Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #26 **ARREST**

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This case and Gannon have affected me deeply.

These are my thoughts about appeals for forgiveness and prayer, and the ugly problem of Leticia Stauch.

Forgiveness is the abandonment of a debt. It’s a pardon. It’s grace, in place of demand for a full accounting. We forgive loans and unfulfilled promises and obligations, to ease burdens, or for practical reconciliation of a tangible or metaphorical ledger. We forgive behaviors and transgressions, instead of seeking commensurate sacrifices. We forgive (some) crimes to allow for new and better choices.

Forgiveness is a reckoning with a wrong. That’s all it is. A settlement of sorts.

Forgiveness isn’t an absence of anger or the presence of peace, or a return to joy. These are all distinct things with distinctly unique functions that aren’t interdependent. My observation is that our society has re-invented forgiveness to mean feeling a certain way, or rather, not feeling what we judge as ‘toxic’ emotion and thoughts, or spiritually ‘lesser’ attitudes.

The truth is, people feel extremely indignant and outraged about what she did because she was extremely depraved in her extreme conduct, and she caused a little child to be terrified and to suffer deeply, then die. Outrage is the correct response to the outrageous. It may be healthy to regulate intense emotions about her over time, so we’re not in toxic overdrive, but that’s very different, in my opinion, than needing to forgive Letecia Stauch. I don’t view this distinction as a spiritual deficit. I view it as moral clarity.

This is my only prayer:

That Gannon is found. And, that Gannon’s family is fortified by the love and support of those who stand with them, near and far. That they have the endurance they will need to simply face another day. That they develop increasing resilience to get through coroner’s findings, grotesque facts of what was done to their son, a trial where there will never be commensurate Justice, and a life that now includes Absence.

My prayer is that their love for Gannon fuels and sustains a will to persist when they are alone at night, in the awful silence of deep Loss and the throes of traumatic suffering, and wanting God to take them too. Because this really is as bad as they think it is.

There is no ‘closure’, there is no grief model that even approximates what they’re experiencing, you do not ‘heal’ from the absence of someone. The pain of Gone is not an illness with a duration. Rather, Gone is the stars shattering at your feet, the sun extinguishing, and the moon spinning away. There is no day from now on where they will not be sad, even when they know joy.

I hope Gannon is home soon.

“Grief is Love’s Shadow. The Presence of Absence. An unbearable weight of emptiness.” - John Mark Green
Children have a much lower circulating blood volume than adults.... for them to die of hypovolaemia (blood loss) only a small amount of blood volume lost can cause death..… (as compared to an adult.... )
and children "crash" much faster than adults.... when they are sick as well..

I have wondered with the story of vomiting etc if there may have been abdominal trauma - causing internal bleeding and possibly sepsis..... possibly causing her to realise too late how unwell he was... and tried to cover it up??
Just my thoughts...

The little girl is the biological child of Landen and Al also....

the vomiting could also come from poisoning. My guess is she poisoned him and had to dispose of the body. Maybe push him off a cliff or otherwise finish him off when he vomited up the poison. Maybe it was going on for a while. They probably found the poison or computer links to purchase.
I like that theory. She rented that car for a nefarious reason, as there is absolutely no innocent explanation for it.

It stands to reason that she either used it to dispose of evidence, or to remedy any issues with what she did the previous day (move his body for instance).

I think this does have the potential to justify murder charges, as the missing piece was proving Gannon is dead.

As we know, his body has yet to be found.

So how did LE and the DA get there? The explanation I’m floating is that the rental car contained evidence of Gannon’s body having been there (body fluids and evidence of decomposition that was hit on by cadaver dogs).

There’s just got to be strong evidence that he is dead, and that’s the best I can come up with.
Iirc, it was very early on in the investigation that there were the rumours revolving around a rental vehicle that it was seized by LE. We couldn’t discuss it as it came from FB. This leads me to believe LE were on to her from the get-go, regardless of it NOT being a criminal investigation. Also, within the week, there was the Marshall’s incident. She may never have been a “person of interest”, just their foremost suspect :)
"Niner, post: 15892616, member: 520"]Tuesday, March 3rd:
*First Court Appearance (@ 9am ET) – SC/CO – Gannon Stauch (11) (missing Jan. 27, 2020, Colorado Springs, not found) – Letecia Lynn Stauch (36) arrested (3/2/20) & charged (1/27/20) with 1st degree murder of a child under 12, child abuse leading to death, tampering with deceased human body & tampering with evidence. Held without bond.
Monday, 1/27/90 left home on foot around 3:15 p.m. to go play at a friend's house, his parents say, but never came home. LE calling him a runaway because allegedly the last search on his phone was “can my parents track me if my phone is off.” His phone was left at the house. A little after 10 p.m. on Tuesday, 1/28/20 the El Paso County Sheriff's Office showed up at Gannon's home. Law enforcement walked up to the home and appeared to be searching in the backyard with flashlights. The garage door was opened and a car was pulled out. On Monday, 2/3/20, Roderrick Drayton, a neighbor of Stauch’s, shared surveillance video from his home that captured footage of what he says shows Stauch and his stepmother, Leticia Stauch, getting into a red truck in the driveway of their Colorado Springs home on Monday, Jan. 27 @ 10:13am – the day the boy went missing. The video later, Drayton said, shows the truck returning hours later (@ 2:19pm) but with only the stepmother appearing to get out.
3/2/20 Update: Stepmother, Letecia Stauch, arrested on suspicion of murder in Myrtle Beach, SC. Charges: 1st degree murder of a child under 12, child abuse leading to death, tampering with deceased human body & tampering with evidence. Held without bond. First court appearance via jail video on 3/3/20.

The fact that T is held without bond is reminiscent of Patrick Frazee's situation and convinces me even further that DA May has this locked up tight.

Of course, LE is still open to receiving more tips.....Don't forget the paper towel hit list that was received during the trial.

T should be flinching for the next year as she gets squeezed by ever-increasing evidence.
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I watched it once & could not and will not be able to watch it agin. As Mass said, it's one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard. Was the first of many things in this case that has completely gutted me.

I want to add 2 things that have haunted me even more. I've seen SM where the monster explains that Gannon was crying & upset because he thought he was going to have to sell his Switch to pay for it, but she was consoling him by suggesting the couch, something that was special to her, instead. OMG seriously, WTF?!?!? Physically & mentally abusive & so cruel! That poor, sweet child!

For a very brief moment at the beginning of the recording L, Gannon's little sister, can be seen lying in bed but not asleep. It's so brief, but the look in her eyes is terror. The abuse has been going on and she knows, she's heard, and she's probably trying to keep from crying and not show reaction because she doesn't want to face the wrath of this monster too. I bet there were times that Gannon stood up for her & protected his little sister against this vile creature. Another reason why I think he's a real-life superhero!

I’m actually shocked she didn’t kill her too. If she didn’t want to take care of someone else’s kids, which obviously she didn’t, Gannon wouldn’t be her only target. Also if she was a witness, I’m surprised LS didn’t disappear her too.
i’m having no luck on the media thread looking for the article from january 28th with the photos from the investigators in the garage, pulling the white car out ? all the articles have been updated to the arrest information. does anyone know how i can find that article/photo from that day ? jan 28 photo of the garage/ driveway ?
It was on a Fox2 report , geoblocked for me but somebody put it on a group
This case and Gannon have affected me deeply.

These are my thoughts about appeals for forgiveness and prayer, and the ugly problem of Leticia Stauch.

Forgiveness is the abandonment of a debt. It’s a pardon. It’s grace, in place of demand for a full accounting. We forgive loans and unfulfilled promises and obligations, to ease burdens, or for practical reconciliation of a tangible or metaphorical ledger. We forgive behaviors and transgressions, instead of seeking commensurate sacrifices. We forgive (some) crimes to allow for new and better choices.

Forgiveness is a reckoning with a wrong. That’s all it is. A settlement of sorts.

Forgiveness isn’t an absence of anger or the presence of peace, or a return to joy. These are all distinct things with distinctly unique functions that aren’t interdependent. My observation is that our society has re-invented forgiveness to mean feeling a certain way, or rather, not feeling what we judge as ‘toxic’ emotion and thoughts, or spiritually ‘lesser’ attitudes.

The truth is, people feel extremely indignant and outraged about what she did because she was extremely depraved in her extreme conduct, and she caused a little child to be terrified and to suffer deeply, then die. Outrage is the correct response to the outrageous. It may be healthy to regulate intense emotions about her over time, so we’re not in toxic overdrive, but that’s very different, in my opinion, than needing to forgive Letecia Stauch. I don’t view this distinction as a spiritual deficit. I view it as moral clarity.

This is my only prayer:

That Gannon is found. And, that Gannon’s family is fortified by the love and support of those who stand with them, near and far. That they have the endurance they will need to simply face another day. That they develop increasing resilience to get through coroner’s findings, grotesque facts of what was done to their son, a trial where there will never be commensurate Justice, and a life that now includes Absence.

My prayer is that their love for Gannon fuels and sustains a will to persist when they are alone at night, in the awful silence of deep Loss and the throes of traumatic suffering, and wanting God to take them too. Because this really is as bad as they think it is.

There is no ‘closure’, there is no grief model that even approximates what they’re experiencing, you do not ‘heal’ from the absence of someone. The pain of Gone is not an illness with a duration. Rather, Gone is the stars shattering at your feet, the sun extinguishing, and the moon spinning away. There is no day from now on where they will not be sad, even when they know joy.

I hope Gannon is home soon.

“Grief is Love’s Shadow. The Presence of Absence. An unbearable weight of emptiness.” - John Mark Green
That is beautiful Jilly.
Thank you.
It helps a lot.
When was she buying the dog coats at Petco, before or after Al kicked her out? Before or after Gannon was reported missing? You’d think she would save her cash for rent and be more concerned about the missing boy than her dog.

I don't think she was concerned about her dogs. Just saying! For all we know dog coats/weights could have been used when .....I can't say it! Hope you get my point..
May tonight be the first of many night time nightmares where she relives her horrifying abuse to Gannon over and over and over...
Do these monsters even have nightmares or just create them for others? I’m trying to imagine just how sick and twisted this woman is. I don’t think there is any room in her mind for anyone but herself. I think she lives in a fantasy world normal people would never be able to understand. The fact that she actually believed that others would believe what came out of her mouth is astounding. Totally delusional. I venture to say, she’s sleeping well tonight. Shades of Scarlett O’Hara. No thought for what just happened. Tomorrow’s another day! JMHO
I have never followed a case like this before, in real time and as intensely!!
Usually I listen to a poscast series after the fact on a particular case.
I didn't realise how much I had allowed myself to become emotionally invested in this case until yesterday!
I'm not sure I will do it again BUT I will see this one through until Gannon is laid to rest and she get her day of judgement in court!!
This case and Gannon have affected me deeply.

These are my thoughts about appeals for forgiveness and prayer, and the ugly problem of Leticia Stauch.

Forgiveness is the abandonment of a debt. It’s a pardon. It’s grace, in place of demand for a full accounting. We forgive loans and unfulfilled promises and obligations, to ease burdens, or for practical reconciliation of a tangible or metaphorical ledger. We forgive behaviors and transgressions, instead of seeking commensurate sacrifices. We forgive (some) crimes to allow for new and better choices.

Forgiveness is a reckoning with a wrong. That’s all it is. A settlement of sorts.

Forgiveness isn’t an absence of anger or the presence of peace, or a return to joy. These are all distinct things with distinctly unique functions that aren’t interdependent. My observation is that our society has re-invented forgiveness to mean feeling a certain way, or rather, not feeling what we judge as ‘toxic’ emotion and thoughts, or spiritually ‘lesser’ attitudes.

The truth is, people feel extremely indignant and outraged about what she did because she was extremely depraved in her extreme conduct, and she caused a little child to be terrified and to suffer deeply, then die. Outrage is the correct response to the outrageous. It may be healthy to regulate intense emotions about her over time, so we’re not in toxic overdrive, but that’s very different, in my opinion, than needing to forgive Letecia Stauch. I don’t view this distinction as a spiritual deficit. I view it as moral clarity.

This is my only prayer:

That Gannon is found. And, that Gannon’s family is fortified by the love and support of those who stand with them, near and far. That they have the endurance they will need to simply face another day. That they develop increasing resilience to get through coroner’s findings, grotesque facts of what was done to their son, a trial where there will never be commensurate Justice, and a life that now includes Absence.

My prayer is that their love for Gannon fuels and sustains a will to persist when they are alone at night, in the awful silence of deep Loss and the throes of traumatic suffering, and wanting God to take them too. Because this really is as bad as they think it is.

There is no ‘closure’, there is no grief model that even approximates what they’re experiencing, you do not ‘heal’ from the absence of someone. The pain of Gone is not an illness with a duration. Rather, Gone is the stars shattering at your feet, the sun extinguishing, and the moon spinning away. There is no day from now on where they will not be sad, even when they know joy.

I hope Gannon is home soon.

“Grief is Love’s Shadow. The Presence of Absence. An unbearable weight of emptiness.” - John Mark Green
Thank you!! What a beautiful prayer. It’s devastating when we lose a child, but I imagine it is indescribable to lose your child to a vile, senseless act of murder. I pray LH, AS and family, find the strength to continue on and that time and faith will ease the excruciating pain :(
It could be her running out of state.

I think they followed her to MB, keeping her under surveillance, meanwhile back in Colorado Springs the police were building their case and ,obviously, found something that led them to finally be able to arrest her. If not I believe they would have arrested her before she left the state & saved
not convinced it is that black and white kitty? maybe?
chewing it over ....even if it was say the 2x4 and other evidence that had gannons decomposing dna and not specifically his body still fits that the hire car plays a significant roll in her charges.

just speculating though

I agree. 955 miles in 28 hours? IMO it HAD to be used.
When was she buying the dog coats at Petco, before or after Al kicked her out? Before or after Gannon was reported missing? You’d think she would save her cash for rent and be more concerned about the missing boy than her dog.
The ... 'skivvies' was supposedly undergarments bought at a Marshalls' store after she claimed to have been kicked out.

It's now believed she may have left of her own volition as she knew what she'd done and skittered out of there like a cockroach when the lights turn on.
The Petco incident was posted to her FB ,and the employee said she kept looking out at the parking lot while in the store.
This would've been after she left the home.
Make of that what you will.

We don't know why the sudden need for dog coats but depending on the size they may have been used to restrain Gannon.
That is a theory and could be a sound one; but the trial will clear that up.

It's crazy that stepmonster or anyone (Terri Horman, anyone ?) can entertain the notion that they can get away with such monstrous actions.
There's more digital evidence now with phones and people's security cameras than ever before.
I agree this is a good theory even though the date on all charges is the 27th. I believe the discrepancy wouldn’t be fatal to the arrest warrant and that the grand jury could change the date and add charges later. Then again, they probably know a lot by now and would have spelled it out carefully, so maybe the car rental movement was just her doing other things (and again if more evidence is found on the rental route that can also be added). It’s boggling my mind to be honest.

I'm a little sketchy about the Apple watch though because since she didn't have her cell for the connectivity I'm not sure if it will record her gps trail. I didn't think they would without having the accompanied phone?
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