Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #25 **ARREST**

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Did you see the video of her gaslighting him as he cried in despair over supposed candle wax on the carpet?

The kid was known to be super sweet and helpful. Even TS stated that. I think she is a disturbed person who seethes with jealous rage and constant insecurity who took it out on an innocent child, in order to hurt his parents. She continued to try to harm them after the disappearance by releasing information and lies meant to damage Landen's reputation. This is an angry, angry woman, IMO, capable of the worst.
I haven’t been able to keep up with this thread nearly as much as many of you so I’ve not seen the video mentioned above. Is the one that is being referred to as “accidentally leaked” by TS? Anyone have a link? Thanks in advance!
She could tear that woman apart with her bare hands. I would turn my head and let her do it.

How dare anyone think they have the right to take a child's precious life. Solidarity, Landen. I wish I could give her a hug.

Al's statement was beautiful as well. I cried just as hard for him.

This *may* constitute getting deleted, but after watching the presser my husband said, "They should just put the birth mother in a room with the stepmom if they want to see real justice."
Could the bloody puddle comment be something LE asked Al to ask the SM to rattle her?

Or maybe the bloody puddle is something that did happen on her watch, but she moved furniture or something to otherwise hide it so it was not noticed right away?

Or could SM have made up the story about the candle damage to the carpet and claimed that it was Gs fault? But it was really his blood and she attempted to damage it with a burning candle to hide the bloodstain? There is that possible “I’m bleeding” comment at the end of that bizarre video.

I have never believed Gannon knocked over a candle. I believe it is as you sleuthed above--OR that was the evil stepmonster's first attempt at an ("accidental") murder, gone awry--or BOTH.

That poor baby... and his loved ones forever scarred.

I have a question and I'm not sure if this has been brought up as it's impossible to keep up with the threads lol. I keep asking myself why she's giving out all this information.. is there a possibility she could say she can't have a fair trial here in Colorado as a result of all the leaked information?
I don't think she's smart enough to have planned something like that.

People like her don't understand how most people think.

If you say "Oh, everyone has bloody boards that fly out of their trucks" you won't find a single person that agrees with you. I think she legitimately thinks that her explanations on social media were working and were normalizing her behavior, but in reality she was only showing just how unstable and irrational she really is.

This is all JMO, of course.
Bumping my earlier post ...

The True Crime Society blog is not an approved source. There is info there that has already been discounted by LE.

Please stick to MSM or WS approved sources. If in doubt, check with a Mod or Admin before posting so we can avoid unreliable sources and misinformation.

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