CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #40

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Hopefully, questions that ER has could get answered. She certainly hasn't asked MR questions in any other forum.

IMO it is very hard to ask questions when the other party won't answer the phone and/or blocks your number.
Circumstantial Evidence: The Scott Peterson Trial
When the Facts Cannot Be Proven Directly

The trial of Scott Peterson for the murders of his wife Laci and their unborn child Conner is a classic example of a prosecution based almost solely on circumstantial evidence, rather than direct evidence.

Circumstantial evidence is evidence which may allow a judge or jury to deduce a certain fact from other facts which can be proven....

In these cases, the prosecution will attempt to provide evidence of the circumstances from which the jury can logically deduct, or reasonably infer, the fact that cannot be proven directly. The prosecutor believes the fact can be proven by the evidence of the circumstances or "circumstantial" evidence.

[Drew]Peterson murder trial verdict hinges on circumstantial evidence

The [Tennessee Supreme] Court also explained that circumstantial evidence is sufficient to support a conviction and need not exclude every reasonable hypothesis except that of guilt.

The notion that one cannot be convicted on circumstantial evidence is, of course, false. Most criminal convictions are based on circumstantial evidence, although it must be adequate to meet established standards of proof.

Easy to see why someone's nervous and stressed.

Please tell me you heard it too. I'm not crazy, right? This reporter said the dogs hit on brush?:banghead:

I heard it. When Bender said that the HRD dog alerts in Nov. may have been caused by a dead deer or elk in the lake, I chalked it up to him not knowing any better. But reporting that a HRD dog would alert on brush is ridiculous.
Why are LE so skeptical of the dogs? Why wouldn't they want to fully investigate any possibilities? I understand the lake is huge, cumbersome, etc. but come on. They seem so dismissive of this group who are working their butts off.

Well-trained dogs should not hit on anything other than HUMAN remains scent. JMO

Don't know that I'd attribute this to LE, as this CBS station has consistently sloppily reported irt Dylan's case, IMO.
I heard it. When Bender said that the HRD dog alerts in Nov. may have been caused by a dead deer or elk in the lake, I chalked it up to him not knowing any better. But reporting that a HRD dog would alert on brush is ridiculous.

Is it possible that because the lake is frozen , le is trying to minimize these ' hits' since there is little that can be done until spring? I hate to think that is the case, but WTH is going on here? I would love to hear Wendy? the handlers' reaction to what LE says about the brush.
Is it possible that because the lake is frozen , le is trying to minimize these ' hits' since there is little that can be done until spring? I hate to think that is the case, but WTH is going on here? I would love to hear Wendy? the handlers' reaction to what LE says about the brush.

Hm... What if they are watching the Lake to see who visits or has visited the lake since the hit?? Maybe they have it under surveillance.
Why are LE so skeptical of the dogs? Why wouldn't they want to fully investigate any possibilities? I understand the lake is huge, cumbersome, etc. but come on. They seem so dismissive of this group who are working their butts off.

Well-trained dogs should not hit on anything other than HUMAN remains scent. JMO

This is what I've been saying, Clu...I'm having some grave concerns about WTH is going on with LaPlata Co. LE....and I'm ALWAYS a staunch defender of LE.

I can understand "no comment". I can understand "We're looking into things". But I CANNOT understand dismissing these professionally trained dogs and the multiple alerts being blown off as "brush". Very unbelievable and somewhat unprofessional, IMO.

Troubling. :banghead:
This is what I've been saying, Clu...I'm having some grave concerns about WTH is going on with LaPlata Co. LE....and I'm ALWAYS a staunch defender of LE.

I can understand "no comment". I can understand "We're looking into things". But I CANNOT understand dismissing these professionally trained dogs and the multiple alerts being blown off as "brush". Very unbelievable and somewhat unprofessional, IMO.

Troubling. :banghead:

It makes me wonder if any other GIANT clues were staring them in the face and they dismissed it........ that's probably bbq sauce.............that's probably bear fur.......... that's probably someone else's phone....... UGH!
Hm... What if they are watching the Lake to see who visits or has visited the lake since the hit?? Maybe they have it under surveillance.

Possible. Good thought! It's much better than all the incompetent ideas running around in my head!

I still don't understand why they just don't say "no comment", though....
Actaully DP said his training is in forensic psychology. IDK that he ever says i AM a psychologist. He's probably gotten pretty crafty at how he dresses himself up to avoid calling himself what he is.
As for the second point, I agree it was handled pretty badly by DP, but I would say in retrospect, DP may not have known exactly what kind of person he was dealing with until after MR showed his cards, so to speak. At that point DP might have thought ' if i knew yesterday what I know today about him, i would have approached differently.' See I think most people in a divorce setting will probably make outlandish claims about their x. I hear it all the time just from friends. " he's the craziest man i ever met... soemthing is really wrong with his brain... i think he may be a psycho' etc. Then you find out they just are having an equal battle and calling each other names. Point is whenever ER made her statements to the dr phil show prior to taping, it probably seemed like that ..just a woman bashing her x. Then once they meet MR , they see maybe he is a man with issues. I'm just guessing here. mooooooo

Well, to be clear, I'm not upset with Dr. Phil in a "defend Mark" kind of way. We should all be upset with how he handled the situation no matter what side of the fence we're on (I'm straddling it, FWIW). Whether Mark is a narcissist as many claim, or a bundle of nerves as he himself claimed, accosting him wasn't going to get him to take the test. An opportunity was lost, and that lies solely at the feet of a man who claims to be an 'expert' in behavior and client/forensic interviewing. Losing one's cool and passing judgment early is NOT the job of a competent mental health professional. JMO.
what the dogs found we believe was brush found pushed up against a tree


That sounds like something that people with EYES might mistake for a a visual ! I doubt if the dogs are trained to see things that
look like bodies. What a mess ! I hope the lady who brought her dogs out
and wandered all over a frozen lake with knee deep snow for two weeks
is not discouraged by this and thinking 'why bother' .
Yep. Dr. Phil totally blew it on the poly opportunity by showing his pseudo-anger and overt prejudice just to bait MR and get ratings. I wouldn't have taken the test either after this disingenuous hack and so-called "psychologist" told me on national TV that I was mentally ill. There's a reason this cat doesn't have a license to practice, and said license wasn't voluntarily relinquished.

How was MR baited? He was asked a question, will you take the poly? MR could answer yes or no. MR could have said, I already did and I'm not taking anymore. MR could have said, under the advice of my attorney, no. MR could have said, I'm not taking one on national tv. What MR did say was YES.

IMO MR was not baited, he was asked a yes or no question.
Is it possible that there was a body under there at one point, and moved fairly recently?

Moved how? By water currents? I don't know about that but I do know that the HRD dogs alerts have nothing to do with brush that's against a submerged tree in the lake.
Is it possible that there was a body under there at one point, and moved fairly recently?

jumping off your post....

if at some point a deceased body was hidden under/in the brush; then someone came back and got the body to take it somewhere else; then they moved the brush up against the tree; then the HRD dogs hit on the brush?

Mark's choices are his responsibility. Not Dr. Phil's.

Mark told Melissa Bassius he would take a 2nd poly. He hasn't.

Mark said twice that he'd take the poly at the show. He did not.

He then tried to blame Trimarco for stopping the poly. Dr Phil jumps in and offers the test a 3rd time, and Mark refuses it again.
jumping off your post....

if at some point a deceased body was hidden under/in the brush; then someone came back and got the body to take it somewhere else; then they moved the brush up against the tree; then the HRD dogs hit on the brush?


I think the reporter said it was in the reservoir though - which I believe is frozen over. But it's true that it is non-specific to actual location and could be at one of the shallower spots. ETA - interesting concept though - someone knew the lake was going to be searched again and moved the body?

FWIW - I sent CBSDenver a tweet asking them to confirm the brush comment.
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