CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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I have a differing opinion of most regarding the time MR spent backstage with DP. A lot of posters believe MR was about to tell all, so to speak. I didn't see it. I thought MR was about to explode because he was angry with DP. He was not fooling DP and MR was PO'd. I felt MR was about to show DP the rage filled side of him. It appeared to me as if MR wanted out of that room before he exploded. DP was challenging MR and he was not winning. I saw a very angry man who was about to show his true colors. Just my opinion.
This has been one of the central suspicions I've had about Kyron Horman and now Dylan. I brought up a similar scenario a thread or two back.

I think MR's occupation lends a lot to my concerns that Dylan has been far removed from Colorado by now. Similar to Kyron's case there was a long gap of time between the last independent sighting and the time LE was notified. Enough to cover many miles by any number of methods of travel.

Your thoughts about Kyron are interesting. Everyone was quick to blame step mom in that case, and at first I had the same opinion. As time progressed, I began to look deep into that case and became a very solid fence sitter. There are so many things that raise red flags on that one and most of the public has no idea. Corrupt politicians, a school covering it's arse, S/O running amok, even some unusual activities concerning his own father, step-mom who can't even take a stand for her parental rights to her own daughter due to a convoluted court system....and that's just to name a few. I haven't followed the case here, but I have a site that has explored this one in depth. Frightening, to say the least.
I wonder if that 'college fund' was started when MR had to start paying ER? I suspect he hasn't paid her a dime & put the money aside in case there is a legal issue, then he would begrudgingly fork it over to ER claiming she is taking Dylan's college money. As you can tell I don't think much of him & wouldn't put anything past him to get ER.

I bet there is no college fund :liar:
Dr Phil was saying 'if you know where he is tell me...' when Mark mumbled 'behind the scenes?' I think MR contemplated for a brief second. I don't think Dr Phil ever heard it. MR mumbled it as Dr Phil was talking (and talking loudly and intently).

I hope by now LE has been made aware of that statement. They can do with it what they will.

I think if MR did this the pressure has got to be unbelievable! I think he wants Dylan to be found and he also wants the world to see that Dylan did indeed go fishing and have an accident and fall in the lake. I don't think any of the media explosion and what's been going on ever entered his mind. I think he thought Dylan would probably be found fairly quickly and they would determine it to be an accidental drowning and end of story. Child support ends and he got his final revenge on Elaine. Thus in HIS MIND he gets the final WIN.
Thank you all for the replys . I guess I am a grudge bearer :)p) and could never take a penny off him even if its for the fund as it would be blood money to me . I just would never be able to accept anything off from a cup of tea to money as it would forever be tainted .


I'm not a grudge bearer but if someone killed my son I would make an exception.
This has been one of the central suspicions I've had about Kyron Horman and now Dylan. I brought up a similar scenario a thread or two back.

I think MR's occupation lends a lot to my concerns that Dylan has been far removed from Colorado by now. Similar to Kyron's case there was a long gap of time between the last independent sighting and the time LE was notified. Enough to cover many miles by any number of methods of travel.

Methods of travel... Are missing children posters routinely provided to TSA agents?
In my opinion, the 'behind the scenes' was a way for MR to get out of the situation. Even if DP had heard 'behind the scenes' and they left the room to go off camera, I don't believe MR was going to say a word. I think MR was attempting to manipulate DP and stop the conversation.
In my opinion, the 'behind the scenes' was a way for MR to get out of the situation. Even if DP had heard 'behind the scenes' and they left the room to go off camera, I don't believe MR was going to say a word. I think MR was attempting to manipulate DP and stop the conversation.

You could be absolutely right! Perhaps the pressure was getting to him at that moment so he was trying to divert to something else. He's definitely a manipulator. I think it's kind of funny that he thought he could manipulate Dr Phil.
In my opinion, the 'behind the scenes' was a way for MR to get out of the situation. Even if DP had heard 'behind the scenes' and they left the room to go off camera, I don't believe MR was going to say a word. I think MR was attempting to manipulate DP and stop the conversation.

I agree . He has shown no remorse so i can not see him admitting to Dr Phil what he did if he did it ... ( he may not of course be guilty) :cow:
I certainly understand where you are coming from, but money is money. It doesn't have a soul or a heart, it's just a tool. I would certainly take every dime I could get from this man...especially if I believed that he cared more about the almighty dollar than he did his own child. Karma.

I think money means a great deal to MR and is a motivating factor for him. I believe we've seen some money issues during his divorce from azgrandma. Didn't pay support. Manipulated a way to get out of ever paying it. None of our business but I bet he got a lot of other monetary "wins" in that divorce battle.

Then we've got the situation with ER. 6-7 years of court battles over what? Money. So he ended up with everything. Both houses, no child support to be paid but actually collecting it from ER. When that changed up, he was back to his divorce attorney to file paperwork. Likely to dispute the child support he was ordered to pay. I believe in that 3 months he made 1 payment as per azgrandma. And it was likely at the recommendation of his divorce attorney on that Monday November 19th when he went to see him/her.

He has obviously not retained a criminal defense attorney because that costs money. A criminal defense attorney is going to require a retainer to start representing him. He figures it's a waste of money I guess. He's not a named suspect and he's doing such a great job of deflecting that he figures it's not neccessary at this time?

He has not contributed one dime to the Dylan reward fund that I'm aware of. Forget arranging for fund raisers where other people contribute, which he hasn't done either, he personally has not put up anything. Even though he has a job, two houses (one a rental), two trucks and apparently a "college fund" for Dylan. When asked about this he made some lame comment about his company putting up some money. Disgraceful.

But besides all that, I don't think it was a motivating factor for what ultimately happened to Dylan. On Dr Phil he commented on how ER was alienating Dylan from him for the past 6 months. That time frame puts it some time after the "trip of a lifetime" in August I would assume. He saw him once since then for the Labour Day weekend. We've heard nothing about there being any problem then. So basically he's talking about the time frame from the custody hearing. He only saw Dylan once after that. That Sunday November 18th when Dylan fell off the radar.

So if he's complaining about ER alienating Dylan from him, then he likely got that feeling on that day. There was an argument IMO. A bad one. I hate that I feel so sure of it. :(

I'd take the child support, put it towards the fund and then send a thank you for your donation letter to him, each and every single month.

Sounds harsh, but money is precious to MR.
In my opinion, the 'behind the scenes' was a way for MR to get out of the situation. Even if DP had heard 'behind the scenes' and they left the room to go off camera, I don't believe MR was going to say a word. I think MR was attempting to manipulate DP and stop the conversation.

I think he would have gone "off camera" to give Dr Phil his "theories" on why he thought ER was responsible. Deflect the attention from himself off camera to manipulate Dr Phil into putting some heat on ER on camera.

I think the clock is ticking against MR and it's only a matter of time.
I have a differing opinion of most regarding the time MR spent backstage with DP. A lot of posters believe MR was about to tell all, so to speak. I didn't see it. I thought MR was about to explode because he was angry with DP. He was not fooling DP and MR was PO'd. I felt MR was about to show DP the rage filled side of him. It appeared to me as if MR wanted out of that room before he exploded. DP was challenging MR and he was not winning. I saw a very angry man who was about to show his true colors. Just my opinion.

I, perhaps, should have chosen a better word when I was speaking to the backstage discussion. When I said about to break or crack, I meant exactly what you said above.

However, with the pressure I thought that "break" into rage would cause MR to say some things that he didn't plan to say. That he'd be off his game, and not able to maintain that illusion of indifference. That's why I wish they had another day to pressure him. Who knows what was said off-camera as well. I definitely have a feeling this is exactly the conversation that LE want the unedited version of.

I'm going to re-watch the episode today to see if there's anything else I missed. If people would like me to do a little transcribing of certain portions, which I will likely do anyway, just let me know here.
Good afternoon everyone! I thought I would check in to see if there is any new news.. After reading I see no changes.. Sad :(
You could be absolutely right! Perhaps the pressure was getting to him at that moment so he was trying to divert to something else. He's definitely a manipulator. I think it's kind of funny that he thought he could manipulate Dr Phil.

I think you're absolutely correct about MR thinking he could manipulate DP, and I get a sickeningly gleeful feeling when those types of people are stopped in their tracks, so I understand how you feel.

Those with ASPD, especially those with narcissism related ASPD tendencies usually think they are the smartest in the room, no matter who the people in the room with them are... They are so used to either being believed, or to people just wanting to leave it alone and not confront them, that they get very upset when people don't go along with their schemes. DP wasn't fooled by him at all, IMO, and MR definitely knew that.

Again - I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, nor social worker. All of the above is a layman's opinion, and definitely MOO.
It's just another thing about Mark being two faced .

He goes to great pains in one interview to say how its just him and Dylan when Dylan visits him . How its just about them two and blah blah .

Yet now we know that he had a girlfriend or friend stay for a entire week that Dylan was there and it seems mighty odd when you consider how little he saw Dylan that he would invite somebody to stay with them them for his sons stay .


and IMO that is a great example of when people add a lot of unnecessary off topic words when answering a serious question, they are usually making s^*%
up. :panic:
I think money means a great deal to MR and is a motivating factor for him. I believe we've seen some money issues during his divorce from azgrandma. Didn't pay support. Manipulated a way to get out of ever paying it. None of our business but I bet he got a lot of other monetary "wins" in that divorce battle.

Then we've got the situation with ER. 6-7 years of court battles over what? Money. So he ended up with everything. Both houses, no child support to be paid but actually collecting it from ER. When that changed up, he was back to his divorce attorney to file paperwork. Likely to dispute the child support he was ordered to pay. I believe in that 3 months he made 1 payment as per azgrandma. And it was likely at the recommendation of his divorce attorney on that Monday November 19th when he went to see him/her.

He has obviously not retained a criminal defense attorney because that costs money. A criminal defense attorney is going to require a retainer to start representing him. He figures it's a waste of money I guess. He's not a named suspect and he's doing such a great job of deflecting that he figures it's not neccessary at this time?

He has not contributed one dime to the Dylan reward fund that I'm aware of. Forget arranging for fund raisers where other people contribute, which he hasn't done either, he personally has not put up anything. Even though he has a job, two houses (one a rental), two trucks and apparently a "college fund" for Dylan. When asked about this he made some lame comment about his company putting up some money. Disgraceful.

But besides all that, I don't think it was a motivating factor for what ultimately happened to Dylan. On Dr Phil he commented on how ER was alienating Dylan from him for the past 6 months. That time frame puts it some time after the "trip of a lifetime" in August I would assume. He saw him once since then for the Labour Day weekend. We've heard nothing about there being any problem then. So basically he's talking about the time frame from the custody hearing. He only saw Dylan once after that. That Sunday November 18th when Dylan fell off the radar.

So if he's complaining about ER alienating Dylan from him, then he likely got that feeling on that day. There was an argument IMO. A bad one. I hate that I feel so sure of it. :(


Absolutely agree. I was going to comment about his "love of money" beyond everything else, but I never know what is acceptable without a million "links" and I didn't feel like digging. I really appreciate your analogies. They all serve to demonstrate exactly what MR consider's "important"....but I also agree that money wasn't his motivating factor; it was just a side "benefit".
I have always believed his motivating factor was revenge. He enjoys seeing Elaine in pain. I also don't think this went down the way he expected it would. I think he had some screwy idea in his head that she would run to him so they could "find" Dylan. When she didn't do that, he just became more enraged. He appeared to be genuinely surprised when things took off the way they did. I think he was counting on "Dylan missing" to be just another runaway or an accidental drowning to LE.
I, perhaps, should have chosen a better word when I was speaking to the backstage discussion. When I said about to break or crack, I meant exactly what you said above.

However, with the pressure I thought that "break" into rage would cause MR to say some things that he didn't plan to say. That he'd be off his game, and not able to maintain that illusion of indifference. That's why I wish they had another day to pressure him. Who knows what was said off-camera as well. I definitely have a feeling this is exactly the conversation that LE want the unedited version of.

I'm going to re-watch the episode today to see if there's anything else I missed. If people would like me to do a little transcribing of certain portions, which I will likely do anyway, just let me know here.

I would appreciate if you would really pay attention to this part:

ER: I don’t care what you believe. I don’t have Dylan. I wish I had Dylan, because if I had Dylan we wouldn’t be on the Dr. Phil show, Okay?

MR: I wish I had Dylan, too, but that’s not…

ER: Did you hurt him?

MR: No, Elaine!! I wouldn’t hurt him… what kind of mother are you to even think that I was capable of doing something like that?

ER: I was your wife for 18 years. I brought you all the way to Dr. Phil to speak with you because you won’t speak with me.

I am wondering what you think, perhaps from his demeanor, what he was going to say before he was interrupted "I wish I had Dylan, too, but that's not..." Was he going to say "but that's not going to happen?" Wondering what else could fit that sentence. I think an interesting sentence was lost. :banghead:
First, my apologies to all. I'm almost afraid to post, because I keep breaking the rules. I've read the rules, just not getting through to my brain I guess. (Makes me feel a bit dim.) Want you to know, I do care and am not intentionally flaunting the guidelines. Slow learner.

I'm not so sure DR will be found. Only because of the length of time available to hide him. Someone posted statistics that women perpetrators tend to hide their victim close to home and men tend to hide them miles away.

That said, I've been going over videos and noticed in one, up against the house where there are large rocks, tools, what looks like a yellow tarp and a concrete slab with lots of things piled on it. (Made me think of the Miranda and Ashley case in Oregon.) Sometimes the best place to hide is right out in the open. Not likely, but it did sort of give me shivers.

0:28 "Cops Quiz Father of Missing Colorado Boy" Published 11/30/12 by KRQE on YouTube.

I noticed that too, and it made me think of the Oregon City girls. I hope that they have checked that area out. However, with the dog hits early on, and the recent hits, I feel that it is highly probable that Dylan will be found in the reservoir. I would love to be wrong and for Dylan to be somewhere safe, but I don't believe that it is likely at this point. IF Mark is the responsible party, I believe if he had Dylan being confined somewhere alive, he would have revealed his location by now. MOO.
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