CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #51

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EXACTLY, his statements are his statements. Yet people seem to think they understand what he is trying to say & make excuses. Mark explained to Tricia very well when she ask him after he slammed ER about the cameras. Why do people put words in his mouth or twist them? It is what it is.


I wish people would look at the context of what people call digs

99% of the time MRs digs are not about current happenings, they are nothing to do with Dylan being missing, its just a dig to be horrid IMO

what ER says directly relates to the current issue of Dylan being missing, ie MRs prior and current actions directly regarding Dylan and also CR. its not to be horrible IMO

I wish people would look at the context of what people call digs

99% of the time MRs digs are not about current happenings, they are nothing to do with Dylan being missing, its just a dig to be horrid IMO

what ER says directly relates to the current issue of Dylan being missing, ie MRs prior and current actions directly regarding Dylan and also CR. its not to be horrible IMO

So is the only possible context of these "digs" is that Mark is a bad person?
Thanks, their relationship with EH is something that I treasure and foster. It's important that they stay connected.

I can relate, I had "steps'

Relationships are....what you make of them, and can be very enriching.

My "step" brother would absolutely c r i n g e if anyone called me his "step'-sister, we were that close

So is the only possible context of these "digs" is that Mark is a bad person?

the context is that he is the last known person to see Dylan, so why does he need to make digs about EH, CR and Law Enforcement? There is no need for it whatsoever.
the context is that he is the last known person to see Dylan, so why does he need to make digs about EH, CR and Law Enforcement? There is no need for it whatsoever.

Oh. I see. Your claiming that Mark is making disparaging comments about people. Can you give me an example?
T: you have contacted Marc Klaas, and

MR: [95:40]

T: and Marc Klaas can show you the benefits of working the media in a good way for Dylan...

MR:well, I agree with that and that was what I thought was the whole purpose of what I though we were going to the Dr Phil show for. .was .to bring to a national level the fact that we have a 14 yr old boy that is missing and and and he has not been located and that being said so I guess I was caught off guard because thats my understanding of what the show was dedicated to and i'll be honest with you I felt like from the first moment I was being attacked walked onstage there was an attack and I was defending myself…and that I was doing everything in my power to keep my composure, and not retaliate in a way that would make me look worse than apparently I already looked.

T: Did you call Dr Phil, are you the one that called him and said hey I want to do this show?

MR: No, now …Dr Phil's people...

T: Oh, I 'm sorry, thought you had said …that's my fault then…

MR: No, I did not do that. I will tell you that earlier on that I was contacted by Dr Phil's people …and at that time I elected not to participate..and because it was too soon in Dylan's disappearance for me to think that that was of any value…so they had contacted me and I declined to do it…and ya know at some point…I don't know who contacted who…or what happened there but I was eventually contacted again by them and I agreed to do it…and I was also being asked by my former wife's close friend who was involved in this to …

T: I really thought that you said that you were the one who contacted Dr Phil, I'm sorry about that…
but what you just said, I didn't think it would help, thats a national show, do u look back on that, didn't you think about that?

MR: …Well, I think that, certainly, as time passes by, and I look at some of the things that I've done and certainly I wish I could go back and redo em, but I can't…so ya know I can't change what's already been done, What I can do is change what I do today and ya know that being said ya know in in the beginning I thought it was too soon for something like that but my concern at that point and it it ya know ya gotta bear in mind that ya know I'm dealing with all of a sudden out of nowhere my son's
disappearance and all the things that are going on and things are happening so fast- I'm not thinking clearly …

T: I think we all understand that…absolutely. Lets talk about the Search Warrants. You realized them yourself, correct? why.. why did u do that?

MR: That's correct….Well, the reason I did that was specifically because they search warrants were issued based on the theory of kidnapping. and you know, again, I'm not trying to be critical of Law Enforcement …and I've never used the word Amber, in ya know in my statement that I put out there, all I'm saying is that , here is the problem that I have, and maybe somebody in your audience can help clarify this, but this is the a question I ask Law Enforcement, what was the fundamental difference between being kidnapped and being abducted, and their answer to me is there was absolutely no difference, so , my next question to them is then if you had enough to get a search warrant based on probable cause then why did you not have enough to issue an Amber Alert, to notify people out there that that we had a missing child..and that is an answer I never got from Law Enforcement, because basically there is criteria, and it has to be met and in their eyes the criteria hadn't been met , that being said if they couldn't meet the criteria for issuing an Amber Alert, based on him being abducted then how did they obtain a search warrant based on probable cause for kidnapping, I mean, to me, the two are the same…one doesn't mean any difference than the other, its just the words that their using, one's abduction, ones kidnapping, …

T: Ya, I see what you're saying, I think they have to have a car description, it doesn't take a lot for a search warrant…

MR: Oh, I know, but I have no problem with that, all they had to do was ask, and got into my house, I'm not trying to hide anything, but the argument that I would make about what your saying is technology is advancing quicker than LaW Enforcement or the laws are changing, to handle situations like this, that being said, you know, I understand that they can get a search warrant based on probable cause, but if it doesn't logically make sense to me, and again, maybe there's something I'm missing… that it just doesn't make sense to me that it'd be easier to obtain a search warrant for a search on a home than it would be to issue an Alert for a child thats gone missing…

T: did they SW come with the Affadavit attached to it?

MR: To my knowledge, what I released is all that I ever received so um, in the search warrant that I released out I think it uses kidnapping as the probable cause to obtain the search warrant, or thats my understanding but I don't really know an affidavit and I'm not sure what that is…
T: What is the last thing you and Dylan talked about?

MR: we talked about several things, ya know I was talking to him about how he was doing in his new school, we talked about the fact that he wanted to play football and I guess apparently because he was late in getting registered into the school that they didn't allow him to participate in the football program which was kind of bothersome, and it was to me also because at his age I don't see any reason not to be given the opportunity to participate in any sport, …we talked about many things and we tried to talk about what we were going to do for the Thanksgiving Holiday, we talked about going to Castle rOck which is just south of Denver where my brother lives, that came up, you know we were obviously talking about the days leading up to that with him having time to spend with his friends and that was an ideal situation for me, because there were many things that I needed to take care of being back in town because I travel so much, so that allowed me to go do what I needed to go do,
without having to tag him along with something he didn't want to go do, when he could be hanging out with his friends, so that was an ideal perfect scenario for me, for him to be with his friends, as far as I'm concerned, …

T: right, so when did you notice that everything was missing…and don't u find that really strange?

MR: well, I guess I don't find it strange, and maybe thats just me…and again ya know, when I got back from running my errands and Dylan wasn't here, I noticed the TV was on, he had it tuned to one of the Nickelodeon stations, like the Teen Nick Jr, there was a bowl of cereal from him having a bite to eat, but when I got here, he was nowhere to be found, I obviously didn't think at that particular point moment in time that there was anything wrong, it's not unlike Dylan to go off, because I do live up in the mountains, for him to wander over to the river, across the street, or go over to the road up by the campgrounds, which even brings you closer to the river, or you know, if he's been known to climb up behind the rock wall which sits behind my house, kind of get out behind there a little bit, but what was odd was that hours had passed by and he hadn't returned, it's not like him to be gone a long period of time, and thats when I started getting suspicious about what was going on with him, and obviously during this time frame I had tried to call him and text him, and I never had gotten a response so I immediately got into my vehicle and started to go try tracking down his friends, well unfortunately its about a 30 minute ride from my house to the town of Bayfield, but along the way, one of his friends actually lives up here, at the lake, I stopped by this kids house, he wasn't home, or nobody answered the door, and so I'm driving by the lake kind of slow, looking for maybe Dylan being at the lake--I noticed that his pole wasn't where it normally would be, I saw no evidence of anyone down at the lake fishing, but ya know sometimes with all the trees it can be hard to see the entire shore line but but ya know, I was in, I really wanted to find Dylan, so I made my way down to his friends house, that I knew where he lived, as soon as I got to his friends house, and I knocked on the door, there was two of his friends there and the first words out of my mouth was have you seen or heard from Dylan, and their response was , no we have been trying to get a hold of him all day , we haven't heard from him or seen him either, And THATs when I got alarmed, to the point where I drove over to the Bayfield Marshals office, sat down right next to the guy, well I had to pull him out of another office, but I tracked one down, we went into his office, he was on his computer, typing in his stuff, you know, putting out a BOLO, or some kind of alert, to let people in the Law Enforcement know that to be on the look out for Dylan, and gave him a description and so forth, and that's when I texted Elaine.

snipped for space:[ he talks about the mail lady sighting]

T: Mark I am just now getting a text from Elaine, and she says Law Enforcement told you, two weeks after the mail lady sighting, that the boy was not Dylan. Is that True?

MR: No, absolutely not. No. [ more to the answer but I am too tired to finish transcribing his denials now.]
I noticed that this time, when Mark told the story about what happened when he came home, and Dylan was gone, he left out the part about HIS NAP. :giggle:
Oh. I see. Your claiming that Mark is making disparaging comments about people. Can you give me an example?

We have given MANY examples. Like he said Elaine only searched when cameras were watching her. And he called Brandon a liar, and accused Cory of leaving a pot pipe at his house.
I noticed that this time, when Mark told the story about what happened when he came home, and Dylan was gone, he left out the part about HIS NAP. :giggle:

Well whichever way you put the "nap" time it makes him sound pretty pathetic IMO.

He is a grown man and by midday he needed a nap which over rode all his parental responsibility towards his son .

So awake at about 6am and nap time at 12. It makes me wonder if he was up later than he says :cow:
I think it is VERY interesting that Elaine texted Tricia during the show, to tell her that LE told Mark in December, that the Mail lady was mistaken, and they knew who the boy was, and it was not Dylan.

I believe Elaine, and I don't think she would lie about something LE said, or it would be corrected by them. :cop: So that makes it seem very credible. JMO
I think it is VERY interesting that Elaine texted Tricia during the show, to tell her that LE told Mark in December, that the Mail lady was mistaken, and they knew who the boy was, and it was not Dylan.

I believe Elaine, and I don't think she would lie about something LE said, or it would be corrected by them. :cop: So that makes it seem very credible. JMO


If this was a credible lead then why after December did LE not follow up that Dylan had been seen in the area as it put a new spin on the case. So we the public would of all been very aware that Dylan had been seen as LE would of said something as they would of followed up on one of the few leads they had .

The reason we did not hear anything was because the lead had been discounted as it was not Dylan . And unless MR was looking under rocks looking for Dylan at that stage he would of known it was not Dylan!!

:cow: :cow:
I find in all these cases nowadays that there is a BIG difference between what people actually say, and what reporters write that they say. It's appalling in straight text, and even more appalling when they write it as a quote, and then you listen to the video, and they even get it dead wrong then!

And How do you know what the reporter wrote isn't exactly what MR had said?
Why is it so impossible to comprehend that MR cant remember his stories thus his interviews change. I do not think its the reporters I do Believe its MR.

I think it is VERY interesting that Elaine texted Tricia during the show, to tell her that LE told Mark in December, that the Mail lady was mistaken, and they knew who the boy was, and it was not Dylan.

I believe Elaine, and I don't think she would lie about something LE said, or it would be corrected by them. :cop: So that makes it seem very credible. JMO

I believe her also!
I think LE contacted her and MR when they located the boy the mail lady saw.
But your kid LIVES WITH YOU. That is a whole different scenario. If your kid had just flown in for a visit the night before, and was missing the next morning when you were expected to pick him up, wouldn't that be worrisome? If everything he owned was in one backpack, wouldn't you want to look and see if he left it or took it?

Pardon me for chiming in a little late on this conversation, but where are you getting that "everything he owned" was in Dylan's backpack?? Surely one backpack that size couldn't contain everything Dylan owned?? From the pics we've seen of Dylan with the backpack, both at the airport and Walmart, that backpack looked pretty light, not packed full. Not even a week's worth of clothes.
Just trying to clarify. TIA.
To me, it's less about the tiny details of what MR has said, and more about the big discrepancies. From the articles quoted, it is clear to me that originally MR said he found the backpack missing after he got home that morning. (Whether as soon as he walked in the door, or just before he left to go looking for him doesn't make a difference to me - he said he knew it was gone.) Now he is saying that he didn't notice the backpack was missing until "a day or two later" and after LE asked him about it. That's a big difference in his story, in my mind.

Then there is the original story of going to T's house to check if Dylan was there and talking to T who said he hadn't seen Dylan. Which later became that he went to T's house and no one was there. Again, I find that a big difference in his story, not a minor inconsistency. Either you talked to someone, or you didn't. You aren't likely to forget that detail, IMO.

And a comment on an earlier post - I wasn't at all impressed by the fact that Mark admitted to Tricia that he has Wi-Fi. Why would he possibly lie about that? There are too many people - EH, CR, and LE just to name a few - who would already know the truthful answer to that question. To lie about it would have been incredibly stupid, IMO. That's a fact too easily checked out.

Again, this is all MOO and just my feelings. The big discrepancies in his stories is a major problem for me. As is the fact that we now know for sure that Dylan had two methods of texting - his phone and his touch - Wi-Fi he could access, chargers for both devices with him (per Elaine on Tricia's show,) and a land line; and yet he ceased all communications at 9:37 pm on Sunday night. This is clearly a kid who liked to text, and who was excited to meet his friends the next day. Per Mark's story he took time to have a bowl of cereal in the morning... so why in the world wouldn't he have called or texted someone during that time? That makes no sense to me, and is why I think something happened to him Sunday night shortly after that last text. I firmly believe that if he could have communicated, he would have - especially if he had time to eat and turn on the tv. In my experience from having raised 3 sons and being around their friends, kids who are avid texters check their phones first thing.

JMO, as always.
Didn't EH mention on Tricia's show that there was a big search scheduled for mid June? Mid June is just a week away and I'm not seeing anything about it. It appears that efforts on the reservoir have been abandoned as well.
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Pardon me for chiming in a little late on this conversation, but where are you getting that "everything he owned" was in Dylan's backpack?? Surely one backpack that size couldn't contain everything Dylan owned?? From the pics we've seen of Dylan with the backpack, both at the airport and Walmart, that backpack looked pretty light, not packed full. Not even a week's worth of clothes.
Just trying to clarify. TIA.

I agree.

I wish there was a list of what was in the backpack in case items get found this summer. The articles inside the backpack could separate as the backpack disintegrates and someone migh not recognize their value as anything but trash.
Bender said law enforcement would watch Dr. Phil's interviews with the Redwines.

“Whatever information we might be able to glean from the show would be part of our criminal investigation and is not something we can comment on,” he said.

no wonder theres been no big news about it.

Actually that does seem sorta like big news to me . I could not tell if you were being facetious or not . Any info for a criminal investigation from the dr phil show could not be related to someone OTHER than the participants on the dr phil as a perpetrator . Or at least it would seem that LE has focused on someone from the dr phil show as a perp. Do you see what I mean? Hmmm
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