CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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Thank you ! A child of 13 watching nickelodeon in either the sleepy eyed about to go to sleep or the zombie eyed just woke up phase of the day is just not an issue to me. Also my 15 yr old and her friend are currently watching Lady and the Tramp part 2 . A little young for them? YES,but they don't care. They're just watching it because they're bored.

But thats not the only channel!
As a mother, I'd be pretty hacked off if my son's friend turned up at my house at 8.30pm on a Sunday night!! That's winding down time, and I wouldn't want the disruption at that time of night, especially if it was a friend who he hadn't seen for ages. I'd imagine they'd be excited and noisy well into the night - not good if the parent(s) had to go to work the next day. So, for me, I think this shows MR to be quite considerate!

Yes, late could mean too late at night. Entirely possible. I was the Kool-aide mom, so it did not seem late in my book.

Considerate? That is a little bit harder for me to accept. However, he may well have been considerate to those outside of his family.


Maybe it's a generational thing, but I've got to stick up for the guys here. I know some great fathers, who most certainly do "feelings."


I was talking more about expressing them verbally. Most men I know don't even know the names of the feelings they are having. IME.
8 30 is not late! Its a holiday!
Kids are never a Hassel.
Teens are not all that noisey.
And I dont think MR was being considerate!

And Hacked off? what is that?

Depends on the household and what schedule the ADULTS of each
household are used to. Can I call you when I get up in the morning?
It's about 4:30 am most days. Is that too early ? Late and early
are relative terms. There is no definition that fits every person ! JS :)
Most of our friends and family give us grief because we go to bed
' early' but when I say I 'll call you ' early' in the morning, they want
no part of that !
Does anyone know if the statement by the mail carrier been validated or disproved? (Stating she saw Dylan later the day he went missing?) If I understand correctly, she said he was walking with another boy? Do we have a description of that boy or if they were carrying anything? Has this been dismissed at this point, or are there theories on this? If I missed it earlier in the thread my apologies.

I believe it was just unconfirmed to be Dylan. I read a long time ago that they determined it to be a boy that looked like Dylan (although I don't know if they found that boy or if that is fact?)

I have a feeling that's what LE is doing this weekend. Trying to find the two boys?

As stated prior, if it were Dylan and a friend, logic says the friend would have come forward by now or would also be missing. I don't think there are any other missing boys from the area?
But thats not the only channel!

What? No they chose to watch it even though it's way beneath their normal
age group of shows. Just like DR may have chosen Nickelodoen that night or morning even though it's younger than he might normally .
I believe Dylan told R he couldn't come way before 8:30 so I don't know where that time is coming from? If they left straight from McDonald's and went straight to Bayfield (eating in the truck on the way) I think they could have been there by 8:00 easy couldn't they? How long does it take to get from McDonalds to Bayfield?

And 8:30 is late?
Depends on the household and what schedule the ADULTS of each
household are used to. Can I call you when I get up in the morning?
It's about 4:30 am most days. Is that too early ? Late and early
are relative terms. There is no definition that fits every person ! JS :)
Most of our friends and family give us grief because we go to bed
' early' but when I say I 'll call you ' early' in the morning, they want
no part of that !

Guess I dont care esp during a holiday!
Kids are usually no trouble
But thats just me.
Its not an everynight thing.
Yes, late could mean too late at night. Entirely possible. I was the Kool-aide mom, so it did not seem late in my book.

Considerate? That is a little bit harder for me to accept. However, he may well have been considerate to those outside of his family.


That's how I described my house and got loads of flack for it. Must be a generational thing, I knew exactly what you meant, it's the house where the kids come and go, everyone was welcome. As I had said, at mealtime, whoever was here at dinner ate and at bedtime whoever was here went to bed. I had a half pipe skateboard ramp in my back yard and my house was VERY popular. I had kids coming and going all the time. It was fun.
If I hadn't seen my child in a long time, they would be coming home with me, their parent and spending the night when they arrived. I can't imagine just dropping my child off somewhere else regardless of what they wanted to do. There would be plenty of time for them to see there friends in the coming days.

Call me selfish if you want.
What? No they chose to watch it even though it's way beneath their normal
age group of shows. Just like DR may have chosen Nickelodoen that night or morning even though it's younger than he might normally .

Nick is fine but morning nick im not so sure he would be watching that.
Nick at night yea!
MR may very well be lying about the nick channel being on that morning.
For all we know DR wasn't even in the house that morning at all. I'm just
saying that for me the tv on nick is not a ' red flag'.
Also saying its' too late at 8:30 at night is not a ' red flag'.
Some families and adults work schedules are just a little earlier or later
than others. Those things don't make him guilty or not guilty. They just
don't tweek my hinky meter. A LOT of other things do though .
If I hadn't seen my child in a long time, they would be coming home with me, their parent and spending the night when they arrived. I can't imagine just dropping my child off somewhere else regardless of what they wanted to do. There would be plenty of time for them to see there friends in the coming days.

Call me selfish if you want.

What you said reminded me of when my son was in college. I'd fly him home a couple of times a year and he'd better spend his first night with us or I wasn't going to pay for more tickets home. I was paying the money so I could see my son, not so everyone else got to see him. And he knew it too. Add me to the selfish list. My kid, my money, I get first dibs.
Exactly it seems he reads all these threads and FB too.

There is no way he didnt know plus im sure ppl told him "Hey Mark ya know Dr P will ask you to take a poly". JMO

Yes I totally agree MR reads as much as possible, I wouldn't put it past him posting on various forums.

MR after a few months stated it was on one of the nickelodeon channels, in the beginning it was on nickelodeon.

i don't believe MR came home and the TV was on any Nickelodeon channel. I don't believe Dylan was on the couch Monday morning when MR claimed he left at 7:30 AM.

Until Sunday night can reasonably be explained concerning Dylan _ an avid texter, that for unknown reasons instantly quit texting, talking or communicating with anyone, and Dylan's cell phone From Sunday night November 18 stopped sending or receiving electronic signals to any cell tower.

MR Credibilty concerning Monday Morning amounts to " zero "
I"m just catching up and haven't read a single post here, but wanted to say one thing and then ask one thing of all of you.

There has been referenced a post that I put on here "a little boy who just wanted to see his dad"
I did want to clarify this statement so that it isn't mistaken, when I made this statement, I was speaking in simplistic terms, meaning that Dylan is just a little boy that wanted to see his dad and visit his friends, just like any other little boy on vacation. The same as when I say little babies just want to be loved and cuddled.
It should not be taken that I have any knowledge that this is what Dylan "wanted" as in "desired". I have no idea if Dylan wanted or did not want to see his dad. I hope that helps.

Now for my question......I have been trying to search for my statement and for the life of me I can't find it! Can someone (in pm so it doesn't waste others time here) explain to me how to easily and effectively search for past comments by anyone???!!! I spent over 30 minutes searching and had NO luck, I did find out that you are limited in the number of searches you can do though :)
Thanks for your help!!!!!!

I'm always up for a challenge! Here you go: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #37[/ame]

If you don't mind I'll go ahead and post how I found it here rather than in a PM because I know you're not the only one who gets stuck in the searches. I've gotten a little better but I'm still not that great at it even with lots of attempts.

How I found your original post was:

- From the home page click the down arrow next to "search" and choose "advanced search" under "search forums" (it's the first Advanced Search - the second one listed in the drop down is for Blogs)

I do this next part in reverse because I tend to forget the Search Options part if I don't.

Under Search Options (lower part of the search page):
- Optional: narrow it down by going to Find Threads with Prefix and putting in whatever you know is at the beginning of the thread. In this case I picked CO.

- Also optional: I'd recommend picking "Posts" under "Show Results as." Otherwise you get the whole thread, and you may still have to dig through it to find the post.

Going back up the page, in the Search Forums section:
- Under User Name put your exact user name (or the user name of the person who posted what you're looking for).

- Under Search by Keyword(s) is where it gets tricky. Put in the word or words you're looking for. If it's too general you'll get too many results (i.e. don't search by "boy" or "Dylan" unless you want to spend all day). If there's a somewhat unique word you know is in the post you can use that. Or, if you're looking for a particular phrase, you can put it in quotes and it'll look for the whole phrase.

In this case I looked for the phrase, but it still took me 4 tries before I got it. I started with "just wanted to see his Dad" then "wanted to see his Dad" and finally "see his Dad," but I got no results other than your post today. Turns out, none of those (not even simply "see his Dad") were in your original post. Then I tried searching for "little boy" and found a handful of results under your user name, including the right post. As I think you may have suspected, it has subtlely changed over time. Here's what you said originally:

Dylan is a little boy that wanted to go visit his father and visit his friends. He had no agenda, like any little boy. He wasn't reckless, wasn't a dare devil and would most certainly contacted his mom if he was able to.

I must say when I read your original post, I felt like it was the forum version of that "telephone" game you play in grade school where you go around in a circle whispering a phrase to each other, then the last person says what they heard, and the first person repeats what they said originally, which is often barely even close.

In this case it looks like "a little boy that wanted to go visit his father and visit his friends" has slowly turned into "a little boy who just wanted to visit his Dad." (or similar)

I guess the gist of it is the same but "just wanted to visit his Dad" comes across pretty differently to me. Instead of a kid who wants to visit his father and his friends, I picture a desparate kid who never gets to see his Dad and badly wanted to go spend time with him. JMO.

Hope this is helpful.
I believe Dylan told R he couldn't come way before 8:30 so I don't know where that time is coming from? If they left from straight from McDonald's and went straight to Bayfield (eating in the truck on the way) I think they could have been there by 8:00 easy couldn't they? How long does it take to get from McDonalds to Bayfield?

And 8:30 is late?

I am not sure of all the exact addresses, but oddly enough, it takes about 25 minutes to go from Durango to Bayfield (not sure where the McDonalds is at).
I takes about an hour and 15 minutes to get from Durango to Mark's house.
It takes about an hour to get from Mark's house to Bayfield.

It was far faster to go from Durango to Bayfield, so leaving Dylan behind in the morning makes very little sense, from a traveling time point of view.
MR may very well be lying about the nick channel being on that morning.
For all we know DR wasn't even in the house that morning at all. I'm just
saying that for me the tv on nick is not a ' red flag'.
Also saying its' too late at 8:30 at night is not a ' red flag'.
Some families and adults work schedules are just a little earlier or later
than others. Those things don't make him guilty or not guilty. They just
don't tweek my hinky meter. A LOT of other things do though .

I agree that the Nick channel has never been a red flag for me either. I guess that's partly due to the fact that I don't believe Dylan was there that morning.
If I hadn't seen my child in a long time, they would be coming home with me, their parent and spending the night when they arrived. I can't imagine just dropping my child off somewhere else regardless of what they wanted to do. There would be plenty of time for them to see there friends in the coming days.

Call me selfish if you want.

ITA. I'd be devastated if after not seeing my son for a month, he wanted to be dropped of at a mate's place as soon as I collected him from the airport. I know a teen mightn't get it, but all the same it just wouldn't be happening - so add me to the selfish parent list too.
I'm always up for a challenge! Here you go: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #37

If you don't mind I'll go ahead and post how I found it here rather than in a PM because I know you're not the only one who gets stuck in the searches. I've gotten a little better but I'm still not that great at it even with lots of attempts.

How I found your original post was:

- From the home page click the down arrow next to "search" and choose "advanced search" under "search forums" (it's the first Advanced Search - the second one listed in the drop down is for Blogs)

I do this next part in reverse because I tend to forget the Search Options part if I don't.

Under Search Options (lower part of the search page):
- Optional: narrow it down by going to Find Threads with Prefix and putting in whatever you know is at the beginning of the thread. In this case I picked CO.

- Also optional: I'd recommend picking "Posts" under "Show Results as." Otherwise you get the whole thread, and you may still have to dig through it to find the post.

Going back up the page, in the Search Forums section:
- Under User Name put your exact user name (or the user name of the person who posted what you're looking for).

- Under Search by Keyword(s) is where it gets tricky. Put in the word or words you're looking for. If it's too general you'll get too many results (i.e. don't search by "boy" or "Dylan" unless you want to spend all day). If there's a somewhat unique word you know is in the post you can use that. Or, if you're looking for a particular phrase, you can put it in quotes and it'll look for the whole phrase.

In this case I looked for the phrase, but it still took me 4 tries before I got it. I started with "just wanted to see his Dad" then "wanted to see his Dad" and finally "see his Dad," but I got no results other than your post today. Turns out, none of those (not even simply "see his Dad") were in your original post. Then I tried searching for "little boy" and found a handful of results under your user name, including the right post. As I think you may have suspected, it has subtlely changed over time. Here's what you said originally:

Dylan is a little boy that wanted to go visit his father and visit his friends. He had no agenda, like any little boy. He wasn't reckless, wasn't a dare devil and would most certainly contacted his mom if he was able to.

I must say when I read your original post, I felt like it was the forum version of that "telephone" game you play in grade school where you go around in a circle whispering a phrase to each other, then the last person says what they heard, and the first person repeats what they said originally, which is often barely even close.

In this case it looks like "a little boy that wanted to go visit his father and visit his friends" has slowly turned into "a little boy who just wanted to visit his Dad." (or similar)

I guess the gist of it is the same but "just wanted to visit his Dad" comes across pretty differently to me. Instead of a kid who wants to visit his father and his friends, I picture a desparate kid who never gets to see his Dad and badly wanted to go spend time with him. JMO.

Hope this is helpful.

You are Awesome!

What you said reminded me of when my son was in college. I'd fly him home a couple of times a year and he'd better spend his first night with us or I wasn't going to pay for more tickets home. I was paying the money so I could see my son, not so everyone else got to see him. And he knew it too. Add me to the selfish list. My kid, my money, I get first dibs.

I guess everyone thinks differently. When my 27 year old daughter comes home for a visit I am very understanding to the fact that she wants to be with her friends-whether I pay for the flight or she does. I usually try to work my time in with her around her plans with friends.
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