CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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It would never take ten days to get a search warrant for the home of a missing child, IMO.
I think LE was still operating under the runaway theory, no matter what they say now.
I cannot think of any other excuse, other than incompetence and if I think that, then all may be lost for Dylan.
Let's not bicker about the resources the family chooses to use, okay?

They are in a very, very difficult situation and they are doing the best they can to make the right decisions to find Dylan.

We can make recommendations based on what we know and the organizations we have seen in the past - but ... it is up to the family to make the decisions.

WS does usually recommend TES and KlassKids and the Laura Recovery Organizations because we know they work with the family and with LE and they are professional organizations, which is very important when a family is vulnerable. BUT the family makes the decisions because only they know what will work best for them at the time.

So, share the ideas and the positive thoughts and words of warning if you think they are warranted and let it go. It is up to the family.


So, it seems that many (most?) people formed a (even more) negative opinion about Mark after watching the show. If Mark had not done the show, would more people still be on the fence? Obviously, there would still be the issue of "If your child is missing, why don't you publicize it?" but I don't think criticism of that would go on for that long...People would move on. But with the show, we now have thousands of posts talking about everything Mark said and did on it. Without the show, we would not have the polygraph drama. Would it have been smart for Mark to refuse to do the show?
So, it seems that many (most?) people formed a (even more) negative opinion about Mark after watching the show. If Mark had not done the show, would more people still be on the fence? Obviously, there would still be the issue of "If your child is missing, why don't you publicize it?" but I don't think criticism of that would go on for that long...People would move on. But with the show, we now have thousands of posts talking about everything Mark said and did on it. Without the show, we would not have the polygraph drama. Would it have been smart for Mark to refuse to do the show?

IMO the only smart thing he could have done is tell them from the start he did not have faith in polygraphs and would not be taking one. If he is indeed innocent, he has every reason to doubt their accuracy or his being a good candidate. But he could not have handled the show worse than he did, in any way, IMO. Still, if he refused to even appear, the uproar might be still greater, if possible.

I still have not "decided" he is guilty, but he came off as loathsome, abusive, petty, cruel, and not focused on Dylan being missing.
IMO the only smart thing he could have done is tell them from the start he did not have faith in polygraphs and would not be taking one. If he is indeed innocent, he has every reason to doubt their accuracy or his being a good candidate. But he could not have handled the show worse than he did, in any way, IMO. Still, if he refused to even appear, the uproar might be still greater, if possible.

I still have not "decided" he is guilty, but he came off as loathsome, abusive, petty, cruel, and not focused on Dylan being missing.

You see, I don't think the uproar would be greater if Mark had refused to do the show. Back when he was considering it, there were many posts here saying that they wouldn't blame him if he refused because Dr. Phil is trash TV, etc. I feel like people would have moved on fairly quickly from it. Not saying that people would still be bringing it up, but I don't know if anyone would jump off the fence to "MR is guilty" because of it. I definitely think that what happened on the show was much worse for MR's "reputation" than if MR had refused to do the show.
You see, I don't think the uproar would be greater if Mark had refused to do the show. Back when he was considered it, there were many posts here saying that they wouldn't blame him if he refused because Dr. Phil is trash TV, etc. I feel like people would have moved on fairly quickly from it. Not saying that people would still be bringing it up, but I don't know if anyone would jump off the fence to "MR is guilty" because of it. I definitely think that what happened on the show was much worse for MR's "reputation" than if MR had refused to do the show.

I guess it would depend upon how the show went without him. Even though he did not add much about the actual day/night of Dylan's disappearance, it may have been a rather awkward discussion without the only person who had any info, and probably, the topic of why he would not appear would have been a big factor of speculation.

But you are right in that he showed some very unattractive sides of his personality that might be better left unrevealed in such a public way.
I guess it would depend upon how the show went without him. Even though he did not add much about the actual day/night of Dylan's disappearance, it may have been a rather awkward discussion without the only person who had any info, and probably, the topic of why he would not appear would have been a big factor of speculation.

What if the show hadn't happened at all?
So, it seems that many (most?) people formed a (even more) negative opinion about Mark after watching the show. If Mark had not done the show, would more people still be on the fence? Obviously, there would still be the issue of "If your child is missing, why don't you publicize it?" but I don't think criticism of that would go on for that long...People would move on. But with the show, we now have thousands of posts talking about everything Mark said and did on it. Without the show, we would not have the polygraph drama. Would it have been smart for Mark to refuse to do the show?

I never did think it was a wise choice and I'm still wondering why he did it. How he didn't know it was going to be this way, I do not know. He should have watched an episode before he agreed to do it. His time and efforts would have been much more valuable working solo to get Dylan's name out there and left Dr. Phil for his ex wife and ex kid. IMO, JMO
So, it seems that many (most?) people formed a (even more) negative opinion about Mark after watching the show. If Mark had not done the show, would more people still be on the fence? Obviously, there would still be the issue of "If your child is missing, why don't you publicize it?" but I don't think criticism of that would go on for that long...People would move on. But with the show, we now have thousands of posts talking about everything Mark said and did on it. Without the show, we would not have the polygraph drama. Would it have been smart for Mark to refuse to do the show?

MOO, of course, but I believe MR didn't really have a choice if he wants to keep promoting his innocence. If he had refused the show, then that would have been a checkmark in the "odd behavior" column for many. I don't think MR realized that he wouldn't be able to outsmart DP, but again that is MOO.

Admittedly, I was one who was very suspect of MR to begin with (after the first initial days, and esp. after the serving of the search warrant at MR's). Viewing the show - as you pointed out above - pretty much solidified what I previously suspected.

So, I guess to summarize would it have been smart to say no? If he is truly innocent then it would not have been smart at all.

If he knows more than he is telling (which seems pretty obvious to me), then it was very poor judgement on his part to think he could go on that show and face someone with as much experience in this area as DP, and get away with what I believe are outright lies, and that he thought perhaps he would be able to hide his strange emotional state and responses. Although I'm glad he did as it gave me a lot more insight to his behavior, mannerisms, and personality.

I think the worst decision he made on the show altogether was agreeing to take the Polygraph, but then making excuses for why he didn't feel up to it, instead of saying straight out that he didn't want to. MOO only, but I feel he totally chickened out as he wouldn't be able to fall back on the "possibly unqualified Polygraph operator" story to quash any negative or inconclusive outcomes as he has done in justifying his previous Failed/Inconclusive test.

Again, all of the above is MOO. :cow:
If I were MR, I would be consulting a lawyer at this point. Whether innocent or guilty. If he truly had no part in it he has definitely done himself a disservice, not to mention the disservice done to Dylan with his continuing vagaries and every-changing stories.

As always, all of the above is MOO.
So, it seems that many (most?) people formed a (even more) negative opinion about Mark after watching the show. If Mark had not done the show, would more people still be on the fence? Obviously, there would still be the issue of "If your child is missing, why don't you publicize it?" but I don't think criticism of that would go on for that long...People would move on. But with the show, we now have thousands of posts talking about everything Mark said and did on it. Without the show, we would not have the polygraph drama. Would it have been smart for Mark to refuse to do the show?
IMO, it wouldn't have really mattered one way or the other. Having seen Mark in interviews, there were no surprises for me on the Dr. Phil show. It was more of the same to me, although more in your face.
He had had ample opportunity to re-take a polygraph before Dr. Phil and he didn't. No surprise there.
IMO, he speaks about his son as if Dylan might have done anything (gone fishing, wandered off, hitch hiked, whatever), so how would Mark have any idea where Dylan went/is, which, to me, is a crock.
IMO, any time someone questions inconsistencies in what Mark says, he deflects and finds someone else to blame about something hardly related.
IMO, he is more concerned with how he "looks" or presents himself, than his missing child.
I still think he is lying about something, although I don't know what.

I think all Dr. Phil did was introduce Mark Redwine to more people in TV land. Probably the same percentage of people there have similar opinions to the percentages here. You just see more people commenting on it. IMHO.
How much time was actually wasted by LE thinking Dylan was a runaway??? Didn't they come out within a day or two after Dylan's disappearance that they ruled runaway out???
I never did think it was a wise choice and I'm still wondering why he did it. How he didn't know it was going to be this way, I do not know. He should have watched an episode before he agreed to do it. His time and efforts would have been much more valuable working solo to get Dylan's name out there and left Dr. Phil for his ex wife and ex kid. IMO, JMO
BBM: Besides what was in MSM about how Mark said he gives flyers to trucker friends, has he done that? I mean, worked solo to get Dylan's name out there? I am wondering if he did, and an article about it just got buried somewhere.
How much time was actually wasted by LE thinking Dylan was a runaway??? Didn't they come out within a day or two after Dylan's disappearance that they ruled runaway out???

I thought they said later on, that they considered it a criminal case as of day two, but I do not believe they said it on day two.
BBM: Besides what was in MSM about how Mark said he gives flyers to trucker friends, has he done that? I mean, worked solo to get Dylan's name out there? I am wondering if he did, and an article about it just got buried somewhere.

He's given a couple of interviews. To DH and MB. Remember?
He's given a couple of interviews. To DH and MB. Remember?
Yes, but Elaine gave interviews, too, so I suppose I didn't consider that "solo". (Would he have given those interviews if she had not? I think no, but I could be wrong). I see your point, though.

I was thinking more like the passing out of the flyers to the truckers-maybe putting them in shop windows in Durango and Bayfield or outlying towns (I did that for a murdered friend many years ago-I can't even tell you how many hours I logged doing that in hopes someone would remember someone following her), or organizing a search (although maybe he has been told not to by LE-that does happen) or having a fundraiser to get money for supplies for volunteer searchers, that kind of thing.
It's not going to be my turn tonight. Signing off now.

Agreed. I just tried to catch up on this thread and couldn't. It makes me dizzy. I think I just lost brain cells that will never regenerate trying to absorb it all again and again. I don't want to walk away from this case but I may have to. I know we are all banging our heads against walls trying to figure it out but I'm so over the constant bickering and rehashing things while adding peppered emotion. I dislike seeing so many of us taking things personally or being offended because of the lack of information that drives us in circles. I know I am one of a outspoken handful that is not convinced of MR's guilt. Bad behavior and self centeredness do not equal murder. Evidence does. No matter who is guilty I just pray Dylan is found soon so his family and everyone passionately involved can have some type of closure. MOO

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I didn't see her drinking problem verified. I saw a claim by the same person who filed the original complaint, but I didn't see it verified by a third party or by Elaine. Was it on the show? Just say yes and I will go back and watch.

you're very much less a claim made by an angry man who downed half a bottle of Jim Beam..his word IMO is literally less than zero at this point.
I never did think it was a wise choice and I'm still wondering why he did it. How he didn't know it was going to be this way, I do not know. He should have watched an episode before he agreed to do it. His time and efforts would have been much more valuable working solo to get Dylan's name out there and left Dr. Phil for his ex wife and ex kid. IMO, JMO

I'm sorry, I don't want to misunderstand what you're saying. What do you mean by this?

Thank you.
And we would have never known that ER had a drinking problem verified with something besides the court records.:moo:

Verified? I'm sorry to be such a pest, but could you provide a link for the verification?

Thank you.

ETA: I guess other people were confused too; when you come back, could you please explain?

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