Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #29

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Because it’s clear that he left the house alive, it’s inherently difficult to prove that Gannon is dead.

My best guess as to how they got there, is they either found the initial location where she dumped him (assuming she moved his body), and/or evidence was found in that rental car that Gannon’s body had been there.

I say this because I don’t think even evidence of extreme abuse would provide sufficient proof that he is dead.

So it’s gotta be something big.

Do you think it could be the amount of blood/tissue/other organic matter with his dna collected at various parts of the scenes?

With Jennifer Dulos (another no body case), there was blood spatter in the garage, evidence of a clean up, 10 rolls of missing paper towels, and bloodied items found in trash bags in Hartford. If they found tissue other than skin, this could also lead to conclusion that an injury occurred that without treatment would lead to death.
A few things of note:

1. Landon and stepmother were bbfs supposedly when TS started an affair with AS. Shows the depth of her evil.

2. TS most likely hid her cellphone inside a Petco 30 mins from home on day Gannon went missing. She entered Petco twice, once at 10 am and once at 1 pm. We know she bought 3 dog coats (no word on size) one time and are unsure what she bought the second time, but she did check out with receipt. She owns 2 small dogs. Someone suggested that kitty litter hides the smell of decomp. No confirmation however on 2nd purchase.

If Petco was just being used as an alibi, she wouldn’t have gone in same store twice. Major red flag. Clerk says TS was alone in store and that she kept looking out store front window nervously. Gannon was probably in the truck at that time. If she shut her cell phone off or “forgot” her cell at home that would raise major red flags, so that wasn’t an option. And if she brought it with her to murder site cops would have the body by now. Cops still don’t know where the body is so clearly the intel they got from her Verizon cell does NOT show where she took Gannon. She told police she went to a sporting goods store for a bike and hockey equipment. Had to hurry to get those items and drag poor sick, probably poisoned Gannon along. VERY odd and of course a lie. Searchers on horseback searched an area around the Petco she went in twice that day.

3. Aunt of Landon said that TS used to call Gannon “ugly, stupid and retarded.” Sounds evil, threatened, jealous, like she hated him and taking care of him. And like I’ve said in other posts... a very good actress. From all accounts this boy was very handsome, sweet, and a really good boy with a kind heart. How evil can one little round ball of lard with the face n eyes of a devil be?
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I understand we are here to find out everything we can about Gannon and the people surrounding him but I don't understand what the deal is about AS moving stuff out of the house, its not his house......he wont be living there anymore.....he has a deadline to get out.....what is he suppose to do other then move the stuff out. Im sure they are saving everything of Gannons, Im sure it is very difficult for him t0 do but he has it to do, Im sure he doesn't wanna leave it there so that's his only choice!

Is it possible that TS's things are being packed up and not Gannon's?? Remember she couldn't take her things and had to go buy clothes..
I ❤️ this. Yes. Never underestimate the power of pure Southern Charm and Grace. Sass included. No extra charge. This Judge was brought up properly by his mama and daddy. He wasn’t acting Southern. He was born Southern. There’s more than one way to skin a cat. Welcome to the south y’all.
I’m southern through and through. Plus, we generously use the term “Bless your heart”.
exactly, he has a dead line to get out of the house, what is he suppose to do? the house isn't his, the owner wants the house back im sure...he has to do what is right and get the house ready to put back up for rent!!
Exactly! He is a victim and it is against TOS to sleuth a victim. These comments about why he has done this are nothing but gossiping about a father who's son was murdered. Must be a slow news day.
Do you think it could be the amount of blood/tissue/other organic matter with his dna collected at various parts of the scenes?

With Jennifer Dulos (another no body case), there was blood spatter in the garage, evidence of a clean up, 10 rolls of missing paper towels, and bloodied items found in trash bags in Hartford. If they found tissue other than skin, this could also lead to conclusion that an injury occurred that without treatment would lead to death.
The issue is him walking to that car. In the Dulos case, it was clear that a Jennifer didn’t walk anywhere. There was blood splatter, evidence of significant blood loss, and trash bags that contained her bloody clothing. The passage of time also made it clear that Jennifer was dead.

I just don’t see how they could have met the burden this quickly, unless they found a secondary scene.

So if they did find any of those things you described, then I think they found them at a location other than the house.
I originally said he possibly had a spleen injury but now I'm thinking of it, he might of had a liver injury. So if there is anyone in medical field, please tell me if this is correct. My husbands grandmother had advanced liver disease and one morning woke up vomitting blood non stop and it was from the liver. She was rushed to hospital and eventually getting surgery. So my question is, if you get punched in the belly at the liver verses liver disease can the same thing happen? Which would explain all the blood in the garage, his bedroom and probably the car?
This is probably just me. Because. Me...
Anyway, a few years ago. I fell in the middle of the night and I hit my belly side on a table sharp corner. I’m 4’11” barely 90 lbs, similar to his size. I tried to crawl in the dark and passed out. My sons found me a few hours later unconscious on the floor with blood, vomit and fecal matter all over the place. I woke up days later in ICU with renal failure, rhabdomyolysis and in septic shock. They found a large hematoma on my kidney where I hit that corner table. I ended up arriving up in full code in the ER. An injury similar to mine is so invasive to the bloodstream. It’s critical and potentially fatal. If alone, I would not be here.
I'm anti-social. Diagnosed manic/depressive, which I think now is called bipolar. I've never killed a kid.

My ex is very social. And diagnosed NPD. He's an abusive $$$$ but he's never killed a kid, either.

My point? It seems like people want to blame Gannon's death on some kind of mental illness, but the fact is, some people are just evil. Not mentally ill, just evil.
It's an explanation of behavior, not an excuse. And yes, generally people with mental health disorders are not violent and do not commit murder.
Either way, I wouldn't exactly call what TS did 'normal' behavior.

There might be many things wrong with her. Some people are just interested in how the human brain works. It certainly doesn't excuse anyone from being a murderer and I was not implying that it did.

ETA I don’t think they should have commented on what was being done and who’s things. JMO
KDVR filmed AS at the home yesterday and it was on their newscast.
Letecia Stauch makes first court appearance in South Carolina, won’t fight extradition

From the above article, some good hard facts:

Stauch was an employee of Horry County Schools in South Carolina from November 2010 until she resigned on June 29, 2015, according to a spokesperson for the school district. Stauch worked as a para-professional from 2010 until 2012, then as a special education teacher.
Do you think it could be the amount of blood/tissue/other organic matter with his dna collected at various parts of the scenes?

Clipped by me.

MOO Yes, I do think there was evidence collected that enabled LE to conclude Gannon is dead. This is the extent of my sharing on the matter, but I think your speculation above may be closing in on a heinous truth. MOO
I don’t think her being able to hide his body took any intelligence at all. She had several hours to work with, took standard measures to make her travels undetected, and had the benefit of nearly ideal terrain and weather conditions.

They’ll find him though.

I hope you're right! These cases are already tragic enough, but the ones who are never found have got to be the worst. (For the record, I did not AT ALL mean to imply this "woman" is intelligent. Because...... NO.) :D
Well, there's no DSM code for "Evil."
That would be my first take on her.

So there's that.

I've always said it's fielder's choice with regard to which PD tag you want to hang on her carcass. She meets criteria for so many.

The next DSM revision needs to include a new dx just for her.


"Lethally Toxic Personality Disorder."

Admittedly, my opinion of the DSM is quite low and I think some of it’s descriptive language about emotions and behavior is just that - descriptive language.

So, in the case of LS and those like her, descriptions and trends concerning lack of conscience, callousness, not distinguishing between common objects and human beings, lying as a routine, etc., etc., might be more useful with no need to convolute it by calling it a medical condition/mind/thought illness/‘diagnosis’. Evil seems to truly be the absence of conscience, empathy, and desire to regulate impulses.

She knows what she did is wrong, she just doesn’t care. “Doesn’t Care” is as good of a billing code as any. And I do like “Lethally Toxic” as well. JMO
I didn't see torture in the video. However, from what I heard, it was the after-effects of physical and/or emotional torture, in listening to Gannon's crying and emotions. JMO

The thing that really bothered me about that recording is that she told him that the whole family could get kicked out of the house and it would be his fault. What a horrendous thing to tell a child who needs to feel secure in their home and family more than ANYTHING. That's 100% emotionally abusive in my opinion. No child should ever be threatened with homelessness.
Maybe it's just me... but I don't understand how they can seem to have so much information (at least enough to state that Gannon is no longer with us and charge TS with murder among other things) but not know where he is, or at least an idea of where? Of course it's entirely possible that they do have an idea and didn't share it with us. How rude. :p

They can know beyond a shadow of a doubt if they: 1. Found enough of victim’s body to constitute the incompatibility with life without a transfusion or 2. an electronic confession of suspect recorded over police surveillance equipment like a bug in car, house, hotel room, on a “friend”, family member, etc.
Is the El Paso Sheriff’s Office obligated to take TS straight from the Horry County Jail to the El Paso County Jail?

Or once back in CO, could they take her for a scenic drive around town and neighboring counties to specific areas of interest to activate the Tee-splain Machine?

Excellent idea. I'm sure she would start 'splainin all kinds of things.
ETA I don’t think they should have commented on what was being done and who’s things. JMO
KDVR filmed AS at the home yesterday and it was on their newscast.
Letecia Stauch makes first court appearance in South Carolina, won’t fight extradition
Thank you. I see the media just might be engaging in dramatic effect since I seriously doubt that AS or LH had a chat fest with them about Gannon’s private possessions. Seems disrespectful and just plain unnecessary. We don’t need to see family’s personal activities that are surely so painful. JMO
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