CO - Dylan Redwine - Forensics Discussion- *WARNING!* MAY INCLUDE GRAPHIC DETAILS

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DNA Solves
I sure hope you're right!

If the shoestring was on or near his remains this would be an important clue. If it had Dylan's DNA on it, even better. If it was knotted or configured in such a way to suggest it was a murder weapon (strangulation) or was used as a hauling tool, this too would point to homicide. But where I get stuck is -- even if the shoelace tells a story of murder, how can this implicate a particular perp? Additional DNA on the shoelace maybe? Anything else??

If a knotted shoestring was used as a murder weapon or a hauling tool, the type of knot can sometimes point to someone with specialized skills. For example people who work on boats, hike or mountain climb might possibly tie a knot in a manner that the average person wouldn't even think of doing. Here is a guide from the Forensics Sciences Journal on an overview of Knot Forensics:

"Most people in the general population do not tie sophisticated knots (Chisnall, 2000, 2010). Specialized knots are utilized in specific recreational and occupational activities, like sailing, climbing, macramé and vertical rescue. Simple knots are encountered most frequently in general tying practices and in case evidence (Chisnall, 2010). These are tied innately and the ability to tie simple knots is acquired when people are very young (Piaget, 1929/1951, 1948/1967)."

Dylan's last stream of MEDIA verified text was 8pm. Ryan provided text for ALL his texts to Durango Herald. If Dylan responded back to Ryan at 9:30. It hasn't been provided. Otherwise the last real text was convo at 8. Is that right?
If nothing sent, but MR thinks LE thinks there was, it could explain the verbal diarrhea past few months. If he argued about this non fact w LE - all the better for justice. :clap:

Re manner of death? Something to do with Dylan's head ( 8-9pm) seems likely now.
Have never felt certain MR acted alone.
If he is a POI.
Sounds like LE has enough to stop looking for now.

Q for voice forensics peeps!
Does radio friend Teresa sound like dads GF ref on Dr. Phil #2 show? Couldn't move past that on first listen. Was she disguised on DP or TCR? Is there any real proof she wasn't?
Viewing Dr Phil for 9th time!
**Amend prior note.No proof this lady same as 'Teresa' except tone.**
The vibe of Mark is recovery & helpless. He doesn't know. He didn't know where Dylan was left.

Strange, but it's the only truth he seemed to tell. He got mad on DP. His memory process starts with seems gone & then waiting for recovery.

Watching dad facial reactions when asked by Elaine very painful questions such as bones sitting out there & harm. ouch.

The deed was over. If someone else TOOK Dylan (away) Mark could focus on bringing his son home. Regardless,
It's all speculation.
Q for voice forensics peeps!
Does radio friend Teresa sound like dads GF ref on Dr. Phil #2 show? Couldn't move past that on first listen. Was she disguised on DP or TCR? Is there any real proof she wasn't?

Snipped by me

radio friend Teresa is not the GF that was on Dr Phil, two entirely different people. The GF on Dr Phil was not disguised, she sat up on the stage with MR, Dr Phil, EH and CR
Snipped by me

radio friend Teresa is not the GF that was on Dr Phil, two entirely different people. The GF on Dr Phil was not disguised, she sat up on the stage with MR, Dr Phil, EH and CR

FWIW I had to look at the pics side by side a few times but no, not the same person. I thought it was the same woman too at first.
Dylan's last stream of MEDIA verified text was 8pm. Ryan provided text for ALL his texts to Durango Herald. If Dylan responded back to Ryan at 9:30. It hasn't been provided. Otherwise the last real text was convo at 8. Is that right?

From the LE press release:
"9:37PM Dylan’s last electronic device communication (texting)"

Nothing is known by the general public about that text. I have seen references that this text was from the Ipod touch, but can't find any MSM references for that so I guess that needs to be considered rumor.

I do NOT believe the following, but here's another set of possibilities. If we want to speculate that the rumor (that Dylan sent a text from his Ipod at 9:37) is untrue, then we might interpret that line in the press release differently. It doesn't specifically state that the electronic device communication was outbound. So, it's possible that LE was just indicating that some text-capable electronic device (e.g. his phone) sent OR received a text at that time, not necessarily from Ryan. So, if we want to assume that Dylan was already dead at 9:37, we can account for this entry in the timeline a few different ways (other than the introduction of the Ipod touch). One is that someone other than Ryan sent him a text at that time. Another possibility is a simple error. In the Ryan convo, Ryan sent a text at 9:27, so a transcription error, either in the case of the news media (and Ryan's text was actually sent at 9:37) or in the case of LE (the timeline should read 9:27 instead of 9:37 and LE has decided not to correct it) could account for that entry in the timeline.
Re manner of death? Something to do with Dylan's head ( 8-9pm) seems likely now.
Have never felt certain MR acted alone.
If he is a POI.
Sounds like LE has enough to stop looking for now.

I don't understand why LE would stop looking if they don't have the cranium, unless it's for practical reasons like funding. The terrain makes searching very difficult and possibly dangerous. In the future, searches like these might be conducted at least partly by drones, possibly outfitted with specialized sensors.
Mark Redwine said investigators told him they had found only four or five of his son's bones and that they would continue searching. He said authorities told him his son was ravaged by wildlife.

Investigators also found a piece of the boy's shirt, one sock and his shoestrings but not the backpack or other items he had when he went missing, Redwine said.

"Ninety-eight percent of Dylan is scattered about the countryside," said Redwine, his voice trembling in an interview Thursday night.

I believe Mark took dylans Phone so he couldn't text anymore. I do think its possible Dylan could have used Marks phone to send that last text. He could have erased it right after and the receiver would know not to text back.

They have been very cryptic about that last text message!
Early on in this case LE has stated DR did not wander off!

And early on after finding mere fragments of DR 's that little chance that any more of his remains will be recovered.

How do they know that?? and WHy? why on earth do we know that?

They must know more- a lot more than they are saying. like exactly what happened and are holding back certain info only the perp knows.

Also I think it is really interesting in this case that because of the custodial right's legal difference between "abduction" and "kidnapping" doesn't necessarily automatically imply SODD or a stranger.

But either way I found this amazing pdf that I have been reading over and over for a few days. It has really given me food for thought with regard to this case and other missing children/people cases too.

( I cannot stop thinking about Isabel Celis- I do not know why ) Any thoughts???
Feel free to PM.
LE stated in their recent presser they would provide updates as more info became available (paraphrasing). Selfishly, I wish they would do this soon. Frankly I'm frustrated discussing what was found knowing the only info we have came from Mark's mouth.
ColdHands (edit: correction, it was neverletgo) linked this in Dylan's discussion thread (bringing it over):

UNM bone expert comments on Dylan Redwine investigation
Dr. Heather Edgar draws conclusions from similar cases

"Edgar thinks it is very likely that wherever Dylan's remains were found was not the location where he was killed."


"Mark Redwine, Dylan's father, told Action 7 News that investigators told him his son's fingertip was found alongside a coyote's droppings."

ColdHands linked this in Dylan's discussion thread (bringing it over):

UNM bone expert comments on Dylan Redwine investigation
Dr. Heather Edgar draws conclusions from similar cases

"Edgar thinks it is very likely that wherever Dylan's remains were found was not the location where he was killed."


"Mark Redwine, Dylan's father, told Action 7 News that investigators told him his son's fingertip was found alongside a coyote's droppings."

Not me this time, but thanks for bringing it over here - I was about to.

BBM - I believe this is most likely true as well. Which IMO means there's a second crime scene somewhere. MRs house is of course one possibility, but what are some other places? We know MRs house was thoroughly searched as well as his vehicles.

If (I know its a stretch for many sleuthers to think this, but go with me) MR is not the guilty party here, where would an SO or other killer have taken him? Possibly a vehicle?

Edit: this could also be as simple as, Dylan was murdered in the area up there on the mountain but the animals carried off his remains. The document posted above by Sasquatch with the scavenging patterns is very interesting.
Not me this time, but thanks for bringing it over here - I was about to.
<respectfully snipped>

<correction: Ooops, you're right ColdHands, it was actually neverletgo who linked this in Dylan's other thread
( [ame=""][/ame] )

Thanks neverletgo! :) >
From the same link above, I noticed in the video, the bone expert says she's amazed they found them (the bones).
So, a small bone inside the feces (that was the impression I got from the dialogue by MR's friend in the radio show--need to relisten to the wording) is instead a fingertip alongside the feces per MRs quote listed above.
From the same link above, I noticed in the video, the bone expert says she's amazed they found them (the bones).

She did say clothing would be more likely to provide clues (paraphrasing). So far we have knowledge of a shredded shirt and shoelaces. We also have the sweatpants. Hopefully, there are enough clues to find justice for DYLAN.
I was thinking last night that the only thing that makes sense of the shoelaces, two femurs, and a bone in scat, and also indicate homicide, is if the shoelaces were tying the legs together so the coyote dragged them both to the same spot at the same time. The finger bone could be accounted for by the coyote scavenging some before he grabbed the leg bone.

God, that makes me sick. Poor Dylan.

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