Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #32

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Concealing his body is enough for a tampering charge.
She definitely did hide him, whether that was in a dumpster, a ravine, off a high rock, or a grave, he is hidden.

Say she murdered him at point A. If LE knows that spot, and if she concealed him somewhere at that spot, or somewhere nearby, then I think they would have found him. I think SAR canines would have been able to track from the point of his murder, to the point where he was concealed.

This is why I think LE knows the spot he was murdered, and also knows he was transported via vehicle.

If she dumped him from a cliff, then LE would not know she tampered, as they would have had to know she killed him in order to charge her with murder, and to know that, they need the evidence of his murder.

Possibly she killed him inside the truck that day, and THAT is where the evidence of his death comes from. And then she drove straight to a high spot and dumped him? Or to the dumpster?

Now there's an idea I never had. I had always assumed he was murdered at a 'spot' somewhere where they were searching.

Maybe he wasn't. Maybe she killed him in the truck.
Look up James Sasser III He's in Montana and just pled not guilty to murdering his nephew but admits that he got in a fight with him and repeatedly kicked him in the head. The nephew, James Alex Hurley, died 24-36 hours later of head trauma.

This is what I think happened to Gannon. I think she lost her temper and hit him on the head in the bedroom and either knocked him out or just barely. He falls back on the floor while the head wound was bleeding which is where the puddle came from. She cleans him up and keeps him home from school and kept him next to her all day so he couldn't tell anyone what she did. Went to a store and told him to lie down in the back of the truck while she went in. And he died in the truck.

I don't think this was planned at all.


After divorce, could anyone image LS would have financial resource to build a significant defense team?

It's safe to assume, joint bank accounts, investments would no longer be at her disposal.

Accounts in her name? Could such assets be attached after divorce as having resulted from during the marriage?

I don't expect certain social media content would be admissible at trial, or at least the defense would present strong argument against its use unless LE/DA could present definitive proof that such evidence was directly from LS' hand/mouth (speech-to-text, etc.) and date-timestamped as relevant to the case timeline.

Say she murdered him at point A. If LE knows that spot, and if she concealed him somewhere at that spot, or somewhere nearby, then I think they would have found him. I think SAR canines would have been able to track from the point of his murder, to the point where he was concealed.

This is why I think LE knows the spot he was murdered, and also knows he was transported via vehicle.

If she dumped him from a cliff, then LE would not know she tampered, as they would have had to know she killed him in order to charge her with murder, and to know that, they need the evidence of his murder.

Possibly she killed him inside the truck that day, and THAT is where the evidence of his death comes from. And then she drove straight to a high spot and dumped him? Or to the dumpster?

Now there's an idea I never had. I had always assumed he was murdered at a 'spot' somewhere where they were searching.

Maybe he wasn't. Maybe she killed him in the truck.
If, for example, she used a plastic bag or her hands to asphyxiate him in an outdoor area, there would be signs, possibly, maybe body fluids.
if she then threw his body in back of truck to drive him to his final disposal site, dumpster or height it could explain blood on whatever else was in back of truck at the time.
She could also have killed him with the alleged blooded stick allegedly located in the woods..
I think they were searching for evidence other than his body on the roadside searches.. According to her, stick was found in wood,not roadside but seriously, anything she said should really be discounted... she makes it up as she goes along.

I don't see her requiring a rental for any purpose associated with her crime on the Monday 27th.
ALL charges to date were dated Monday 27.

I think the rental is a red herring unless further proof emerges that suggests it was involved.

We KNOW she took him away in the red truck.

We KNOW concealing a body is tampering with a body.
We do not know how she killed him but we do know it would not have been hard.
It is possible they have a lot more than the wooden board and we have no evidence they even have a wooden board, those were her words, the mistress of rabbit-holes loved to set the internet off on wild goose chases.

LE say they believe he is dead, that suggests primarily a cadaver dog has signaled confirmation but most likely in the red vehicle. BECAUSE all charges are dated 27th.
Woodworking tool, mallet, hammer or similar? Her volunteer information about where blood would be found, garage, vehicle, wood and her mention of woodworking tools and Gannon checking the gate along with the carpet explanation makes me suspicious along with the voice on the accidentally released tape sounding like she had run a marathon. Moo

So far, this is my favorite theory as well. Every word she has spewed has been to excuse away, cover , or misdirect her actions. There is no other reasonable explanation for the bike story, nor any reason to travel that far to get it. My money would be on something within a narrowed down window of when she was there and how far she could have traveled and got back at the time she did.
Look up James Sasser III He's in Montana and just pled not guilty to murdering his nephew but admits that he got in a fight with him and repeatedly kicked him in the head. The nephew, James Alex Hurley, died 24-36 hours later of head trauma.

This is what I think happened to Gannon. I think she lost her temper and hit him on the head in the bedroom and either knocked him out or just barely. He falls back on the floor while the head wound was bleeding which is where the puddle came from. She cleans him up and keeps him home from school and kept him next to her all day so he couldn't tell anyone what she did. Went to a store and told him to lie down in the back of the truck while she went in. And he died in the truck.

I don't think this was planned at all.

Disagree because it does not explain why the charge is murder, not manslaughter
All head wounds bleed profusely, particularly scalp wounds.
She 'forgot' her own phone.
Look up James Sasser III He's in Montana and just pled not guilty to murdering his nephew but admits that he got in a fight with him and repeatedly kicked him in the head. The nephew, James Alex Hurley, died 24-36 hours later of head trauma.

This is what I think happened to Gannon. I think she lost her temper and hit him on the head in the bedroom and either knocked him out or just barely. He falls back on the floor while the head wound was bleeding which is where the puddle came from. She cleans him up and keeps him home from school and kept him next to her all day so he couldn't tell anyone what she did. Went to a store and told him to lie down in the back of the truck while she went in. And he died in the truck.

I don't think this was planned at all.

I just have a hard time seeing it this way. I mean, I can totally see it going down like this, but to me it doesn't explain her next series of moves or behavior to me. I think there is more to it, otherwise I don't understand why she would hold on to her attitude and defiance...? Even if this is how it happened or similar, I don't understand her behavior. Although, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that it was an accident AND she's a P_O_S.
So far, this is my favorite theory as well. Every word she has spewed has been to excuse away, cover , or misdirect her actions. There is no other reasonable explanation for the bike story, nor any reason to travel that far to get it. My money would be on something within a narrowed down window of when she was there and how far she could have traveled and got back at the time she did.

Sorry, wrong post replied to. But while I'm here and as both relate. The wood tools, garage, gate story same reasoning is also my closest reasonable probability. Something happened in the garage, and the gate story was to explain away any evidence of blood between the garage and the garage and the gate. Probably where he ran to when she hit him with what ever she hit him with.
I also think she returned to the scene where Gannon's body was, retrieved his body, and moved it, based on the criminal charge of tampering with a deceased body.

If LE does NOT have Gannon's body, then how would they deduce that she tampered with it?

For me, I think LE would have to have evidence/proof of exactly where she killed him, and also evidence/proof that she moved him, likely evidence found in a vehicle.

This would lead me to deduce that she did not dispose of his body in the 4 hour window.

Tampering also covers “hiding” and keeping body from law enforcement.
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This is what I think happened to Gannon. I think she lost her temper and hit him on the head in the bedroom and either knocked him out or just barely. He falls back on the floor while the head wound was bleeding which is where the puddle came from. She cleans him up and keeps him home from school and kept him next to her all day so he couldn't tell anyone what she did. Went to a store and told him to lie down in the back of the truck while she went in. And he died in the truck.

I don't think this was planned at all.


Yup! This ^^^ is the scenario that has been making sense to me as of late. Of course, I reserve the right to change my thinking after we know more about the evidence.

Look up James Sasser III He's in Montana and just pled not guilty to murdering his nephew but admits that he got in a fight with him and repeatedly kicked him in the head. The nephew, James Alex Hurley, died 24-36 hours later of head trauma.

This is what I think happened to Gannon. I think she lost her temper and hit him on the head in the bedroom and either knocked him out or just barely. He falls back on the floor while the head wound was bleeding which is where the puddle came from. She cleans him up and keeps him home from school and kept him next to her all day so he couldn't tell anyone what she did. Went to a store and told him to lie down in the back of the truck while she went in. And he died in the truck.

I don't think this was planned at all.


How do you account for her leaving her phone at home?

After divorce, could anyone image LS would have financial resource to build a significant defense team?

It's safe to assume, joint bank accounts, investments would no longer be at her disposal.

Accounts in her name? Could such assets be attached after divorce as having resulted from during the marriage?

I don't expect certain social media content would be admissible at trial, or at least the defense would present strong argument against its use unless LE/DA could present definitive proof that such evidence was directly from LS' hand/mouth (speech-to-text, etc.) and date-timestamped as relevant to the case timeline.

MOO Defending a murder 1 case is beyond most peoples means.
I just have a hard time seeing it this way. I mean, I can totally see it going down like this, but to me it doesn't explain her next series of moves or behavior to me. I think there is more to it, otherwise I don't understand why she would hold on to her attitude and defiance...? Even if this is how it happened or similar, I don't understand her behavior. Although, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that it was an accident AND she's a ***.

Oh I don't see it as an "accident" in that way. This is not a woman who "one time" lost her temper and took it too far. She has systematically abused this boy for years. I think she's evil. The same case of the boy I mentioned who was killed experienced years of physical abuse at the hands of his grandparents who were both also arrested.

To me, her self preservation is in knowing that if they had to investigate her, her entire world was going to implode. She knew that everyone knew that she abused him and she would lose it all. So that's what the cover up was all about protecting.

IMO she dumped his body (I keep posting this hoping some in the area will go look) in the area between her house and a friends house. (Notice her attempt to alibi herself by saying she didn't know where any of his friend's lived. That way when they found the body she could say she didn't know that location so how could she have put him there? Her stupid logic)

I think she knew she had to cover for the head trauma so she flung him off a ravine or down a cliff (I've noticed LE stated they are looking in that direction as well) or near a rail road track. I think she wanted the body to be found and it would look like he hurt himself on his way to a friend's house and died. Then it would just be a tragic accident.

After she disposed of his body she came home and moved the board to the truck and then called the police and reported him as a runaway. LE sat in front of the house the next day in an unmarked car and she realized they'd track her so she leaves her phone at home. Goes to rent the rental car and transfers the board to the rental car and then drives out to throw it in the woods. But she forgot that she had the Apple watch on that still tracked her and the cops could also use the rental car information and tracking to go find where she went in the woods. That's how they found the board.

I bet he is somewhere completely opposite of the location of the board. She's furious that she got busted by her own stupidity.

Hey, just wanted you all to know I'm fine. Got hit with the flu like a truck, still trying to get better. Didn't make it to Salina because I began running a fever. I've missed a lot and am working today, but will try to catch up! Things are moving fast!!
The other thing about TS is her comfort with lying. If she doesn't take a plea (I will be shocked if she does) the lies she will tell her attorneys will be over the top.

I remember how mortified I felt for George Anthony when CA said she had been molested by him.

When I went to court for child custody against my ex NPD husband he told the judge I was homeless living under a bridge with 2 guys.

I have never in my life been homeless and at the time I was working two jobs to pay my legal billls and going to college.

It can be quite shocking to the normal person what liars narcissist are and the outlandish things they say.

First, I'm sorry what you had to endure.

also I agree that she will continue to try to spin the narrative in her favor, either the whole time before this goes to trial, or definitely going on the stand, unless at some point she comes to her senses and listens to her attorneys who will very likely if they're any good at all, tell her not to testify. Already what she has given prosecutors is a Goldmine of contradictions and lies that can be easily disproven. I also would not be surprised if at some point she says she wants to represent herself, a la Charles Merritt. I am sure she will drag this out as long as possible.

Not for one second do I believe that she will take a plea. Submission, compliance, humility, and least of all, truthfulness just aren't in her DNA.
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