CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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The amazing thing is I think they could still get a jury in Colorado. They'd probably need to move the case to somewhere other than La Plata County.
Why the talk of juries?
I do not see any reason to believe there will even be a case at this point, if many other cases are anything to go by.
You may be right cluciano. I am hoping so much for some sort of justice for Dylan.
I'm just not sure what to think right now, Kimster. I'm not saying MR is an alcoholic either, but it just seems so bizarre to me that someone would drink heavily the night before a scheduled polygraph. I can see how hearing CR say he hates him can be difficult to take in, along with DR missing, and everything else. I just don't know...
You may be right cluciano. I am hoping so much for some sort of justice for Dylan.

Oh me too. But LE seems to have a lot of trouble in cases where a parent remains unclearable, for lack of a better word.
Alert - 2/27 Poly show information follows
Please scroll if you don't want to read it yet.
Backstage - MR, DP, JT.
  • MR in a suit - JT somewhat jokingly (IMO) says "you clean up well." JT asks MR if he is suffering the effects of the Jim Beam. MR says "well I didn't have a lot of Jim Beam," JT says "half a bottle" and MR clarifies it was a "small bottle, like a pint sized bottle"
  • JT asks why they couldn't go forward. MR says he was expecting more questions. JT: "well actually it wasn't a question though Mark, it was a statement by me and I said 'well that's a disqualifier. If you don't feel well enough to take this test then we're not going to do it.'"
  • [my note: this next part is confusing. I attempted to transcribe it and it made no sense, so I'll just try to summarize. I can see why JT said he was "fatigued"!]
  • MR [IMO] kind of talking in circles. Keeps repeating that he was expecting more questions after the one about feeling well enough to take the test, acts confused that there weren't more questions. DP point blank asks "Do you want to take it?" and MR goes back to similar line of discussion about not feeling well enough. Says his answer's no different now than 2 hours ago.
  • MR says maybe now isn't the time to be taking the test, because of the answer to "the question" was still no.
  • JT says MR should be doing "backflips" to take the test. JT says MR was the last person to see Dylan, MR says he doesn't believe that and mentions the postal worker again.
  • DP getting very heated! Confronts MR. MR apparently said that the show didn't give enough attention to finding Dylan, DP says "are you kidding me?" and that he's devoted 2 hours of national TV time. DP says he's asked MR to do things to eliminate himself so they can direct resources to other people, and "you won't do one d*** thing to help."
  • MR goes back to being upset about the conversation with DP and ER together on stage.
  • DP says he doesn't care if MR likes him, show. Cares about finding Dylan. DP to MR: "if you've got information about where that boy is, you need to tell us."
  • DP says to MR, gesturing to JT "This man's done 3,500 polygraphs. Do you know how many fathers with missing sons have ever, ever refused to take a polygraph in all of his years of doing polygraph work? Do you know how many have done what you've done? Zero. You, Mark. You're it."
  • DP asks MR directly if he knows where Dylan is. MR: "No. No I don't." DP says if he's innocent that they're (DP/JT) the best friends he's ever found.
  • MR says he struggles with the whole thing.
I am the show still going on? Seems like more than an hour, lol.
Did he take it or not?
Mark knew if he drank, he could not take the poly. He made a decision to drink because he wasn't man enough to tell Dr. Phil. No, I'm not going to take a poly. He blames anyone and anything for his situation. Well, Mark, did someone hold you down and pour that JB down your throat......I bet not

Sounds like another poor, poor Mark pity party. He is a disgrace to fathers of missing children.

I haven't even watched the show yet (not on for another hour) but I saw this coming a mile I'm sure Dr. Phil and JT "smelt" it coming.

A child kidnapper (3X per Dr. Phil) an abuser (per Dr. Phil w/written proof) and a possible addiction problem with some mental health issues thrown in.......WHERE IS DYLAN, MARK????

This is very, very sickening.

Alert - 2/27 Poly show information follows
Please scroll if you don't want to read it yet.
DP and MR backstage.
  • DP says he can't let it go. Meeting w/MR backstage to give him "one last chance" to tell everything he knows. Going to make him an offer with a "limited shelf life."
  • Poly has been arranged. DP tells MR it's absolutely something he should do if it clears him. MR says he's always been willing to do this, "I don't think the polygraph is going to eliminate any of us."
  • DP says if MR has son stashed somewhere or flew into rage and hurt Dylan accidentally - if something has happened - DP will help him deal with it now and "we will go recover that young man." DP says if MR is involved it's "just a matter of time."
  • MR "I'm not afraid of the truth."
  • DP says if he's stashed somewhere it's a violation of custody order, implying that it'd be easy to deal with.
  • MR re-emphasizes he's not involved.
  • MR gets upset about ER and CR pointing finger at him. Upset about CR saying he (CR) hates him (MR)
    [B][*]DP says "if you're not involved in this, then there's something seriously wrong with you, because your reaction to this... something's wrong."
  • DP emphasizes that he hasn't attacked MR, asked respectful questions, let him answer, treated w/dignity and respect. [/B]
  • MR says he's not a violent person. Nothing to hide. Not afraid of the truth.
  • MR says can't deny the reality exists especially after 3 months; as parents "owe it" to themselves because "people beat the odds every day."


This pretty much sums it up for me. Either he's guilty as hell or there is truly something seriously wrong with him. And I tend to think BOTH.

I am a huge Dr Phil fan (as most of you know) and I don't know that I've ever seen Dr Phil like this. I've seen him be tough on people but I think MR has sent him off the charts! I would hazard to guess that there is zero doubt in Dr Phil's mind as to MR's involvement.
In my opinion, the polygraph examiners credentials and the statistics presented should have been a no brainier to MR that the best way to stop the finger pointing is to take the test. MR had a chance to stop the pointing, the thing that appears to bother him the most. Even after ALL this professional advice, especially knowing NO father has ever declined, MR doesn't take the test. Wow, not looking good. I'm completely flabbergasted!

This is extremely sad. I cannot imagine how Dylan's family must feel, their sadness and total frustration must be unbearable.
Alert - 2/27 Poly show information follows
Please scroll if you don't want to read it yet.
Back on stage: CR, ER, DP, JT.
  • DP says they've taken it as far as they can take it.
  • DP says there's no evidence, no proof, cannot say that MR is guilty. Allegations, suspicions can be made, but can't say that he's involved in death, disappearance, or harming of Dylan. Says hopefully somebody will see this, remember something, give them [LE] information about Dylan.
  • DP commends ER and CR for being there. [my note: ER is breaking my heart here. Starting with DP talking about taking it as far as they could, she just looks so sad, upset, defeated. I know this is totally personal impression and I can't possibly know what she's thinking but to me she looks like she didn't really expect much better from MR, but hoped for better with DP's help. CR also looks like his eyes are starting to tear up.]
  • Comes back to just Dr. Phil. They show a number of pictures, gives description and contact info.
What a mess. So much dysfunction. Where are you Dylan? Praying for you.
Whew.. hope I didn't overwhelm the board with all that!

For those who want the answer to the main question: no, MR didn't take the poly.

I'm so upset and sad for ER, CR, and most of all Dylan right now. I guess I wasn't expecting some big revelation but for him not to even take the test? And IMO he pretty much 'weaseled' out of it on a technicality that he pretended not to understand.

I'm going back to read from where I left off very early this morning and other thoughts on the show now.
I don't intend to offend anyone, but there is absolutely nothing about Mark Redwine's demeanor at this point and time that leads me to believe that he is NOT responsible for sweet Dylan's disappearance. I believe that his refusal to take a polygraph is the final straw that broke the camel's back for me. I would absolutely LOVE to be wrong about Mark. From my perspective, he shows the classic signs of the narcissistic sociopath. Please keep in mind that a sociopath can go through their entire life without causing harm to anyone. Your next door neighbor could even be a sociopath, (a purely hypothetical example, only), and you might never know it. IF Mark did cause any harm to Dylan, in his disturbed mind it is somebody else's fault. Somebody MADE him do it. In Mark's mind, he himself would be the victim--not Dylan. I know that it sounds crazy, but sociopaths do not have empathy for other people; they are incapable of feeling the same emotions that normal people with a sense of right and wrong do. From everything that has been revealed regarding Mark's history at this point, he is--at the very least--an abusive person. I understand that there isn't any concrete evidence at this point, (that the public is aware of), that proves that Mark did anything to his youngest son, Dylan. Therefore, this is just my educated opinion only. I sincerely hope that I am totally wrong and Dylan is found safe and secure. I REALLY want so badly to be wrong about what I am seeing and feeling. For the record, I do have some experience with the type of mental disorder that I have described. I am not afraid to be wrong, either. I have refrained from bashing Mark throughout this entire case, and I don't have any intention to start now. Just MOO.

Perfectly written and I couldn't agree more! I do think this man is a sociopath. MOO
No offense to anyone who took part, but last week it seemed like this had been a positive experience in some way for the family, and I guess I am just not seeing it. It sounds like everything is more "stuck" than ever.
I am still on the fence myself. I was hoping to watch Dr. Phil yesterday to get a better feel of MR and ER since I've never watched MR's previous interview. I had unexpected company yesterday and missed the show.

That's the reason I read but don't post. Some days I'm slipping off but then I'm back on the fence again.

Honestly the clips of the show are tipping me off of the fence. I wish I had gotten to see the show. I appreciate everyone who has posted what was said and their impressions.

Nothing is going to keep me from watching today's show, hopefully I can catch up reading this thread before then.
In my opinion, the polygraph examiners credentials and the statistics presented should have been a no brainier to MR that the best way to stop the finger pointing is to take the test. MR had a chance to stop the pointing, the thing that appears to bother him the most. Even after ALL this professional advice, especially knowing NO father has ever declined, MR doesn't take the test. Wow, not looking good. I'm completely flabbergasted!

This is extremely sad. I cannot imagine how Dylan's family must feel, their sadness and total frustration must be unbearable.

Would you take a polygraph administered by one of the top polygraphers in the world if you were guilty? He!! NO! Would you if you were innocent and truly wanted to clear your name? He!! YES!!!
I'm sure it's a fact that Mark claims he can't find a fishing pole. I don't think that he can say for a fact that Dylan walked away from his house carrying that pole unless he saw him do that. That's why I asked if anything was said about it during the show.

Ranch - apologies if this has already been answered, but I didn't see it in my quick skim this morning prior to the Dr. Phil show.

It was mentioned several times both days. Today CR kind of jumped on MR saying that the fishing pole was in the garage and that MR didn't walk through the garage, asked (summarizing) how he noticed the fishing pole was missing but not the bike and other things of Dylan's. MR said the fishing pole wasn't always in the garage, it was in various places around the house, CR didn't seem to believe that.

Later on MR says it's never been found so he assumed it might be a possibility that Dylan went fishing, but he doesn't know for a fact that Dylan had the fishing pole. It's not directly said but IMO he implied basically it's missing and he assumes that's why, but he can't say for sure. He still seemed pretty set that Dylan had it, but said he couldn't be absolutely sure.
Mark IMO just said he was guilty as hell ... He knew he had to take a polygraph so why on earth would he drink the night before ?!

And if he is innocent then he is one the worlds biggest failures as a father ( no wonder Cory hates him) as he doing sweet fa to help his son !!

And we are now back to square one . Not enough evidence to move forward in the case . We can have all the suspicions in the world but without proof the case remains in this limbo

Is the postman and the ex girlfriend not the same person ? <snip>

They do look similar, but after having watched today's show no, definitely not the same person. Different names, and they also look a little more different from each other than I thought.
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