CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #47

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You are so sweet to do all the legwork :) .

I was just wondering whether the first statement made by MR after 01/24/13 made mention of a change in timeline. But, it sounds as if that is not the case.

We were looking for some MSM article(s) early on in the case when it is believed MR said something about them coming home and going to bed because they were tired (or something like that). Later the story evolved to include the movie, then tossing a football, etc.

However, we would have to go back and pull the MSM articles to determine if it was an actual statement by MR where he didn't include that information and added it later or if it were as simple as a reporter stating something that MR told him that may not have included "all" parts to the actual story.

We can only go on what MR actually states (quotes) or what the reporter writes, and even then, we don't know for sure if it is inclusive or not. KWIM?

(I'm still looking for the early MSM article because I do remember reading it -- that they came home and went to bed. I'm just not sure what it actually stated. Dee found something last night and posted it but I think it came from something MR may have told DH and it was discussed on NG Transcript) (If I remember correctly...)
Re: Dylan going to bed early that lst night

I watched the lst interview & I heard nothing. I think there is another interview early Dec. but I couldn't find it.

So the only reference at this point I could find was from a NG transcript:

HESS: The dad said that Dylan had been up fairly late, the evening before he flew -- the night before he flew in to Durango. And he was really tired they had gone to bed. And that he had gotten up in the morning, stirred around the house, made some noise trying to get Dylan up, and Dylan didn`t want to get up and go into town at that time.

BUMPING Dee's post from yesterday re: this:

Here is one MSM place where it was recounted by DH what MR had told her. I do believe I also read this in a newspaper article or video. I am still researching and will post if I can find it.
We were looking for some MSM article(s) early on in the case when it is believed MR said something about them coming home and going to bed because they were tired (or something like that). Later the story evolved to include the movie, then tossing a football, etc.

However, we would have to go back and pull the MSM articles to determine if it was an actual statement by MR where he didn't include that information and added it later or if it were as simple as a reporter stating something that MR told him that may not have included "all" parts to the actual story.

We can only go on what MR actually states (quotes) or what the reporter writes, and even then, we don't know for sure if it is inclusive or not. KWIM?

(I'm still looking for the early MSM article because I do remember reading it -- that they came home and went to bed. I'm just not sure what it actually stated. Dee found something last night and posted it but I think it came from something MR may have told DH and it was discussed on NG Transcript) (If I remember correctly...)

Yes, what Dee found was from NG. I'm still looking for the "went to right to bed, nerf ball tossing" info. too. I know it's somewhere because I remember us talking about it. I'm still looking, too. I just remembered that the first time MR spoke publicly was at the first vigil. Then there was the reporter going to the house while he was clutching the pillow, then the video store interview. Is that right?
Yes, what Dee found was from NG. I'm still looking for the "went to right to bed, nerf ball tossing" info. too. I know it's somewhere because I remember us talking about it. I'm still looking, too. I just remembered that the first time MR spoke publicly was at the first vigil. Then there was the reporter going to the house while he was clutching the pillow, then the video store interview. Is that right?

There are so many articles out there, and some have "snippets" of quotes by MR, ER, Bender, etc. Then there were a few exclusives w/ MR as you indicate above. I just have to go through them one by one because I didn't save that particular "nerf" "early to bed" piece but know that I read it. It may be in several places/articles on different dates.
IIRC we never heard MR make a statement about the nerf ball himself - I believe it was mentioned by a reporter as one of the items removed by LE during the forensic search of the home, along with the sweatpants and the phone.
IIRC we never heard MR make a statement about the nerf ball himself - I believe it was mentioned by a reporter as one of the items removed by LE during the forensic search of the home, along with the sweatpants and the phone.

Thanks! Just jumping off your post.... but note that when I read your post, a lightbulb went off in my head and I knew where to "look" for where I had stored the Nerf ball piece. LOL (Brain dead here)
I had a "moment" and found this: (I do think I also read it in an article but am giving up on looking tonight since my eyes are hurting with my new glasses).

MR told KOAT news that investigators took a pair of Dylan's sweatpants, his Ipod and a Nerf football the two tossed around Sunday night

(See next post for the video as it is same information/link)
Yes, what Dee found was from NG. I'm still looking for the "went to right to bed, nerf ball tossing" info. too. I know it's somewhere because I remember us talking about it. I'm still looking, too. I just remembered that the first time MR spoke publicly was at the first vigil. Then there was the reporter going to the house while he was clutching the pillow, then the video store interview. Is that right?

The nerf ball is mentioned by the reporter in this video (that investigators took the nerf football that they had tossed around that night):

[ame=""]Dylan's dad talks - YouTube[/ame]
The nerf ball is mentioned by the reporter in this video says "REDWINE SAYS.." (that investigators took the nerf football that they had tossed around that night):

[ame=""]Dylan's dad talks - YouTube[/ame][/QUOTE]
Sorry, had to finish payroll for tomorrow & have a surprise overnight visitor ( 2 yr. grandbaby).

Ok, no where could I find that MR gave a time Dylan or him went to bed EXCEPT in the last MB interview in Feb. I went back over threads today & in many threads we all talked about & agreed although Dylan went to bed early; there was disagreements as to the reasoning for that.

IMO it came from Hess, who was friends with MR at the time...I posted that from the NG show on the previous page & this other quote from MR (from the lst interview taken from the media thread, transcript by Momsride):

R: So you went to run errands. Were you going to take him with you to run errands?

M: Well, there was some discussion he had with me the night before about leaving with me so I could drop him off in the Bayfield are with one of his friends that had been trying to text him or that he had been communicating with. As he had indicated to me he had been up until 4 o'clock in the morning the night before, he was tired from being in the airport most of the day in his travel from Colorado Springs to Durango. I laughed at him kind of jokingly because I know him. If he ain't got to get up, he's not likely to get up. And he's not the type of kid who's going to get up at 6:30 if he doesn't have to. But you know, his friends are important and I know they're important me. So there was a possibility but it doesn't surprise me he elected to not get up when I left. And when I left, he acknowledged everything I was saying to him and that I would be back. He knew when I came back that I would be working on getting him down to his friends. And that's part of the struggle we all have, you know, what happened to him between the time I left and when I got back. And that's what nobody seems to be able to answer.

That's where it all came from, unless anyone can find anything different. It made sense in the end, in the respect that before that MB interview he NEVER said anything about the night before. Maybe none if the reporters asked because they too were under the impression...they went to bed? Although, the first thing in an investigation is to get a full timeline from when the child was last seen by someone credible outside of family.

It was the reporter that mentioned the NERF football. However we know that "uncut" tape, was not the full tape of the interview.

Things that make you go hmmmm....
I cannot speak for MG, but I can speak for myself. IMO it is possible that Mark had nothing to do with Dylan's disappearance for the lack of evidence we have thus far been presented. Being the last person to see someone does not necessarily a murderer make. There have been many instances where the last person to see a missing child were not the ones involved in their disappearance. Rather than cite every single case throughout history, I prefer to look at history as a whole. I have spent a lot of time just reading about the cases of many children who have been missing over history. In many cases kids just go 'poof' without a trace. Being a history major in college, it was always taught that the biggest importance history served was that it's suppose to be studied to analyze where the mistakes were made to see what caused the tragedies in life. Only then could we understand what went wrong and how to change those things for our future. When I look at things I also look at what has occurred not only now, but also in the past, and from there I can see all the possibilities that exist.

If anyone is interested in viewing other missing kids cases as far back as anyone can remember, here is a link for site that is a database of all the details of each case they have on file. It's pretty extensive, but IMO it's taught me so much about missing children cases as far as possible and probable.

Again, I can only speak for myself, but I hope that helps for those who are asking some of us what do we have to substantiate our opinions. This is how I substantiate mine.

There is also the possibility that some of these missing kids were never runaways. I think it is possible that some of them were disposed of by their 'caregivers' and then reported as runaways. JMO
There were mechanical issues with the plane on Saturday. I don't know where MR was when he learned that Dylan's flight was rescheduled. I don't believe that has been reported in MSM. :moo:

Given that it's about an hour drive from his home to the Airport in Durango, it's entirely possible that he'd already left home or was in Durango. I know I used to get to the airport well in advance of my son's arrival, but I'm a nervous parent. :moo:


Is it a fact Dylan's flight on Saturday was cancelled and rescheduled for Sunday?

Is it a fact Dylan's flight on Saturday was cancelled and rescheduled for Sunday?

MR was quoted in this article:
"He specifically came back Nov. 17 to pick up Dylan at the airport. But Redwine said there had been some mechanical problem with the plane, so Dylan's mother rescheduled for Dylan to fly in Sunday evening."

I can not find a quote from ER in MSM, but pretty much the same thing is said in FMDR notes, which is rumor. IMO ER would have asked to have this removed from the FMDR notes if she disagreed.

I don't know if those constitute a "fact." Since it is one thing ER and MR seem to agree on, I tend to think it is true.

You will find the media alert on the bottom of the Durango Herald, in one of the posts just in the last couple of pages.

I will look for the 911 link as that may of been in LE press release.

Reverse 911 IIRC was on the UNOFFICIAL facebook page. It's rumor unless there is a press release, if you have it, it would be interesting to see. TIA
Sorry, had to finish payroll for tomorrow & have a surprise overnight visitor ( 2 yr. grandbaby).

Ok, no where could I find that MR gave a time Dylan or him went to bed EXCEPT in the last MB interview in Feb. I went back over threads today & in many threads we all talked about & agreed although Dylan went to bed early; there was disagreements as to the reasoning for that.

IMO it came from Hess, who was friends with MR at the time...I posted that from the NG show on the previous page & this other quote from MR (from the lst interview taken from the media thread, transcript by Momsride):

R: So you went to run errands. Were you going to take him with you to run errands?

M: Well, there was some discussion he had with me the night before about leaving with me so I could drop him off in the Bayfield are with one of his friends that had been trying to text him or that he had been communicating with. As he had indicated to me he had been up until 4 o'clock in the morning the night before, he was tired from being in the airport most of the day in his travel from Colorado Springs to Durango. I laughed at him kind of jokingly because I know him. If he ain't got to get up, he's not likely to get up. And he's not the type of kid who's going to get up at 6:30 if he doesn't have to. But you know, his friends are important and I know they're important me. So there was a possibility but it doesn't surprise me he elected to not get up when I left. And when I left, he acknowledged everything I was saying to him and that I would be back. He knew when I came back that I would be working on getting him down to his friends. And that's part of the struggle we all have, you know, what happened to him between the time I left and when I got back. And that's what nobody seems to be able to answer.

That's where it all came from, unless anyone can find anything different. It made sense in the end, in the respect that before that MB interview he NEVER said anything about the night before. Maybe none if the reporters asked because they too were under the impression...they went to bed? Although, the first thing in an investigation is to get a full timeline from when the child was last seen by someone credible outside of family.

It was the reporter that mentioned the NERF football. However we know that "uncut" tape, was not the full tape of the interview.

Things that make you go hmmmm....

BBM in green.

Did Hess ever give a time that Dylan went to bed? If someone said that they were tired I might assume that they went to bed early but how would you know for sure unless a time was stated?
Waiting for the lake to thaw.

Even at that, what bothers me is there still may be no answers. I've heard stories of people drowning and their bodies were never found. JMO, MOO
And they're both right in a way. We're not privy to much by way of evidence that points to ANYONE. But if all we know is all LE knows I would say there is more point to MR circumstantially than a random abductor, but not much more. I think if MR went to a civil trial, he'd likely lose. Good thing criminal trials have a much higher standard for finding guilt than civil !

The only circumstantial evidence that I can see that points to Mark is that he is the last person to be seen with Dylan and a couple of minor inconsistent statements. We don't know the official results of the polygraph and even if we did I don't give them any weight as evidence.

Evidence is this case is pretty slim so far. MOO.
I think if LE had more, they'd have named him a POI or suspect. I'm sure they are watching him closely.

I just don't see him being smart enough to hide a body this long, not after all this time.

If Dylan is not in the lake, I wonder where LE would look next??? Mines? The campground? Or will the sit back and wait for hikers or hunters to find him??? JMO, IMO.
I think if LE had more, they'd have named him a POI or suspect. I'm sure they are watching him closely.

I just don't see him being smart enough to hide a body this long, not after all this time.

If Dylan is not in the lake, I wonder where LE would look next??? Mines? The campground? Or will the sit back and wait for hikers or hunters to find him??? JMO, IMO.

Hi Seajay!

Do you think LE would publicly name a suspect and not arrest them?
Hi Seajay!

Do you think LE would publicly name a suspect and not arrest them?

I'm not SeaJay - but in my opinion, I think it depends on the LE department. We have seen some POI/suspects that were named and not arrested.

Personally - I don't think this department will. I'm not sure why? Maybe because the case is so volatile, or because it has garnered national attention, or just because this LE doesn't like to give anything away?

I sure wish they would do something though. I do believe they are working hard and they have a lot of info and evidence. I just wish it was enough so they could make some kind of official statement or an arrest or something so that we could be confident that this case is moving forward.

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