CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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I really just don't understand this! Anyone here can think anything they want. But if we disagree we can say so! Are people upset that when they tell a theory, others pick it apart? Isn't that part of the drill? If you're in the minority (you being general not specific) that doesn't mean the rest of us have to all think it's worth discussing. JMO.

My response is that people are being very pointed to us, the minority who want to keep open the discussion doors for other possibilities, about discussing these other things. To the point they are being rude. I was under the impression this was the place to discuss all things and yet there were people who were very rude to those of us who were discussing because our opinions were opposing. That is why I ask, is it a problem that we discuss these POV that we have.
Thank you for this link. 5 pages, phew I may have to wait til tomorrow to undertake this task, it's a bit late for heavy reading

I know but it really is a very useful and interesting thread!
Just wanted to pop in to post a quick snap I took on my iPad of the beautiful Dylan Hope charm and necklace that I received in the mail today.. For any who aren't familiar with them they have been offered in limited supply through the official FMDR Facebook page.. When I tried to order/purchase one I was told that they absolutely would not allow any payment for the Dylan Hope charm and necklace, nor would they even let me pay for the shipping..

I received it today with a beautiful note of thanks for supporting finding Dylan.. I was impressed that that they had not only included kind words of appreciation, but also used the opportunity to spread the Gospel.. this I found especially touching in that here they are in the greatest time of need themselves, yet taking the opportunity to share the Gospel to those who are possibly in a different type of need..
I remember we had pages and pages of discussion about the RSO at the campground....then LE came out and said all RSO whereabouts/stories were confirmed.
I think till MR can get himself ruled out <modsnip> my focus is on him!
He has not done that as of yet and I dont see it happening in the near future.

I feel MR is responsible for whatever has happend to Dylan.
No strangers, no sex offenders, no family members Just MR.

Thanks, but I don't share your opinion at all.
just wanted to pop in to post a quick snap i took on my ipad of the beautiful dylan hope charm and necklace that i received in the mail today.. For any who aren't familiar with them they have been offered in limited supply through the official fmdr facebook page.. When i tried to order/purchase one i was told that they absolutely would not allow any payment for the dylan hope charm and necklace, nor would they even let me pay for the shipping..

I received it today with a beautiful note of thanks for supporting finding dylan.. I was impressed that that they had not only included kind words of appreciation, but also used the opportunity to spread the gospel.. This i found especially touching in that here they are in the greatest time of need themselves, yet taking the opportunity to share the gospel to those who are possibly in a different type of need..

Best post today!! Thanks, Smooth!
My response is that people are being very pointed to us, the minority who want to keep open the discussion doors for other possibilities, about discussing these other things. To the point they are being rude. I was under the impression this was the place to discuss all things and yet there were people who were very rude to those of us who were discussing because our opinions were opposing. That is why I ask, is it a problem that we discuss these POV that we have.

And the way to manuver around that is to scroll on by the dissenting discussion. You don't have to participate in it, if you choose not too. If a post is rude, you need to alert it, so that the mods can look at it, please.


My response is that people are being very pointed to us, the minority who want to keep open the discussion doors for other possibilities, about discussing these other things. To the point they are being rude. I was under the impression this was the place to discuss all things and yet there were people who were very rude to those of us who were discussing because our opinions were opposing. That is why I ask, is it a problem that we discuss these POV that we have.

All points of view are welcome (even mine....LOL)

I have always said that if LE releases new information/clues, my belief of what happened to Dylan may change. But with what LE has released, information given to us by family/friends and a verified poster; I lean toward Mark being involved or knowing what happened to Dylan.

So carry on..............
Pensfan is back on other Radio Show thread answering questions.
Not sure if that is an answer to my specific question. I will not say you specifically but I will say that some seem to be very loud about wanting us to stop with the alternate theories, to stop trying to find rational/logical explanations for Mark's actions or lack of actions. To stop thinking there could be anyone else besides Mark. Why do people want this part of the discussion shut down? It's not just for people who are convinced Mark is guilty it's for everyone and there is no reason to get snarky with people for trying to find a non-negative reason for Mark's behavior, one that doesn't point to his guilt.

Agreed. We need both sides of the story to be discussed.

If we don't have that then Websleuths will cease to exist.

However it is important to remember what Salem, our Admin extraordinaire, said. If what someone is posting upsets you then scoll by.

If you see a post that you feel is so rude or out there that it violates our terms of service then please alert on the post.

The alert button is the red and white triangle in the upper right hand corner of the post.

Thank you,
All points of view are welcome (even mine....LOL)

I have always said that if LE releases new information/clues, my belief of what happened to Dylan may change. But with what LE has released, information given to us by family/friends and a verified poster; I lean toward Mark being involved or knowing what happened to Dylan.

So carry on..............

I really have no problem if people think that Mark did something. Sometimes I see certain things where people say, and I am too tired to point out something specific right now so we can go with the general, that this action makes Mark look guilty, but I look at it and see, ok that's one way to look at it but what about this? Is this possible? I don't expect you to agree with me, just to be open enough to consider it and if it's not anything you think is rational maybe you tell me why, you know keep the ball rolling, but when someone says this is pointless or who cares, that to me is down right rude. I would never tell someone who cares to someone stating their opinion or view of something, especially in a very respectful way.
And insertion of "the nap" long after version 1, 2, and 3 or what happened Nov 19 came outa Mark's mouth. Time for bed - just want to say to Redhead I gain much from your posts and really appreciate your honesty and sharing.
We have had two excellent posters, but they don't seem to visit the thread very often. I am talking about Otto and Ransom. Both are very logical, and I certainly learned a lot from their messages.
I didn't think my post was rude. I was trying to be helpful to a new member and let them know about the media thread.

Wow, that's all...........
I may not always agree with you, but I don't think I'd ever call you rude. That is a good thread for information, and I didn't see it as you telling her to go find the answer herself. If you did mean that, please don't say so! :what:

We have had two excellent posters, but they don't seem to visit the thread very often. I am talking about Otto and Ransom. Both are very logical, and I certainly learned a lot from their messages.

I agree. Ransom knows the area well, and was on one of the major searches, and Otto is a master with maps. MOO
And insertion of "the nap" long after version 1, 2, and 3 or what happened Nov 19 came outa Mark's mouth. Time for bed - just want to say to Redhead I gain much from your posts and really appreciate your honesty and sharing.

Thank you so much! If what I've experienced can be used to help others, then it makes what I went through worth it in some ways - so that hopefully others can avoid becoming victims, or save those who are currently being victimized.

I'm a believer that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason doesn't seem to be very positive at the time. Everything that is bad usually has a silver lining if we look hard enough...

Thanks again for the compliment. Sometimes I worry about sharing too much, but then I remember why. And, honestly, it's not like it doesn't help me a bit, too... :) :hug:
Do you all realize that when Dylan is found, and he is found alive, that because this was put into the media it will have an affect on him for quite a long time. IMO this will the least of concerns if he has been hidden for this longThat it could have been a private issue, but there are mean kids out there too and a mean child would use this information to cause further harm to Dylan, especially because after all of this is will probably be in a fragile mental state. Do you honestly think Dylan would have wanted every person he knew aware of these pics? If he wanted them to know he would have told them himself. My post may not make that much sense but there are some kids out there, bullies, who may not care what all Dylan has gone through, and if they don't they really are jerks, but why would you willingly put out there this embarrassing stuff that someone could use to further harm Dylan?Dylan had nothing to be embarassed about, he did not pose for those pictures his father did, a good counselor would help Dylan to deal with cruel people, sadly children learn what they are taught by their parents and there are some adults that are cruel when it comes to Dylan and this was BEFORE this information came out. I'm sure you've seen / heard about those vile fb pages especially the one calling DR a fugitive. I am thinking about Dylan in all of this because hopefully at some point he will be found alive and if that day comes he is going to have to live with all the stuff that's been put out there, the good and the bad. I agree he will have to live with the good and bad, I'm confident that ER has or will have the resources to get Dylan the help that he will need, just can't do that for all the sick adults that are further making Dylan a victim right now, sad

Again this is just my 2 cents.
Please see my response in red
I may not always agree with you, but I don't think I'd ever call you rude. That is a good thread for information, and I didn't see it as you telling her to go find the answer herself. If you did mean that, please don't say so! :what:

respectfully snipped


Thank you for being so honest, we may not always agree but I do respect your posts!

And you are right, I wasn't telling her to go find the answer herself.

Time for me to call it a day! :seeya:

What would have happend?
Had MR said to Elaine (instead of Mrs Redwine) Elaine Im sorry this all has happend
lets start fresh and find our son, I promise you I had nothing at all to do with this he was just gone when I got home.
Heck at least try!

I think you would have heard a lot of people falling off their chairs.
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