CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #24

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I do think if you are in Innocent then you speak out and clear your name and then get on with finding your son .

I am a lot more suspicious by him being quiet as it looks like he has something to hide . Why else would you refuse to speak to the press when they are tryin to help you spread the word about your son ?!


I agree, I think if you're if innocent you would speak out.

I still think its really strange that MR said that 'he would be okay and things would be alright at his end' - not that Dylan would be okay, not that things would be alright at Elaine and Dylans brothers end, and IMO it was very self centred of him.
Here's what would ROCK.
If LE would come out and say one of two things......
1 . We have NO suspects .
2. Everyone is a suspect at this time.

Wouldn't that clear up everything ?

JMO LE probably reads here...maybe they enjoy watching us chase our tails...(not giving us enough information)
I really fail to even see why sleuthing of MR possibly owning guns is necessary? This is ridiculous.

I don't think it's relevant at all, either. Owning, or not owning a gun would not tell anyone anything of any importance in this case at all. If there was a body with a gunshot wound, then that would be different - and even then just owning a gun doesn't make someone a suspect, by itself. Simply being a firearm owner also doesn't indicate whether one would be likely, or not likely, to be involved in the disappearance of their own child, either.

I just wanted to correct an erroneous statement that came up. And brought up the other statement as explanation. [Don't want to say more because this is such a *hot* topic in politics/society at the moment in re: to registrations of gun owners, and this has no bearing on this case whatsoever.]
This may not be a good thought, but has suicide been ruled out? It seems that people that commit suicide do not want to be found and sometimes disappear for years before some remnant shows up.

I wonder... at first glance it seems unlikely to me but there may be something we don't know about. If he took the move harshly, was upset over his father or not visiting his friends the day before it could have sent him over the edge but people have previously mentioned in these threads that Dylan was thriving since the move. Who knows. I think if it was suicide a body would have been found by now, most people who commit suicide but disappear had the means to drive away and go far enough. The areas around the house were searched so unless he took several hours to walk somewhere the dogs would have found a scent, wouldn't they? JMO of course.

If he thought that it was okay to hitchhike, then there is someone in his world that told him stories about hitchhiking at "his age". I'm speculating, but that's what I've seen in the past. Was he ever told what to do to get out of a potentilal hitchhiking abduction?

Not that there is a way to get out of it, but jumping out of the moving vehicle seems preferable to certain death (Ivan Millat; Austraita). I heard something on a 48 hours mystery stoy that stayed with me ... 300/1000 vehicles that were checked in connection with a missing young woman had their interior door handles removed, zip ties, duct tape and a box cutte ... all for construction, of course ... and missing handles were simply a dis-repair oversight. I don't think I'll ever forget that.

Or maybe he just saw it in movies, heard from a friend about parents doing it... nobody I talked to as a child ever hitchiked or at least told me but I knew what it was from watching TV and books. I even remember being briefly fascinated by the idea until my parents told me I would be kidnapped. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only time we know he hitchiked he was in a group of friends and it was snowing.

You know, I'm in my early 20s and I have no idea what to do in case there's a hitchiking abduction. The only does seem to be to jump out of the vehicle and I'd probably choose that but something I've noticed is that many new cars don't have those latches on the doors (the pins below the windows you could pull up and down to lock them) or because of electronic circuits they have safety systems where doors locked by the driver can only be unlocked from that side. I also remember cases where women would be abducted and the doors were set up so that they could only be unlocked from the outside. The only link I have is one about Debbie Harry discussing one such incident that happened to her and which she believes was Ted Bundy (but likely wasn't): snopes.

Anyway, my point is that if Dylan was abducted while hitchiking he may have thought that he would die if he jumped out out or he may have been unable to unlock the doors. JMO. I wonder if was abducted by someone he knew and who could convince him that nothing was happening until it was too late. Maybe even someone who had something to gain from telling him hitchiking stories but that sounds like a big stretch and a big coincidence.
I don't think it's relevant at all, either. Owning, or not owning a gun would not tell anyone anything of any importance in this case at all. If there was a body with a gunshot wound, then that would be different - and even then just owning a gun doesn't make someone a suspect, by itself. Simply being a firearm owner also doesn't indicate whether one would be likely, or not likely, to be involved in the disappearance of their own child, either.

I just wanted to correct an erroneous statement that came up. And brought up the other statement as explanation. [Don't want to say more because this is such a *hot* topic in politics/society at the moment in re: to registrations of gun owners, and this has no bearing on this case whatsoever.]

Exactly, I just cannot even see how it is relevant in the slightest. Like you said, unless we had a body with a gunshot wound, discussion of MR owning a firearm is totally irrelevant to this case. MOO.
I definitely do not know all there is to know about the case and the search for Dylan. However, my honest feeling about this case is that he will be found in the lake, unfortunately. I have a feeling that LE does know more than they are telling -- or at least they have suspicions as to what really happened.

I can't imagine LE thinking they were dealing with an abduction with an unknown person as the likely perp and NOT have spoken publicly about it. They would be risking other children going missing, or other clues that might have been important were it an abduction by someone local, OR out-of-town. (For instance: If, God forbid, it was a local person who did this and then another child went missing the town and police force would be opening itself up to some major lawsuits, IMO.)

I have my own personal feelings in regard to how Dylan would have gotten to the lake, but it's all just based upon my opinion and gut feelings - nothing solid to back it up with. And, let me just say this; I hope that I am completely wrong, and that Dylan is somewhere safe. That is what I continue to pray for when I think of him and his family - that and for the truth to be known, no matter what that truth is.

ETA: I just keep coming back to the fact that there were two different dogs that alerted at the lake - in the same place, IIRC. Too much of a coincidence, IMO.

Also - there was a mention of suicide. I don't think there's anything to suggest Dylan was suicidal. I think the plans with friends the next day, and his confirming those plans would contradict a suicidal mental state.
I definitely do not know all there is to know about the case and the search for Dylan. However, my honest feeling about this case is that he will be found in the lake, unfortunately. I have a feeling that LE does know more than they are telling -- or at least they have suspicions as to what really happened.

I can't imagine LE thinking they were dealing with an abduction with an unknown person as the likely perp and NOT have spoken publicly about it. They would be risking other children going missing, or other clues that might have been important were it an abduction by someone local, OR out-of-town. (For instance: If, God forbid, it was a local person who did this and then another child went missing the town and police force would be opening itself up to some major lawsuits, IMO.)

I have my own personal feelings in regard to how Dylan would have gotten to the lake, but it's all just based upon my opinion and gut feelings - nothing solid to back it up with. And, let me just say this; I hope that I am completely wrong, and that Dylan is somewhere safe. That is what I continue to pray for when I think of him and his family - that and for the truth to be known, no matter what that truth is.

ETA: I just keep coming back to the fact that there were two different dogs that alerted at the lake - in the same place, IIRC. Too much of a coincidence, IMO.

Also - there was a mention of suicide. I don't think there's anything to suggest Dylan was suicidal. I think the plans with friends the next day, and his confirming those plans would contradict a suicidal mental state.

This is a very good post, thank you. By the way do you know if they conducted any searches at the lake, like diving or draining it? Thanks.
Just checking in to see if there is any news. Seems like everybody's chewing on the same old bone.

It's amazing. After 2 months, pages of discussion and all kinds of speculation the only things we know are:

Dylan arrived at the airport and got off the plane.
Dylan was at Walmart.
Dylans phone was last active shortly after 8:00.
Dylan is missing.

Did I miss anything?

Someone in America bought a fishing pole in 2011!
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