Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #42

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Pure conjecture on my part, but there was a kids bow in one of the garage pics. I would assume AS is a hunter if his son has a kids bow. And it wasn't a cheap one, it was probably a nicer $100 bow that could get some lbs on it so a kid can get used to a real hunting bow. I don't know any bow hunters that don't also have guns. JMO

And just in my experience, active duty military people always have them. You definitely need a side piece for bow hunting. I think it might even be legally required to carry one in cases where you miss the spot and the animal is suffering. Plus if you hunt boar or bear and miss, you could get killed. Add to that that they are from south, it's pretty much guaranteed.
PT. 138 pg 21 of AA : Between Jan. 25-28 she searched for rental apts in Fl and jobs in Fl and LA and searched “moving costs.” She was out the door way BEFORE he ever died. This was 100% premeditated. Wow, now I’m starting to think there was no accident, that she just straight up wanted him dead. I wonder what else the cops know.

MOO think she got murderous on Monday morning after her assault on Gannon Sunday night. She was seething and raging, and knew she was looking at some kind of consequences or prosecution for hurting Gannon as soon as Gannon got a way to communicate with AS or when AS came back.
MOO HH no friend of Gannon's unless Letecia guarded his room all night. If he trusted her I think he would have waited up late and woke her up.
"Psst Harley, can you text Dad a message for me that I need him, LS has my phone."

MOO once LS had actually hurt Gannon, she knew she was dangerous and ustable.
Instead of mercy for him, she chose to protect the crappy life she thought she had, and proceded to plan disappearing him.
Yeah. I have the ADT reports but have not heard back yet if I can post them now or not.

Ive wondered that, too.
And! I'm getting new carpet soon, and hubby is planning to butcher a few chickens...maybe I will experiment!?!?

I hope you will! Someone did mention that maybe it was mixed with vinegar so thats why it soaked through. I mean thats possible too. My first thought would be though that a substantial period of time goes by before blood soaks through carpet, then pad, then to concrete. I have no idea what sort of timeline as I thankfully have no experience with that.
YES!!! Absolutely agree with all of this! Something was amiss by Monday morning!

Something was amiss by Monday. Proof of that is in one of the photos LS took of Gannon in bed that morning. There was a gap between the wall and the bed. Al said this was an unusual placement as the bed was normally pushed up against the wall.

I have to wonder what that was all about.

ETA: ref. AA #55
Seeing the AA answered a lot of questions and filled in many blanks in the case. One thing that I cannot understand (one of many) is TS leaving the residence on the evening of 1/28–the same day that AS returned home in the morning. This is when she left with the rental car, went to the airport, retrieved her SUV from airport parking, drove to Douglas county (presumably with GS remains in trunk and dumped somewhere off Sperry Rd.), returning SUV to airport parking, and later called HH for a ride from Powers Rd. (unsure if this is near airport?).

What on earth did AA and LS think she was doing at this time?! I seriously doubt anyone in that house was sleeping... especially with a missing child!! Also I believe she was gone for 2+ hours and the call to HH was just before 11pm.
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Something was amiss by Monday. Proof of that is in one of the photos LS took of Gannon in bed that morning. There was a gap between the wall and the bed. Al said this was an unusual placement as the bed was normally pushed up against the wall.

I have to wonder what that was all about.
I have a hard time seeing the photos since they are B/W photocopies. I couldn’t make any of them out. But then again I am doing most of this from my phone. ;)
I think there may be a little bit of a laissez-faire attitude in law enforcement in general regarding boys Gannon’s age. I worked in a Natl Park some years ago. One summer day a woman came tearing in to our visitors’ center frantic that her 12 year old son was missing, sure that he’d been kidnapped and was now being spirited out of the park. I informed LE and the rangers working the entrance station, asking them to begin stopping vehicles to look for the boy. LE came to talk to the woman and basically said no, we’re not locking down the park for a 12 year old boy because the chances are huge that he just wandered off and will turn up when he feels like it. Lo and behold they were right, but his embarrassed mother made a point to stop back in the visitor center to thank me for taking her seriously.
I’m not telling this story as a slam on LE, but as some context to why they might not have rushed right out to investigate what sounded like an unworried parent saying their 11 year old boy was an hour late coming home.

I think that he was listed as a runaway in the computer just as procedure at the time of the call. However they immediately followed the protocol for a child that has gone missing due to abduction or obviously parental involvement. If you take a look at this document it lists all of the procedures for different types of missing kids and while it's an older document, you can see all the steps were followed for the worst types of missing kids, not a runaway.

I believe when she called, sure it didnt appear to be priority based on how long it took them to come. However, Im positive that when they started asking her questions she was a suspicious loon at the start. She didnt go to any friends houses or neighbors houses to ask. She didnt even offer any houses he could be at. Within 5 min of talking to her it looks suspicious that a child stayed home from school, then took off to a friends. I mean even the search on his phone looks staged. I dont think these people are stupid and I think TS didnt come off as concerned or distraught either.

When LE got there you have red flags that he didnt go to school, he went to a friends that she doesnt know, she also didnt see him leave, and uhh thats about all she has to offer up. And let's face it that shes also a step parent, not a bio one. Add to that I doubt she was crying or panicked in her demeanor. I thought my daughter was lost at school once because she never came out of the building and it was the longest 5 min of my life while she was located. I'm not being dramatic here, but it felt like I couldn't breathe and time stopped
Sorry if this has been said.....I'll never catch up.

If we remember that our system of justice is set up not only to punish people for crimes but also to protect us from what those people might do in the future, why should anyone get a bye because she was influenced by her mother's bad behavior?

I'm with you, mommadukes, hoping HH told all she knew once Momma was in handcuffs.
If not, punishment could and should be in the cards for any criminal act.

Let's not forget that “the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.”

Let's not forget that “the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.”

I love that!
The AA says the younger sister told LE when she came home TS told her GS "was asleep in her bed and she could not see him." The child said she was told to go outside and play.

The way the report is written, it's unclear whose bed GS was supposed to be in. "Her bed" could have referred to either the sister's bed or TS's bed. I'm assuming it probably meant the sister's bed as that would be a way to keep the child away from the whole area IF the children's bedrooms were next to each other.
I'm really confused on this for I thought I read that the house has 2 bedrooms on main floor and 2 bedrooms us the basement. And, I thought I read that Gannon and HARLEY'S bedrooms were the one's in the basement, not LAINA'S.
this feeling has been kind of creeping since i read the AA

i think she hated G, he was so many things she was not, genuine, kind, thoughtful, people like Tee look at the world for what they can get from it, every thing they do is motivated by self, even if it seems considerate or generous, it is all a part of the game, sadly they tend to think that everyone is just playing to win as well.
Age is irrelevant, i suspect she saw G's spirit and personality as an act, that only she was clever enough to see through and she resented him and saw him as competition.
it sounds ridiculous but i have known similar people and they have treated young children as though they are acting with some big agenda, trying to manipulate people at an age that those kinds of thought processes don't exist.

if all she wanted was revenge on his bio parents, she could have taken his life in a much less violent, less messy way, smothering him with his own pillow, quiet, and would have made finding dna evidence much more difficult

she chose to not just take his life, she tried to obliterate him, with no thought to the evidentiary consequences of her actions...
the level of violence and the way she disposed of his body reflect total disdain towards G as a person, as a child she had helped raise, no connection or love, no remorse or guilt after the fact, she had in her mind erased his existence from her world and she couldn't comprehend that didn't mean he no longer mattered to everyone else.
How did T get from the police station to where HH picked her up? The main PD is downtown, and Sandcreek PD is farther south?

TS claimed she was having shortness of breath and chest pains at the conclusion of her interview at EPSO (Page 13, #99). She was transported to the hospital for further medical care (Page 14, #102). It was noted that she seemed to have a miraculous recovery once she arrived. TS checked herself out of the hospital before diagnostic testing was completed (Page 14, #103). TS was seen on surveillance making a telephone call from the waiting room (of the hospital), and shortly after left with an unknown individual. LE was conducting surveillance in the area, and TS was seen reuniting with her daughter (HH) several miles from the hospital. (Page 14, #105).

Based on the information above, the unknown person drove TS from the hospital to meet with HH.
I think that he was listed as a runaway in the computer just as procedure at the time of the call. However they immediately followed the protocol for a child that has gone missing due to abduction or obviously parental involvement. If you take a look at this document it lists all of the procedures for different types of missing kids and while it's an older document, you can see all the steps were followed for the worst types of missing kids, not a runaway.

I believe when she called, sure it didnt appear to be priority based on how long it took them to come. However, Im positive that when they started asking her questions she was a suspicious loon at the start. She didnt go to any friends houses or neighbors houses to ask. She didnt even offer any houses he could be at. Within 5 min of talking to her it looks suspicious that a child stayed home from school, then took off to a friends. I mean even the search on his phone looks staged. I dont think these people are stupid and I think TS didnt come off as concerned or distraught either.

When LE got there you have red flags that he didnt go to school, he went to a friends that she doesnt know, she also didnt see him leave, and uhh thats about all she has to offer up. And let's face it that shes also a step parent, not a bio one. Add to that I doubt she was crying or panicked in her demeanor. I thought my daughter was lost at school once because she never came out of the building and it was the longest 5 min of my life while she was located. I'm not being dramatic here, but it felt like I couldn't breathe and time stopped
If that was the case, why wouldn't the police check the cars ?
Teaching! Supposedly had a doctorate of education.
That’s her thing right?

it’s not enough for her to be a teacher. She needs people to believe she’s better than that. She needs to be not just important but exceptionally important because she actually thinks she is, which is beyond laughable. She is common at best. In fact, she is less than common.

She can’t string a comprehensive sentence together and yet we sure supposed to believe she holds a Doctorate in Education?

She is delusional beyond anything I have ever seen.

Gannon didn’t stand a chance against this freak show monster of a supposed step mother.

Total wacko!!, apart from the fact that that story makes no sense just on it's own,could she not imagine how painful it would be for a child(or anyone) to do that?,I mean obviously why would he anyway?,but really??
The woman is cuckoo!.
I wonder if when she opens her mouth she is as surprised as the rest of us by what nonsense falls out?!
Yes, it's really unbelievable. It's as if she only views the world from her own irrational point of view. She is totally oblivious to what normal people think or feel. She seems to be incapable of logic or predicting how others would react to her stories.

I truly believe she is multi-disordered. I hope they complete a psychological evaluation. It will probably take months. Maybe even a year.

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