CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #40

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you've hit on something that I've been thinking for quite a while. I don't believe that 9.37pm text was from Dylan, but I do think it was to his friend that he'd been in contact with and not from his phone.

I think there must have been something 'off' about that last text, what it said or the way it was written maybe, something that didn't sound like Dylan wrote it.

I think LE know more than they are saying, how much more is anyones guess but I hope its a he!! of a lot more.

I also think it was premeditated and as much as I hope and pray that he has only hidden Dylan I fear it is much much worse.

I think it is all about getting back at Elaine, at hurting her because she left MR and she was happy without MR in her life.

BBM Exactly! ITA
Mark's choices are his responsibility. Not Dr. Phil's.

Mark told Melissa Bassius he would take a 2nd poly. He hasn't.

Mark said twice that he'd take the poly at the show. He did not.

He then tried to blame Trimarco for stopping the poly. Dr Phil jumps in and offers the test a 3rd time, and Mark refuses it again.

I totally agree.
jumping off your post....

if at some point a deceased body was hidden under/in the brush; then someone came back and got the body to take it somewhere else; then they moved the brush up against the tree; then the HRD dogs hit on the brush?


The reporter said that investigators were talking about bush in Vallecito reservoir were it's been reported that HRD dogs alerted after holes were cut in the ice.
Posted by Seajay: I told hubby today that it looked like Dr. Phil was frazzled by MR. Kinda had to laugh that a man who is trained to get to the bottom of people's ids and psyches was worn out by this man.

In my opinion, Dr. Phil looked and sounded sick on the show - he was certainly not in his usual form.
How was MR baited? He was asked a question, will you take the poly? MR could answer yes or no. MR could have said, I already did and I'm not taking anymore. MR could have said, under the advice of my attorney, no. MR could have said, I'm not taking one on national tv. What MR did say was YES.

IMO MR was not baited, he was asked a yes or no question.

Read my post above. You're correct - asking MR to take the test wasn't baiting him and was a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer. I don't like how MR handled his answer or the situation, but I understand his reservations after being taken to the woodshed by a man who claimed to be an unbiased observer who would not be passing judgment. Dr. Phil should have kept his cool and been the 'professional' he claims to be. That would've almost certainly resulted in a polygraph being administered - which is what ALL of us wanted for more clarity. He should have manipulated MR through correct technique (empathy and 'comfort' if he is in fact a narcissist) rather than accost him knowing what that would probably result in. He failed to do this, and that's unfortunate for all of us - but especially ER and CR.
I tried to listento the video before my dang ipad crashed. Did Bender say it was a brush or did the reporter just say that's what the police said? Thank you.
Mark's choices are his responsibility. Not Dr. Phil's.

Mark told Melissa Bassius he would take a 2nd poly. He hasn't.

Mark said twice that he'd take the poly at the show. He did not.

He then tried to blame Trimarco for stopping the poly. Dr Phil jumps in and offers the test a 3rd time, and Mark refuses it again.

Exactly. MR choices are his own. If he wants to continue to make excuses for himself, he has no one to blame BUT himself. Enabling his behavior is not doing him or Dylan any favors.

One of my favorite quotes:

“If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.”

~Anthony Robbins
I tried to listento the video before my dang ipad crashed. Did Bender say it was a brush or did the reporter just say that's what the police said? Thank you.

Reporter said investigators said, so not a direct quote.
How was MR baited? He was asked a question, will you take the poly? MR could answer yes or no. MR could have said, I already did and I'm not taking anymore. MR could have said, under the advice of my attorney, no. MR could have said, I'm not taking one on national tv. What MR did say was YES.

IMO MR was not baited, he was asked a yes or no question.

AZGrandma, you are absolutely correct. Mark was not baited. He was simply asked to follow through on an action which he himself verbally agreed to complete. There's clearly a pattern of behavior here, in that this individual's words and deeds do not correlate.

There are folks who are denegrating Dr. Phil instead of focusing on the true issue, which is their right to do (unfortunately). But, for the most part, we here understand exactly what happened, and it supports every single point you have made since joining this forum.
She wasn't allowed to talk anymore. DP cut her off. She probably had many more interesting items to discuss.

NOT true, everyone was allowed to talk, it was clearly explained that if they had something to say then just say it. The conversation on the show was NOT the only time she spoke, but it was not IMO anything more interesting.
Exactly. MR choices are his own. If he wants to continue to make excuses for himself, he has no one to blame BUT himself. Enabling his behavior is not doing him or Dylan any favors.

One of my favorite quotes:

“If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.”

~Anthony Robbins

And Mark has consistently failed to take another poly. Talking nice to him isn't going to change the fact that his fear for the test, knowing he's already failed one, outweighs any concern he has for Dylan.

As Mark mentioned onstage, the FBI says they have the best polygraphers. The FBI is part of Dylan's task force. If Mark wanted to take a second poly, he could call up the FBI, before he went on the show or now, and ask for one. I think they'd be very interested in him taking another one.

Well, to be clear, I'm not upset with Dr. Phil in a "defend Mark" kind of way. We should all be upset with how he handled the situation no matter what side of the fence we're on (I'm straddling it, FWIW). Whether Mark is a narcissist as many claim, or a bundle of nerves as he himself claimed, accosting him wasn't going to get him to take the test. An opportunity was lost, and that lies solely at the feet of a man who claims to be an 'expert' in behavior and client/forensic interviewing. Losing one's cool and passing judgment early is NOT the job of a competent mental health professional. JMO.

I just don't feel that. I went into the show not knowing anything about this story. What I saw in the beginning was the urgent need to get information about Dylan out there. After a period of time even DP is getting frustrated trying to ge this guy to answer simple questions.

The story that MR tells does not make sense. He is not giving clear answers, When he does give answers they don't make sense.

He gave this man every opportunity to open up. Share, Help, come clean. But he did not. He drank and decided to blow the chance to help.

Even with out the POLY. Answer questions put to you.

AS a mother, I can not see anything here by covering his own butt for something. He is hiding something. I don't know what it is, IF it actually has to do with Dylan, Or what but he is hiding something.
Read my post above. You're correct - asking MR to take the test wasn't baiting him and was a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer. I don't like how MR handled his answer or the situation, but I understand his reservations after being taken to the woodshed by a man who claimed to be an unbiased observer who would not be passing judgment. Dr. Phil should have kept his cool and been the 'professional' he claims to be. That would've almost certainly resulted in a polygraph being administered - which is what ALL of us wanted for more clarity. He should have manipulated MR through correct technique (empathy and 'comfort' if he is in fact a narcissist) rather than accost him knowing what that would probably result in. He failed to do this, and that's unfortunate for all of us - but especially ER and CR.

Yep. ITA.

Show day 1 @ 22:50 Dr. Phil first took sides thus losing Mark's trust he was building prior to that moment -

Dr. Phil, at that moment, f'ed up severely!

So much for DP's "forensic psychology" degree - not impressed at all.
He could not resist stirring the pot to create on stage drama.

Drama, drama, drama was the focus NOT Dylan.

The audience should have been able to learn more about Dylan not the past dirty laundry.

What did CR hope to accomplish on day 2 announcing on national TV his hatred for his dad. How is that helping Dylan?

I am thoroughly disgusted with the DP show. IMO/MOO
Read my post above. You're correct - asking MR to take the test wasn't baiting him and was a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer. I don't like how MR handled his answer or the situation, but I understand his reservations after being taken to the woodshed by a man who claimed to be an unbiased observer who would not be passing judgment. Dr. Phil should have kept his cool and been the 'professional' he claims to be. That would've almost certainly resulted in a polygraph being administered - which is what ALL of us wanted for more clarity. He should have manipulated MR through correct technique (empathy and 'comfort' if he is in fact a narcissist) rather than accost him knowing what that would probably result in. He failed to do this, and that's unfortunate for all of us - but especially ER and CR.

In all fairness, Dr Phil didn't really take anyone to the woodshed until AFTER the polygraph I remember it . JS
Mark called Elaine a problem drinker then shows up either drunk or hungover the next morning for his poly!

I mean really.
Originally Posted by Tonto
Read my post above. You're correct - asking MR to take the test wasn't baiting him and was a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer. I don't like how MR handled his answer or the situation, but I understand his reservations after being taken to the woodshed by a man who claimed to be an unbiased observer who would not be passing judgment. Dr. Phil should have kept his cool and been the 'professional' he claims to be. That would've almost certainly resulted in a polygraph being administered - which is what ALL of us wanted for more clarity. He should have manipulated MR through correct technique (empathy and 'comfort' if he is in fact a narcissist) rather than accost him knowing what that would probably result in. He failed to do this, and that's unfortunate for all of us - but especially ER and CR.

I think Dr Phil was an Unbiased Observer till he observed.
AZGrandma, would you feel comfortable sharing details, as you know them, of Mark's childhood? For example, how was he treated by each parent?
Originally Posted by Tonto
Read my post above. You're correct - asking MR to take the test wasn't baiting him and was a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer. I don't like how MR handled his answer or the situation, but I understand his reservations after being taken to the woodshed by a man who claimed to be an unbiased observer who would not be passing judgment. Dr. Phil should have kept his cool and been the 'professional' he claims to be. That would've almost certainly resulted in a polygraph being administered - which is what ALL of us wanted for more clarity. He should have manipulated MR through correct technique (empathy and 'comfort' if he is in fact a narcissist) rather than accost him knowing what that would probably result in. He failed to do this, and that's unfortunate for all of us - but especially ER and CR.

I think Dr Phil was an Unbiased Observer till he observed

Excellentness !
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