Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #34

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I think that would have been a bulky package though and though I'm not sure whether or not they have cctv cameras indoors in Petco, I did once see photographs of the exterior and there are very prominent CCTV cameras in the adjoining buildings.

I don't know how to pull up maps.
My guess is that she also saw them and she visited, if she did, in order to provide herself with an alibi.
As if.

She stated LE would not have known she had been there unless she had told them.
So she told them, safe in the knowledge her presence could be verified, but it could be all lies as well and the reason for her reticence is possibly that she had forgotten her original lie in favor of the new story about Castlerock.

Do we know what Petco she went to? I could give you a better perspective of what's around if I know which one. I've been to two of them for sure. Not sure how many there actually are in C Springs.
I see Mass gave you a better answer, but here are my suggestions:
1. From behind visitation glass?
2. Lay it on the table next to the divorce papers and say, "For your reading pleasure, I'll be back in an hour if you have any questions!" :p
3. Slide it page by page under her cell door!
4. Waist chains and bite mask JMO
Do we know what Petco she went to? I could give you a better perspective of what's around if I know which one. I've been to two of them for sure. Not sure how many there actually are in C Springs.
I cannot remember but I'm not sure if she mentioned the address in the recent interview ?
I hadn't realized there was more than one...
Catching up yet once again. I'm currently on page 21. Just had a question for y'all... I've never been to a Play it Again Sports, but I've heard they sell a lot more than sports items. Does anyone know if they sell pet-related items? And/or take them from customers? I'm specifically wondering about carriers/kennels. Thanks!

Never have seen any carriers or kennels. Ironically I have seen a few dog coats at the one near us. Not fru-fru ones, but more sporty, outdoorsy ones you'd use for hiking. It's a variety of equipment for all types of sports & exercise. Some of the stuff is new, but a lot is stuff people have outgrown or don't use & sell to them for $.
Yes, and any head injury with internal bleeding can potentially cause bleeding from the nose, ears, or mouth. Even if none of those facial structures themselves have been injured.

^^^This. I really think it was a force injury (blow/kick to the abdomen) that caused internal bleeding. He could've been bending over to look at something or sitting down when she initially struck him. Blow(s) to your back (kidneys, spine) or to the front (stomach, ribs, spleen) can cause internal bleeding and severe pain. Blood was either coming out his nose or mouth and he lay in a fetal position on the carpet because he was in too much pain & too weak to get up as the night progressed. IMO JMO
I cannot remember but I'm not sure if she mentioned the address in the recent interview ?
I hadn't realized there was more than one...

No, forgive me because I can't remember where I saw it mentioned. Apparently there are 2 others closer to her house as was mentioned in the interview. She was annoyed and couldn't figure out why people were making a big deal of her "going to the wrong Petco!" (ie. further from her house)
This post lands at random.

Mental health/illness is not the topic of this thread.

Please move on from the lengthy, in-depth discussions related to various mental health issues. While we may all have an opinion in relation to TS, any speculation in regard to specific conditions is not based on any known fact.

@GoJacks I think the one on N. Nevada, but I can't recall where I read that (MSM.)

Oh yeah, that's a busy shopping center. I actually haven't been in that Petco, I don't believe, but I know the area well. It's a less residential area (so she wouldn't be picked up by residential cameras) but if Petco doesn't have cameras I'm sure other businesses in the shopping center do. I'd actually be kind of surprised that she could leave a child in the car in that parking lot and someone not notice. *IF she left him in the car (Although thinking back Petco is probably the "least packed" parking lot in that shopping center).

There's a Costco that is always busy right by, not to mention a slew of restaurants, and other random shops. This is right by a university which is a common lunch destination for students.

Edit to say: Also random, but I believe CW and the mistress ate at the BJ's in that shopping center on their way back from the sand dunes if I'm remembering correctly.
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A severe nosebleed would cause a pool of blood, clotted.
A rectal bleed, if severe, ditto.
A flesh wound, if severe would too..
But, as you say, TS words mean very little and It's impossible to figure out whether she was referring to a pool or a blood stain.
It's easy to have a bad bleed.. an arterial bleed may sputter but will also accumulate in areas.
I don't know if they found any blood at all in that house but they probably did.

sorry to disagree slightly
blood pooling tends to occur with a steady or slowish flow of blood coming from an unmoving person,
i also suffer severe nosebleeds and the blood that makes it to the floor is in droplets not a largish single pool,
dropping blood shows directionality and spatter around it
and i haven't met anyone with severe nose bleeds that stands very still and lets the blood pour out till they form a large pool of blood on the floor, we grab tissues or pinch our noses, tip our heads back to stop from bleeding all over the place, the same applies for other penetrating wounds or lacerations, people just do not remain still or make zero effort to stem the bleeding... all this leads to a variation of blood patterns being left behind.
pooling suggests a very static situation that allowed time for the blood to flow and congeal
a lot depends on the absorption rate of both the carpet and timber underneath as to how much blood was actually lost to create a pool something the size that was found in G's room.

my thought is that G had to be either unconscious or immobile for a reasonable period of time to create a saucer shaped pool on the floor of his bedroom
45 minutes home to Petco
45 minutes Petco to Castlerock.
Minumum 10 minute visits to Petco each time
45 minutes Castlerock back to Petco.
45 minutes Petco back to home.

Did she kill Gannon before she went to Petco first visit?
Did she kill himbetween Petco and Castlerock?
Did he kill him on way back from Castlerock to Petco or
Did she kill him between Petco and home on return journey?

I'm not subscribing to the theory he died naturally in the truck all by himself and her only task was to dispose of his body.

Am mathematically challenged.
Did she visit Petco at all?

Police took a white car n January 31, day of tV interview.

Did a car swap take place in or around Petco on that day?
Is that the reason LE took the white car, if it was white?

It really looks like she had very little time to kill and dispose of him if above times are accurate?

Are there considerably shorter routes she could have taken?
Even if so, she still had a very tight time frame in which to kill him.
I believe her Castle Rock story was to fill some time gaps and to excuse why she was supposedly lost near Doug Co only after her seeing searches.
Petco twice I do believe after seeing info that can’t be discussed here
^^^This. I really think it was a force injury (blow/kick to the abdomen) that caused internal bleeding. He could've been bending over to look at something or sitting down when she initially struck him. Blow(s) to your back (kidneys, spine) or to the front (stomach, ribs, spleen) can cause internal bleeding and severe pain. Blood was either coming out his nose or mouth and he lay in a fetal position on the carpet because he was in too much pain & too weak to get up as the night progressed. IMO JMO

I, too, have thought this from the beginning. Everything fits including that she then left him somewhere to die. She couldn't allow Al or anyone find out she did this so she left him somewhere.
I, too, have thought this from the beginning. Everything fits including that she then left him somewhere to die. She couldn't allow Al or anyone find out she did this so she left him somewhere.

I have worked on this theory too. She wanted him to know who was boss. I can see her kicking him out somewhere to make him "think about" his behaviour and then returning to find him dead. Or he passed away in the car from his injuries. I lean more into the latter as I don't think she would want him out of her sight for very long. Although she could have left him somewhere deserted.
I really wonder if the petco visits and why she pointed out she told the police about it in the phone call was her decoy to put her in a particular area.
By going back to petco 2 hours later she could say she was in the area running errands etc so if his poor little body is found closer to home she could say nope wasn't me. Because why would you go to that petco, drive south back to dump him, and then back to that petco. In her twisted mind that would make sense.
I really think she thought she wouldn't get arrested if they didn't have his body.
Oh to be a fly on the wall in her jail cell right now. Such a shame they don't live stream certain prisoners cells!!!
I thought I'd post this up here just for reference. This is part of Nevada Avenue, Petco shown with that red bubble in the middle, Interstate 25 to the left of that, runs north to Palmer Lake and that Route 105/Noe Rd. area where the searches were.

I thought I'd post this up here just for reference. This is part of Nevada Avenue, Petco shown with that red bubble in the middle, Interstate 25 to the left of that, runs north to Palmer Lake and that Route 105/Noe Rd. area where the searches were.

View attachment 237613

there is a lot of empty space around there :(
I thought I'd post this up here just for reference. This is part of Nevada Avenue, Petco shown with that red bubble in the middle, Interstate 25 to the left of that, runs north to Palmer Lake and that Route 105/Noe Rd. area where the searches were.

View attachment 237613

Interesting, that Garden of the Gods road runs right below it.
I strongly believe he will be found near GOTG and she has come up the western side and into the Petco and back out around Noe Rd areas.
Yes indeed, the clothes she described would have to have been missing from the home. O course..<rsbm>
I wonder if that is what she carried in the backpack that morning as she marched, military style to the truck, while loading it, prior to taking the sick child to his final destination.
Playing God.

Yes, this could be right. If I recall correctly, although she wore a backpack when she left the house, she didn't have the backpack when she returned. If she ditched it en route, I wonder what was in it, and if it was recovered.
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