Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #26 **ARREST**

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Yes, thank you @lucidtx ! I knew I'd seen them before! WTH?!?!? I'm baffled, maybe SC is the only state that doesn't require the abuse & background checks I mentioned! Now many states & school districts are even requiring parents and anyone who comes in to volunteer to have them as well. This creature is the luckiest criminal I've ever seen! Guess what, her luck has just run out!

Now they just need to find Gannon!

I agree, and what a great post!

He's "disappeared" on Monday.
On Tuesday about 8:30am she rents the Kia.
Tuesday from 8:30. She has till noon or so before she picks up Albert--- she has 4 or so hours to move the body.
Yes decomp in the rental is going to nail her!
Rigor Mortis made relocating the body rather difficult .... frustrating for Tecia.
Yes, thank you @lucidtx ! I knew I'd seen them before! WTH?!?!? I'm baffled, maybe SC is the only state that doesn't require the abuse & background checks I mentioned! Now many states & school districts are even requiring parents and anyone who comes in to volunteer to have them as well. This creature is the luckiest criminal I've ever seen! Guess what, her luck has just run out!

Now they just need to find Gannon!


I was surprised too. But a link to the teacher licensure database in Colorado was posted upthread and she got a license there too.

Licensing Office | CDE
Is he a member of an organisation or just an attention seeker?
TS allegedly made her bomb threats around 2001-2002.
During that time, post 911, bomb threats were prevalent from attention seekers and people like that but also groups like ELF- environmental liberation front and aLF , animal liberation front were very active.
Because I was unable to locate the court transcripts pertaining to her case I pondered whether she might have been political at that stage and whether or not her interest in politics had continued throughout her life providing her with contacts and group... may have started with one but progressed to more serious criminal memberships.
That was the point of my post, whether they assisted her or hid him on her behalf as a way to try to locate him, dead or alive.

He's just an attention seeker who is highly disruptive and lies with addiction problems. He's not attached to any organization but he is currently in rehab facility.
Boards don't fly out of truck beds into the woods. Maybe on a bump at a high rate of speed it could eject from the bed onto the road or roadside. That won't make it any less incriminatory. MOO a single board with blood will not be how they determined Gannon is deceased.
My mind pictures TS chasing him with that board outside beating him until he ran fast enough to escape her evilness and get to the basement and back to the safety of his room. Her rage was still evident in that breathless recording. Moo
Rigor Mortis made relocating the body rather difficult .... frustrating for Tecia.
Pity. ;)

And she had other problems as well... including but not limited to pesky neighbors like Mr. Drayton, digital/gps evidence, frantic parents with questions, cops who threatened and harassed her while she was out shopping for skivvies, and last but not least -- her own blabbering mouth.
So they are going to prosecute without a body? I hope they have the evidence.
Why would they risk arresting her if they didn’t?? There is no doubt in my mind that they have enough evidence to convict her. They took their time and built a strong case that can only be made stronger by finding Gannon, which we all hope and pray will be soon. DA May would not risk letting this monster walk. He doesn’t like monsters roaming the streets.

And I hated typing anything about what the monster did but it must be considered and theorized as she gave clues in her rambling lies about where LE could find blood in the house.
How long had she been mistreating him ?
He must have been too afraid to even tell his dad who lived there when not at work.
Did Landen have misgivings ?
Most likely she did at some point.
Maybe the first few missed calls to her from Gannon started her panicking ?
Horrible to think she had trusted LS.

Mom and dad’s gut reactions and mom’s statement at PC about the “heinous act” tells me they know for sure he is dead, and most likely how he died. My guess is they have LS on record admitting what she did. Maybe police convinced a friend or family member to record convo with her and she spilled it all. Maybe her older daughter?
I thought in the presser they said NO BOND? And where the heck is that mugshot?

Could be no Bond in COLORADO...different state law? IDK.[/QUOTE]

I believe everyone arrested with a felony charge has an initial appearance where the judge decides. This site says it better than I can:

“The initial appearance: This is a defendant's first hearing after arrest. It takes place before a United States Magistrate, usually the same day the defendant is arrested. Witnesses are not needed for testimony at this hearing. The hearing has three purposes. First, the defendant is told his or her rights and the charges are explained. Second, the defendant is assisted in making arrangements for legal representation, by appointment of an attorney by the court, if necessary. Third, the court determines if the defendant can be safely released on bail.

Many defendants charged with a felony are released at the end of this hearing - either they have posted money to guarantee their return for trial and other hearings, or they have been released on conditions which include their promise to return for future hearings or the trial. Those conditions may include the requirement that they not personally contact witnesses in the case. In some cases, the defendant will be detained without bail.”

Source: What Happens in a Felony Case
They can file murder charges w/o a body if they find enough of the victim’s blood to ascertain that such a lack thereof would be incompatible with life. Also if they were bugging her cell phone, car or house and recorded her admitting to the death.

Where was the little sister when all of this was going on? And who are the parents of the little sister?
Children have a much lower circulating blood volume than adults.... for them to die of hypovolaemia (blood loss) only a small amount of blood volume lost can cause death..… (as compared to an adult.... )
and children "crash" much faster than adults.... when they are sick as well..

I have wondered with the story of vomiting etc if there may have been abdominal trauma - causing internal bleeding and possibly sepsis..... possibly causing her to realise too late how unwell he was... and tried to cover it up??
Just my thoughts...

The little girl is the biological child of Landen and Al also....
SBM some more

It's as some of us suspected all along - she's a lying liar who lies. And not just occasionally, but all the time. Persistently, but not consistently. I wonder if she had been found out by Al and whether that was part of the unraveling of her life? Was she pretending to be employed and spending money as if she was? Was this the first time she'd scammed like that? Does she have a pattern of being a grifter? Is that why she's thinking about "selling things"? She had her expensive handbags up for expensive sale online.

I wonder if Liberty University will now deny her as an alum.
I was wondering if she was stealing all her sale items.
You’re exactly right. Perhaps they searched the Thursday before they had announced that the search was postponed, and the whole reason the call for volunteers to search was postponed is because of what they had just found. Or maybe it was found much earlier. I don’t know it’s all making my head hurt now.
And then one of the last posts explained that they stop searching when the find what they need..... like a hint it was. Moo
Oh dear, I hope her heartless comment about him being sick and soiling himself wasn't her trying to pre-splain away evidence of a large amount of those bodily fluids. It's so heartbreaking to think about but all of her comments so far make me think that whatever she did to that poor boy left a horrendous mess that was impossible to completely clean.

That makes a lot of sense. Something about pooping his pants just sounded off to me.
Bloody Board and Sock
Stauch added that her husband told her that Gannon’s sock and a bloody 2×4 board were found in the woods near Douglas County. Wow, that’s almost an hour away. How on Earth did they find those items and how did they link them to Gannon!? I wonder if they had intel that she was up there. Maybe rental cars have tracking devices.

or maybe cell pings. Does anyone know who reported Gannon missing and when?
I wonder if she managed to get her teaching licenses by lying about her criminal history via omission. If she didn't disclose her maiden name/aliases or convictions on her application, she may have flown under their radar.
My problem with this theory is that she would have been unlikely to marry an active duty military member if she were a member of such a group.
well she had a criminal history, last charges 2010, see Heavy link upthread which should also have disqualified her from marrying an active duty military member. She married Al in 2015. With a rap sheet which she may well have kept secret.
It is among the most disturbing recordings I’ve ever heard. As far as I know, not a single MSM outlet has mentioned it yet.

It made her look like a monster, yet she posted it thinking it would somehow make her look better.

I think she had already hurt him at that point, and was trying to switch who the victim was:

There’s an accident, and TS responds with violence. Gannon is crying, and he’s the victim. How does she change this around?

She essentially reminds him that the accident is his fault, and he is the cause of the situation they are now in. Mommy is going to be in trouble, and things must be sold to replace what was damaged.

Now he’s not crying about what TS did to him, but because of what he did. She’s letting herself off the hook.

Talk about diabolical.

I watched it once & could not and will not be able to watch it agin. As Mass said, it's one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard. Was the first of many things in this case that has completely gutted me.

I want to add 2 things that have haunted me even more. I've seen SM where the monster explains that Gannon was crying & upset because he thought he was going to have to sell his Switch to pay for it, but she was consoling him by suggesting the couch, something that was special to her, instead. OMG seriously, WTF?!?!? Physically & mentally abusive & so cruel! That poor, sweet child!

For a very brief moment at the beginning of the recording L, Gannon's little sister, can be seen lying in bed but not asleep. It's so brief, but the look in her eyes is terror. The abuse has been going on and she knows, she's heard, and she's probably trying to keep from crying and not show reaction because she doesn't want to face the wrath of this monster too. I bet there were times that Gannon stood up for her & protected his little sister against this vile creature. Another reason why I think he's a real-life superhero!
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