CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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BBM - Would you really have the mother and brother of a missing child hide something that could very well be key to his disappearance? It is an ugly, uncomfortable truth. (Truth is my opinion.) Families do normally hide this kind of thing. Right or wrong, they do. But there is nothing normal about this situation. Dylan is more important than appearances IMO.

If they were concerned about it, they should have informed LE. The DP Show was not the place for it. <modsnip>
As far as I know, the photos have not been authenticated. Were they just photoshopped pics for whatever reason? We don't know. So, I am not going to participate in playing armchair doctor for someone I have never spoken to in my life. If it makes you happy to do that, then carry on.


Now that I know that happened (and who knows what else that we are not privy to yet), then, I give MR a pass on not taking the polygraph on Dr. Phil.

What do the pics have to do with taking the poly? :floorlaugh:
FWIW I respect ER's opinion on what may have happened. She has lived with MR and knows him and what he is capable of doing. So has our verified poster. It seems to me, JMO, that there were several issues that could have been upsetting to MR. The change in custody, his having to pay child support instead of receiving it and now the pictures DR had found and spoken to his father about. MR doesn't seem to handle frustration well. (Such as hiding his children from their mothers in the past). I trust their judgement. MOO. ER doesn't WANT to believe MR could have harmed their son.MOO
I am sure he will have a lot of problems when he comes home, so why would anyone want to add anymore on him? It seems there was no thought when these pictures were brought out to what they could potentially do to Dylan. The deal is, that he may have issues with this in the future and not one person seems to have stopped to consider that.


The family has been raising money to drag the lake for his body. At this point in time, dirty pictures are the least of their concerns.
I do not think it is my place to judge the actions of parents with missing children. I think desperation, fear, guilt, grief, and every emotion between must drive them. From that perspective I cannot find fault with either parent's actions.

IMO, publicizing the details of Mark's alleged fetish is cruel. I cannot envision how anything productive can come from it. Everyone has a breaking point. There has been a systematic/methodical increase of pressure or upping the ante on Mark.

The dissemination of the details has to be interfering in all aspects of MR's life. Not only his life but his family, too.

I firmly believe in treating prisoners humanely. I believe torture can come in may forms. Oftentimes, things are not as they seem. Digital photos are easily altered. I believe there are some things that should not be said.

I haven't read the transcripts yet. However, it seems if the compilation of questions were asked, there isn't any discussion of the answers. Does these latest revelations (which were already known by some) really overshadow all else formerly deemed important?

I don't think destroying MR will bring about results.

I had been thinking MR must be involved. These revelations are making me re-think that position. I think this knowledge has swung the pendulum in the opposite direction.

Is that not the point?

If Mark is guilty then you hope he will crack at some stage and will reveal what happened.

And they have every right to reveal what them pictures contained as it it could of been a trigger on what happened that night if Dylan brought them up .

If he did not want them found them don't put them on a computer where your 10 year old can stumble across them

Dylan is a public figure since his disappearance. I don't necessarily mean 5 years from now either. Let's just say he was found tomorrow. In a few months he returns to school, and some jerk that's just jealous of attention Dylan is getting or something reads up on Dylan's case, or even heard all the local gossip, remember it's not just Vallecito and Bayfield residents following but people in CO Springs and Monument, and wants to use what they have heard about this to bully Dylan. It may really be hard to think that far ahead, but that's what I am trying to convey is how this could affect him later on. The intentions, I do not believe, were to hurt Dylan, but it also doesn't seem that anyone has considered how this could cause further harm to Dylan. In this case it wouldn't be his dad doing the harming, but his brother and now his mother because they were the one who made it public knowledge. We were completely unaware of them until Cory mentioned them on DP then certain FB pages ran with them. Then Elaine come on here and discussed them.

I am sorry, I will have to come back to this later. The weather outside is frightful and I need to keep an eye on the weather.

If Dylan came home tomorrow, the very last thing on anyone's mind, would be these stupid pictures. JMO
ER wants her son back. CR wants his brother home. I don't fault them for anything. JMO. If DR came home tomorrow the least of his worries would be MR's reputation. MR's reputation is his own fault. No one else is at fault. MOO
I have been here through all 45 threads yet remained silent until fairly recently. Things had slowed down and I thought it might be time to explore other possibilities of what happened to Dylan. What this makes me wonder for those of you who have your mind made up, is why you keep repeating the same things and seem to want to detract from any alternative look at things. I mean, really, for 43 of these 45 threads, I said nothing. I didn't agree, but I didn't tell you over and over again why you were wrong.

We ALL want Dylan found and the person responsible brought to justice. Time to look at other therories or ways of seeing this, IMO. Well controlled snark is still snark.

If you want to set forth other theories to discuss here, by all means do so.

I am always open to discuss viable scenarios. I will admit that at this time, MR is my prime suspect. But I have a couple of alternative theories as well.

There is no reAson that we cannot all set forth our theories , respectfully, as long as we stay w/in TOS.
Not sure if that is an answer to my specific question. I will not say you specifically but I will say that some seem to be very loud about wanting us to stop with the alternate theories, to stop trying to find rational/logical explanations for Mark's actions or lack of actions. To stop thinking there could be anyone else besides Mark. Why do people want this part of the discussion shut down? It's not just for people who are convinced Mark is guilty it's for everyone and there is no reason to get snarky with people for trying to find a non-negative reason for Mark's behavior, one that doesn't point to his guilt.

Links please. Show us an example of anyone here trying to stop any discussions about alternative theories. tia
I have seen several people say that maybe the pictures aren't real or were digitally altered. If that were true, why would Mark not have simply said that? Why wouldn't he deny them, instead of coming up with his story of putting them on the computer in order to "catch" Cory or Elaine sneaking into his home? (Which I have to say is a ridiculous excuse. Really? As azgrandma said, use ADT if that's your worry. My eyes still hurt from rolling at that one.) Mark did not deny the pictures existed or claim they were altered. Therefore, I believe they exist as they are. MOO

And IMO, I do think they are relevant and important, because we now know that Dylan not only saw them, but brought them up to his father in September, on the last visit he had with him prior to his disappearance. They were not brought to the public's attention in an attempt to embarrass MR; they show a possible reason for MR to want to hurt or disappear Dylan. Maybe they have something to do with Dylan's disappearance, and maybe they don't. But they might, and so bringing the information out is not part of some witch hunt against Mark, IMO. It is an attempt to find out the truth, to bring Dylan home, and to give his family some answers. If it embarrasses Mark, well that's too bad... But he brought it on himself by taking the pictures, and putting them on his computer where his young son could see them. (And i have to add that I heard no pleasure whatsoever in Elaine's voice when she was discussing them. Just pain for her missing son.) All JMO, as always.
These are all the statements quoting or attributed to MR about Monday morning. If anyone knows of another, please add or let me know. I plan on doing the same for Sunday evening and Monday afternoon as well, but I'm not feeling the best so it might not be today.


Mark Redwine said Dylan had made tentative plans to meet friends at 6:30 a.m. Monday morning, but “nothing was etched in stone.” Bender said Dylan didn’t contact the friends then.

Mark Redwine said he had questioned why the 13-year-old would want to wake up that early in the morning.

Ryan Nava, 13, a friend of Dylan’s said in an interview Saturday with The Durango Herald that Dylan originally was going to Bayfield to visit his friends Sunday night but then changed that to meet them early Monday morning.

Mark Redwine said he was going to give Dylan a ride to his friends’ house and tried to wake him up when he left Monday morning but said Dylan was “out like a light.”



The next morning, Dylan was sleeping on the couch where Mark Redwine now sits and where Dylan's blankets still lie jumbled. Mark said he waited until 7:30 a.m. but still couldn't rouse his son, so he told him he would return about 11. When he got back at 11:30, his son's dirty cereal bowl was beside the sink. The television was on Nickelodeon. His son's fishing pole was gone. So was his black-and-gray backpack. A few articles of clothing were left behind on the couch.



“He was sleeping on the couch, and I told him I had to go about my errands,” Mark Redwine said in a Sunday telephone interview. “He said, ‘OK, I understand.’ The focus for him was to go to his friend’s, but I live far back in the canyon. There’s a substantial distance between my house and the lake, so it doesn’t make sense that he would walk out, but he’s a 13-year-old boy, and who knows what they think sometimes?”



M: Well, there was some discussion he had with me the night before about leaving with me so I could drop him off in the Bayfield are with one of his friends that had been trying to text him or that he had been communicating with. As he had indicated to me he had been up until 4 o'clock in the morning the night before, he was tired from being in the airport most of the day in his travel from Colorado Springs to Durango. I laughed at him kind of jokingly because I know him. If he ain't got to get up, he's not likely to get up. And he's not the type of kid who's going to get up at 6:30 if he doesn't have to. But you know, his friends are important and I know they're important me. So there was a possibility but it doesn't surprise me he elected to not get up when I left. And when I left, he acknowledged everything I was saying to him and that I would be back. He knew when I came back that I would be working on getting him down to his friends. And that's part of the struggle we all have, you know, what happened to him between the time I left and when I got back. And that's what nobody seems to be able to answer.


MB uncut interview:

And, you know, I get up to go run my errands ‘cos I had a payroll issue that needed to be dealt with first thing Monday morning because that’s when payroll goes in, and so it was important for me to get down there as early as possible. Well, I wanted to leave at 6:30 so I would be there at 7:30 when they open the doors.

You know, I spent 45 minutes… an hour… trying to get Dylan to wake up and, you know, and helping him… saying, you know, “Dylan, I’m going down,” ‘cos he had talked to me about going to see his friend, Ryan …that morning, but he wasn’t having no part of it… which is not uncommon for him. I mean, you can’t get him to bed and you can’t get him up. Pretty much how it is when he’s not at school to deal with, which is most of the time when he’s up here, although he had a school bus stop right down the street, so he could ride the bus from the school up here if I was home, or he could ride it to his mom’s house, which was a thing of beauty.
because her and I didn’t have to deal with transporting him.

Melissa Blasius:

Mark Redwine:
It made this life easy for all of us.

Melissa Blasius:
So, umm, so do you remember what the last thing you said to him when you went out the door was?

Mark Redwine:
Yeah, “Dylan I’m leaving to go down to town and run my errands, if you need anything call me … call me when you get up… if there’s anything you need.”
Never heard from him. I’ve sent him text messages, you know… asking him, “hey, Dude, are you up yet?” … you know, “Call me”… “Is there anything you need?”… and then… you know… by the time I got up here it was close to 11:30, probably…


Dr; Phil day 1

Dylan didn’t really sleep in his bed. He always slept right here on the couch. The next morning I left to go run my errands. He acknowledged that he understood what I was saying. It was close to 7:30. It was the last time I saw my son.
This thread wouldn't be as long as it is if people (all of us) didn't repeat our theories. It keeps the thread going. We can always scroll on by if we disagree, or use ignore. MOO
I am sure he will have a lot of problems when he comes home, so why would anyone want to add anymore on him? It seems there was no thought when these pictures were brought out to what they could potentially do to Dylan. The deal is, that he may have issues with this in the future and not one person seems to have stopped to consider that.


Unfortunately I think the harm was done well before the pictures were brought up on a radio show. IMO.

I'm not sure what you mean by "not one person" considering the possible problems, but IMO if t hat were true the pictures and this info would've come out a long time ago. I think a whole lot of people care about Dylan and want the best for him, whatever that means at this point.
How sad that if Dylan is found, everyone will know that his father had some fetishes that his other son thought important to share with the general public. Should he have shown/told LE, absolutely. Should he tell the world, I don't think so. Poor Dylan.

I agree with you, and I know I'll get kicked for saying this, but it should never have been shown to the rest of the world. It should have been reported to LE and let them investigate it, but there was no need to broadcast it. Especially if this is some mental issue that he cannot control without professional intervention.
Whether it had anything to do with Dylan's disappearance or not, this should have been kept to themselves at that point. It would be brought up in trial, I'm sure, if there ever is one.
I can't imagine the pain and the embarrassment that Elaine has had to suffer, and still will have to. People will ask her questions that will be difficult to answer. I feel so sorry for her having to deal with this.
Who brought it up during the taping? And WHY was it brought up? Seeing that it was in the uncut version, then I guess once it was out there, the audience would have been talking, so maybe it should never have been mentioned except to Dr. Phil in private, not where the audience saw and heard it. There are some things that should just be kept private, IMO.
I think i read here that it was Cory that mentioned and brought the pics t the Dr P. show.
I think this is his way to hurt his dad for hurting him. this is how he can get to him. He is using it as amo.

What if Dylan did the same thing, If Dylan was angry because he couldnt go to R's and said something really nasty to Mark about ths pics. MR could have gotten really mad.

They know what it will do to him... they push his buttons!
And that was all MR needed to hear!

Then if it was Cory who brought these pics to the DP show, he also hurt his mother and if Dylan is alive, he is hurting him too. Maybe he should have given this a little more thought before he set out to hurt his father. I can't help but think this was done just to humiliate Mark even more, and make him look even guiltier. Worked, too, didn't it!
Not sure if that is an answer to my specific question. I will not say you specifically but I will say that some seem to be very loud about wanting us to stop with the alternate theories, to stop trying to find rational/logical explanations for Mark's actions or lack of actions. To stop thinking there could be anyone else besides Mark. Why do people want this part of the discussion shut down? It's not just for people who are convinced Mark is guilty it's for everyone and there is no reason to get snarky with people for trying to find a non-negative reason for Mark's behavior, one that doesn't point to his guilt.

You most certainly are twisting things here! It is you that trying to stop us from saying MR has a hand in all this. This is called Discussion! This is what we do here. I dont care one way or the other if you think hes the perfect picture of Fatherhood and you should care less if I this this is a very disturbed individual.

From Day ONE I thought this man was involved and nothing in all these months has happend to make me think differently. He makes himself LOOK guilty and everything that led up to Dylan vanishing has red flags!

I have seen no one get snarky and I do think many here have been very patient,
You havent seen snarky! lol

Relax and enjoy your stay here its a very good forum, and remember its just a discussion its not a court of law!

Then if it was Cory who brought these pics to the DP show, he also hurt his mother and if Dylan is alive, he is hurting him too. Maybe he should have given this a little more thought before he set out to hurt his father. I can't help but think this was done just to humiliate Mark even more, and make him look even guiltier. Worked, too, didn't it!

I think Elaine knew Cory was going to mention the pics I dont think he blindsided her. After the pics I dont think Cory nor Dylan had much respect for their father. From having sex on the front lawn in front of the kids to the pictures, Im sorry there probably was no respect left.

Maybe the lesson here is if you dont want to get caught doing something nasty dont do it! And most certainly dont photograph it! It always comes abck to bite you in the butt!
Elaine and cory could have used those pictures long before now. They could have given them to the court and im sure he would have lost all visitation with his child till he got serious help.
As I see it they didnt!
Now they need answers, And these pics could have alot to do with what happened here!
These are all the statements quoting or attributed to MR about Monday morning. If anyone knows of another, please add or let me know. I plan on doing the same for Sunday evening and Monday afternoon as well, but I'm not feeling the best so it might not be today.


Mark Redwine said Dylan had made tentative plans to meet friends at 6:30 a.m. Monday morning, but “nothing was etched in stone.” Bender said Dylan didn’t contact the friends then.

Mark Redwine said he had questioned why the 13-year-old would want to wake up that early in the morning.

Ryan Nava, 13, a friend of Dylan’s said in an interview Saturday with The Durango Herald that Dylan originally was going to Bayfield to visit his friends Sunday night but then changed that to meet them early Monday morning.

Mark Redwine said he was going to give Dylan a ride to his friends’ house and tried to wake him up when he left Monday morning but said Dylan was “out like a light.”



The next morning, Dylan was sleeping on the couch where Mark Redwine now sits and where Dylan's blankets still lie jumbled. Mark said he waited until 7:30 a.m. but still couldn't rouse his son, so he told him he would return about 11. When he got back at 11:30, his son's dirty cereal bowl was beside the sink. The television was on Nickelodeon. His son's fishing pole was gone. So was his black-and-gray backpack. A few articles of clothing were left behind on the couch.



“He was sleeping on the couch, and I told him I had to go about my errands,” Mark Redwine said in a Sunday telephone interview. “He said, ‘OK, I understand.’ The focus for him was to go to his friend’s, but I live far back in the canyon. There’s a substantial distance between my house and the lake, so it doesn’t make sense that he would walk out, but he’s a 13-year-old boy, and who knows what they think sometimes?”



M: Well, there was some discussion he had with me the night before about leaving with me so I could drop him off in the Bayfield are with one of his friends that had been trying to text him or that he had been communicating with. As he had indicated to me he had been up until 4 o'clock in the morning the night before, he was tired from being in the airport most of the day in his travel from Colorado Springs to Durango. I laughed at him kind of jokingly because I know him. If he ain't got to get up, he's not likely to get up. And he's not the type of kid who's going to get up at 6:30 if he doesn't have to. But you know, his friends are important and I know they're important me. So there was a possibility but it doesn't surprise me he elected to not get up when I left. And when I left, he acknowledged everything I was saying to him and that I would be back. He knew when I came back that I would be working on getting him down to his friends. And that's part of the struggle we all have, you know, what happened to him between the time I left and when I got back. And that's what nobody seems to be able to answer.


MB uncut interview:

And, you know, I get up to go run my errands ‘cos I had a payroll issue that needed to be dealt with first thing Monday morning because that’s when payroll goes in, and so it was important for me to get down there as early as possible. Well, I wanted to leave at 6:30 so I would be there at 7:30 when they open the doors.

You know, I spent 45 minutes… an hour… trying to get Dylan to wake up and, you know, and helping him… saying, you know, “Dylan, I’m going down,” ‘cos he had talked to me about going to see his friend, Ryan …that morning, but he wasn’t having no part of it… which is not uncommon for him. I mean, you can’t get him to bed and you can’t get him up. Pretty much how it is when he’s not at school to deal with, which is most of the time when he’s up here, although he had a school bus stop right down the street, so he could ride the bus from the school up here if I was home, or he could ride it to his mom’s house, which was a thing of beauty.
because her and I didn’t have to deal with transporting him.

Melissa Blasius:

Mark Redwine:
It made this life easy for all of us.

Melissa Blasius:
So, umm, so do you remember what the last thing you said to him when you went out the door was?

Mark Redwine:
Yeah, “Dylan I’m leaving to go down to town and run my errands, if you need anything call me … call me when you get up… if there’s anything you need.”
Never heard from him. I’ve sent him text messages, you know… asking him, “hey, Dude, are you up yet?” … you know, “Call me”… “Is there anything you need?”… and then… you know… by the time I got up here it was close to 11:30, probably…


Dr; Phil day 1

Dylan didn’t really sleep in his bed. He always slept right here on the couch. The next morning I left to go run my errands. He acknowledged that he understood what I was saying. It was close to 7:30. It was the last time I saw my son.

Thank you so much for pulling these together. it really does help when all of it is in one place like this. Some of the statements especially around what Dylan said or did are vague or inconsistent, but one thing jumped out at me. He is very consistent about what time he left. He wanted to leave at 6:30, spent 45 minutes to an hour trying to get Dylan up, and left at 7:30. That's a pretty specific time. It's also a pretty busy time in most areas because so many folks are on their way to work. I wonder if anyone's been able to validate seeing his truck heading to town that morning?
My response is that people are being very pointed to us, the minority who want to keep open the discussion doors for other possibilities, about discussing these other things. To the point they are being rude. I was under the impression this was the place to discuss all things and yet there were people who were very rude to those of us who were discussing because our opinions were opposing. That is why I ask, is it a problem that we discuss these POV that we have.

No it's not. You may have to have a bit of a thick skin to ignore posts that you find rude or offensive. If they are that rude or offensive, alert a mod. Otherwise see if there is something in those other posts you may not have thought about . When I present an alternative to MR theory, I usually say at the end ' tell me why it's wrong', because I WANT other posters to see the flaws in it . That is a help to me because I can't remember every detail and every thing with each post. So to ' pick them apart' should not be viewed as a bad thing in my opinion. Just like the MR theories have been picked apart. I don't want to be right for the sake of being right. I want to be right because the theory fits, so if another poster can remember a detail I forgot and that blows my theory, then that theory is on the chopping block and I need not waste any more time on it. But that's just how I operate . I've moved from about 80 % up to bout 90 % sure that MR is involved. But I've still got a wandering RSO or USO idea that might be where Dylan is. If MR is involved I'm at about 50 /50 that Dylan may be stashed somewhere in hiding awaiting his big reveal :) . That's folly but I want to believe it .
The thing is while some may be saying their theories are picked apart if they are alternative , some may be doing the same thing to the MR theories. Some folks are just staunchly on one side or the other. I hope LE is still looking at every scenario.
Without real evidence either from his trucks or home or phone records or his computer, I doubt anyone can be convinced fully 100% of his involvement. And I would hope he will not be charged if all they have is what we know of right now. The thought of an RSO who took Dylan watching his tv and knowing MR 's taking the rap for his crime is so sickening to me, so I hope MR has not done himself the greatest disservice ever with his antics. That would be a shame on both ends.
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