Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #34

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I've never understood that either. Resentful of being a stepmom perhaps, but I don't know what she would have been jealous of. Landen was married to someone else, TS was married to a decent man, she lived in a nice home, had nice vehicles, did not seem to be lacking for any material things. But we don't know what went on behind closed doors. JMO.

I think part of the anger towards her stemmed from the fact that TS claimed that LH and her uncle were harassing her and got her fired from a job by calling the place and telling them negative things about her and not to hire her. And the uncle of LH was supposedly the superintendent of the schools or something.
I tend to agree with you that jealousy was not her prime motive for killing Gannon. I think she was bitter that she was getting the short end of the stick again and again (in her mind). She had a daughter who was marching to 18 very soon. Now, she had two young kids that needed her everyday. She married her husband, moved from her family and he was away a fair bit. She couldn't get and keep a job because her past kept creeping up on her. She worked at the kid's school but left in November (fired or whatever) and she lost her last possible job just before her husband went out of town again when she would have to be with the kids on the weekend and caretake. On the other hand, the kid's mother lived near family and friends and seemed to have it easier than she did. I think she felt like she gave too much and was in a rage due to her bitterness. This was not the life she wanted. Her rage killed Gannon.

I do think that she was wicked jealous of Landen when she came to town and Al supported Landen over her. She moved into Tee's house, got financial support, got sympathy, and Al was with her 24/7. She was jealous then, IMO.
I don't think she meant to kill him. But we can't even theorize on what happened Sunday night. She may have had a whole bunch of complex emotions and stress going on by that night, which was set off by seeing a possible disaster in the house, which could have caused a lot of damage or harm to everyone else. Then a fateful push, shove, into an object, or a blow from her own hands. We don't know.
I just don't see any reason she would have had to be "jealous" of biomom. I think she was completely po'd that biomom was in her house, and that her own husband was treating her badly. But even those last emotions came after Gannon was dead.
There's a level of hatred and animosity toward Landon that, IMO, can't be explained by anything else. Why the intensity of emotion? It's one thing to use LH to deflect suspicion from herself: "the BM wanted her children back" etc etc... It's another thing to express the depth of emotion TS expresses toward Landon. And I saw that video of Gannon waving the TS posted on her page for a while. It was the one thing, more than anything else, that convinced me of how genuinely evil she is. That video of him waving bye, to post that, when he was missing, when she was suspect... that more than anything convinced me both of her guilt and of her jealousy of Landon. It was a vile and heartless act. It was an "in your face", no matter what happens, "I win, FU" act of the highest, most vindictive order. Jealousy. What else explains that depth of sick emotion and need to strike out and hurt?
@LightandReason , you are spot on in your assessment. Superficially, it is easy to think, TS had no reason to be jealous. But then you are deceived by her false image. Deep insecurity breeds jealousy and resentment, the foundation of a narcissistic personality.
are we anticipating cameras in the courtroom Wed? or any type of “perp walk”? Just the courthouses around here the inmates are brought in early by van direct to the building and then from lockup into court...there would be no viewing of an inmate unless camera in court/sketch artist...again just curious as to CO, I am not caught up on the topic TIA
We should find out tomorrow (the media needs time to prepare with the hearing on Wednesday).

In the Frazee case, the judge initially approved cameras for the arraignment. Ultimately, the date was pushed, and he then decided against it.

I’m less than optimistic here, but you never know.
I keep thinking about that blood too.

All these things could lead to a lot of blood, but he'd have to just be lying there, pretty much unmoving.

A nose bleed sounds most probable to me. But who just lies there and lets it bleed out without wiping their nose, tilting their head back or forward with something to soak it up? It seems like they'd have to be stationary for a period of time without making any move to stop it.

If it was mixed with anything else, I don't think it would be described that way.

I've always thought it was more of an internal injury until I heard that interview.

I should probably let it go, because aside from not wanting to really go there, it did come from stepmom. So there may be an element of truth to it, but who knows how much.

I do take what Leticia says with a grain of salt, but this is so dark that putting it out for all to read almost seems like there must be something to it.

I know that my articulation i spoor at best here.. it's one of those nights for me.

But, I agree with so much that you have stated .. it makes sense.
So, maybe jealous of LH relationship (or the kids' relationship) with the grandparents?
Its not about Landen, its about TS's deep insecurity. It breeds jealousy, resentment, competitiveness, possessiveness ... all of the uglies.

A good person like yourself will not easily comprehend the behavior of the wicked.
That IS the headline! There must be A LOT of stuff she doesn't want us to see :D Still trying to save face, even behind bars! Delusional with a capital "D!"

Can anyone please explain what is expected to happen Wednesday? Will TS plead guilty or innocent as to her charges that day, etc? Will it be a long hearing?
I wonder if we will see a request from her attorney for a mental health evaluation? Would TS have to agree to that? She seems to be so concerned about what people think of her, I don't think she would agree even if it were in her best interest.
Would the results of that examination be a part of the public record?
My take away was that LE showed As through Luminol and a black light..
and the pooling of the blood really freaks me out..
I was stuck on a possible internal bleed out or gash/cut.
I never considered the nosebleed since my 2 oldest get them frequently and I have never seen blood pool..
But, I do see now that there is a possibility ..
It just really seems sinister to me.
I should have said I didn't mean a normal child's nosebleed, I meant one sustained because of a big injury, a force from outside, like a fist... causing a rupture..
I think we will have to wait and see cos she is so cunning, knows too much about too little, heavily borrows from a small amount of medico-legal knowledge that she doesn't even make sense.
I think her objective was to prove the correct chain of evidence was not preserved-people living in the crime scene, for example.
She is attempting to neutralise what she suspects they may have discovered in the course of the many crime scene analyst visits to the home.
Al lost his finger- ergo blood was Al's.
If she was allowed to run, she would probably have said that Landen bought animal blood and sprinkled ad poured it everywhere...
the antics of a desperado.. a crazy mind... running full speed and passing itself out...
I think it's likely the catalyst will be whatever video footage they were able to harvest from her phone...I think it will be damning and that there's a lot more of that than she ever knew about.. JMO
I think the evidence will reveal blood found on/in
the bedroom (the "saucer shaped" pool), the garage (near the garage door and on the landing near the entrance to the house),the back of a vehicle, the ground near the gate and from the garage to the gate, wood from the garage, the bathroom near where she beat him, and
the garbage cans outside.

I think he was beaten about the head/face and went down on the floor and bled there. I think she left him for a bit and when she checked he was a mess and there was blood on that floor. She cleaned up and spilled drops near the door to the house, in the garage, and walking to the gate. Blood is on the back of the car because she had bloodied clothes, rags to clean and items.

Why, because she has admitted that blood will be found in these place and gave preposterous reasons that it would be there (the key, the cut on the foot due to Al's careless putting away of the tools. I think Al told her about the pool of blood and she thought she had hidden that so the interviews were a way of planting a grand scheme of how the boy came up missing.

Lastly, I think they will find dried blood in the truck.

In an earlier thread, I wondered if they spanked as a family or talked it out or a combo. At the very least, I think that Tee used corporal punishment on a regular basis. This poor, sweet boy didn't have a change against her rage.
When Watts pleaded guilty, we got access to everything. There was something like 2000 pages of discovery documents, and countless hours of video.

He may have feared being exposed in the courtroom however, as the prosecution had no shortage of witnesses, to include his mistress.

No matter what this woman does, everything is going to come out. You’re talking about two very different people, with differing psychologies.

Watts was nothing but a facade; concerned only about the image he projected.

TS lives in some alternate universe, and I can see her fighting this all the way. She’s angry, vindictive, and likely won’t give in.

She probably thinks she can lie her way to a not guilty verdict.
I appreciate your explanation. And I agree that she will fight what she perceives to be the injustice of it all.
Yeah, it certainly was the battle of the wits, wasn’t it? I felt like I was listening to a really bad redneck soap opera, filmed in a trailer park. I needed to scrub up after that.

Good luck on your stress test tmrw.
I have family members that live in very nice mobile homes in mobile home parks. Your description is insulting and uncalled for. Have fun scrubbing up.
I keep wondering what can be heard on the portion of security footage as Gannon walked towards the truck on that Monday morning.

As R. Drayton says "My camera picks up sound and everything".

‘He could barely walk’: Gannon Stauch neighbor confirms security footage dates after stepmother’s murder arrest [EXCLUSIVE]

"I was looking back and I saw them, and they were outside Sunday playing. It was before Monday,” Drayton said. “She backed up and said, ‘Gannon you get on this side, Laina you get on the other side,’ because I could hear what they were saying. My camera picks up sound and everything. I got them coming. I got him getting out of the car Sunday and running to the house. He was perfectly fine.”"
I don't think she meant to kill him. But we can't even theorize on what happened Sunday night. She may have had a whole bunch of complex emotions and stress going on by that night, which was set off by seeing a possible disaster in the house, which could have caused a lot of damage or harm to everyone else. Then a fateful push, shove, into an object, or a blow from her own hands. We don't know.
I just don't see any reason she would have had to be "jealous" of biomom. I think she was completely po'd that biomom was in her house, and that her own husband was treating her badly. But even those last emotions came after Gannon was dead.
Her feelings don't have to make sense to us.
Catching up yet once again. I'm currently on page 21. Just had a question for y'all... I've never been to a Play it Again Sports, but I've heard they sell a lot more than sports items. Does anyone know if they sell pet-related items? And/or take them from customers? I'm specifically wondering about carriers/kennels. Thanks!
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