Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #32

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One thing I don't think that's been mentioned is that as a Teacher she is a mandatory reporter for child abuse. So her initial cover up was protecting her world, not covering up a murder. (IMO)

She kept him home from school that day because she knew if he went to school injured they would call CPS and she'd be investigated. She just days previously was let go from a potential job because her background check didn't go through. A child abuse investigation would 100% be the end of her career. Perhaps AS knew that she abused Gannon in the past but she swore that it was Gannon's fault and she was just overwhelmed. We know that when AS saw the surveillance video he immediately knew she killed him. So he definitely knew something was off.

Leaving her phone at home could have been her way of coming up with an excuse about why she didn't talk to AS all day long. She didn't want him to know that she'd kept Gannon home from school because he would ask why. She wanted to cover everything up and get her story down with Gannon so she could minimize it by the time AS came home.

The only thing going against that theory is that she would have had an hour to spare on the Monday before child arrived home.
I do think it's most likely that rental was used to keep Al's attention off the the red truck for as long as possible.
That is what makes most sense.
She had time in the morning to drop her vehicle at airport, pick up rental, drive it back home, get truck into carwash/valet and get home, pick up rental again and drive to airport with plenty of time to spare to collect Al.
It is likely he would have noticed something was amiss with red truck pretty quickly had she used that.
An hour to spare but would she dare hose the truck down in front of her own house? More RD video as she vacuumed the truck? What if she did run him over or he bled or vomited in the back seat? I think she had a lot of cleaning to do...if she took it to a car wash I bet there will be video
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Stepmom charged with ‘murder’ of Gannon Stauch, 11, says 'puddle of blood in his room was from his nosebleed'

Leticia Stauch claimed the “saucer-sized pool of blood” her husband Albert Stauch said he found in their home came from little Gannon Stauch’s repetitive nosebleeds.


That might indicate bled-in-place over time.

Punched in the face or otherwise knocked him, landed on face/nose and rendered unconscious from the blow/fall? I'm not sure on this one.

In the RD video we see what appears to be Gannon favoring a leg while walking to the truck. Would a small cut be adequate cause for such a limp? Maybe a deeper cut. I just might believe Gannon cut his foot in the garage, likely caused by LS; pushed him in to items on the floor?

I believe the "injured bleeding foot" was LS initial attempt to explain beat-bruising on his leg(s) but when she eventually realized that story couldn't fly she escalated to the ultimate: disappear Gannon altogether... and the only way to facilitate that in permanence was to take his life and hide his body.

This is entirely possible.

My main point is, I think LE knows the location of Gannon's death, hence the murder charge. Either at a specified location, or in the truck. And I think LE knows Gannon was hidden, or disposed of in some manner.

Each of the above scenarios could be accomplished within the 4 hour window.

I just can't fathom Gannon's body being hidden in the vicinity of where he was killed..... he was killed in the truck and then disposed of in some manner, OR he was killed at a definitive location and moved from that location.
I'm assuming rightly or wrongly that her disposal site was pre-planned.
After that t's a matter of figuring out which geographical locations were known to her, they had been there for 15 months.
Monday morning is a quiet time, rush hour has passed, would not expect much traffic on the roads..
This cannot be rocket science..
WHAT are we not seeing here??
An hour to spare but would she dare hose the truck down in front of her own house? More RD video as she vacuumed the truck? What if she did run him over or he bled or vomited in the back seat? I think she had a lot of cleaning to do...
I think you are right and one of the charges reflects that very thing.
The rental car.... all our information is coming from a lying liar who lies. Consider this: after her actions on the 27th, AND realizing that despite her careful (premeditated) planning she'd had her Apple watch on that whole day, by the 28th she was in full CYA mode. And desperate to circumvent her previous mistakes. I could imagine a strong sense of paranoia-- so she goes to the airport to get AS. HOURS ahead of his flight. Parks in the lot, enters the airport. All nice normal behavior, in case anyone's watching (LE).... once inside she rents a car and leaves possibly via another exit.... while her car waits patiently at the airport, as if she's there too.

She drives straight to the location of Gannon's body. Removes him. Returns to the airport, parking maybe even in the rental lot, if one exists. Now, according to HER, she and AS left together in the rental, but to my knowledge, that's been verified BY NO ONE.

Despite what SHE says, I wonder if AS knew she'd rented a car. She seems to have no trouble selling alternate facts that are both not true and easily debunked. Not her worry.

Regardless of how they left and in how many vehicles, IMO Gannon's body was in the trunk. Devastating all of it but she operates without fear, without decency.

IMO as soon as TS was alone with the rental, I believe she went fully into relocation mode, moving him even farther from home.

IMO that selfsame Tuesday, she ceased living in the family home -- drama, dissention AND she had a REASON for not being there-- she NEEDED to be elsewhere. Off the grid.

I think she became POI primary uno because I think she was unreachable all of Wednedsay morning, the 29th.

I do however think she DID have a phone at this time. Borrowed. From a minor. To navigate. Check this: hotel room. Rental car. Daughter. Leave daughter in hotel room, tell her you're going out ALL NIGHT to search for Gannon. The caring thing to do. Rental car so he doesn't run from family vehicles (because that's logical) and cover of dark (because that's a good time for searching)... like magic, she buys herself 16 hours or more where no one knows where she is and no one can reach her. She said herself, with the back of her head, that people were saying she'd disappeared. Truth.

I believe JMO that LE has found the location where Gannon ORIGINALLY was. I believe they've found considerable evidence, far more than the sock and board. Those are likely in the arrest warrant. Enough to secure the warrant. But NOT EVERYTHING they have.

She KNEW her Apple watch had the potential to be her undoing. Hence her doubling down. Yup, backroads. Because because. Yup, sock. Because because flower pots. Yup, board. Because because Albert has tools. She just keeps spinning new yarns to presplain and postsplain everything that comes to light. No worries, it'll be a slam dunk case when it's presented, provided she doesn't Fotis herself first, because there will be a thousand data points and a truckload of forensic evidence. They'll know if she so much as sneezed that day.

It will be jarring.

I hate to consider it but other monsters before her have left children to die. I hear a mother's anguish when she describes JUSTICE FOR THIS HEINOUS CRIME. Heinous. I suspect ESPECIALLY heinous. Perhaps TS always INTENDED to return to the scene to confirm the outcome and to remove any restraints. Perhaps she hadn't counted on the rapid, early pressure. Questions from LE she couldn't answer well, AS and LH coming immediately, etc, etc. But either way, that combined with the Apple tracking, she must've known she'd have to rehide him. She wasn't as worried about her odyssey of stupidity toward Castle Rock, her debris field because I imagine she never expected LE to look so hard. Disordered though process: who's going to connect a sock or a this or a that to something 40 miles away? All told, I don't think Gannon was part of THAT journey.... I think he was first...JMO. And I believe, just like the searchpoints in and around Palmer Lake, I think her Apple watch led LE right to where he was, just a couple weeks after she'd already moved him.

Triggers. I can't help but to wonder if the extradition by car wasn't intentional. Unspoken but along the route LE knows the rental took... it may have dawned on her SHARPLY that they were on to her. She may have even thought that meant they'd found him. Hence the handcuff Houdini... she wanted out of that car. Either by causing a deadly accident or by assaulting an officer and gaining control of a weapon and a vehicle....

A woman looking at the charges against her, already a dangerous woman, is NEVER more dangerous than when she has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE TO LOSE.

There isn't a sentence harsh enough for the damage she's inflicted...

Very interesting theory and you make some very good points.
The rental car.... all our information is coming from a lying liar who lies. Consider this: after her actions on the 27th, AND realizing that despite her careful (premeditated) planning she'd had her Apple watch on that whole day, by the 28th she was in full CYA mode. And desperate to circumvent her previous mistakes. I could imagine a strong sense of paranoia-- so she goes to the airport to get AS. HOURS ahead of his flight. Parks in the lot, enters the airport. All nice normal behavior, in case anyone's watching (LE).... once inside she rents a car and leaves possibly via another exit.... while her car waits patiently at the airport, as if she's there too.

She drives straight to the location of Gannon's body. Removes him. Returns to the airport, parking maybe even in the rental lot, if one exists. Now, according to HER, she and AS left together in the rental, but to my knowledge, that's been verified BY NO ONE.

Despite what SHE says, I wonder if AS knew she'd rented a car. She seems to have no trouble selling alternate facts that are both not true and easily debunked. Not her worry.

Regardless of how they left and in how many vehicles, IMO Gannon's body was in the trunk. Devastating all of it but she operates without fear, without decency.

IMO as soon as TS was alone with the rental, I believe she went fully into relocation mode, moving him even farther from home.

IMO that selfsame Tuesday, she ceased living in the family home -- drama, dissention AND she had a REASON for not being there-- she NEEDED to be elsewhere. Off the grid.

I think she became POI primary uno because I think she was unreachable all of Wednedsay morning, the 29th.

I do however think she DID have a phone at this time. Borrowed. From a minor. To navigate. Check this: hotel room. Rental car. Daughter. Leave daughter in hotel room, tell her you're going out ALL NIGHT to search for Gannon. The caring thing to do. Rental car so he doesn't run from family vehicles (because that's logical) and cover of dark (because that's a good time for searching)... like magic, she buys herself 16 hours or more where no one knows where she is and no one can reach her. She said herself, with the back of her head, that people were saying she'd disappeared. Truth.

I believe JMO that LE has found the location where Gannon ORIGINALLY was. I believe they've found considerable evidence, far more than the sock and board. Those are likely in the arrest warrant. Enough to secure the warrant. But NOT EVERYTHING they have.

She KNEW her Apple watch had the potential to be her undoing. Hence her doubling down. Yup, backroads. Because because. Yup, sock. Because because flower pots. Yup, board. Because because Albert has tools. She just keeps spinning new yarns to presplain and postsplain everything that comes to light. No worries, it'll be a slam dunk case when it's presented, provided she doesn't Fotis herself first, because there will be a thousand data points and a truckload of forensic evidence. They'll know if she so much as sneezed that day.

It will be jarring.

I hate to consider it but other monsters before her have left children to die. I hear a mother's anguish when she describes JUSTICE FOR THIS HEINOUS CRIME. Heinous. I suspect ESPECIALLY heinous. Perhaps TS always INTENDED to return to the scene to confirm the outcome and to remove any restraints. Perhaps she hadn't counted on the rapid, early pressure. Questions from LE she couldn't answer well, AS and LH coming immediately, etc, etc. But either way, that combined with the Apple tracking, she must've known she'd have to rehide him. She wasn't as worried about her odyssey of stupidity toward Castle Rock, her debris field because I imagine she never expected LE to look so hard. Disordered though process: who's going to connect a sock or a this or a that to something 40 miles away? All told, I don't think Gannon was part of THAT journey.... I think he was first...JMO. And I believe, just like the searchpoints in and around Palmer Lake, I think her Apple watch led LE right to where he was, just a couple weeks after she'd already moved him.

Triggers. I can't help but to wonder if the extradition by car wasn't intentional. Unspoken but along the route LE knows the rental took... it may have dawned on her SHARPLY that they were on to her. She may have even thought that meant they'd found him. Hence the handcuff Houdini... she wanted out of that car. Either by causing a deadly accident or by assaulting an officer and gaining control of a weapon and a vehicle....

A woman looking at the charges against her, already a dangerous woman, is NEVER more dangerous than when she has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE TO LOSE.

There isn't a sentence harsh enough for the damage she's inflicted...


I was thinking this exact scenario but you typed it out much more concisely than I could. I think you are spot on.

If, for example, she used a plastic bag or her hands to asphyxiate him in an outdoor area, there would be signs, possibly, maybe body fluids.
if she then threw his body in back of truck to drive him to his final disposal site, dumpster or height it could explain blood on whatever else was in back of truck at the time.
She could also have killed him with the alleged blooded stick allegedly located in the woods..
I think they were searching for evidence other than his body on the roadside searches.. According to her, stick was found in wood,not roadside but seriously, anything she said should really be discounted... she makes it up as she goes along

I think the rental is a red herring unless further proof emerges that suggests it was involved.

We KNOW she took him away in the red truck.

We KNOW concealing a body is tampering with a body.
We do not know how she killed him but we do know it would not have been hard.
It is possible they have a lot more than the wooden board and we have no evidence they even have a wooden board, those were her words, the mistress of rabbit-holes loved to set the internet off on wild goose chases.

LE say they believe he is dead, that suggests primarily a cadaver dog has signaled confirmation but most likely in the red vehicle. BECAUSE all charges are dated 27th.

I see your point about the charges being dated the 27th,but she could still have used the rental car to dispose of his body,the charge for the 27th could be the initial act of dumping his body,it doesn't mean that she didn't go back and move it again same with dumping evidence,they have charged her with doing it all on Monday bit there is still room for them to add charges for Tuesday and beyond if necessary.
Maybe they haven't put all their eggs I one basket?
Stepmom charged with ‘murder’ of Gannon Stauch, 11, says 'puddle of blood in his room was from his nosebleed'


That might indicate bled-in-place over time.

Punched in the face or otherwise knocked him, landed on face/nose and rendered unconscious from the blow/fall? I'm not sure on this one.

In the RD video we see what appears to be Gannon favoring a leg while walking to the truck. Would a small cut be adequate cause for such a limp? Maybe a deeper cut. I just might believe Gannon cut his foot in the garage, likely caused by LS; pushed him in to items on the floor?

I believe the "injured bleeding foot" was LS initial attempt to explain beat-bruising on his leg(s) but when she eventually realized that story couldn't fly she escalated to the ultimate: disappear Gannon altogether... and the only way to facilitate that in permanence was to take his life and hide his body.


I agree
I don't think he accidentally died in the truck or anywhere, as she was trying to make time pass, or trying to figure out what to do
I think she hastened his death intentionally and with purpose
ETA: My opinion
I'm not convinced the hire car was used to dispose of him.
There is no evidence to that effect.
There are a million possible reasons for her use of it, mileage was never confirmed.
That leaves only the possibilities within the original 4 hrs window.
Interested to hear your thoughts on a million possible reasons.

I cant think of one that would stack up myself
I don't imagine her risking having Gannon's body in the trunk of the rental car. She's not that stupid. A dead body's DNA will inevitably get transferred. Using a rental car that she rented to move him the day AFTER she reported him missing would completely sink her.

Also I don't think she'd risk calling the police about him missing unless she already disposed of his body. She'd have no way of knowing how they'd conduct an investigation. And parents and stepparents are always looked at first when foul play with children happens.
People keep wondering what evidence the cops found that made them think that Gannon was dead and she murdered him.

To me it's plain as day.

They found a pool of Gannon's blood in the carpet in his bedroom. They found a plank of wood hidden in the woods with his blood on it. They tracked the rental car to the same location and LS rented the rental car.

It's pretty obvious what happened.
Technicality, but we don't know his blood was on the 2x4.
Yesterday I ran errands around Colorado Springs and all I could think about Gannon.... the beautiful mountains, is his body hidden on one? Ravines, culverts.... everything looks like a hiding place but I can't fathom how a person GETS to any of those places.

Every car I see on the side of the road I study. But that's NOW. Would I have notice a red truck parked by the side of a road somewhere SIX WEEKS AGO???

1000 questions in my head. Did she hide him nearby (originally)? Did she discard his precious body in a sick dumpster? Did she leave him by/in a creek bed, a forest, a ravine, a flatland, a rest top....

Oh, sweet Gannon, where are you?

Just my sad-hearted opinions....
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If, for example, she used a plastic bag or her hands to asphyxiate him in an outdoor area, there would be signs, possibly, maybe body fluids.
if she then threw his body in back of truck to drive him to his final disposal site, dumpster or height it could explain blood on whatever else was in back of truck at the time.
She could also have killed him with the alleged blooded stick allegedly located in the woods..
I think they were searching for evidence other than his body on the roadside searches.. According to her, stick was found in wood,not roadside but seriously, anything she said should really be discounted... she makes it up as she goes along.

I don't see her requiring a rental for any purpose associated with her crime on the Monday 27th.
ALL charges to date were dated Monday 27.

I think the rental is a red herring unless further proof emerges that suggests it was involved.

We KNOW she took him away in the red truck.

We KNOW concealing a body is tampering with a body.
We do not know how she killed him but we do know it would not have been hard.
It is possible they have a lot more than the wooden board and we have no evidence they even have a wooden board, those were her words, the mistress of rabbit-holes loved to set the internet off on wild goose chases.

LE say they believe he is dead, that suggests primarily a cadaver dog has signaled confirmation but most likely in the red vehicle. BECAUSE all charges are dated 27th.

very interesting about the white plastic bag, i hadn’t thought of it being brought up by LS as it may have been found w body fluids and may have been used as a “tool”.

i assumed with white bag she was trying to explain some part of the RD video but it didn’t connect because the part where LS exits the truck in the afternoon, she has assumingly a white toque in her hand. but then says that the whole 2pm video is wrong, wrong time, so i didn’t understand the connection with the white item and why she is presplaining it
I see your point about the charges being dated the 27th,but she could still have used the rental car to dispose of his body,the charge for the 27th could be the initial act of dumping his body,it doesn't mean that she didn't go back and move it again same with dumping evidence,they have charged her with doing it all on Monday bit there is still room for them to add charges for Tuesday and beyond if necessary.
Maybe they haven't put all their eggs I one basket?
Again, why would she have moved his body when she had more than enough time to hide it the day before?
Also, Al was home on Tuesday, she would have expected to have been under his observation...
It simply makes no sense.
I know I’m replying to these hours later since I’m catching up. Not trying to restart a conversation that was previously finished, but I didn’t see my thoughts in any other replies.

It’s such a kick in the gut if she showed him over the top concern & care before they left that morning. It was not genuine or heartfelt but deceitful. It’s too much... (IMO)

While the video is certainly not high quality, she did not look to be showing any concern for Gannon, much less, over the top concern. IMO. But like you, I am heartbroken thinking about Gannon and what his thoughts were that morning, especially as he climbed into that truck. Even if he was under the impression he was being taken for medical care (which I doubt), he was with someone he was likely terrified of, and who had already hurt him pretty badly.

Right, if we know so much now from what she has already told the public, imagine how much we don't know that she may have told those close to her. I bet it's a lot.

For all we know there is someone who knows just as much about this crime as KK did in Frazees case. Jmo

BBM. - Given that she lies every time she opens her mouth, I think that if she did tell someone a story, it’s unlikely to be the truth. No way did this woman admit to anyone what actually happened, IMO. BUT, if said story involves a dead Gannon, that would be good for LE to know. Sticking with the theory that there are bits of truth in her lies, and all.

That said, I seriously doubt she has admitted to anyone that Gannon was anything but alive in her presence. It will be interesting to hear her stories once the actual evidence against her is known to her. Real evidence- not just whatever AS may have said to her. Even if AS did tell her the things she claimed about the sock and bloody 2x4, it doesn’t make it true that those items were found.

As has been noted many times, she is a true nightmare client. I can just see her getting p.o.’d at her attorneys when they start picking holes in her “Tsplainings”.
I'm assuming rightly or wrongly that her disposal site was pre-planned.
After that t's a matter of figuring out which geographical locations were known to her, they had been there for 15 months.
Monday morning is a quiet time, rush hour has passed, would not expect much traffic on the roads..
This cannot be rocket science..
WHAT are we not seeing here??
So we know she was familiar with Garden of the Gods, the Air Force Base, Palmer Lake, Monument, Castle Rock...what about Black Forest Regional Park? Looks from the satellite to be large, secluded and in area she was familiar with?
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