CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #47

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3/19/13 - Press Release

ER/CR/MH were in Colorado Springs until they received word DR was missing

Elaine Redwine, Dylan’s brother Cory Redwine, and Elaine’s fiancé Mike Hall remained in the Colorado Springs area when Dylan flew to Durango by himself on November 18th for a Court ordered visit with Mark Redwine for the Thanksgiving holiday. Elaine, Cory and Mike were still in the Colorado Springs area when Mark sent the message to Elaine the following afternoon asking about Dylan. Shortly after receiving Mark’s inquiry, Elaine, Cory and Mike traveled to Durango.

Mark’s and Dylan’s interactions and activities within the community on November 18th and 19th, as well as tips related to persons, locations and sightings remain under investigation.

Press Release: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dylan Redwine *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]
Okay, I'll admit I'm not the smartest person in every room either. Can you explain to me what this has to do with my post? :waitasec: TIA

What I got from it was your post was saying how he didn't have very many friends. Then on Dr Phil he was saying several people have contacted him and in the same same breath said it was a women that was reaching out.

I think it was just a jumping off post.

I am tired and I don't think any of that made sense written down. It did in my head though.:)

Okay, I'll admit I'm not the smartest person in every room either. Can you explain to me what this has to do with my post? :waitasec: TIA
You were talking about MR's friends, caffeinejean was talking about MR's friends....that's what I got out of it, anyway. It was a comment about your comment about friends....
I dropped away a week or so ago and will return if and when there is real news. While I am looking at MR quite distinctly until/unless LE indicates he is out of the frame, I have no issue with others holding out for stranger abduction or something else. But the undertone of hostility and insinuations regarding Elaine and Cory, by some who have chosen to defend MR has literally made me kinda sick. IMO, they were never in the least "unnamed suspects" and my feeling is that the most recent statement via Bender was meant to convey that, as well as the fact that MR still clearly is.

All JMO and worth no more, or no less, than that of anyone else here. But I do believe it is possible to want to be on MR's "side" without criticizing the unknowable and quite unimaginable emotions of Elaine and Cory and whatever manner those emotions come out.

That is all from me. But I am always reading posts, hoping for some new bit of information. My hopes for a happy ending are basically gone. Now I simply hope he is found, and that evidence exists with him.
So if I post a theory that says Dylan was abducted by a stranger that would not be allowed because I can't produce a link showing evidence to support my theory?
Sure, you can write "I think Dylan was abducted by a stranger." because that shows opinion. What you can't do is write "Dylan was abducted by a stranger." without supporting documentation because that is stated as a fact, not an opinion. You can say "I don't think the Dr Phil show was about Dylan at all." but not "The Dr. Phil show was not about Dylan."(because it was, but maybe not in the way someone would have liked) See the difference?
You were talking about MR's friends, caffeinejean was talking about MR's friends....that's what I got out of it, anyway. It was a comment about your comment about friends....

Okay. I guess I didn't realize I was talking about friends. Maybe I should read my posts once in a while. Thanks.
I don't see how we can be expected to look elsewhere (then MR) when all the alternate theories I've read here have zero to back up them up. I am totally open to that if anyone can provide a shred of evidence pointing that way. I would love to hear it. I've been waiting for 47 threads now for something that points away from MR that makes any logical sense and has any supporting evidence. I have yet to see anything.

Lately I have wondered if maybe, one of Mark's online friends, might have come by Monday morning and found D alone. I am curious how extensive his hobby was. Did he have people in 'real life' that shared his interests?
These are still my opinions. I have not seen any "facts" that contradict them.

My own opinion is that he was abducted; injured/killed in an accident (in which another youth may or may not have been involved).

My own opinion is that I have not seen any evidence that MR harmed Dylan, so I do not consider him a suspect.

My own opinion is that I would not be surprised at him running away.

What kind of an accident are you thinking? Do you mean one that someone else covers up afterwards?
Thanks to all who told me that LE ruled out the two boys walking. Did you miss it when I said that LE will manipulate and lie not only to a person of interest/suspect but to the public if it helps them figure out the truth. I can't simply discard another youth as a possible suspect when it was the actual press release and LE notification to residents that caused me to consider it.

I know no one wants to think of children hurting other children, but just like parents hurting their children, it does happen.

Can you tell me what you mean Bayou? I'm not being snarky! Just want to know!:moo::twocents:
What kind of an accident are you thinking? Do you mean one that someone else covers up afterwards?

I was thinking of an accident where he fell into a ravine, off a cliff, into a body of water. He was dizzy after the airplane trip IIRC.

The only way I had considered it being covered up is if he was horsing around with another youth, and then the other child was afraid to tell anyone.
Lately I have wondered if maybe, one of Mark's online friends, might have come by Monday morning and found D alone. I am curious how extensive his hobby was. Did he have people in 'real life' that shared his interests?

Did Mr. Redwine have online friends? I was unaware of this. I haven't heard about Mr. Redwine's hobby either.

As far as abduction, I was thinking more along the lines of a SO or some other strange person who was in the area. IIRC, there were many strangers there because of hunting season. Of course, it is possible he was abuducted by someone in the neighborhood.
Did Mr. Redwine have online friends? I was unaware of this. I haven't heard about Mr. Redwine's hobby either.

As far as abduction, I was thinking more along the lines of a SO or some other strange person who was in the area. IIRC, there were many strangers there because of hunting season. Of course, it is possible he was abuducted by someone in the neighborhood.

We aren't allowed to discuss the things the post your copied was referencing. Off Limits. In spades. Been warned and told enough it is not to be discussed. It's all in the rules to everyone of Dylan's threads. This latest one was added last thread and this one.

There were more than locals in the area. It was a holiday week. Cabins were rented out. It was hunting season, more strangers in the area. There is an RV park nearby. There are RSO's in the area. In addition to that, there were bears roaming around, there are mines in the area, homeless. There is a myriad of possibilities to what could have happened to Dylan. And I'm still thinking that he may have possibly run away, regardless that LE said otherwise. I have not heard any reason why they ruled that out. Just because Mom and Dad both said he wouldn't, doesn't mean he wouldn't, not with all the dysfunction in that family. IMO, MOO, JMO IMO, he had lots to escape from. IMO, JMO, MOO.
I think it is possible that something like this could have happened to Dylan:

It's possible. I was watching an episode of "Disappeared" about a man who went into the Superstition Mountains to look for the Lost Dutchman Mine. His camp was found but no one was around. They did a massive search but came up empty handed. It was proven that he had made it to the summit because he wrote his name on the paper for all who make it there so they knew he had been there. 3 years later some hikers found his remains, skeletonized and lodged between two boulders. They figured he fell and got stuck there and with no one around, he finally died.

So if he went on an adventure, just wandering around, look at stuff, he could have fallen and gotten lodged somewhere. IMO.
Seaway, I am curious why you see dysfunction "in the family"? I can see dysfunction on one side, both for things that can be discussed here and things that can't, but I am not sure what you are viewing as dysfunctional on Mom's side... From all accounts she had moved on with her life and was doing her best to provide a good life for her boys. I see anger at Mark because of his actions since Dylan went missing, both from Elaine and Cory, but those are IMO understandable in this situation. I don't see that anger as dysfunction and I am respectfully curious what it is that you see that makes you think there was so much dysfunction in the family that it would cause Dylan to run away. From my point of view, it seems like his life was pretty normal for a child up to that point.

Even if you think the anger expressed towards Mark since Dylan's disappearance is dysfunctional, none of that seems evident in his recent past. Mom had moved on, as many women in her situation do. Kids deal with that, and most of them don't run away. None of his friends have said anything about his being unhappy with the situation as it was. By now, that would surely have come out. His friends are clearly worried about him too. I think if they thought he had run away, they would have said something long ago.

All JMO, as always... But I cannot see why he would run away. It appears he had a pretty good life going, not something he would want to escape from, in my opinion.
ER, MR and Dylan's friends have all said they don't believe Dylan would have run away. LE has ruled out Dylan running away. Even if you accept the family's belief that Dylan really didn't want to make this visit, it was only for a week, and Dylan would be able to visit his Bayfield friends. Dylan is said to have been making new friends and adjusting well to his new school. There is not indication Dylan had problems with his mom or MH. I also believe he had no reason to run away. All MOO
Baby Sabrina Aisenberg
Baby Lisa Irwin
Madeleine McCann
Isabel Celis
All of these little girls 'disappeared' from in their home ( madi within a motel where her family stayed) without a trace, never to be heard from again. Parents to this day are under heavy scrutiny and rightly so. However no evidence points to the parent and no evidence points to an outside perp either.
Now Dylan Redwine , same basic circumstances. ( of course all have different specific details but the basics are the same)
Can all five of these parents be guilty and so slick they've gotten away with it?
I would venture to say, statistically speaking, at least 1 or 2 of these children
was taken by a crafty unknown perp. Anyone's guess which ones they are, but
the point is there have been many similar cases to Dylan's and not all of these
parents can be guilty and so savvy to have eluded police for years and years
on end. The way of the sneaky, invisible , wandering SO has eluded police for
years and in some cases forever.
MR looks really bad as do some of the other parents above but some of them
don't seem like they could have done it. The SO doesn't know what the parents
look like good or bad. They just seize on a golden opportunity, a solo unguarded
moment, an unexpected errand, a quick trip to the bathroom, just these silly
little every day things that we do routinely without knowing there is a predator
ready to strike.
Sabrina, Lisa, Madeliene, Isabel and Dylan. Not all of their parents are guilty. mooo

Is your head spinning through the details of each case right now dividing the guilty from the innocent parents ? Mine is ! mooooo

Just since writing this I've thought of another several kids with the same situation, vanished without a trace, parents look hinky but still no arrest. How can they all be guilty and have gotten away with it? I think it's impossible. jmoo
I dropped away a week or so ago and will return if and when there is real news. While I am looking at MR quite distinctly until/unless LE indicates he is out of the frame, I have no issue with others holding out for stranger abduction or something else. But the undertone of hostility and insinuations regarding Elaine and Cory, by some who have chosen to defend MR has literally made me kinda sick. IMO, they were never in the least "unnamed suspects" and my feeling is that the most recent statement via Bender was meant to convey that, as well as the fact that MR still clearly is.

All JMO and worth no more, or no less, than that of anyone else here. But I do believe it is possible to want to be on MR's "side" without criticizing the unknowable and quite unimaginable emotions of Elaine and Cory and whatever manner those emotions come out.

That is all from me. But I am always reading posts, hoping for some new bit of information. My hopes for a happy ending are basically gone. Now I simply hope he is found, and that evidence exists with him.

Thank you, I feel the same and wouldn't be at all surprised if there were others who felt exactly the same way. Why its turned into defending a parent who is acting strangely, instead of concentrating on Dylan is inexplicable to me.
It would be nice to have an update from this February article about what progress, if any, the private investigator has made or even just an update to know whether or not he/she is still active on the case.

IIRC MR said the PI hadn't been returning his calls. I'm not sure if this was said on the Dr Phil show??

I was thinking of an accident where he fell into a ravine, off a cliff, into a body of water. He was dizzy after the airplane trip IIRC.

The only way I had considered it being covered up is if he was horsing around with another youth, and then the other child was afraid to tell anyone.

I believe what Dylan experienced was blocked ears from the flight, it makes the head feel a little strange, many people chew gum when the plane is on take off and coming in to land, the pressure inside the cabon is what causes it, chewing gum can make the ears 'pop' which alleviates it. I always make sure I have gum when I'm travelling by plane.

ER, MR and Dylan's friends have all said they don't believe Dylan would have run away. LE has ruled out Dylan running away. Even if you accept the family's belief that Dylan really didn't want to make this visit, it was only for a week, and Dylan would be able to visit his Bayfield friends. Dylan is said to have been making new friends and adjusting well to his new school. There is not indication Dylan had problems with his mom or MH. I also believe he had no reason to run away. All MOO

IMO Dylan had no reason to run away. IIRC there was no custody battle until MR tried to block the move to Colorado Springs. Prior to that move it would seem that Dylan didn't spend a lot of time with MR as MR was working away a lot.

Just because a divorce is bitter doesn't mean that the children are dragged into it. Property division can get quite bitter, in general such as if one wants the majority of the assets, or if they want to divide things exactly such as taking one of each pair of shoes etc. claiming child support as being 50/50 when its more like 95/5 would be vindictive IMO (generally speaking, not specific to this case)
There were more than locals in the area. It was a holiday week. Cabins were rented out. It was hunting season, more strangers in the area. There is an RV park nearby. There are RSO's in the area. In addition to that, there were bears roaming around, there are mines in the area, homeless. There is a myriad of possibilities to what could have happened to Dylan. And I'm still thinking that he may have possibly run away, regardless that LE said otherwise. I have not heard any reason why they ruled that out. Just because Mom and Dad both said he wouldn't, doesn't mean he wouldn't, not with all the dysfunction in that family. IMO, MOO, JMO IMO, he had lots to escape from. IMO, JMO, MOO.

I agree that strangers in the area could be a possibility. So, do you think his phone died and he grabbed his bag and a fishing pole and headed out? Met up with a stranger who offered a ride? I can imagine that happening, though I don't personally believe it did, I think it's reasonable.

Do you think he would have grabbed the fishing pole and all his belongings for an innocent exploring/adventure scenario, like a mine accident? Or does the fact that he would have those things make that less likely? Or do you think MR is mistaken about the fishing pole?

As to running away, I guess I'm confused because you were quite upset about some people doubting LE about the 9:37 text until it was confirmed by ER. I thought at the time that, though I tend to take LE statements very seriously, there is still room for doubt and that is not unreasonable. But you did seem to be expressing that one should not doubt LE statements. I must have misunderstood.

I think the main reason there are doubts about the runaway scenario is not because MR and Er say he wouldn't runaway, but because he hasn't contacted any friends. I bet when they follow runaway cases they usually see some contact with friends. Or do you mean, he ran away and then met with harm in the process?

I agree with those who say the evidence (circumstantial to my mind) points to MR. But I also agree that opinions about other scenarios are reasonable even if there isn't evidence--you can still imagine that we don't know the evidence. JMO And it helps me very much to go through every other scenario in a careful way. JMO
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