CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #47

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What I'd like to know is if MR did anything to Dylan, why he's still in town and not South of the Border?

Things have died down here a lot with the solution only being that MR was involved. Glad LE has a wider range of possibilities. JMO.

There are other reasons that explain why things have died down here, and they are very evident if one looks at the timing.

A quick question about RSO's. Do they typically (or is there a study) look for victims (right wording?) close to home? Or do they find them away from where they live and bring them to their home?


Good question and I have no idea. I would think that might depend on their availability to travel. Like if they don't own a vehicle they may look for someone close to home. Of course most RSO's aren't murderers. So if he was taken by an RSO he sure hasn't been given back.
Good question and I have no idea. I would think that might depend on their availability to travel. Like if they don't own a vehicle they may look for someone close to home. Of course most RSO's aren't murderers. So if he was taken by an RSO he sure hasn't been given back.

I was thinking about the RSO that live next door (?). I was trying to find another possibility. I am just having a hard time with that RSO because he is so close. That would be the first person they would look at and look at hard, you would think. He would have to know that. JMO
I was thinking about the RSO that live next door (?). I was trying to find another possibility. I am just having a hard time with that RSO because he is so close. That would be the first person they would look at and look at hard, you would think. He would have to know that. JMO

I hope they looked at him with a fine toothed comb. I can't imagine they wouldn't have.
IF/when LE (only LE) asks for searchers to come back ... I will go back, God willing.

Other than that, I have nothing to add. I wish all you posters/families well.

Peace and I will continue to pray for Dylan Redwine.
IF/when LE (only LE) asks for searchers to come back ... I will go back, God willing.
Other than that, I have nothing to add. I wish all you posters/families well.

Peace and I will continue to pray for Dylan Redwine.


Thank you, Ransom!
One person commented to another that what she said might offend Elaine. My point is maybe everyone should write thinking that all potential victims of a crime are reading and not just one. I understand sleuthing, what I don't understand are the recurrent emphasis on one opinion while another appears to be disallowed or someone is to be shamed for noting that EVERY SINGLE member of Dylan's family came across as dysfunctional.

Well you have a Mother who is clearly distraught and a Father who seems to be indifferent to his child being missing.

It is YOUR opinion that every single member of Dylan's family came across as dysfunctional. I do not think that is a majority consensus by the public.

So yes you are entitled to your opinion as is everyone here. But to say that most people that watched the show are probably saying 'they wouldn't blame the kid for running away' I think you are very wrong. I have not read one comment from one person ANYWHERE who watched the show and has said this. Not one.

I've seen many comments from the show watchers as to the odd and suspicious behavior of MR. Many of these people knew nothing about Dylan or this family prior to the show. They knew very little but what was shown on the show and still they saw the obvious.
In my opinion, only one member of Dylan's family came across as dysfunctional on the Dr. Phil show. I'll just have to agree to disagree with you.

And I think Dr. Phil made that pretty clear to Mark. JMO
I think LE made it as clear as they could without outright saying so that they are not terribly suspicious of involvement of any of the family members who dwell in CS. I could be wrong so I'm totally COWING it up here. MOO But I think the wording of that was to say without saying what they think. Which IMHO is basically ' no one is a suspect or POI but the people from CS could not have been involved ' .... :) mmooo
So if that is so then it would be relevant to continue picking apart the last person known to see DR's version of events while moving on from picking apart other family member's version of events . I just don't know if it's relevant after the press release.
Within just a few days after the DP show the FMDR FB group double to over 20,000 people.
I don't think this is a case of unfounded bias against one member of the Redwine family. IMO there is one member whose very odd behavior is making himself look very suspect. Nobody is causing that but HE himself. You have a child missing (lets not forget that) and the parent who was last with this child acting strangely (to put it mildly). The obvious reaction by most people is going to be to look at him suspiciously. We are not picking on him. We don't want him to be guilty of harming Dylan. None of us (to my knowledge) have any personal vendetta against MR whatsoever. We all just want to know where Dylan is and if somebody harmed him we want to make sure this person (whomever it might be) pays for what they did.
Within just a few days after the DP show the FMDR FB group double to over 20,000 people.

It did. The show served its purpose, to get Dylan's picture out to more people. It's amazing to see so many people from all over the world come together for the sole purpose of getting Dylan's picture out there so he can come home.
There isn't a recurrent position on one opinion. There's been a lot of discussion about a lot of opinions about what happened to Dylan. There's been lots of great sleuthing about SAR dogs and RSO's and Water flows and depth in the lake. There's a lot to talk about.
<snipped by me>

I'm sleuthing MR. MR's behavior, family dynamics, habits etc are relevant to my theory. Trying to convince me that I'm ethically deficient for doing that has zero to do with an alternative theory. JMO

Thanks and thanks again. Amen and hallelujah and YES!
I have learned so much from regular posters here and it has been one difficult ride thus far. But I, too, draw the line at victim blaming and shaming and implying one another's deficiencies based on their POV. As Dr Phil said, there is something very wrong with Mark. Murderer or not.
Within just a few days after the DP show the FMDR FB group double to over 20,000 people.

Yes so that was some 10000 or so people who probably never would have heard of Dylan Redwine had it not been for the Dr Phil show. So to say the show was a joke or a waste of time makes me so sad for Dylan.
I think LE made it as clear as they could without outright saying so that they are not terribly suspicious of involvement of any of the family members who dwell in CS. I could be wrong so I'm totally COWING it up here. MOO But I think the wording of that was to say without saying what they think. Which IMHO is basically ' no one is a suspect or POI but the people from CS could not have been involved ' .... :) mmooo
So if that is so then it would be relevant to continue picking apart the last person known to see DR's version of events while moving on from picking apart other family member's version of events . I just don't know if it's relevant after the press release.

Cowing it up...ha ha ha! :moo::moo::moo::moo::moo:
I needed that laugh out loud moment at the end of a very long day.
Your opinion is my opinion as well so we've got a whole herd mooing around.:moo::moo::moo::moo:

I think a phrase that has a lot of meaning in this discussion would be that of "reasonable behavior". ER's and CR's behavior is reasonable based on all we know, and the situation they are in. Most of MR's behavior - particularly as the investigation has dragged on is not "reasonable behavior". In fact, his behavior is quite suspect, frankly.

And, it didn't take the DP show for me to recognize these things in him, either. Witnessing the interaction between ER, CR, and MR on the show only made it that much clearer to me - his reaction to everything that has been said, and is happening truly is not "reasonable" if that person is missing a child, and has been honest from the beginning about everything.

I know a person shouldn't rely on gut feeling alone, but I can't ignore mine completely in this situation either... And, as I explained about the DP show, my gut feeling only reinforces what I have come to a belief about when logically contemplating all of the information we have to date.

IMO -- MR is a man with serious issues, and he is not behaving in a "normal" manner, even given the "abnormal" situation he is in at the moment. The only thing that his behavior points to is an "abnormal" reaction to a situation that society has dealt with too many times already - and certainly a situation that LE, the FBI, the CBI, forensic psychologists, social workers, and many other are very familiar with.

I mean seriously - the man doesn't even defend himself in any way whatsoever except to deflect blame onto another person, or explain it all away with another theory of what he thinks happened. Where is the emotion? I would be angry that people kept accusing me of something I didn't do. I would be begging and pleading with the LE agencies and the public to look other places. Instead, when he comes face to face with the people whose opinions he should care about the most he taunts them, and ridicules them, and tries to place blame on them? Naw... I'm not buying it for a second.

Also - in regards to why wouldn't he leave and run away if he were guilty? He probably believes that his "Dylan went fishing and drowned" story won't be able to be proven a lie. I think it's that simple, really... A person with the type of problems I believe MR suffers from often think they are the smartest person in the room at any given time, and fail to see the mistakes they make themselves. (For instance, the inconsistencies in statements he's made over the months.)

Anyway, this is all just MOO!

I know others are not convinced that MR is guilty. And, just for the record - as the mother of 2 survivors who were assaulted at the hands of other juveniles - I am well-aware that those things happen. I just do not see any evidence of that in this case at all. Ditto for the RSO who, iirc, was charges with possession of child *advertiser censored*? Sexual predators usually stick with one type of victim, and one type of offense (unless you're talking about escalation say from looking at child *advertiser censored*, to then actually offending a child themselves).

Also, FTR, I have my daughters' standing permission to talk about these things publicly, just in case anyone wonders about that. I wouldn't violate their privacy by discussing some of these things otherwise.

As always, all of the above is MOO! :cow:
When the last known person to see his son refuses to speak to that child's mother, I think anger and frustration are normal reactions. <modsnip>. Of course this is predicated on finding ER and CR credible. I do. All MOO
Within just a few days after the DP show the FMDR FB group double to over 20,000 people.

I can't help that 10-15,000 people decided to get in on the drama. I only wish that many were sharing Dylan's flyer.
I can't help that 10-15,000 people decided to get in on the drama. I only wish that many were sharing Dylan's flyer.

They are sharing Dylan's flyer. Just because you (general) can't see it posted on the page doesn't mean it's not being shared. I share every day, sometimes a few times a day, but it doesn't show up on the FMDR page.
I don't see a lot of drama on that FMDR page

and I'd wager that they are sharing Dylan's flyer..all 25,000 of them
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