CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #35

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IF MR believes someone has DR hidden to make him look bad or out of jealousy or to interfere with custodial issues, then he may believe he's not in ' danger'. It may be a foolishly optimistic dream but he may believe it and just telling himself that is what happened rather than a pervert has his son. I'm sure he's smart enough to know he could be in danger but may be choosing the more ' rosy' scenario to believe because it's easier. Maybe. I'm just thinking out loud. I've got no idea what he thinks.

BBM: No one has any idea what MR thinks. Which is why we look so closely at what he says and what he does.

What is the old saying?....Actions speak louder than words?

And from my old law professor...."Words" are everything.

ITA - I think that snipping the quote made it lose context.

Except for the neighbor that saw a stranger wandering in the area asking about gas. I think sometimes circumstances prevent LE from being completely thorough regardless of intent (unable to reach an out-of-town property owner or an individual that doesn't want to "get involved with all that", as hypothetical examples.) IMO

Mysterious Hispanic males wandering the woods. :great: :great: :great: :great:

And that's how much I believe that. So much going on behind the scenes. LE has many reasons for putting out such a press release. Not always obvious to the general public.

:moo: :moo: :moo:
I could see four days...I can't see 3 (almost 4) months.

I can't either. Nov 19th to Feb 14th is certainly not even 3 months much less almove 4 months. jmo

The point was, I can see days, not months for holding a 13 year old that doesn't want to be held.

I will never believe he does want to be kept away from his family and friends.
Mysterious Hispanic males wandering the woods. :great: :great: :great: :great:

And that's how much I believe that. So much going on behind the scenes. LE has many reasons for putting out such a press release. Not always obvious to the general public.

:moo: :moo: :moo:

So let me get this straight....any tips not having to do with MR murdering Dylan are completely discounted?

Please someone tell me this is what's up so I don't waste any more time sharing his photo and spamming my family and friends with his story.
ColdHands said:
Originally Posted by ColdHands

Playing along:

Start earlier in the morning. Dylan gives his dad grief about waking up, however it's stated, and hears dad start the pickup and drive away. Panics, grabs his stuff (quickest thing to do is stuff his phone and charger into his backpack), runs out the door. Now it's 7:30am, Dylan is really upset that he missed his ride. Dylan may or may not have been locked outside.

What happens next?

1) Stranger or acquaintance coincidently drives up and lures him into the vehicle, taking/disabling the phone before Dylan can use it
2) Acquaintance sees MR drive away and drives up, scooping up Dylan and taking/disabling phone before Dylan can use it
3) Dylan, angry that his dad left him, starts walking down the road ie runs away. May or may not be abducted at some point away from the house.
anything else?

BBM- These make sense to me. It puts Dylan outside the house with his belongings but also without a way to contact anyone. I would expect him to walk down the road in search of a phone at that point.

But if his phone is in his backpack, why can't he use it? His phone quit working AND he got locked out?

I'm sorry, but I just can't get behind that...
Still wondering when this most recent interview was done. If MR was back in Vallecito recently, obviously not working, why couldn't he go on Dr Phil? I think it was aired the day they were first asked to appear wasn't it?

Sorry quick OT... I bet you drank out of the water hose too, didn't you?? ;) (I did)

OT: Yes I did!!! And also rode in the back window and rolled down into the seat whenever my dad put the brakes on!!!
ER did not believe Dylan would walk anywhere. So, if that is the case that he decided to walk 4 miles. I think he would have called lst to make sure he wasn't walking all that way for nothing. MR had a landline & he could have looked the last name up or called info. If Dylan were to go to T's why would he have not taken the bike that was there? Also nobody saw Dylan walking, anywhere. His father was suppose to pick him up at 11:00 to take him to the friend he had planned to visit. To many weird things would have to happen for me to believe this.

Just had some thoughts while reading your post. Maybe Dylan didn't call T before heading to his place because (1) he talked to him the night before and knew he would be home, or (2) he knew it was just too early to call--might wake someone up, but figured they would be up by the time he got there. Just a thought....

Another thought: Do we know for sure that the bicycle was in working order? Did it have a flat tire? Was the chain attached? I don't recall ever reading anything about it other than it was propped up against the house. Anyone recall any information on the bike?
Well someone walking at a quick pace, without the added weight of a backpack and perhaps a little taller than Dylan and therefore longer strides, could probably walk 4 miles in about an hour. I don't know of many kids these days who would consider embarking on such a long trek. Especially if there isn't a real purpose for it other than to kill some time and not knowing if the person you are heading to see would even be there. Because that would be another hour to walk home.


MR stated in his interview that Dylan liked to hang out at the campground down the road. Looking at the location of the campgrounds, neither one of them are close to MR's house. I don't recall MR saying Dylan like to "ride his bike" to the campgrounds. Anyone else recall this? If what MR is saying is true, then Dylan did indeed walk distances. JMO...
I'm struggling with the Pat scenario, because I can't think of a good motive for Pat to do all that.

Possible motives for a premeditated acquaintance abduction:

Love - a lover or wanna be lover.
Money - Hostage situation because MR or MR owes someone. Ransom scenario - took Dylan thinking MR or ER would pay to get him back.
Revenge - Getting back at one of the parents for something. Possibly an ex.
Rescue - "I know Dylan hates it at his dad's so I'm going to go get him." "No kid should have to be in the middle of all that hate so I'm going to protect him"

Any more?

Ransom...but not from MR or ER but from the reward money. Maybe waiting for the reward to get high enough. Doubt this is the case, but the thought occurred to me a couple of times....
If Dylan had no problem about setting off on foot to go great distances, why did he bother to promise his friend he would be there at 6:30am, instead of just telling him he would get there somehow, some way? Seems he made a pretty specific plan to get up extra early to see R. If he didn't mind hitching or walking, why trouble himself, and R, to be up so early?

It has always bothered me that they would make plans to meet at 6:30 in the morning. I don't know any teens that would meet that early. Is that common these days? I would never have been allowed to make plans to go to someone's house that early. Anyone recall reading/hearing of a reason why they planned to meet that early? It sounds to me like R said he was going to Nando's about 10:00, which might mean he was still at his grandmother's house until then. Why meet up so early??? This stumps me.
MR stated in his interview that Dylan liked to hang out at the campground down the road. Looking at the location of the campgrounds, neither one of them are close to MR's house. I don't recall MR saying Dylan like to "ride his bike" to the campgrounds. Anyone else recall this? If what MR is saying is true, then Dylan did indeed walk distances. JMO...

A couple of threads back, someone said the campground closed in September for the winter season. I wonder if that means nobody could gain access period or if it merely means it's unattended.
I can't see that logically it would have been left out since Sept. If they were in the habit of leaving it out it would be rusty. It doesn't look rusty to me. And with MR being gone for long periods at a time it would make no sense to leave it out either. I doubt that MR or Dylan would have grabbed it out of the shed/garage that night when they got home. I agree, that it was likely staged to show what a good Dad he was and maybe an attempt at showing Dylan was there.

Do we know for a fact that MR put the bike out front of the house? Is it possible Dylan got it out and put it there? Has MR ever addressed that?
It has always bothered me that they would make plans to meet at 6:30 in the morning. I don't know any teens that would meet that early. Is that common these days? I would never have been allowed to make plans to go to someone's house that early. Anyone recall reading/hearing of a reason why they planned to meet that early? It sounds to me like R said he was going to Nando's about 10:00, which might mean he was still at his grandmother's house until then. Why meet up so early??? This stumps me.

Dylan was the one wanting to meet that early-he asked R if they can meet that early. I guess its too bad we can't ask him why he wanted to meet so early.
It has always bothered me that they would make plans to meet at 6:30 in the morning. I don't know any teens that would meet that early. Is that common these days? I would never have been allowed to make plans to go to someone's house that early. Anyone recall reading/hearing of a reason why they planned to meet that early? It sounds to me like R said he was going to Nando's about 10:00, which might mean he was still at his grandmother's house until then. Why meet up so early??? This stumps me.

I got the impression the reason for the proposed early start was because MR wanted to get to his office as soon as they were open to take care of his payroll issue. R didn't mention going to N's house until the (approx) 10 AM Monday text. All MOO
Just had some thoughts while reading your post. Maybe Dylan didn't call T before heading to his place because (1) he talked to him the night before and knew he would be home, or (2) he knew it was just too early to call--might wake someone up, but figured they would be up by the time he got there. Just a thought....

Another thought: Do we know for sure that the bicycle was in working order? Did it have a flat tire? Was the chain attached? I don't recall ever reading anything about it other than it was propped up against the house. Anyone recall any information on the bike?

There was nobody home when MR showed up looking for Dylan. So why would Dylan think T would be home?
It has always bothered me that they would make plans to meet at 6:30 in the morning. I don't know any teens that would meet that early. Is that common these days? I would never have been allowed to make plans to go to someone's house that early. Anyone recall reading/hearing of a reason why they planned to meet that early? It sounds to me like R said he was going to Nando's about 10:00, which might mean he was still at his grandmother's house until then. Why meet up so early??? This stumps me.

I thought it was just because he wanted to catch a ride with MR, who planned to leave that early. MOO
I got the impression the reason for the proposed early start was because MR wanted to get to his office as soon as they were open to take care of his payroll issue. R didn't mention going to N's house until the (approx) 10 AM Monday text. All MOO

That was a speculation on our part. All we really know is that Dylan asked R if they can meet at 6:30 am.
Following up on the 6:30 meeting time. This is what MR said in the long interview:

Well, I wanted to leave at 6:30 so I would be there at 7:30 when they open the doors.

I don't know how long it would have taken to get from R's Grandmother's house to MR's office. Or if Dylan just heard the 6:30 part of the conversation and took it to mean arrive in Bayfield at 6:30.
If there was ANYONE that was close enough to MR or ER that they felt it was their duty or burden to take Dylan in and hide him, for whatever reason, wouldn't they have been found out by now? JMO

MR was an OTR truck driver. Who know who he talked to about his son coming to visit for the holidays. It wouldn't necessarily have to be someone that knew the family, just someone that worked close enough to MR to know his son was visiting and that MR had errands to run that morning. Maybe they just got lucky with Dylan being home after MR left. Who knows. I just think there could be lots of people that could have known about Dylan visiting, and since we don't know the context of the text messages the night before, we don't know if anyone or how many knew Mark was running errands the next morning. All clear as mud, right?
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