. So that accounts, for me, for the non-usage until the next day. Dylan was still sleeping at 7:30am, the last time police state he was seen, so to me, the serious time is after 7:30am Monday. Mark returned home at 11:30am and Dylan wasn't there, so that's my 'serious' window - 7:30 to 11:30 - sometime in there, something happened and non-usage of his phone became serious.

Others have different ways of pinpointing the time they think it became serious. I accept and respect that.
I sometimes feel like i am reading a different thread.

From the little we know MR does not strike you as a man that would let Dylan get away with stuff. And clearly Elaine also did not feel this way .

From the texting conversation with R he does not exactly sound happy to be there. He makes plans to escape MR presence as soon as possible which is why he had plans at 6:30am . Also why he had plans with friends on his first night in town and not his father .

One of the accusations from ER in the court papers was that MR allowed Dylan to ride on recreational vehicles unsupervised. So clearly MR was more lenient, at least in some areas, than ER.

I agree Dylan wanted to hang out with his friends more than his parents. Are we surprised that a kid would rather hang out with his friends than with his parents? Is that abnormal? I'm not a parent but I'd like to hear from them whether they think their kids would rather be around their friends versus at home with mom and/or dad.
MR did say that Dylan was texting his friends about making arrangements for the next day BEFORE they left Durango to head home. Perhaps from 7:45 to 8:01 they were inside Walmart?

Maybe that 16 min is when they were inside walmart or mcds.

Here's some related information -

Dylan had asked his father whether he could go to his friends' that evening after they had shopped at Walmart and eaten at a McDonald's in Durango and before the 45-minute drive to Mark's home north of Vallecito Lake. Mark said he told his son it was too late. So Dylan texted friends in Bayfield, his father said, and made arrangements to meet them the next morning.
We've been talking about this a lot. The entire 'cell phone ping' discussion was about how to track Dylan's phone after 8pm on Sunday.


Thats exactly the thing Paul They cant track it!
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